[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
// based on a keyboard map from an 'xkb/symbols/pl' file

default  partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "basic" {

    // Visualisation and description: http://podziemie.net/xkb/pl
    // Contact: Michał Górny <zrchos+freedesktop@gmail.com>

    include "latin"


    key <AE01>	{ [         1,     exclam,     notequal,   exclamdown ]	};
    key <AE02>	{ [         2,         at,  twosuperior, questiondown ]	};
    key <AE04>	{ [         4,     dollar,         cent,   onequarter ]	};
    key <AE05>	{ [         5,    percent,     EuroSign,        U2030 ]	};
    key <AE06>	{ [         6, asciicircum,     onehalf,   logicaland ]	};
    key <AE07>	{ [         7,  ampersand,      section,        U2248 ]	};
    key <AE08>	{ [         8,   asterisk, periodcentered, threequarters ] };
    key <AE09>	{ [         9,  parenleft, guillemotleft,   plusminus ]	};
    key <AE10>	{ [         0, parenright, guillemotright,     degree ]	};
    key <AE11>	{ [     minus, underscore,       endash,       emdash ]	};

    key <AD01>	{ [         q,          Q,     Greek_pi,  Greek_OMEGA ]	};
    key <AD02>	{ [         w,          W,           oe,           OE ]	};
    key <AD03>	{ [         e,          E,      eogonek,      Eogonek ]	};
    key <AD04>	{ [         r,          R,    copyright,   registered ]	};
    key <AD05>	{ [         t,          T,       ssharp,    trademark ]	};
    key <AD08>	{ [         i,          I,   rightarrow,        U2194 ]	};
    key <AD09>	{ [         o,          O,       oacute,       Oacute ]	};

    key <AC01>	{ [         a,          A,      aogonek,      Aogonek ]	};
    key <AC02>	{ [         s,          S,       sacute,       Sacute ]	};
    key <AC04>	{ [         f,          F,           ae,           AE ]	};
    key <AC06>	{ [         h,          H, rightsinglequotemark, U2022 ] };
    key <AC07>	{ [         j,          J,        schwa,        SCHWA ]	};
    key <AC08>	{ [         k,          K,     ellipsis,  dead_stroke ]	};
    key <TLDE>	{ [     grave, asciitilde,      notsign,    logicalor ]	};

    key <AB01>	{ [         z,          Z,    zabovedot,    Zabovedot ]	};
    key <AB02>	{ [         x,          X,       zacute,       Zacute ]	};
    key <AB03>	{ [         c,          C,       cacute,       Cacute ]	};
    key <AB04>	{ [         v,          V, doublelowquotemark, leftsinglequotemark ] };
    key <AB05>	{ [         b,          B, rightdoublequotemark, leftdoublequotemark ] };
    key <AB06>	{ [         n,          N,       nacute,       Nacute ]	};
    key <AB07>	{ [         m,          M,           mu,     infinity ]	};
    key <AB08>	{ [     comma,       less, lessthanequal,    multiply ]	};
    key <AB09>	{ [    period,    greater, greaterthanequal, division ]	};

    key <SPCE>	{ [     space,      space, nobreakspace, nobreakspace ]	};

    include "kpdl(comma)"

    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "legacy" {

    include "latin"

    name[Group1]="Polish (legacy)";

    key <AD03>	{ [         e,          E,      eogonek,      Eogonek ]	};
    key <AD07>  { [         u,          U,	EuroSign,     cent    ] };
    key <AD09>	{ [         o,          O,       oacute,       Oacute ]	};

    key <AC01>	{ [         a,          A,      aogonek,      Aogonek ]	};
    key <AC02>	{ [         s,          S,       sacute,       Sacute ]	};

    key <AB01>	{ [         z,          Z,    zabovedot,    Zabovedot ]	};
    key <AB02>	{ [         x,          X,       zacute,       Zacute ]	};
    key <AB03>	{ [         c,          C,       cacute,       Cacute ]	};
    key <AB06>	{ [         n,          N,       nacute,       Nacute ]	};

    include "kpdl(comma)"

    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "qwertz" {

    include "latin(type3)"

    name[Group1]="Polish (QWERTZ)";

    key <AE01>	{ [         1,     exclam,   asciitilde,   exclamdown ]	};
    key <AE02>	{ [         2,   quotedbl,   dead_caron,    oneeighth ]	};
    key <AE03>	{ [         3, numbersign, dead_circumflex,  sterling ]	};
    key <AE04>	{ [         4,     dollar,   dead_breve,       dollar ]	};
    key <AE05>	{ [         5,    percent,       degree, threeeighths ]	};
    key <AE06>	{ [         6,  ampersand,  dead_ogonek,  fiveeighths ]	};
    key <AE07>	{ [         7,      slash,   dead_grave, seveneighths ]	};
    key <AE08>	{ [         8,  parenleft, dead_abovedot,   trademark ]	};
    key <AE09>	{ [         9, parenright,   dead_acute,    plusminus ]	};
    key <AE10>	{ [         0,      equal, dead_doubleacute,   degree ]	};
    key <AE11>	{ [      plus,   question, dead_diaeresis, questiondown ] };
    key <AE12>	{ [apostrophe,   asterisk, dead_cedilla,  dead_ogonek ]	};

    key <AD01>  { [         q,          Q ] };
    key <AD02>  { [         w,          W ] };
    key <AD03>	{ [         e,          E,     EuroSign,         cent ]	};
    key <AD11>	{ [ zabovedot,     nacute,     division, dead_abovering ] };
    key <AD12>	{ [    sacute,     cacute,     multiply,  dead_macron ]	};

    key <AC02>	{ [         s,          S,      dstroke,      section ]	};
    key <AC03>	{ [         d,          D,      Dstroke,          ETH ]	};
    key <AC04>  { [         f,          F ] };
    key <AC08>	{ [         k,          K,          kra,    ampersand ]	};
    key <AC09>	{ [         l,          L,      lstroke,      Lstroke ]	};
    key <AC10>	{ [   lstroke,    Lstroke,       dollar, dead_doubleacute ] };
    key <AC11>	{ [   aogonek,    eogonek,       ssharp,   dead_caron ]	};
    key <TLDE>	{ [  abovedot, dead_ogonek,     notsign,      notsign ]	};

    key <BKSL>	{ [    oacute,     zacute,   dead_grave,   dead_breve ]	};
    key <AB03>	{ [         c,          C,         cent,    copyright ]	};
    key <AB10>  { [     minus, underscore, dead_belowdot, dead_abovedot ] };

    include "kpdl(comma)"

    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// Polish Dvorak keymaps
// by Rafal Rzepecki <divide@users.sf.net>

// The base keymap "pl" places Polish quotes on quotemark key and 
// moves the dead symbols from there to "1/!" key. If you are used to common 
// dead keys placement, you could use "pl_altquotes"; in this layout 
// dead keys remain in the old place, whereas Polish quotes are placed on the
// "1/!" key. If you do not use Polish quotes at all, you can use "pl_basic" map.

// Basic Polish keymap (without Polish quotes)
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "dvorak" {
    include "us(dvorak)"

    name[Group1] = "Polish (Dvorak)";

    key <AD08> { [	    c,	C,	cacute,	Cacute		]	};
    key <AD10> { [	    l,	L,     lstroke, Lstroke		]	};
    key <AC01> { [	    a,	A,     aogonek, Aogonek		]	};
    key <AC02> { [	    o,	O,      oacute, Oacute		]	};
    key <AC03> { [	    e,	E,     eogonek, Eogonek		]	};
    key <AC09> { [	    n,	N,      nacute, Nacute		]	};
    key <AC10> { [	    s,	S,      sacute, Sacute		]	};
    key <AB09> { [	    v,	V,      zacute, Zacute		]	};
    key <AB10> { [	    z,	Z,   zabovedot, Zabovedot	]	};

    include "kpdl(comma)"

    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// Default Polish keymap with Polish quotes on quotemark key
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "dvorak_quotes" {
    include "pl(dvorak)"

    name[Group1] = "Polish (Dvorak, with Polish quotes on quotemark key)";

    key <AD01> { [  apostrophe,	quotedbl, doublelowquotemark, rightdoublequotemark	] };

    // Dead symbols moved to this key
    key <AE01> { [	    1,	exclam, dead_acute, dead_diaeresis 		]	};

// Polish keymap with Polish quotes on key "1/!"
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "dvorak_altquotes" {
    include "pl(dvorak)"

    name[Group1] = "Polish (Dvorak, with Polish quotes on key 1)";

    key <AE01> { [	    1,	exclam, doublelowquotemark, rightdoublequotemark	]	};

// Polish programmer Dvorak keymap  by Michal Nazarewicz <mina86@mina86.com>
// based on programmer Dvorak  by Roland Kaufmann <rlndkfmn at gmail dot com>
//      and Polish Dvorak keymaps  by Rafal Rzepecki <divide@users.sf.net
//      and latin(basic)
// * Numbers are in shift position (like French).
// * Symbols have been placed in locations that give good
//   hand-alternation and finger rolling with symbols that usually
//   follows.
// * Polish diacritics on AltGr+"acelnosxz" (same as in basic pl(basic)).
// * Aditionaly, zacute on AltGr+"v" so that both zacute and zabovedot
//   next to each other same as in pl(basic).
// * Polish open and close quotes on AltGr+& (same location as in
//   pl(dvp_altquotes)).
// * English open quote on AltGr+k (same location as in latin(basic))
// * English/Polish close quote on AltGr+b (similar location as in
//   latin(basic) but moved right because AltGr+x is taken for zacute).
// * Polish open and close quote on AltGr+j.
// Those rules overwrite only the following rules from us(dvp):
// * ccedilla on AltGr+c
// * aring on Alt+a
// * oslash/Ooblique on Alt+o
// * ae on Alt+e
// * ntilde on Alt+n
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "dvp" {
    include "us(dvp)"

    name[Group1] = "Polish (programmer Dvorak)";

    //             Unmodified    Shift           AltGr            Shift+AltGr
    // symbols row, left side
    key <AE01> { [ ampersand,    percent,        doublelowquotemark, rightdoublequotemark ] };

    // symbols row, right side

    // upper row, left side

    // upper row, right side
    key <AD08> { [ c,            C,              cacute,          Cacute     ] };
    key <AD10> { [ l,            L,              lstroke,         Lstroke    ] };

    // home row, left side
    key <AC01> { [ a,            A,              aogonek,         Aogonek    ], type[Group1] = "EIGHT_LEVEL_ALPHABETIC" };
    key <AC02> { [ o,            O,              oacute,          Oacute     ] };
    key <AC03> { [ e,            E,              eogonek,         Eogonek    ] };

    // home row, right side
    key <AC09> { [ n,            N,              nacute,          Nacute     ] };
    key <AC10> { [ s,            S,              sacute,          Sacute     ] };

    // lower row, left side
    key <AB03> { [ j,            J,              doublelowquotemark, rightdoublequotemark ] };
    key <AB04> { [ k,            K,              leftdoublequotemark, leftsinglequotemark ] };
    key <AB05> { [ x,            X,              zacute,          Zacute     ] };

    // lower row, right side
    key <AB06> { [ b,            B,              rightdoublequotemark, rightsinglequotemark ] };
    key <AB09> { [ v,            V,              zacute,          Zacute     ] };
    key <AB10> { [ z,            Z,              zabovedot,       Zabovedot  ] };

    include "kpdl(comma)"

    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// Silesian keyboard layout by Grzegorz Kulik <poslunsku@gmail.com>
// and Przemysław Buczkowski <przemub@yahoo.pl>.
// See http://poslunsku.eu/2012/07/slonsko-slabikorzowo-klawiatura-na-windows-i-ubuntu/
// for a description.

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "szl" {

    include "latin"


    key <AD01>  { [         q,          Q ] };
    key <AD02>  { [         w,          W ] };
    key <AD03>	{ [         e,          E,      atilde,      Atilde ]	};
    key <AD09>	{ [         o,          O,       ocircumflex,       Ocircumflex ]	};
    key <AD07>  { [         u,          U,       omacron,       Omacron ]        };
    key <AD10>	{ [         p,          P,       otilde,       Otilde ]	};

    key <AC01>	{ [         a,          A,      U014F,      U014E ]	};
    key <AC02>	{ [         s,          S,       sacute,       Sacute ]	};
    key <AC04>  { [         f,          F ] };

    key <AB01>	{ [         z,          Z,    zabovedot,    Zabovedot ]	};
    key <AB02>	{ [         x,          X,       zacute,       Zacute ]	};
    key <AB03>	{ [         c,          C,       cacute,       Cacute ]	};
    key <AB06>	{ [         n,          N,       nacute,       Nacute ]	};

    include "kpdl(comma)"

    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "csb" {

    include "latin"


    key <AD01>  { [         q,          Q ] };
    key <AD02>  { [         w,          W ] };
    key <AD03>	{ [         e,          E,      eacute,      Eacute ]	};
    key <AD04>	{ [         r,           R,      ediaeresis,      Ediaeresis ]	};
    key <AD06>      { [         y,          Y,      EuroSign,         cent ]        };
    key <AD07>	{ [          u,          U,       ugrave,       Ugrave ]	};
    key <AD08>	{ [         i,            I,       ograve,       Ograve ]	};
    key <AD09>	{ [         o,          O,       oacute,       Oacute ]	};
    key <AD10>	{ [         p,          P,       ocircumflex,       Ocircumflex ]	};

    key <AC01>	{ [         a,          A,      aogonek,      Aogonek ]	};
    key <AC02>	{ [         s,          S,      atilde,      Atilde ]	      };
    key <AC04>  { [         f,          F ] };
    key <AC09>	{ [         l,          L,      lstroke,      Lstroke ]      };

    key <AB01>	{ [         z,          Z,    zabovedot,    Zabovedot ]	};
    key <AB06>	{ [         n,          N,       nacute,       Nacute ]	};

    include "kpdl(comma)"

    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// Russian Polish-phonetic Dvorak
// by Adrian Dziubek <adrian.dziubek@gmail.com>
// This layout aims to enable Polish Dvorak users to type with Russian
// Cyrillic alphabet by using the sound correspondence between Polish and
// Russian languages.
// This keyboard should be intuitive. Please let me know, if my intuition
// lets You down.
// The guidelines used:
// - no Cyrillic symbols are placed on punctuation symbols,
// - visual similarities are ignored if there is a sound correspondence:
//   no Cyrillic_es on c, no Cyrillic_er on p, no Cyrillic_ha on x etc.,
// - the Latin symbols that have close sound correspondence (as read in Polish)
//   to Cyrillic symbols (as read in Russian) are mapped respectively:
//         * j -> Cyrillic_shorti,
//         * k -> Cyrillic_ka,
//         * b -> Cyrillic_be,
//         * m -> Cyrillic_em,
//         * w -> Cyrillic_ve,
//         * z -> Cyrillic_ze
//         * a -> Cyrillic_a,
//         * o -> Cyrillic_o,
//         * u -> Cyrillic_u,
//         * i -> Cyrillic_i,
//         * d -> Cyrillic_de,
//         * h -> Cyrillic_ha,
//         * t -> Cyrillic_te,
//         * n -> Cyrillic_en,
//         * s -> Cyrillic_es,
//         * p -> Cyrillic_pe,
//         * y -> Cyrillic_yeru,
//         * f -> Cyrillic_ef,
//         * g -> Cyrillic_ghe,
//         * c -> Cyrillic_tse,
//         * r -> Cyrillic_er,
//         * l -> Cyrillic_el,
// - ...and little more distant:
//         * AltGr + s (sacute) -> Cyrillic_sha,
//         * AltGr + z (zabovedot) -> Cyrillic_zhe,
//         * AltGr + c (cacute) -> Cyrillic_che,
// - the soft versions of Russian vowels are accessible through AltGr + vowel:
//         * AltGr + a -> Cyrillic_ya,
//         * AltGr + o -> Cyrillic_io,
//         * AltGr + u -> Cyrillic_yu,
// - ...except for Cyrillic_ie which is more frequently used than Cyrillic_e:
//         * AltGr + e -> Cyrillic_e,
//         * e -> Cyrillic_ie,
// - q is also mapped to Cyrillic_ya, following the US phonetic keyboard
//   choice, as Cyrillic_ya and Cyrillic_a are both often used:
//         * q -> Cyrillic_ya,
// - the soft and hard symbols that have no Polish counterparts are mapped
//   to rarely used in Polish x character:
//         * x -> Cyrillic_softsign
//         * AltGr + x -> Cyrillic_hardsign,
// - the soft sign is additionally available as AltGr + consonant combination
//   for every consonant that can be softened or separated by soft sign:
//         * AltGr + l -> Cyrillic_softsign,
//         * AltGr + d -> Cyrillic_softsign,
//         * AltGr + n -> Cyrillic_softsign,
//         * AltGr + r -> Cyrillic_softsign,
//         * AltGr + t -> Cyrillic_softsign,
//         * AltGr + p -> Cyrillic_softsign,
// - ...and also because of visual similarity under level3 b:
//         * AltGr + b -> Cyrillic_softsign,
//         * Shift + AltGr + b -> Cyrillic_hardsign,
// - the Cyrillic_shcha symbol is placed under AltGr + w (visual similarity):
//         * AltGr + w -> Cyrillic_shcha
// - v, also rarely unused in Polish is mapped like w:
//         * v -> Cyrillic_ve,
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "ru_phonetic_dvorak" {
   include "us(dvorak)"

   name[Group1] = "Russian (Poland, phonetic Dvorak)";

   // lower row
   key <AB02> { [ Cyrillic_ya, Cyrillic_YA ] };
   key <AB03> { [ Cyrillic_shorti, Cyrillic_SHORTI ] };
   key <AB04> { [ Cyrillic_ka, Cyrillic_KA ] };
   key <AB05> { [ Cyrillic_shcha, Cyrillic_SHCHA ] };
   key <AB06> { [ Cyrillic_be, Cyrillic_BE, Cyrillic_hardsign, Cyrillic_HARDSIGN ] };
   key <AB07> { [ Cyrillic_em, Cyrillic_EM ] };
   key <AB08> { [ Cyrillic_ve, Cyrillic_VE, Cyrillic_shcha, Cyrillic_SHCHA ] };
   key <AB09> { [ Cyrillic_ve, Cyrillic_VE, Cyrillic_shcha, Cyrillic_SHCHA ] };
   key <AB10> { [ Cyrillic_ze, Cyrillic_ZE, Cyrillic_zhe, Cyrillic_ZHE ] };
   // home row
   key <AC01> { [ Cyrillic_a, Cyrillic_A, Cyrillic_ya, Cyrillic_YA  ] };
   key <AC02> { [ Cyrillic_o, Cyrillic_O, Cyrillic_io, Cyrillic_IO ] };
   key <AC03> { [ Cyrillic_ie, Cyrillic_IE, Cyrillic_e, Cyrillic_E ] };
   key <AC04> { [ Cyrillic_u, Cyrillic_U, Cyrillic_yu, Cyrillic_YU  ] };
   key <AC05> { [ Cyrillic_i, Cyrillic_I ] };
   key <AC06> { [ Cyrillic_de, Cyrillic_DE, Cyrillic_softsign, Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN ] };
   key <AC07> { [ Cyrillic_ha, Cyrillic_HA ] };
   key <AC08> { [ Cyrillic_te, Cyrillic_TE, Cyrillic_softsign, Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN ] };
   key <AC09> { [ Cyrillic_en, Cyrillic_EN, Cyrillic_softsign, Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN ] };
   key <AC10> { [ Cyrillic_es, Cyrillic_ES, Cyrillic_sha, Cyrillic_SHA ] };
   // upper row
   key <AD04> { [ Cyrillic_pe, Cyrillic_PE, Cyrillic_softsign, Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN ] };
   key <AD05> { [ Cyrillic_yeru, Cyrillic_YERU ] };
   key <AD06> { [ Cyrillic_ef, Cyrillic_EF ] };
   key <AD07> { [ Cyrillic_ghe, Cyrillic_GHE ] };
   key <AD08> { [ Cyrillic_tse, Cyrillic_TSE, Cyrillic_che, Cyrillic_CHE ] };
   key <AD09> { [ Cyrillic_er, Cyrillic_ER, Cyrillic_softsign, Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN ] };
   key <AD10> { [ Cyrillic_el, Cyrillic_EL, Cyrillic_softsign, Cyrillic_SOFTSIGN ] };

   include "kpdl(comma)"

   include "level3(ralt_switch)"


// A Polish keymap with a comprehensive set of quotes, dashes, and dead accents
// See http://marcinwolinski.pl/keyboard/ for a description.
// ┌────┐
// │ 2 4│   2 = Shift,  4 = Level3 + Shift
// │ 1 3│   1 = Normal, 3 = Level3
// └────┘
// ┌─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┲━━━━━━━━━┓
// │ ~ ~ │ ! ' │ @ " │ # ˝ │ $ ¸ │ % ˇ │ ^ ^ │ & ˘ │ * ˙ │ ( ̣ │ ) ° │ _ ¯ │ + ˛ ┃ ⌫ Back  ┃
// │ ` ` │ 1 ¡ │ 2 © │ 3 • │ 4 § │ 5 € │ 6 ¢ │ 7 − │ 8 × │ 9 ÷ │ 0 ° │ - – │ = — ┃  space  ┃
// ┢━━━━━┷━┱───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┴─┬───┺━┳━━━━━━━┫
// ┃       ┃ Q   │ W   │ E Ę │ R   │ T   │ Y   │ U   │ I   │ O Ó │ P   │ { « │ } » ┃ Enter ┃
// ┃Tab ↹  ┃ q   │ w   │ e ę │ r   │ t   │ y   │ u   │ i   │ o ó │ p   │ [ ‹ │ ] › ┃   ⏎   ┃
// ┣━━━━━━━┻┱────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┴┬────┺┓      ┃
// ┃        ┃ A Ą │ S Ś │ D   │ F   │ G   │ H   │ J   │ K   │ L Ł │ : “ │ " ” │ | ¶ ┃      ┃
// ┃Caps ⇬  ┃ a ą │ s ś │ d   │ f   │ g   │ h   │ j   │ k   │ l ł │ ; ‘ │ ' ’ │ \   ┃      ┃
// ┣━━━━━━━━┹────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┬┴────┲┷━━━━━┻━━━━━━┫
// ┃             │ Z Ż │ X Ź │ C Ć │ V   │ B   │ N Ń │ M   │ < „ │ > · │ ? ¿ ┃             ┃
// ┃Shift ⇧      │ z ż │ x ź │ c ć │ v   │ b   │ n ń │ m   │ , ‚ │ . … │ / ⁄ ┃Shift ⇧      ┃
// ┣━━━━━━━┳━━━━━┷━┳━━━┷━━━┱─┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴─────┴───┲━┷━━━━━╈━━━━━┻━┳━━━━━━━┳━━━┛
// ┃       ┃       ┃       ┃ ␣                               ⍽ ┃       ┃       ┃       ┃
// ┃Ctrl   ┃Meta   ┃Alt    ┃ ␣           Space               ⍽ ┃AltGr ⇮┃Menu   ┃Ctrl   ┃
// ┗━━━━━━━┻━━━━━━━┻━━━━━━━┹───────────────────────────────────┺━━━━━━━┻━━━━━━━┻━━━━━━━┛

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "intl" {

    include "latin(intl)"

    name[Group1]="Polish (intl., with dead keys)";

    key <AD03>	{ [         e,          E,      eogonek,      Eogonek ]	};
    key <AD09>	{ [         o,          O,       oacute,       Oacute ]	};

    key <AC01>	{ [         a,          A,      aogonek,      Aogonek ]	};
    key <AC02>	{ [         s,          S,       sacute,       Sacute ]	};
    key <AC09>	{ [         l,          L,      lstroke,      Lstroke ]	};

    key <AB01>	{ [         z,          Z,    zabovedot,    Zabovedot ]	};
    key <AB02>	{ [         x,          X,       zacute,       Zacute ]	};
    key <AB03>	{ [         c,          C,       cacute,       Cacute ]	};
    key <AB06>	{ [         n,          N,       nacute,       Nacute ]	};

    include "kpdl(comma)"

    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

// Polish Colemak
// by Tomek Piotrowski <tomek.piotrowski@atteo.com>
partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "colemak" {
    include "us(colemak)"
    name[Group1]= "Polish (Colemak)";

    key <AB01> { [            z,            Z,       zabovedot,        Zabovedot ] };
    key <AB02> { [            x,            X, 	        zacute,           Zacute ] };
    key <AB03> { [            c,            C,          cacute,           Cacute ] };
    key <AC01> { [            a,            A,         aogonek,          Aogonek ] };
    key <AC03> { [            s,            S,          sacute,           Sacute ] };
    key <AC07> { [            n,            N,          nacute,           Nacute ] };
    key <AC08> { [            e,            E,         eogonek,          Eogonek ] };
    key <AC10> { [            o,            O,          oacute,           Oacute ] };
    key <AD07> { [            l,            L,         lstroke,          Lstroke ] };

    include "level3(ralt_switch)"

partial alphanumeric_keys
       xkb_symbols "sun_type6" {
       include "sun_vndr/pl(sun_type6)"

partial alphanumeric_keys
xkb_symbols "glagolica"
    name[Group1] = "Polish (Glagolica)";

    key <AD01> { [ U2C21, U2C23, any, any ] };//q/Q/Ⱑ/Ⱓ
    key <AD02> { [ U2C02, U2C19, any, any ] };//w/W/Ⰲ/Ⱉ/
    key <AD03> { [ U2C05, U2C27, U2C24, U2C25 ] };//e/E/Ⰵ/Ⱗ/Ⱔ/Ⱕ
    key <AD04> { [ U2C13, U2C13, any, any ] };//r/R/Ⱃ/Ⱃ
    key <AD05> { [ U2C15, U2C15, any, any ] };//t/T/Ⱅ/Ⱅ
    key <AD06> { [ U2C09, U2C0A, U2C20, any ] };//y/Y/Ⰹ/Ⰺ/Ⱐ
    key <AD07> { [ U2C16, U2C16, any, any ] };//u/U/Ⱆ/
    key <AD08> { [ U2C0B, U2C09, any, any ] };//i/I/Ⰻ/Ⰹ
    key <AD09> { [ U2C11, U2C19, U2C41, any ] };//o/O/Ⱁ/Ⱉ/ⱁ
    key <AD10> { [ U2C12, U2C1A, any, any ] };//p/P/Ⱂ/Ⱊ
    key <AD11> { [ U2C1E, U2C26, any, any ] };//[/{/Ⱎ/Ⱖ
    key <AD12> { [ U2C1B, U2C29, any, any ] };//]/}/Ⱋ/Ⱙ
    key <AC01> { [ U2C00, U2C00, U2C28, U2C29 ] };//a/A/Ⰰ/Ⰰ/Ⱘ/Ⱙ
    key <AC02> { [ U2C14, U2C1E, any, any ] };//[/{/Ⱄ/Ⱎ
    key <AC03> { [ U2C04, U2C04, any, any ] };//d/D/Ⰴ/Ⰴ
    key <AC04> { [ U2C17, U2C2A, any, any ] };//f/F/Ⱇ/Ⱚ
    key <AC05> { [ U2C03, U2C03, any, any ] };//g/G/Ⰳ/Ⰳ
    key <AC06> { [ U2C18, U2C18, any, any ] };//h/H/Ⱈ/Ⱈ
    key <AC07> { [ U2C0A, U2C0A, any, any ] };//j/J/Ⰺ/Ⰺ
    key <AC08> { [ U2C0D, U2C0D, any, any ] };//k/K/Ⰽ/Ⰽ
    key <AC09> { [ U2C0E, U2C0E, any, any ] };//l/L/Ⰾ/Ⰾ
    key <AC12> { [ U2C0C, any, any, any ] };//\/|/Ⰼ
    key <AC10> { [ U2C28, U2C24, any, any ] };//;/:/Ⱘ/Ⱔ
    key <AC11> { [ U2C06, any, any, any ] };//'/"/Ⰶ
    key <AB01> { [ U2C08, U2C07, any, any ] };//z/Z/Ⰸ/Ⰷ
    key <AB02> { [ U2C20, U2C1F, any, any ] };//x/X/Ⱐ/Ⱏ
    key <AB03> { [ U2C1C, U2C1D, any, any] };//c/C/Ⱌ/Ⱍ
    key <AB04> { [ U2C02, U2C2B, any, any ] };//v/V/Ⰲ/Ⱛ
    key <AB05> { [ U2C01, U2C01, any, any ] };//b/B/Ⰱ/Ⰱ
    key <AB06> { [ U2C10, U2C10, any, any ] };//n/N/Ⱀ/Ⱀ
    key <AB07> { [ U2C0F, U2C0F, any, any ] };//m/M/Ⰿ/Ⰿ

    include "kpdl(comma)"

    include "level3(ralt_switch)"



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