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[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/lib/xscreensaver/penrose -root
Comment=Draws quasiperiodic tilings; think of the implications on modern formica technology. In April 1997, Sir Roger Penrose, a British math professor who has worked with Stephen Hawking on such topics as relativity, black holes, and whether time has a beginning, filed a copyright-infringement lawsuit against the Kimberly-Clark Corporation, which Penrose said copied a pattern he created (a pattern demonstrating that "a nonrepeating pattern could exist in nature") for its Kleenex quilted toilet paper. Penrose said he doesn't like litigation but, "When it comes to the population of Great Britain being invited by a multinational to wipe their bottoms on what appears to be the work of a Knight of the Realm, then a last stand must be taken." As reported by News of the Weird #491, 4-Jul-1997. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penrose_tiling Written by Timo Korvola.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
abstractile.desktop File 299 B 0644
binaryring.desktop File 385 B 0644
cwaves.desktop File 308 B 0644
deco.desktop File 418 B 0644
distort.desktop File 359 B 0644
fiberlamp.desktop File 283 B 0644
fuzzyflakes.desktop File 288 B 0644
galaxy.desktop File 377 B 0644
hexadrop.desktop File 357 B 0644
m6502.desktop File 637 B 0644
metaballs.desktop File 365 B 0644
penrose.desktop File 1.04 KB 0644
ripples.desktop File 403 B 0644
shadebobs.desktop File 345 B 0644
slidescreen.desktop File 492 B 0644
swirl.desktop File 265 B 0644
tessellimage.desktop File 845 B 0644
xlyap.desktop File 340 B 0644