'''Apport package hook for the Debian installer. Copyright (C) 2011 Canonical Ltd. Authors: Colin Watson <cjwatson@ubuntu.com>, Brian Murray <brian@ubuntu.com>''' import os from apport.hookutils import attach_hardware, command_available, command_output, attach_root_command_outputs def add_installation_log(report, ident, name): if os.path.exists('/var/log/installer/%s' % name): f = '/var/log/installer/%s' % name elif os.path.exists('/var/log/%s' % name): f = '/var/log/%s' % name else: return if os.access(f, os.R_OK): report[ident] = (f,) else: attach_root_command_outputs(report, {ident: "cat '%s'" % f}) def add_info(report): attach_hardware(report) report['DiskUsage'] = command_output(['df']) report['MemoryUsage'] = command_output(['free']) if command_available('dmraid'): attach_root_command_outputs(report, {'DmraidSets': 'dmraid -s', 'DmraidDevices': 'dmraid -r'}) if command_available('dmsetup'): attach_root_command_outputs(report, {'DeviceMapperTables': 'dmsetup table'}) try: installer_version = open('/var/log/installer/version') for line in installer_version: if line.startswith('ubiquity '): # File these reports on the ubiquity package instead report['SourcePackage'] = 'ubiquity' break installer_version.close() except IOError: pass add_installation_log(report, 'DIPartman', 'partman') add_installation_log(report, 'DISyslog', 'syslog') if __name__ == '__main__': report = {} add_info(report) for key in report: if isinstance(report[key], type('')): print('%s: %s' % (key, report[key].split('\n', 1)[0])) else: print('%s: %s' % (key, type(report[key])))