[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
'''Apport package hook for the Linux kernel.

(c) 2008 Canonical Ltd.
Matt Zimmerman <mdz@canonical.com>
Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@canonical.com>
Brian Murray <brian@canonical.com>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.  See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for
the full text of the license.

import os.path, re
import apport
import apport.hookutils

SUBMIT_SCRIPT = "/usr/bin/kerneloops-submit"

def add_info(report, ui):

    # If running an upstream kernel, instruct reporter to file bug upstream
    abi = re.search("-(.*?)-", report['Uname'])
    if abi and (abi.group(1) == '999' or re.search("^0\d", abi.group(1))):
        ui.information("It appears you are currently running a mainline kernel.  It would be better to report this bug upstream at http://bugzilla.kernel.org/ so that the upstream kernel developers are aware of the issue.  If you'd still like to file a bug against the Ubuntu kernel, please boot with an official Ubuntu kernel and re-file.")
        report['UnreportableReason'] = 'The running kernel is not an Ubuntu kernel'

    version_signature = report.get('ProcVersionSignature', '')
    if not version_signature.startswith('Ubuntu ') and 'CrashDB' not in report:
        report['UnreportableReason'] = 'The running kernel is not an Ubuntu kernel'

    # Prevent reports against the linux-meta and linux-signed families, redirect to the main package.
    for src_pkg in ['linux-meta', 'linux-signed']:
        if report['SourcePackage'].startswith(src_pkg):
            report['SourcePackage'] = report['SourcePackage'].replace(src_pkg, 'linux', 1)

    report.setdefault('Tags', '')

    # Tag up back ported kernel reports for easy identification
    if report['SourcePackage'].startswith('linux-lts-'):
        report['Tags'] += ' qa-kernel-lts-testing'

    apport.hookutils.attach_file(report, '/proc/fb', 'ProcFB')

    staging_drivers = re.findall("(\w+): module is from the staging directory",
    if staging_drivers:
        staging_drivers = list(set(staging_drivers))
        report['StagingDrivers'] = ' '.join(staging_drivers)
        report['Tags'] += ' staging'
        # Only if there is an existing title prepend '[STAGING]'.
        # Changed to prevent bug titles with just '[STAGING] '.
        if report.get('Title'):
            report['Title'] = '[STAGING] ' + report.get('Title')

    apport.hookutils.attach_file_if_exists(report, "/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume", key="HibernationDevice")

    uname_release = os.uname()[2]
    lrm_package_name = 'linux-restricted-modules-%s' % uname_release
    lbm_package_name = 'linux-backports-modules-%s' % uname_release

    apport.hookutils.attach_related_packages(report, [lrm_package_name, lbm_package_name, 'linux-firmware'])

    if ('Failure' in report and report['Failure'] == 'oops' and
            'OopsText' in report and os.path.exists(SUBMIT_SCRIPT)):
        # tag kerneloopses with the version of the kerneloops package
        apport.hookutils.attach_related_packages(report, ['kerneloops-daemon'])
        oopstext = report['OopsText']
        dupe_sig1 = None
        dupe_sig2 = None
        for line in oopstext.splitlines():
            if line.startswith('BUG:'):
                bug = re.compile('at [0-9a-f]+$')
                dupe_sig1 = bug.sub('at location', line)
            rip = re.compile('^[RE]?IP:')
            if re.search(rip, line):
                loc = re.compile('\[<[0-9a-f]+>\]')
                dupe_sig2 = loc.sub('location', line)
        if dupe_sig1 and dupe_sig2:
            report['DuplicateSignature'] = '%s %s' % (dupe_sig1, dupe_sig2)
        # it's from kerneloops, ask the user whether to submit there as well
        if ui:
            # Some OopsText begin with "--- [ cut here ] ---", so remove it
            oopstext = re.sub("---.*\n", "", oopstext)
            first_line = re.match(".*\n", oopstext)
            ip = re.search("(R|E)?IP\:.*\n", oopstext)
            kernel_driver = re.search("(R|E)?IP(:| is at) .*\[(.*)\]\n", oopstext)
            call_trace = re.search("Call Trace(.*\n){,10}", oopstext)
            oops = ''
            if first_line:
                oops += first_line.group(0)
            if ip:
                oops += ip.group(0)
            if call_trace:
                oops += call_trace.group(0)
            if kernel_driver:
                report['Tags'] += ' kernel-driver-%s' % kernel_driver.group(3)
            # 2012-01-13 - disable submission question as kerneloops.org is
            #   down
            # if ui.yesno("This report may also be submitted to "
            #     "http://kerneloops.org/ in order to help collect aggregate "
            #     "information about kernel problems. This aids in identifying "
            #     "widespread issues and problematic areas. A condensed "
            #     "summary of the Oops is shown below.  Would you like to submit "
            #     "information about this crash to kerneloops.org?"
            #     "\n\n%s" % oops):
            #     text = report['OopsText']
            #     proc = subprocess.Popen(SUBMIT_SCRIPT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
            #     proc.communicate(text)
    elif 'Failure' in report and ('resume' in report['Failure'] or
                                  'suspend' in report['Failure']):
        crash_signature = report.crash_signature()
        if crash_signature:
            report['DuplicateSignature'] = crash_signature

    if report.get('ProblemType') == 'Package':
        # in case there is a failure with a grub script
        apport.hookutils.attach_related_packages(report, ['grub-pc'])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    r = apport.Report()
    r['ProcVersionSignature'] = 'Ubuntu 3.4.0'
    add_info(r, None)
    for k, v in r.items():
        print('%s: %s' % (k, v))


Name Type Size Permission Actions
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source_apparmor.py File 2.8 KB 0644
source_apport.py File 569 B 0644
source_apport.pyc File 830 B 0644
source_byobu.py File 417 B 0644
source_console-setup.py File 374 B 0644
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source_debian-installer.pyc File 2.04 KB 0644
source_fontconfig.py File 162 B 0644
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source_libwacom.py File 23.93 KB 0755
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source_libxcb.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxcomposite.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxcursor.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxdamage.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxdmcp.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxext.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxfixes.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxfont.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxfontcache.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxft.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxi.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxinerama.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxkbcommon.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxkbfile.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxkbui.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxmu.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxpm.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxrandr.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxrender.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxres.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxss.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxt.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxtst.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxv.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxvmc.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxxf86dga.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_libxxf86vm.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_linux-firmware.py File 6.11 KB 0644
source_linux-firmware.pyc File 4.45 KB 0644
source_linux-meta-oem-osp1.py File 6.11 KB 0644
source_linux-meta-oem-osp1.pyc File 4.46 KB 0644
source_linux-meta-oem.py File 6.11 KB 0644
source_linux-meta-oem.pyc File 4.45 KB 0644
source_linux-meta.py File 6.11 KB 0644
source_linux-meta.pyc File 4.45 KB 0644
source_linux-nexus7.py File 948 B 0644
source_linux-nexus7.pyc File 1.11 KB 0644
source_linux-oem-osp1.py File 6.11 KB 0644
source_linux-oem-osp1.pyc File 4.45 KB 0644
source_linux-oem.py File 6.11 KB 0644
source_linux-oem.pyc File 4.44 KB 0644
source_linux-signed-oem-osp1.py File 6.11 KB 0644
source_linux-signed-oem-osp1.pyc File 4.47 KB 0644
source_linux-signed-oem.py File 6.11 KB 0644
source_linux-signed-oem.pyc File 4.46 KB 0644
source_linux-signed.py File 6.11 KB 0644
source_linux-signed.pyc File 4.45 KB 0644
source_linux.py File 6.11 KB 0644
source_linux.pyc File 4.44 KB 0644
source_mdadm.py File 2.2 KB 0644
source_mesa-demos.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_mesa.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_mtdev.py File 4.07 KB 0644
source_mysql-5.7.py File 2.46 KB 0644
source_network-manager-applet.py File 2.93 KB 0644
source_network-manager.py File 2.93 KB 0644
source_pixman.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_plymouth.py File 1.26 KB 0644
source_pulseaudio.py File 278 B 0644
source_radeontool.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_shadow.py File 720 B 0644
source_shim-signed.py File 1.95 KB 0644
source_shim.py File 1.95 KB 0644
source_sudo.py File 1.13 KB 0644
source_ubiquity.py File 7.55 KB 0644
source_ubiquity.pyc File 6.11 KB 0644
source_ubuntu-advantage-tools.py File 1.01 KB 0644
source_ubuntu-release-upgrader.py File 2.19 KB 0644
source_unattended-upgrades.py File 705 B 0644
source_update-manager.py File 2.24 KB 0644
source_utouch-grail.py File 4.07 KB 0644
source_utouch.py File 4.07 KB 0644
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source_weston.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_x-kit.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_x11-apps.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_x11-session-utils.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_x11-utils.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_x11-xfs-utils.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_x11-xkb-utils.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_x11-xserver-utils.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_x11proto-bigreqs.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_x11proto-composite.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_x11proto-core.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_x11proto-damage.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_x11proto-dmx.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_x11proto-dri2.py File 23.93 KB 0755
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source_xf86-input-mtrack.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_xf86-input-wacom.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_xf86-video-displaylink.py File 23.93 KB 0755
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source_xf86-video-omapfb.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_xfonts-core.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_xfonts-utils.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_xfs.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_xft.py File 23.93 KB 0755
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source_xkeyboard-config.py File 23.93 KB 0755
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source_xserver-xorg-input-joystick.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_xserver-xorg-input-keyboard.py File 23.93 KB 0755
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source_xserver-xorg-input-mouse.py File 23.93 KB 0755
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source_xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_xserver-xorg-input-void.py File 23.93 KB 0755
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source_xserver-xorg-video-displaylink.py File 23.93 KB 0755
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source_xserver-xorg-video-s3.py File 23.93 KB 0755
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source_xserver-xorg-video-sisusb.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_xserver-xorg-video-trident.py File 23.93 KB 0755
source_xserver-xorg-video-vesa.py File 23.93 KB 0755
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systemd.py File 872 B 0644
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