[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
// Latvian keymap version 1.1
// Copyright (C) Dmitry Golubev <lastguru@mail.ru>, 2003-2004
// Reworked to get rid of dead_keys (use of which in this case
// is a dirty hack). It is now not dependent on locale settings
// and GTK_IM_MODULES in Gnome. The map is also providing some of
// ISO9995-3 alternate characters. Note that this version works
// correctly under Gnome 2.6. This is to be put into symbols/
// directory, or somewhere else.
// Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
// documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
// the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
// copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
// documentation, and that the name of the copyright holder(s) not be used in
// advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without
// specific, written prior permission.  The copyright holder(s) makes no
// representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.  It
// is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.

// Modified by Aldis Berjoza <aldis@bsdroot.lv>, 12 april 2011
// Changes:
//   * Added Latvian Ergonomic, Latvian Adapted and Latvian Modern variants
//      Author of this work is Valdis Vītoliņš
//      http://odo.lv/LatvianKeyboard
//      http://odo.lv/Recipes/LatvianKeyboard#HErgonomiskC481stastatC5ABrasuzlikC5A1anauzLinuxdatora%22
//   * Added guillemotleft, leftdoublequotemark, guillemotright,
//      rightdoublequotemark to Latvian modern layout for AD11 and AD12
//   * Added US-Dvorac compatible Latvian layouts
//   * Added programmer US-Dvorac compatible Latvian layouts
//   * Added US-Colemak compatible Latvian layouts
//   * Reformatted layouts

// Latvian QWERTY layout
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QWERTY
default  partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "basic" {

	name[Group1]= "Latvian";

	key <TLDE> {[ grave,		asciitilde,	acute,			asciitilde		]};
	key <AE01> {[ 1,		exclam,		onesuperior,		exclamdown		]};
	key <AE02> {[ 2,		at,		twosuperior,		oneeighth		]};
	key <AE03> {[ 3,		numbersign,	threesuperior,		sterling		]};
	key <AE04> {[ 4,		dollar,		EuroSign,		cent			]};
	key <AE05> {[ 5,		percent,	onehalf,		threeeighths		]};
	key <AE06> {[ 6,		asciicircum,	threequarters,		fiveeighths		]};
	key <AE07> {[ 7,		ampersand,	braceleft,		seveneighths		]};
	key <AE08> {[ 8,		asterisk,	bracketleft,		trademark		]};
	key <AE09> {[ 9,		parenleft,	bracketright,		plusminus		]};
	key <AE10> {[ 0,		parenright,	braceright,		degree			]};
	key <AE11> {[ minus,		underscore,	backslash,		questiondown		]};
	key <AE12> {[ equal,		plus,		endash,			emdash			]};

	key <AD01> {[ q,		Q,		q,			Q			]};
	key <AD02> {[ w,		W,		w,			W			]};
	key <AD03> {[ e,		E,		emacron,		Emacron			]};
	key <AD04> {[ r,		R,		rcedilla,		Rcedilla		]};
	key <AD05> {[ t,		T,		t,			T			]};
	key <AD06> {[ y,		Y,		y,			Y			]};
	key <AD07> {[ u,		U,		umacron,		Umacron			]};
	key <AD08> {[ i,		I,		imacron,		Imacron			]};
	key <AD09> {[ o,		O,		omacron,		Omacron			]};
	key <AD10> {[ p,		P,		p,			P			]};
	key <AD11> {[ bracketleft,	braceleft,	guillemotleft,		leftdoublequotemark	]};
	key <AD12> {[ bracketright,	braceright,	guillemotright,		rightdoublequotemark	]};

	key <AC01> {[ a,		A,		amacron,		Amacron			]};
	key <AC02> {[ s,		S,		scaron,			Scaron			]};
	key <AC03> {[ d,		D,		d,			D			]};
	key <AC04> {[ f,		F,		f,			F			]};
	key <AC05> {[ g,		G,		gcedilla,		Gcedilla		]};
	key <AC06> {[ h,		H,		h,			H			]};
	key <AC07> {[ j,		J,		j,			J			]};
	key <AC08> {[ k,		K,		kcedilla,		Kcedilla		]};
	key <AC09> {[ l,		L,		lcedilla,		Lcedilla		]};
	key <AC10> {[ semicolon,	colon,		semicolon,		colon			]};
	key <AC11> {[ apostrophe,	quotedbl,	leftdoublequotemark,	doublelowquotemark	]};

	key <AB01> {[ z,		Z,		zcaron,			Zcaron			]};
	key <AB02> {[ x,		X,		x,			X			]};
	key <AB03> {[ c,		C,		ccaron,			Ccaron			]};
	key <AB04> {[ v,		V,		v,			V			]};
	key <AB05> {[ b,		B,		b,			B			]};
	key <AB06> {[ n,		N,		ncedilla,		Ncedilla		]};
	key <AB07> {[ m,		M,		m,			M			]};
	key <AB08> {[ comma,		less,		horizconnector,		multiply		]};
	key <AB09> {[ period,		greater,	periodcentered,		division		]};
	key <AB10> {[ slash,		question,	slash,			abovedot		]};
	key <BKSL> {[ backslash,	bar,		grave,			breve			]};

	key <SPCE> {[ space,		space,		space,			space			]};

	include "level3(ralt_switch)"

partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "apostrophe" {

	include "lv(basic)"

	name[Group1]= "Latvian (apostrophe)";

	key <AC11> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, quotedbl, apostrophe, quotedbl]};
	key <SPCE> {[space, space, apostrophe]};
	modifier_map Mod5 { <AC11> };


partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "tilde" {

	include "lv(basic)"

	name[Group1]= "Latvian (tilde)";

	key <TLDE> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, asciitilde, grave, acute]};
	key <SPCE> {[space, space, asciitilde]};
	modifier_map Mod5 { <TLDE> };


partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "fkey" {

	include "lv(basic)"

	name[Group1]= "Latvian (F)";

	key <AC04> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, ISO_Level3_Latch, f, F]};
	key <SPCE> {[space, space, f, F]};
	modifier_map Mod5 { <AC04> };


// Latvian Adapted keyboard layout
// http://odo.lv/xwiki/bin/download/Main/LatvianKeyboard/Adapted.png
// http://odo.lv/LatvianKeyboard
// http://odo.lv/LatvianKeyboard5
partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "adapted" {

	include "lv(basic)"

	name[Group1]= "Latvian (adapted)";

	key <AE02> {[ 2,		Ccaron,		at,		twosuperior	]};
	key <AE03> {[ 3,		ccaron,		numbersign,	threesuperior	]};
	key <AE04> {[ 4,		Zcaron,		dollar,		EuroSign	]};
	key <AE05> {[ 5,		zcaron,		percent,	onehalf		]};

	key <AD01> {[ scaron,		Scaron,		q,		Q		]};
	key <AD02> {[ emacron,		Emacron,	w,		W		]};
	key <AD03> {[ e,		E,		e,		E		]};

	key <AD06> {[ amacron,		Amacron,	y,		Y		]};
	key <AD07> {[ u,		U,		u,		U		]};
	key <AD08> {[ i,		I,		i,		I		]};
	key <AD11> {[ umacron,		Umacron,	bracketleft,	braceleft	]};
	key <AD12> {[ ncedilla,		Ncedilla,	bracketright,	braceright	]};

	key <AC01> {[ a,		A,		a,		A		]};
	key <AC02> {[ s,		S,		s,		S		]};
	key <AC05> {[ g,		G,		g,		G		]};

	key <AC08> {[ k,		K,		k,		K		]};
	key <AC09> {[ l,		L,		l,		L		]};
	key <AC10> {[ imacron,		Imacron,	semicolon,	colon		]};

	key <AB01> {[ z,		Z,		z,		Z		]};
	key <AB02> {[ kcedilla,		Kcedilla,	x,		X		]};
	key <AB03> {[ c,		C,		c,		C		]};

	key <AB06> {[ n,		N,		n,		N		]};

	key <AB08> {[ comma,		gcedilla,	less,		multiply	]};
	key <AB09> {[ period,		Gcedilla,	greater,	division	]};
	key <AB10> {[ lcedilla,		Lcedilla,	slash,		question	]};

// Latvian Ergonomic (ŪGJRMV) keyboard layout by Valdis Vītoliņš
// http://odo.lv/xwiki/bin/download/Main/LatvianKeyboard/Ergonomic.png
// http://odo.lv/LatvianKeyboard
// http://odo.lv/LatvianKeyboard5
partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "ergonomic" {

	include "lv(apostrophe)"

	name[Group1]= "Latvian (ergonomic, ŪGJRMV)";

	key <AE02> {[ 2,		at,		gcedilla,	Gcedilla	]};

	key <AE11> {[ minus,		underscore,	endash,		emdash		]};
	key <AE12> {[ f,		F,		equal,		plus		]};

	key <AD01> {[ umacron,		Umacron,	q,		Q		]};
	key <AD02> {[ g,		G,		g,		G		]};
	key <AD03> {[ j,		J,		j,		J		]};
	key <AD04> {[ r,		R,		rcedilla,	Rcedilla	]};
	key <AD05> {[ m,		M,		m,		M		]};
	key <AD06> {[ v,		V,		w,		W		]};
	key <AD07> {[ n,		N,		y,		Y		]};
	key <AD08> {[ z,		Z,		z,		Z		]};
	key <AD09> {[ emacron,		Emacron,	emacron,	Emacron		]};
	key <AD10> {[ ccaron,		Ccaron,		ccaron,		Ccaron		]};
	key <AD11> {[ zcaron,		Zcaron,		bracketleft,	braceleft	]};
	key <AD12> {[ h,		H,		bracketright,	braceright	]};

	key <AC01> {[ scaron,		Scaron,		scaron,		Scaron		]};
	key <AC02> {[ u,		U,		u,		U		]};
	key <AC03> {[ s,		S,		s,		S		]};
	key <AC04> {[ i,		I,		i,		I		]};
	key <AC05> {[ l,		L,		l,		L		]};
	key <AC06> {[ d,		D,		d,		D		]};
	key <AC07> {[ a,		A,		a,		A		]};
	key <AC08> {[ t,		T,		t,		T		]};
	key <AC09> {[ e,		E,		e,		E		]};
	key <AC10> {[ c,		C,		c,		C		]};
	key <AC11> {[ ISO_Level3_Latch,	quotedbl,	apostrophe,	quotedbl	]};
	key <AC12> {[ kcedilla,		Kcedilla,	slash,		backslash	]};

	key <LSGT> {[ gcedilla,		Gcedilla,	gcedilla,	Gcedilla	]};
	key <AB01> {[ ncedilla,		Ncedilla,	ncedilla,	Ncedilla	]};
	key <AB02> {[ b,		B,		x,		X		]};
	key <AB03> {[ imacron,		Imacron,	imacron,	Imacron		]};
	key <AB04> {[ k,		K,		k,		K		]};
	key <AB05> {[ p,		P,		p,		P		]};
	key <AB06> {[ o,		O,		omacron,	Omacron		]};
	key <AB07> {[ amacron,		Amacron,	amacron,	Amacron		]};
	key <AB08> {[ comma,		semicolon,	less,		multiply	]};
	key <AB09> {[ period,		colon,		greater,	division	]};
	key <AB10> {[ lcedilla,		Lcedilla,	question,	slash		]};

// Latvian Modern keyboard layout by Valdis Vītoliņš
// http://odo.lv/xwiki/bin/download/Recipes/LatvianKeyboard/Modern.png
// http://odo.lv/LatvianKeyboard
// http://odo.lv/LatvianKeyboard5
partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "modern" {

	name[Group1]= "Latvian (modern)";

	key <TLDE> {[ grave,		asciitilde,	acute,		copyright		]};
	key <AE01> {[ 1,		exclam,		onesuperior,	exclamdown		]};
	key <AE02> {[ 2,		at,		twosuperior,	oneeighth		]};
	key <AE03> {[ 3,		numbersign,	threesuperior,	sterling		]};
	key <AE04> {[ 4,		dollar,		EuroSign,	cent			]};
	key <AE05> {[ 5,		percent,	onehalf,	threeeighths		]};
	key <AE06> {[ 6,		asciicircum,	threequarters,	fiveeighths		]};
	key <AE07> {[ 7,		ampersand,	braceleft,	seveneighths		]};
	key <AE08> {[ 8,		asterisk,	bracketleft,	trademark		]};
	key <AE09> {[ 9,		parenleft,	bracketright,	plusminus		]};
	key <AE10> {[ 0,		parenright,	braceright,	degree			]};
	key <AE11> {[ minus,		underscore,	backslash,	questiondown		]};
	key <AE12> {[ equal,		plus,		endash,		emdash			]};

	key <AD01> {[ emacron,		Emacron,	emacron,	Emacron			]};
	key <AD02> {[ o,		O,		omacron,	Omacron			]};
	key <AD03> {[ amacron,		Amacron,	amacron,	Amacron			]};
	key <AD04> {[ p,		P,		question,	P			]};
	key <AD05> {[ b,		B,		exclam,		B			]};
	key <AD06> {[ j,		J,		emdash,		J			]};
	key <AD07> {[ d,		D,		endash,		D			]};
	key <AD08> {[ imacron,		Imacron,	imacron,	Imacron			]};
	key <AD09> {[ l,		L,		lcedilla,	Lcedilla		]};
	key <AD10> {[ g,		G,		gcedilla,	Gcedilla		]};
	Key <AD11> {[ bracketleft,	braceleft,	guillemotleft,	leftdoublequotemark	]};
	key <AD12> {[ bracketright,	braceright,	guillemotright,	rightdoublequotemark	]};

	key <AC01> {[ e,		E,		e,		E			]};
	key <AC02> {[ u,		U,		umacron,	Umacron			]};
	key <AC03> {[ a,		A,		a,		A			]};
	key <AC04> {[ n,		N,		ncedilla,	Ncedilla		]};
	key <AC05> {[ k,		K,		kcedilla,	Kcedilla		]};
	key <AC06> {[ ISO_Level3_Latch,	quotedbl,	apostrophe,	quotedbl		]};
	key <AC07> {[ s,		S,		scaron,		Scaron			]};
	key <AC08> {[ i,		I,		i,		I			]};
	key <AC09> {[ t,		T,		t,		T			]};
	key <AC10> {[ r,		R,		rcedilla,	Rcedilla		]};
	key <AC11> {[ m,		M,		m,		M			]};
	key <BKSL> {[ slash,		question,	backslash,	bar			]};

	key <LSGT> {[ q,		Q,		q,		Q			]};
	key <AB01> {[ x,		X,		q,		Q			]};
	key <AB02> {[ z,		Z,		zcaron,		Zcaron			]};
	key <AB03> {[ c,		C,		ccaron,		Ccaron			]};
	key <AB04> {[ v,		V,		bar,		V			]};
	key <AB05> {[ w,		W,		backslash,	W			]};
	key <AB06> {[ f,		F,		period,		F			]};
	key <AB07> {[ y,		Y,		slash,		Y			]};
	key <AB08> {[ h,		H,		U263A,		U2639			]};
	key <AB09> {[ comma,		semicolon,	less,		multiply		]};
	key <AB10> {[ period,		colon,		greater,	division		]};
	key <SPCE> {[ space,		space,		apostrophe				]};

	modifier_map Mod5 { <AC06> };

	include "level3(ralt_switch)"


// US Dvorak compatible Latvian layout
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dvorak_Simplified_Keyboard
partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "dvorak" {

	name[Group1]= "Latvian (US Dvorak)";

	key <TLDE> {[ asciitilde,	grave,		acute,			asciitilde		]};
	key <AE01> {[ 1,		exclam,		onesuperior,		exclamdown		]};
	key <AE02> {[ 2,		at,		twosuperior,		oneeighth		]};
	key <AE03> {[ 3,		numbersign,	threesuperior,		sterling		]};
	key <AE04> {[ 4,		dollar,		EuroSign,		cent			]};
	key <AE05> {[ 5,		percent,	onehalf,		threeeighths		]};
	key <AE06> {[ 6,		asciicircum,	threequarters,		fiveeighths		]};
	key <AE07> {[ 7,		ampersand,	braceleft,		seveneighths		]};
	key <AE08> {[ 8,		asterisk,	bracketleft,		trademark		]};
	key <AE09> {[ 9,		parenleft,	bracketright,		plusminus		]};
	key <AE10> {[ 0,		parenright,	braceright,		degree			]};
	key <AE11> {[ bracketleft,	braceleft,	leftdoublequotemark,	guillemotleft		]};
	key <AE12> {[ bracketright,	braceright,	rightdoublequotemark,	guillemotright		]};

	key <AD01> {[ apostrophe,	quotedbl,	leftdoublequotemark,	doublelowquotemark	]};
	key <AD02> {[ comma,		less,		guillemotleft,		multiply		]};
	key <AD03> {[ period,		greater,	guillemotright,		division		]};
	key <AD04> {[ p,		P,		p,			P			]};
	key <AD05> {[ y,		Y,		y,			Y			]};
	key <AD06> {[ f,		F,		f,			F			]};
	key <AD07> {[ g,		G,		gcedilla,		Gcedilla		]};
	key <AD08> {[ c,		C,		ccaron,			Ccaron			]};
	key <AD09> {[ r,		R,		rcedilla,		Rcedilla		]};
	key <AD10> {[ l,		L,		lcedilla,		Lcedilla		]};
	key <AD11> {[ slash,		question,	slash,			abovedot		]};
	key <AD12> {[ equal,		plus,		endash,			emdash			]};

	key <AC01> {[ a,		A,		amacron,		Amacron			]};
	key <AC02> {[ o,		O,		omacron,		Omacron			]};
	key <AC03> {[ e,		E,		emacron,		Emacron			]};
	key <AC04> {[ u,		U,		umacron,		Umacron			]};
	key <AC05> {[ i,		I,		imacron,		Imacron			]};
	key <AC06> {[ d,		D,		d,			D			]};
	key <AC07> {[ h,		H,		h,			H			]};
	key <AC08> {[ t,		T,		t,			T			]};
	key <AC09> {[ n,		N,		ncedilla,		Ncedilla		]};
	key <AC10> {[ s,		S,		scaron,			Scaron			]};
	key <AC11> {[ minus,		underscore,	backslash,		questiondown		]};

	key <AB01> {[ semicolon,	colon,		semicolon,		colon			]};
	key <AB02> {[ q,		Q,		q,			Q			]};
	key <AB03> {[ j,		J,		j,			J			]};
	key <AB04> {[ k,		K,		kcedilla,		Kcedilla		]};
	key <AB05> {[ x,		X,		x,			X			]};
	key <AB06> {[ b,		B,		b,			B			]};
	key <AB07> {[ m,		M,		m,			M			]};
	key <AB08> {[ w,		W,		w,			W			]};
	key <AB09> {[ v,		V,		v,			V			]};
	key <AB10> {[ z,		Z,		zcaron,			Zcaron			]};

	key <BKSL> {[ backslash,	bar,		grave,			breve			]};

	key <SPCE> {[ space,		space,		space,			space			]};

	include "level3(ralt_switch)"

partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "ykeydvorak" {

	include "lv(dvorak)"

	name[Group1]= "Latvian (US Dvorak, Y variant)";

	key <AD05> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, ISO_Level3_Latch, y, Y]};
	key <SPCE> {[space, space, y, Y]};
	modifier_map Mod5 { <AD05> };


partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "minuskeydvorak" {

	include "lv(dvorak)"

	name[Group1]= "Latvian (US Dvorak, minus variant)";

	key <AC11> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, ISO_Level3_Latch, minus, underscore]};
	key <SPCE> {[space, space, minus, underscore]};
	modifier_map Mod5 { <AR11> };


// US Dvorak programmers layput compatible Latvian layout
// http://www.kaufmann.no/roland/dvorak/
partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "dvorakprogr" {

	include "lv(dvorak)"

	name[Group1]= "Latvian (programmer US Dvorak)";

	key <TLDE> {[ dollar,		asciitilde,	EuroSign,		cent			]};
	key <AE01> {[ ampersand,	percent,	acute,			asciitilde		]};
	key <AE02> {[ bracketleft,	7,		onesuperior,		twosuperior		]};
	key <AE03> {[ braceleft,	5,		guillemotleft,		leftdoublequotemark	]};
	key <AE04> {[ braceright,	3,		guillemotright,		rightdoublequotemark	]};
	key <AE05> {[ parenleft,	1,		onehalf,		threeeighths		]};
	key <AE06> {[ equal,		9,		threequarters,		fiveeighths		]};
	key <AE07> {[ asterisk,		0,		degree,			copyright		]};
	key <AE08> {[ parenright,	2,		endash,			emdash			]};
	key <AE09> {[ plus,		4,		plusminus,		section			]};
	key <AE10> {[ bracketright,	6,		registered,		trademark		]};
	key <AE11> {[ exclam,		8,		exclam,			exclamdown		]};
	key <AE12> {[ numbersign,	grave,		Greek_alpha,		Greek_beta		]};

	key <AD01> {[ semicolon,	colon,		semicolon,		colon			]};
	key <AD12> {[ at,		asciicircum,	at,			asciicircum		]};

	key <AB01> {[ apostrophe,	quotedbl,	leftdoublequotemark,	doublelowquotemark	]};

	include "level3(ralt_switch)"

partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "ykeydvorakprogr" {

	include "lv(dvorakprogr)"

	name[Group1]= "Latvian (programmer US Dvorak, Y variant)";

	key <AD05> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, ISO_Level3_Latch, y, Y]};
	key <SPCE> {[space, space, y, Y]};
	modifier_map Mod5 { <AD05> };


partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "minuskeydvorakprogr" {

	include "lv(dvorakprogr)"

	name[Group1]= "Latvian (programmer US Dvorak, minus variant)";

	key <AC11> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, ISO_Level3_Latch, minus, underscore]};
	key <SPCE> {[space, space, minus, underscore]};
	modifier_map Mod5 { <AC11> };


// Colemak compatible Latvian layout
// http://colemak.com/
partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "colemak" {

	include "lv(basic)"

	name[Group1]= "Latvian (US Colemak)";

	key <AD03> {[ f,		F,		f,			F			]};
	key <AD04> {[ p,		P,		p,			P			]};
	key <AD05> {[ g,		G,		gcedilla,		Gcedilla		]};
	key <AD06> {[ j,		J,		j,			J			]};
	key <AD07> {[ l,		L,		lcedilla,		Lcedilla		]};
	key <AD08> {[ u,		U,		umacron,		Umacron			]};
	key <AD09> {[ y,		Y,		y,			Y			]};
	key <AD10> {[ semicolon,	colon,		semicolon,		colon			]};

	key <AC02> {[ r,		R,		rcedilla,		Rcedilla		]};
	key <AC03> {[ s,		S,		scaron,			Scaron			]};
	key <AC04> {[ t,		T,		t,			T			]};
	key <AC05> {[ d,		D,		d,			D			]};
	key <AC07> {[ n,		N,		ncedilla,		Ncedilla		]};
	key <AC08> {[ e,		E,		emacron,		Emacron			]};
	key <AC09> {[ i,		I,		imacron,		Imacron			]};
	key <AC10> {[ o,		O,		omacron,		Omacron			]};

	key <AB06> {[ k,		K,		kcedilla,		Kcedilla		]};

	include "level3(ralt_switch)"

partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "apostrophecolemak" {

	include "lv(colemak)"

	name[Group1]= "Latvian (US Colemak, apostrophe variant)";

	key <AC11> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, quotedbl, apostrophe, quotedbl]};
	key <SPCE> {[space, space, apostrophe]};
	modifier_map Mod5 { <AC11> };


partial alphanumeric_keys
	xkb_symbols "sun_type6" {
	include "sun_vndr/lv(sun_type6)"


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