[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
// based on a keyboard map from an 'xkb/symbols/il' file

// This is an implemetation of the Israeli standard SI-1452 (2013)
// It does not implement changes to the English layout, as that part
// of the standard is not normative nor really useful in the context
// of xkb.
// This implementation extends the standard with Yiddish digraphs
// (a common extension) and Nun Hafukha (a fun character).

default  partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "basic" {
    // uses the kbd layout in use in Israel.

    name[Group1]= "Hebrew";
    key.type[Group1] = "FOUR_LEVEL_SEMIALPHABETIC";

    key <AB01> { [ hebrew_zain,	Z		]       };
    key <AB02> { [ hebrew_samech, X,	U05B6	]       };  // Segol
    key <AB03> { [ hebrew_bet,	C,	U05B1	]       };  // Hataf Segol
    key <AB04> { [ hebrew_he,	V		]       };
    key <AB05> { [ hebrew_nun,	B,	NoSymbol,	U05C6	]}; // Nun Hafukha
    key <AB06> { [ hebrew_mem,	N		]	};
    key <AB07> { [ hebrew_zade,	M,	U05B5	]	};  // Tsere
    key <AB08> { [ hebrew_taw,	greater,	rightsinglequotemark	]}; // greater Mirrored
    key <AB09> { [ hebrew_finalzade,	less,	singlelowquotemark	]}; // less Mirrored

    key <AC01> { [ hebrew_shin,	A,	U05B0	]	};  // Shva
    key <AC02> { [ hebrew_dalet,S,	U05BC	]       };  // Dagesh
    key <AC03> { [ hebrew_gimel,D		]       };
    key <AC04> { [ hebrew_kaph,	F		]	};
    key <AC05> { [ hebrew_ayin,	G,	U05F1	]       };  // Yiddish Vav Yod
    key <AC06> { [ hebrew_yod,	H,	U05F2	]       };  // Yiddish Double Yod
    key <AC07> { [ hebrew_chet,	J,	U05B4	]	};  // Hiriq
    key <AC08> { [ hebrew_lamed, K		]	};
    key <AC09> { [ hebrew_finalkaph,	L,	rightdoublequotemark	]};
    key <AC10> { [ hebrew_finalpe,	colon,	doublelowquotemark	]};

    key <AD01> { [ slash,	Q,	U05C2	]	};  // Sin Dot
    key <AD02> { [ apostrophe,	W,	U05C1	]	};  // Shin Dot
    key <AD03> { [ hebrew_qoph,	E,	U05B8	]	};  // Qamats
    key <AD04> { [ hebrew_resh,	R,	U05B3	]	};  // Hataf Qamats
    key <AD05> { [ hebrew_aleph,T		]       };
    key <AD06> { [ hebrew_tet,	Y,	U05F0	]       };  // Yiddish Double Vav
    key <AD07> { [ hebrew_waw,	U,	U05B9	]       };  // Holam
    key <AD08> { [ hebrew_finalnun,	I	]       };
    key <AD09> { [ hebrew_finalmem,	O	]       };
    key <AD10> { [ hebrew_pe,	P,	U05B7	]	};  // Patah

    key.type[Group1] = "FOUR_LEVEL";

    // Non-alphanumeric keys
    key <AB10> { [ period,	question,  division	]};
    key <AC11> { [ comma,	quotedbl,	U05F4]	};  // Gershayim
    key <AD11> { [ bracketright, braceright, U05B2	]}; // Mirrored; Hataf Patah
    key <AD12> { [ bracketleft,  braceleft,  U05BF	]}; // Mirrored; Rafe
    key <BKSL> { [ backslash,    bar,  U05BB	]	};  // Qubuts

    // Top (digits) row
    key <TLDE> { [ semicolon,	asciitilde,	U05F3	]}; // Geresh
    key <AE01> { [     1,	exclam	]		};
    key <AE02> { [     2,	at	]		};
    key <AE03> { [     3, 	numbersign,	EuroSign	]};
    key <AE04> { [     4, 	dollar,		NewSheqelSign	]};
    key <AE05> { [     5,	percent,	degree	]};
    key <AE06> { [     6, 	asciicircum,	U05AB	]}; // Hebrew Accent Ole
    key <AE07> { [     7,	ampersand,	U05BD	]}; // Meteg
    key <AE08> { [     8,	asterisk,	multiply]};
    key <AE09> { [     9,	parenright,	U200E	]}; // LRM; Paren Mirrored
    key <AE10> { [     0,	parenleft,	U200F	]}; // RLM; Paren Mirrored
    key <AE11> { [ minus,	underscore,	U05BE	]}; // Maqaf
    key <AE12> { [ equal, 	plus,		endash	]};

    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// nikud patter based on Dekel Tsur's Hebrew mapping for LyX
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "lyx" {
    name[Group1]= "Hebrew (lyx)";

    key <TLDE> { [ semicolon,	asciitilde	]	};
    // On some key (e.g. AD01, right below) there is not yet mapping for the
    // second shift level. Since I could not figure a simple way to map this
    // to "emit nothing", it is currently mapped to the same letter of the
    // first shift level (avoiding mapping may risk it be used by a character
    // from a different group).
    key <AD01> { [ slash,	slash		]       };
    key <AD02> { [ apostrophe,	apostrophe	]       };
    key <AD03> { [ hebrew_qoph,	0x10005b8	]	}; // Qamats
    key <AD04> { [ hebrew_resh,	0x10005bc	]       }; // Dagesh/Shuruq
    key <AD05> { [ hebrew_aleph,	0x100200e	]       }; // LRM
    key <AD06> { [ hebrew_tet,	0x100200f	]       }; // RLM
    key <AD07> { [ hebrew_waw,	0x10005b9	]       }; // Holam
    key <AD08> { [ hebrew_finalnun,hebrew_finalnun]      };
    key <AD09> { [ hebrew_finalmem,hebrew_finalmem]      };
    key <AD10> { [ hebrew_pe,	0x10005b7	]	}; // Patah

    key <AC01> { [ hebrew_shin,	0x10005b0	]	}; // Sheva
    key <AC02> { [ hebrew_dalet,	0x10005bc	]       }; // Dagesh/Shuruq
    key <AC03> { [ hebrew_gimel,	hebrew_gimel	]       };
    key <AC04> { [ hebrew_kaph,	hebrew_kaph	]	};
    key <AC05> { [ hebrew_ayin,	0x10005c2	]       }; // Sin dot
    key <AC06> { [ hebrew_yod,	0x10005c1	]       }; // Shin dot
    key <AC07> { [ hebrew_chet,	0x10005b4	]	}; // Hiriq
    key <AC08> { [ hebrew_lamed, 0x10020aa	]	}; // NIS
    key <AC09> { [ hebrew_finalkaph,hebrew_finalkaph]    };
    key <AC10> { [ hebrew_finalpe,	colon	]       };
    key <AC11> { [ comma,	quotedbl	]	};

    key <AB01> { [ hebrew_zain,	hebrew_zain	]       };
    key <AB02> { [ hebrew_samech,0x10005b6	]       }; // Segol
    key <AB03> { [ hebrew_bet,	0x10005bb	]       }; // Qubuts
    key <AB04> { [ hebrew_he,	0x10005b1	]       }; // H. Segol
    key <AB05> { [ hebrew_nun,	0x10005b2	]	}; // H. Patah
    key <AB06> { [ hebrew_mem,	0x10005b3	]       }; // H.  Qamats
    key <AB07> { [ hebrew_zade,	0x10005b5	]	}; // Tsere
    key <AB08> { [ hebrew_taw,	greater		]	};
    key <AB09> { [ hebrew_finalzade,	less	]	};
    key <AB10> { [ period,	question	]	};

    // Note the parens mirroring below:
    key <AD11> { [ bracketright,	braceright	]       };
    key <AD12> { [ bracketleft,	braceleft	]       };
    key <AE01> { [ 1, exclam      ]};
    key <AE02> { [ 2, at          ]};
    key <AE03> { [ 3, numbersign  ]};
    key <AE04> { [ 4, dollar      ]};
    key <AE05> { [ 5, percent     ]};
    key <AE06> { [ 6, asciicircum ]};
    key <AE07> { [ 7, ampersand   ]};
    key <AE08> { [ 8, asterisk    ]};
    key <AE09> { [ 9, parenright  ]};
    key <AE10> { [ 0, parenleft	  ]};

    key <AE11> { [ minus     ,	0x10005be	]	}; // H. Hiphen
    key <AE12> { [ equal     ,	plus		]	};

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "phonetic" {

    // uses the phonetic layout from old Slackware 'il.map' file

    name[Group1]= "Hebrew (phonetic)";

    key <AE12> {        [     equal,    plus, hebrew_doublelowline, hebrew_doublelowline ]};

    key <LatQ> {	[ hebrew_qoph, hebrew_qoph	]	};
    key <LatW> {	[ hebrew_waw, hebrew_waw	]	};
    key <LatE> {	[ hebrew_aleph, hebrew_aleph	]       };
    key <LatR> {	[ hebrew_resh, hebrew_resh	]	};
    key <LatT> {	[ hebrew_taw, hebrew_tet	]       };
    key <LatY> {	[ hebrew_ayin, hebrew_ayin	]       };
    key <LatU> {	[ hebrew_waw, hebrew_waw	]       };
    key <LatI> {	[ hebrew_yod, hebrew_yod	]       };
    key <LatO> {	[ hebrew_samech, hebrew_samech	]       };
    key <LatP> {	[ hebrew_pe, hebrew_finalpe	]	};

    key <LatA> {	[ hebrew_aleph, hebrew_aleph	]	};
    key <LatS> {	[ hebrew_shin, hebrew_shin	]       };
    key <LatD> {	[ hebrew_dalet, hebrew_dalet	]       };
    key <LatF> {	[ hebrew_pe, hebrew_finalpe	]	};
    key <LatG> {	[ hebrew_gimel, hebrew_gimel	]       };
    key <LatH> {	[ hebrew_he, hebrew_he		]       };
    key <LatJ> {	[ hebrew_yod, hebrew_yod	]	};
    key <LatK> {	[ hebrew_kaph, hebrew_finalkaph	]	};
    key <LatL> {	[ hebrew_lamed, hebrew_lamed	]       };

    key <LatZ> {	[ hebrew_zain, hebrew_zain	]       };
    key <LatX> {	[ hebrew_chet, hebrew_chet	]       };
    key <LatC> {	[ hebrew_zade, hebrew_finalzade	]       };
    key <LatV> {	[ hebrew_waw, hebrew_waw	]       };
    key <LatB> {	[ hebrew_bet, hebrew_bet	]       };
    key <LatN> {	[ hebrew_nun, hebrew_finalnun	]	};
    key <LatM> {	[ hebrew_mem, hebrew_finalmem	]	};

// The 'Biblical Hebrew' keyboard layout as defined by Tiro for use with the
// 'SBL Hebrew' font was added 2006.11.13 by Sebastian J. Bronner
// <waschtl@sbronner.com>.  Its primary features (as compared to the lyx layout)
// are that the consonants are in the Israeli standard positions, that a great
// multitude of glyphs can be input directly from the keyboard, and that it is
// the closest thing to a standard layout a theologian can hope for.
// Documentation (including printable keyboard tables), SBL Hebrew font, and
// keyboard layout for Windows are available at
// http://www.sbl-site.org/Resources/Resources_BiblicalFonts.aspx.
// It is of interest that the 'basic' layout defined first in this file (as
// ships with x.org disagrees in the non-consonant characters that the Tiro-
// layout claims to be the Israeli standard.  Tiros apparent diligence in the
// PDF-documentation accompanying the keyboard-layout-files lead me to put
// greater stock in their claim than in this file.  Therefore, the 'biblical'
// layout below does not include 'il(basic)' but redoes the _whole_ thing from
// scratch.

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "biblical" {
	name[Group1]= "Hebrew (Biblical, Tiro)";

	key <TLDE> { [ U05C3, U05AE, semicolon, asciitilde ] };
	key <AE01> { [ 1,     U05A9, VoidSymbol, exclam ] };
	key <AE02> { [ 2,     U0599, VoidSymbol, at ] };
	key <AE03> { [ 3,     U0592, VoidSymbol, numbersign ] };
	key <AE04> { [ 4,     U05AF, NewSheqelSign, dollar ] };
	key <AE05> { [ 5,     U05BA, U200D, percent ] };
	key <AE06> { [ 6,     U05B9, U200C, asciicircum ] };
	key <AE07> { [ 7,     U05BF, U034F, ampersand ] };
	key <AE08> { [ 8,     U05C2, U200E, asterisk ] };
	key <AE09> { [ 9,     U05C1, U200F, parenright ] };
	key <AE10> { [ 0,     U059D, U25CC, parenleft ] };
	key <AE11> { [ U05BE, U05A0, minus, underscore ] };
	key <AE12> { [ equal, U05BC, VoidSymbol, plus ] };

	key <AD01> { [ U0307, U05C4, U0308, slash ] };
	key <AD02> { [ U05F3, U05AC, U05F4, apostrophe ] };
	key <AD03> { [ hebrew_qoph, U05AB, U20AC ] };
	key <AD04> { [ hebrew_resh, U059F ] };
	key <AD05> { [ hebrew_aleph, U0593 ] };
	key <AD06> { [ hebrew_tet, U059E ] };
	key <AD07> { [ hebrew_waw, U059C, U05F0 ] };
	key <AD08> { [ hebrew_finalnun, U05A1 ] };
	key <AD09> { [ hebrew_finalmem, U0595 ] };
	key <AD10> { [ hebrew_pe, U0594 ] };
	key <AD11> { [ bracketright, U0597, VoidSymbol, braceright ] };
	key <AD12> { [ bracketleft, U0598, VoidSymbol, braceleft ] };
	key <BKSL> { [ U05C0, U05A8, backslash, bar ] };

	key <AC01> { [ hebrew_shin, U05BD ] };
	key <AC02> { [ hebrew_dalet, U05B0 ] };
	key <AC03> { [ hebrew_gimel, U05BB ] };
	key <AC04> { [ hebrew_kaph, U05B4 ] };
	key <AC05> { [ hebrew_ayin, U05B1 ] };
	key <AC06> { [ hebrew_yod, U05B6, U05F2 ] };
	key <AC07> { [ hebrew_chet, U05B5, U05F1 ] };
	key <AC08> { [ hebrew_lamed, U05B3 ] };
	key <AC09> { [ hebrew_finalkaph, U05B8, U05C7 ] };
	key <AC10> { [ hebrew_finalpe, U05B2, VoidSymbol, colon ] };
	key <AC11> { [ U059a, U05B7, comma, quotedbl ] };

	key <AB01> { [ hebrew_zain, U05C5 ] };
	key <AB02> { [ hebrew_samech, U05A4 ] };
	key <AB03> { [ hebrew_bet, U05AA, U05A2 ] };
	key <AB04> { [ hebrew_he, U05A6 ] };
	key <AB05> { [ hebrew_nun, U05A5, U05C6 ] };
	key <AB06> { [ hebrew_mem, U05A7 ] };
	key <AB07> { [ hebrew_zade, U059B ] };
	key <AB08> { [ hebrew_taw, U0591, VoidSymbol, greater ] };
	key <AB09> { [ hebrew_finalzade, U0596, VoidSymbol, less ] };
	key <AB10> { [ U05AD, U05A3, period, question ] };

	key <SPCE> { [ space, space, thinspace, nobreakspace ] };


// Biblical hebrew (SIL) US Standard layout version 1.5
// This map is based closely on v 1.5 of the standard. The only deviation being the replacement of the composite characters sin and shin 
// by their more recent Unicodev6 counterparts
// this map contains all the characters found in Biblical annotation, masoretic and Dead Sea Scroll related work.
// The layout corresponds phonetically to a US standard layout or similar (Qwerty).
// If you are using an actual Hebrew keyboard, you are probably better off using a Tiro compliant scholarly layout
// This linux port created and maintained by Dennis Meulensteen, dennis@meulensteen.nl
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "biblicalSIL" {
	name[Group1]= "Hebrew (Biblical, SIL phonetic)";

	key <TLDE> { [ U20AC,		U20AA,		U0024 ] }; 			//Euro, 		Shekel, 		Dollar		-
	key <AE01> { [ 1,		U0021,		U05BD,		U0597 ] };		//1,			exclamation	meteg		revia
	key <AE02> { [ 2,		U0598,		U05A2,		U05AE ] };	//2,			zarqa		atn. hafukh	zinor
	key <AE03> { [ 3,		U05A8,		U0596,		U0599 ] };		//3,			qadma		tipeha		pashta
	key <AE04> { [ 4,		U059C,		U05A5,		U05A0 ] };		//4,			geresh		merkha		tel. gedola
	key <AE05> { [ 5,		U059E,		U05A6,		U05A9 ] };		//5,			gershayim		mer. kefula	tel qetana
	key <AE06> { [ 6,		VoidSymbol,	U05AD,		U059F ] };		//6,			-			dehi			qar. para
	key <AE07> { [ 7,		U05AC,		U05A3,		U05A1 ] };		//7,			iluy			munah		pazer
	key <AE08> { [ 8,		U059D,		U059B,		U0595 ] };		//8,			g. muqdam	tevir			zaq. gadol
	key <AE09> { [ 9,		U0029,		U05A7,		U0593 ] };		//9,			parenth.R		darqa		shalshelet
	key <AE10> { [ 0,		U0028,		U05AA,		U05AF ] };		//0,			paren.L		yer. ben yomo	masora c.
	key <AE11> { [ U05BE,		U2013,		U2014,		U05BF ] };	//Maqaf, 		en dash		em dash		rafe
	key <AE12> { [ U05BC,		VoidSymbol,	U0591,		U25CC ] };	//Dagesh		-			etnahta		mark base

	key <AD01> { [ hebrew_qoph,	U0597 ] };							//Qof		revia			-			-
	key <AD02> { [ hebrew_waw] }; 								//waw		-			-			-
	key <AD03> { [ U05B6,		U05B5,		VoidSymbol,	U05B1 ] };	//segol		tsere			-			hat. segol
	key <AD04> { [ hebrew_resh ] };								//resh		-			-			-
	key <AD05> { [ hebrew_taw ] }; 								//taw		-			-			-
	key <AD06> { [ hebrew_yod,	U059F ] };							//jod		qar. para		-			-
	key <AD07> { [ U05BB] }; 									//quibuts		-			-			-
	key <AD08> { [ U05B4 ] };									//hiriq, 		-			-			-
	key <AD09> { [ U05B9,		U05BA,		U05C7, 		U05B3 ] };	//holam, 		holam(wav)	qam. qatan	hat. Qamats
	key <AD10> { [ hebrew_pe,	hebrew_finalpe,	VoidSymbol,	U034F ] };	//pe			final pe		-			c. grapheme joiner
	key <AD11> { [ bracketright,	braceright,	VoidSymbol,	U0594 ] };		//Bracket R	brace R		-			zaq. qatan
	key <AD12> { [ bracketleft,	braceleft, 	U059A,		U0592 ] };		//Brachket L	brace L		yetiv			segolta
	key <BKSL> { [ U05C0, 		U05C0, 		U05A4,		U05AB ] };//Paseq		Paseq		mahapakh		ole

	key <AC01> { [ U05B7,		U05B8,		U05C7,		U05B2 ] };  //patah		Qamats		Qam. Qatan	hat. patah
	key <AC02> { [ hebrew_samech,	U05E9 ] }; 					//Samech, 	shin no dot	-			-
	key <AC03> { [ hebrew_dalet ] }; 								//dalet		-			-			-
	key <AC04> { [ UFB2B,		hebrew_shin,	U05C2 ] }; 			//UCSv6 Sin	shin (nodot)	sindot		-
	key <AC05> { [ hebrew_gimel,	VoidSymbol,	U25E6,		U2022 ] };	//gimel		-			bullet(DSS)	bulletfill (DSS)
	key <AC06> { [ hebrew_he,	VoidSymbol,	U0336,		U030A ] };//he			-			strikeout(DSS)	Ring Above(DSS)
	key <AC07> { [ UFB2A,		hebrew_shin,	U05C1] };				//UCSv6 Shin	shin (nodot)	shindot		-
	key <AC08> { [ hebrew_kaph,	hebrew_finalkaph ] };					//kaph		Final kaph		-
	key <AC09> { [ hebrew_lamed,	VoidSymbol ] };						//lamed		-			-
	key <AC10> { [ U05B0,		U05F4,		semicolon,	U05C3 ] };		//sva		gers. p		semicolon		sof pasuq
	key <AC11> { [ U2019,		U201D, 		U0323,		U05C4 ] };//QuoteRight	double R Quote	punctum		punctum Above

	key <AB01> { [ hebrew_zain ] };								//Zayin		-			-			
	key <AB02> { [ hebrew_chet ] };								//chet		-			-
	key <AB03> { [ hebrew_zade, 	U05E5 ] };							// tzade, 		final tzade		-
	key <AB04> { [ hebrew_tet ] };									//tet			-			-
	key <AB05> { [ hebrew_bet ] };									//bet			-			-
	key <AB06> { [ hebrew_nun,	hebrew_finalnun ] }; 					//nun, 		final nun
	key <AB07> { [ hebrew_mem,	hebrew_finalmem, U200C,		U200D ] };	//mem, 		final mem		0.wid.non.join.	0.wid.joiner
	key <AB08> { [ U002C,		U05E2, 		U00AB,		U0307 ] }; //comma, 	ayin			guillemetsR	masora dot
	key <AB09> { [ U0002E,		U05D0, 		U00BB,		U0308 ] }; //period, 		alef			guillemetsL	thousands
	key <AB10> { [ slash,		question,	U05F3 ] };					//slash		question		geresh P

	key <SPCE> { [ space, 		space,		thinspace,	nobreakspace ] };//space		space			thin space,		nbsp


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