'''apport package hook for mdadm (c) 2009-2016 Canonical Ltd. Author: Steve Beattie <sbeattie@ubuntu.com> Based on the ideas in debian's /usr/share/bug/mdadm/script ''' from apport.hookutils import attach_file, attach_file_if_exists, attach_hardware, path_to_key, command_output import os import re import glob import gzip import subprocess import sys def get_initrd_files(pattern): '''Extract listing of files from the current initrd which match a regex. pattern should be a "re" object. ''' (_, _, release, _, _) = os.uname() try: fd = gzip.GzipFile('/boot/initrd.img-' + release, 'rb') # universal_newlines needs to be False here as we're passing # binary data from gzip into cpio, which means we'll need to # decode the bytes into strings later when reading the output cpio = subprocess.Popen(['cpio', '-t'], close_fds=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=False) except OSError as e: return 'Error: ' + str(e) out = cpio.communicate(fd.read())[0].decode(sys.stdout.encoding, errors='replace') if cpio.returncode != 0: return 'Error: command %s failed with exit code %i %' % ( 'cpio', cpio.returncode, out) lines = ''.join([l for l in out.splitlines(True) if pattern.search(l)]) return lines def add_info(report): attach_hardware(report) attach_file(report, '/proc/mounts', 'ProcMounts') attach_file_if_exists(report, '/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf', 'mdadm.conf') attach_file(report, '/proc/mdstat', 'ProcMDstat') attach_file(report, '/proc/partitions', 'ProcPartitions') attach_file(report, '/etc/blkid.tab', 'etc.blkid.tab') attach_file_if_exists(report, '/boot/grub/menu.lst', 'GrubMenu.lst') attach_file_if_exists(report, '/boot/grub/grub.cfg', 'Grub.cfg') attach_file_if_exists(report, '/etc/lilo.conf', 'lilo.conf') devices = glob.glob("/dev/[hs]d*") for dev in devices: report['MDadmExamine' + path_to_key(dev)] = command_output(['/sbin/mdadm', '-E', dev]) initrd_re = re.compile('md[a/]') report['initrd.files'] = get_initrd_files(initrd_re)