[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
// New style XKB layout for some widely used Hungarian keyboard layouts
// Based on old style 'xkb/symbols/hu"
// (C) 2002-2004 Soós Péter <sp@osb.hu>
// (C) 2010 Andras Timar <timar@fsf.hu>
// Permission is granted to anyone to use, distribute and modify
// this file in any way, provided that the above copyright notice
// is left intact and the author of the modification summarizes
// the changes in this header.
// This file is distributed without any expressed or implied warranty.
// Changes:
//  2004-04-17 - Moved to new style (only Unicode based layouts)
//             - Added consistent dead key support
//             - Fixed abovedot
//             - Added adiaeresis
//             - Added EuroSign and cent symbol
//  2010-04-23 - Added doublelowquotemark
//             - Added rightdoublequotemark
//             - Added endash
//  2010-05-13 - Added ellipsis

// Default layout
default  partial
xkb_symbols "basic" {
    include "hu(102_qwertz_comma_dead)"
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian";

// Standard layout
xkb_symbols "standard" {
    include "hu(102_qwertz_comma_dead)"
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (standard)";

// Standard layout without dead key support
xkb_symbols "nodeadkeys" {
    include "hu(102_qwertz_comma_nodead)"
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (no dead keys)";

// Qwerty layout
xkb_symbols "qwerty" {
    include "hu(101_qwerty_comma_dead)"
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (QWERTY)";

// Main layouts

// 101_qwertz_comma_dead
// 101 key qwertz layout
// with decimal comma on keypad
// and with dead key support
xkb_symbols "101_qwertz_comma_dead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (101/QWERTZ/comma/dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_101)"
    include "hu(def_qwertz)"
    include "kpdl(comma)"
    include "hu(def_dead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// 101_qwertz_comma_nodead
// 101 key qwertz layout
// with decimal comma on keypad
// and without dead key support
xkb_symbols "101_qwertz_comma_nodead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (101/QWERTZ/comma/no dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_101)"
    include "hu(def_qwertz)"
    include "kpdl(comma)"
    include "hu(def_nodead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// 101_qwertz_dot_dead
// 101 key qwertz layout
// with decimal dot on keypad
// and with dead key support
xkb_symbols "101_qwertz_dot_dead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (101/QWERTZ/dot/dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_101)"
    include "hu(def_qwertz)"
    include "hu(def_dot)"
    include "hu(def_dead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// 101_qwertz_dot_nodead
// 101 key qwertz layout
// with decimal dot on keypad
// and without dead key support
xkb_symbols "101_qwertz_dot_nodead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (101/QWERTZ/dot/no dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_101)"
    include "hu(def_qwertz)"
    include "hu(def_dot)"
    include "hu(def_nodead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// 101_qwerty_comma_dead
// 101 key qwerty layout
// with decimal comma on keypad
// and with dead key support
xkb_symbols "101_qwerty_comma_dead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (101/QWERTY/comma/dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_101)"
    include "hu(def_qwerty)"
    include "kpdl(comma)"
    include "hu(def_dead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// 101_qwerty_comma_nodead
// 101 key qwerty layout
// with decimal comma on keypad
// and without dead key support
xkb_symbols "101_qwerty_comma_nodead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (101/QWERTY/comma/no dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_101)"
    include "hu(def_qwerty)"
    include "kpdl(comma)"
    include "hu(def_nodead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// 101_qwerty_dot_dead
// 101 key qwerty layout
// with decimal dot on keypad
// and with dead key support
xkb_symbols "101_qwerty_dot_dead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (101/QWERTY/dot/dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_101)"
    include "hu(def_qwerty)"
    include "hu(def_dot)"
    include "hu(def_dead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// 101_qwerty_dot_nodead
// 101 key qwerty layout
// with decimal dot on keypad
// and without dead key support
xkb_symbols "101_qwerty_dot_nodead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (101/QWERTY/dot/no dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_101)"
    include "hu(def_qwerty)"
    include "hu(def_dot)"
    include "hu(def_nodead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// 102_qwertz_comma_dead
// 102 key qwertz layout
// with decimal comma on keypad
// and with dead key support
xkb_symbols "102_qwertz_comma_dead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (102/QWERTZ/comma/dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_102)"
    include "hu(def_qwertz)"
    include "kpdl(comma)"
    include "hu(def_dead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// 102_qwertz_comma_nodead
// 102 key qwertz layout
// with decimal comma on keypad
// and without dead key support
xkb_symbols "102_qwertz_comma_nodead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (102/QWERTZ/comma/no dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_102)"
    include "hu(def_qwertz)"
    include "kpdl(comma)"
    include "hu(def_nodead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// 102_qwertz_dot_dead
// 102 key qwertz layout
// with decimal dot on keypad
// and with dead key support
xkb_symbols "102_qwertz_dot_dead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (102/QWERTZ/dot/dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_102)"
    include "hu(def_qwertz)"
    include "hu(def_dot)"
    include "hu(def_dead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// 102_qwertz_dot_nodead
// 102 key qwertz layout
// with decimal dot on keypad
// and without dead key support
xkb_symbols "102_qwertz_dot_nodead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (102/QWERTZ/dot/no dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_102)"
    include "hu(def_qwertz)"
    include "hu(def_dot)"
    include "hu(def_nodead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// 102_qwerty_comma_dead
// 102 key qwerty layout
// with decimal comma on keypad
// and with dead key support
xkb_symbols "102_qwerty_comma_dead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (102/QWERTY/comma/dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_102)"
    include "hu(def_qwerty)"
    include "kpdl(comma)"
    include "hu(def_dead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// 102_qwerty_comma_nodead
// 102 key qwerty layout
// with decimal comma on keypad
// and without dead key support
xkb_symbols "102_qwerty_comma_nodead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (102/QWERTY/comma/no dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_102)"
    include "hu(def_qwerty)"
    include "kpdl(comma)"
    include "hu(def_nodead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// 102_qwerty_dot_dead
// 102 key qwerty layout
// with decimal dot on keypad
// and with dead key support
xkb_symbols "102_qwerty_dot_dead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (102/QWERTY/dot/dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_102)"
    include "hu(def_qwerty)"
    include "hu(def_dot)"
    include "hu(def_dead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// 102_qwerty_dot_nodead
// 102 key qwerty layout
// with decimal dot on keypad
// and without dead key support
xkb_symbols "102_qwerty_dot_nodead" {
    name[Group1] = "Hungarian (102/QWERTY/dot/no dead keys)";
    include "latin"
    include "hu(def_102)"
    include "hu(def_qwerty)"
    include "hu(def_dot)"
    include "hu(def_nodead)"
    include "hu(def_common)"
    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// Partial layouts

// def_102:
// The standard Hungarian 102 key layout
hidden partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "def_102" {
    key <TLDE>  { [            0,      section,           notsign                  ] };
    key <LSGT>  { [       iacute,       Iacute,              less,         greater ] };


// def_101:
// An alternative layout for 101 key keyboards
hidden partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "def_101" {
    key <TLDE>  { [       iacute,       Iacute,                 0,         section ] };
    key <LSGT>  { [         less,      greater                                     ] };

// def_qwertz:
// The standard Hungaryan qwertz layout
hidden partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "def_qwertz" {
    key <AD06>  { [            z,            Z,           endash                   ] };
    key <AB01>  { [            y,            Y,           greater                  ] };

// def_qwerty:
// The qwerty layout for people who familiar with the standard US layout
hidden partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "def_qwerty" {
    key <AD06>  { [            y,            Y,           endash                   ] };
    key <AB01>  { [            z,            Z,           greater                  ] };

// def_dot: 	 
// The Hungarian standard is the comma on the keypad not decimal dot, 	 
// but programmers hate it 	 
hidden partial keypad_keys 	 
xkb_symbols "def_dot" { 	 
    key <KPDL>  { [    KP_Delete,   KP_Decimal                                     ] }; 	 

// def_dead:
// Dead keys support part
hidden partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "def_dead" {
    key <AE01>  { [            1,   apostrophe,        asciitilde,      dead_tilde ] };
    key <AE02>  { [            2,     quotedbl,        dead_caron,           caron ] };
    key <AE03>  { [            3,         plus,       asciicircum, dead_circumflex ] };
    key <AE04>  { [            4,       exclam,        dead_breve,           breve ] };
    key <AE05>  { [            5,      percent,    dead_abovering,          degree ] };
    key <AE06>  { [            6,        slash,       dead_ogonek,          ogonek ] };
    key <AE07>  { [            7,        equal,             grave,      dead_grave ] };
    key <AE08>  { [            8,    parenleft,     dead_abovedot,        abovedot ] };
    key <AE09>  { [            9,   parenright,        dead_acute,           acute ] };
    key <AE10>  { [   odiaeresis,   Odiaeresis,  dead_doubleacute,     doubleacute ] };
    key <AE11>  { [   udiaeresis,   Udiaeresis,    dead_diaeresis,       diaeresis ] };
    key <AE12>  { [       oacute,       Oacute,      dead_cedilla,         cedilla ] };

// def_nodead:
// Without dead keys support
hidden partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "def_nodead" {
    key <AE01>  { [            1,   apostrophe,        asciitilde                  ] };
    key <AE02>  { [            2,     quotedbl,             caron                  ] };
    key <AE03>  { [            3,         plus,       asciicircum                  ] };
    key <AE04>  { [            4,       exclam,             breve                  ] };
    key <AE05>  { [            5,      percent,            degree                  ] };
    key <AE06>  { [            6,        slash,            ogonek                  ] };
    key <AE07>  { [            7,        equal,             grave                  ] };
    key <AE08>  { [            8,    parenleft,          abovedot                  ] };
    key <AE09>  { [            9,   parenright,             acute                  ] };
    key <AE10>  { [   odiaeresis,   Odiaeresis,       doubleacute                  ] };
    key <AE11>  { [   udiaeresis,   Udiaeresis,         diaeresis                  ] };
    key <AE12>  { [       oacute,       Oacute,           cedilla                  ] };

// def_common:
// The common part of all Hungarian layout above
hidden partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "def_common" {
    key <AD01>  { [            q,            Q,         backslash                  ] };
    key <AD02>  { [            w,            W,               bar                  ] };
    key <AD03>  { [            e,            E,        Adiaeresis                  ] };
    key <AD07>  { [            u,            U,          EuroSign                  ] };
    key <AD08>  { [            i,            I,            Iacute,          iacute ] };
    key <AD09>	{ [            o,            O,        doublelowquotemark          ] };
    key <AD10>	{ [            p,            P,        rightdoublequotemark        ] };
    key <AD11>  { [ odoubleacute, Odoubleacute,          division                  ] };
    key <AD12>  { [       uacute,       Uacute,          multiply                  ] };

    key <AC01>  { [            a,            A,        adiaeresis,      Adiaeresis ] };
    key <AC02>  { [            s,            S,           dstroke                  ] };
    key <AC03>  { [            d,            D,           Dstroke                  ] };
    key <AC04>  { [            f,            F,       bracketleft                  ] };
    key <AC05>  { [            g,            G,      bracketright                  ] };
    key <AC07>  { [            j,            J,            iacute,          Iacute ] };
    key <AC08>  { [            k,            K,           lstroke                  ] };
    key <AC09>  { [            l,            L,           Lstroke                  ] };
    key <AC10>  { [       eacute,       Eacute,            dollar,            cent ] };
    key <AC11>  { [       aacute,       Aacute,            ssharp                  ] };

    key <BKSL>  { [ udoubleacute, Udoubleacute,          currency                  ] };

    key <AB02>  { [            x,            X,        numbersign                  ] };
    key <AB03>  { [            c,            C,         ampersand                  ] };
    key <AB04>  { [            v,            V,                at                  ] };
    key <AB05>  { [            b,            B,         braceleft                  ] };
    key <AB06>  { [            n,            N,        braceright                  ] };
    key <AB07>  { [            m,            M,              less                  ] };
    key <AB08>  { [        comma,     question,         semicolon                  ] };
    key <AB09>  { [       period,        colon,           greater                  ] };
    key <AB10>  { [        minus,   underscore,          asterisk                  ] };



// New style XKB layout used Old Hungarian keyboard layouts
// (C) 2013 Andras Tisza
// (C) 2017 Viktor Kovacs <kovacs.viktor.dev@gmail.com>
// Permission is granted to anyone to use, distribute and modify
// this file in any way, provided that the above copyright notice
// is left intact and the author of the modification summarizes
// the changes in this header.
// This file is distributed without any expressed or implied warranty.
// Changes:
// 2013 - Planned Old Hungarian layout
// 2017 - Added Old Hungarian layout

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "oldhun" {
name[Group1]="Old Hungarian";
include "level3(caps_switch_latch)"
include "level3(ralt_switch)"
// In the remarks you can read characters displayed only Unicode point
    key <AE01> {[U10CFA,         apostrophe,	1,	asciitilde    ]};
//Old Hungarian one
    key <AE02> {[                 U10CFB,	quotedbl,	2,quotedbl]};
//Old Hungarian five
    key <AE03> {[                 U10CFC,	plus,	3,	plus]};
//Old Hungarian ten
    key <AE04> {[       U10CFD,	exclam,	4,	exclam]};
//Old Hungarian fifty
    key <AE05> {[       U10CFE,	percent,	5,	percent]};
//Old Hungarian hundred
    key <AE06> {[       U10CFF,	slash, 6,   slash]};
//Old Hungarian thousand
    key <AE07> {[U10CC6,	U10C86,	7,	equal]};
//Old Hungarian cs, Cs
    key <AE08> {[ U10CDA,	U10C9A,	8,	parenleft]};
//Old Hungarian ny, Ny
    key <AE09> {[U10CE8,	U10CA8,	9,	parenright]};
//Old Hungarian ty, Ty
    key <AE10> {[     U10CDE,     U10C9E,    U10CDD,       U10C9D          ]};
//Old Hungarian Rudimenta oe, Oe, Nikolsburg oe, Oe
    key <AE11> {[U10CED,         U10CAD		]};
//Old Hungarian ue , Ue
    key <AE12> {[U10CDC,         U10C9C		 ]};
//Old Hungarian oo, OO
    key <AD01> {[U10CCE,         U10C8E,	backslash	    ]};
//Old-Hungarian gy, Gy
    key <AD02> {[U10CF0,         U10CB0		     ]}; 
//Old Hungarian zs, Zs
    key <AD03> {[U10CC9,         U10C89,       U10CCA,         U10C8A ]};
 //Old Hungarian e, E, close e, close E
    key <AD04> {[U10CE2,         U10CA2,       U10CE3,         U10CA3 ]};
//Old Hungarian r, R, short r, short R
    key <AD05> {[     U10CE6,         U10CA6,       U10CF1,         U10CB1 ]};
//Old Hungarian t, T, ent-sharped sign,Ent-sharped sign
    key <AD06> {[U10CEF,         U10CAF		 ]};
//Old Hungarian z, Z
    key <AD07> {[U10CEA,         U10CAA,       U10CF2,         U10CB2 ]};
//Old Hungarian u, U,  Old Hungarian us, Us
    key <AD08> {[U10CD0,         U10C90		        ]};
//Old Hungarian i, I
    key <AD09> {[U10CDB,         U10C9B		                                 ]};
//Old Hungarian o, O
    key <AD10> {[U10CE0,         U10CA0		        ]};
//Old Hungarian p, P
    key <AD11> {[U10CDF,         U10C9F		]};
//Old Hungarian oee, Oee
    key <AD12> {[     U10CEB,         U10CAB,        U10CD5,         U10C95]};
//Old Hungarian uu,Uu,unk,Unk
    key <AC01> {[ U10CC0  ,       U10C80,       U10CC3,         U10C83 ]};
//Old Hungarian a,A,amb,Amb
    key <AC02> {[U10CE4,         U10CA4,       U10CE1,         U10CA1 ]};
//Old Hungarian s,S,emp,Emp
    key <AC03> {[     U10CC7,         U10C87,       U10CE7,         U10CA7 ]};
//Old Hungarian d,D, ent/ant/int, Ent/Ant/Int
	key <AC04> {[U10CCC,         U10C8C,	U10CE9,         U10CA9]};
//Old Hungarian f,F ech, Ech
    key <AC05> {[     U10CCD,         U10C8D,	bracketleft	 ]};
//Old Hungarian g, G
    key <AC06> {[     U10CCF,         U10C8F,       bracketright	        ]};
//Old Hungarian h, H
    key <AC07> {[      U10CD2,         U10C92,       backslash         ]};
//Old Hungarian j, J
    key <AC08> {[U10CD3,         U10C93,       U10CD4,         U10C94 ]};
//Old Hungarian open k, open K, close k, close K
    key <AC09> {[U10CD6,         U10C96		]};
//Old Hungarian l, L
    key <AC10> {[U10CCB,         U10C8B		]};
//Old Hungarian ee, EE
    key <AC11> {[U10CC1,         U10C81 ,	U10CC8,	U10C88]};
//Old Hungarian aa, AA, and And
    key <BKSL> {[U10CEC,         U10CAC		]};
//Old Hungarian ue, Ue
    key <AB01> {[ U10CD7,         U10C97,	greater 	 ]};
//Old Hungarian ly, Ly
    key <AB02> {[ U10CE5,         U10CA5,	numbersign 	]};
//Old Hungarian sz, Sz
    key <AB03> {[     U10CC4,         U10C84,       U10CC5,         U10C85 ]};
//Old Hungarian c,C, enc, Enc
    key <AB04> {[U10CEE,         U10CAE,	at	]};
//Old Hungarian v,V
    key <AB05> {[U10CC2,         U10C82,	braceleft	       ]};
//Old Hungarian b, B
    key <AB06> { [       U10CD9,         U10C99  ,	braceright	     ]};
//Old Hungarian n, N
    key <AB07> {[     U10CD8,         U10C98 ,	less	]};
//Old Hungarian m, M
    key <AB08> {[U2E41,     U2E2E,         U204F   	               ]};
//reserved question mark,reserved semicolon, reserved comma
    key <AB09> {[period,        colon, 	greater	                    ]};
    key <AB10> {[minus,   underscore,          asterisk	   ]};
	key <LSGT> {[U10CD1,         U10C91,	less	]};
//Old Hungarian ii,II
	key <TLDE> {[	section,	U200F,	0,	U200E]};
//Right to left mark, left to right mark



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