[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
Module: Test_Keepalived
  Provides unit tests and examples for the <Keepalived> lens.

module Test_Keepalived =

(* Variable: conf
   A full configuration file *)
   let conf = "! This is a comment
! Configuration File for keepalived

global_defs {
  ! this is who emails will go to on alerts
  notification_email {
    ! add a few more email addresses here if you would like
  notification_email_from admins@example.com

  smtp_server  ! I use the local machine to relay mail
  smtp_connect_timeout 30

  ! each load balancer should have a different ID
  ! this will be used in SMTP alerts, so you should make
  ! each router easily identifiable
  lvs_id LVS_EXAMPLE_01

  vrrp_mcast_group6 ff02::12

vrrp_sync_group VG1 {
  group {
    inside_network  # name of vrrp_instance (below)
    outside_network # One for each moveable IP.
  notify /usr/bin/foo
  notify_master /usr/bin/foo

vrrp_instance VI_1 {
  state MASTER
  interface eth0

  track_interface {
    eth0 # Back
    eth1 # DMZ
  track_script {
    check_apache2    # weight = +2 si ok, 0 si nok
  garp_master_delay 5
  garp_master_repeat 5
  garp_master_refresh 5
  garp_master_refresh_repeat 5
  priority 50
  advert_int 2
  authentication {
    auth_type PASS
    auth_pass mypass
  virtual_ipaddress { dev eth0

  lvs_sync_daemon_interface eth0

  notify_master   \"/svr/scripts/notify_master.sh\"
  notify_backup   \"/svr/scripts/notify_backup.sh\"
  notify_fault    \"/svr/scripts/notify_fault.sh\"
  notify          \"/svr/scripts/notify.sh\"

  ! each virtual router id must be unique per instance name!
  virtual_router_id 51

  ! MASTER and BACKUP state are determined by the priority
  ! even if you specify MASTER as the state, the state will
  ! be voted on by priority (so if your state is MASTER but your
  ! priority is lower than the router with BACKUP, you will lose
  ! the MASTER state)
  ! I make it a habit to set priorities at least 50 points apart
  ! note that a lower number is lesser priority - lower gets less vote
  priority 150

  ! how often should we vote, in seconds?
  advert_int 1

  ! send an alert when this instance changes state from MASTER to BACKUP

  ! this authentication is for syncing between failover servers
  ! keepalived supports PASS, which is simple password
  ! authentication
  ! or AH, which is the IPSec authentication header.
  ! I don't use AH
  ! yet as many people have reported problems with it
  authentication {
    auth_type PASS
    auth_pass example

  ! these are the IP addresses that keepalived will setup on this
  ! machine. Later in the config we will specify which real
  ! servers  are behind these IPs
  ! without this block, keepalived will not setup and takedown the
  ! any IP addresses

  virtual_ipaddress { dev vlan933 # parse it well
    ! and more if you want them



  unicast_peer {

virtual_server 22 {
  delay_loop 6

  ! use round-robin as a load balancing algorithm
  lb_algo rr

  ! we are doing NAT
  lb_kind NAT

  protocol TCP

  sorry_server 22

  ! there can be as many real_server blocks as you need

  real_server 22 {

    ! if we used weighted round-robin or a similar lb algo,
    ! we include the weight of this server

    weight 1

    ! here is a health checker for this server.
    ! we could use a custom script here (see the keepalived docs)
    ! but we will just make sure we can do a vanilla tcp connect()
    ! on port 22
    ! if it fails, we will pull this realserver out of the pool
    ! and send email about the removal
      connect_timeout 3
      connect_port 22

virtual_server_group DNS_1 { 22 36 27

vrrp_script chk_apache2 {       # Requires keepalived-1.1.13
  script \"killall -0 apache2\"   # faster
  interval 2                      # check every 2 seconds
  weight 2                        # add 2 points of prio if OK
  fall 5
  raise 5

! that's all

(* Test: Keepalived.lns
   Test the full <conf> *)
   test Keepalived.lns get conf =
     { "#comment" = "This is a comment" }
     { "#comment" = "Configuration File for keepalived" }
     { "global_defs"
       { "#comment" = "this is who emails will go to on alerts" }
       { "notification_email"
         { "email" = "admins@example.com" }
         { "email" = "fakepager@example.com" }
         { "#comment" = "add a few more email addresses here if you would like" } }
       { "notification_email_from" = "admins@example.com" }
       { }
       { "smtp_server" = ""
         { "#comment" = "I use the local machine to relay mail" } }
       { "smtp_connect_timeout" = "30" }
       { "#comment" = "each load balancer should have a different ID" }
       { "#comment" = "this will be used in SMTP alerts, so you should make" }
       { "#comment" = "each router easily identifiable" }
       { "lvs_id" = "LVS_EXAMPLE_01" }
       { "vrrp_mcast_group4" = "" }
       { "vrrp_mcast_group6" = "ff02::12" } }
     { "vrrp_sync_group" = "VG1"
       { "group"
         { "inside_network"
           { "#comment" = "name of vrrp_instance (below)" } }
         { "outside_network"
           { "#comment" = "One for each moveable IP." } } }
         { "notify" = "/usr/bin/foo" }
         { "notify_master" = "/usr/bin/foo" }
         { "smtp_alert" } }
     { "vrrp_instance" = "VI_1"
       { "state" = "MASTER" }
       { "interface" = "eth0" }
       { }
       { "track_interface"
         { "eth0" { "#comment" = "Back" } }
         { "eth1" { "#comment" = "DMZ" } } }
       { "track_script"
         { "check_apache2" { "#comment" = "weight = +2 si ok, 0 si nok" } } }
       { "garp_master_delay" = "5" }
       { "garp_master_repeat" = "5" }
       { "garp_master_refresh" = "5" }
       { "garp_master_refresh_repeat" = "5" }
       { "priority" = "50" }
       { "advert_int" = "2" }
       { "authentication"
         { "auth_type" = "PASS" }
         { "auth_pass" = "mypass" } }
       { "virtual_ipaddress"
         { "ipaddr" = ""
           { "prefixlen" = "32" }
           { "dev" = "eth0" } } }
       { }
       { "lvs_sync_daemon_interface" = "eth0" }
       { "ha_suspend" }
       { }
       { "notify_master" = "\"/svr/scripts/notify_master.sh\"" }
       { "notify_backup" = "\"/svr/scripts/notify_backup.sh\"" }
       { "notify_fault" = "\"/svr/scripts/notify_fault.sh\"" }
       { "notify" = "\"/svr/scripts/notify.sh\"" }
       { }
       { "#comment" = "each virtual router id must be unique per instance name!" }
       { "virtual_router_id" = "51" }
       { }
       { "#comment" = "MASTER and BACKUP state are determined by the priority" }
       { "#comment" = "even if you specify MASTER as the state, the state will" }
       { "#comment" = "be voted on by priority (so if your state is MASTER but your" }
       { "#comment" = "priority is lower than the router with BACKUP, you will lose" }
       { "#comment" = "the MASTER state)" }
       { "#comment" = "I make it a habit to set priorities at least 50 points apart" }
       { "#comment" = "note that a lower number is lesser priority - lower gets less vote" }
       { "priority" = "150" }
       { }
       { "#comment" = "how often should we vote, in seconds?" }
       { "advert_int" = "1" }
       { }
       { "#comment" = "send an alert when this instance changes state from MASTER to BACKUP" }
       { "smtp_alert" }
       { }
       { "#comment" = "this authentication is for syncing between failover servers" }
       { "#comment" = "keepalived supports PASS, which is simple password" }
       { "#comment" = "authentication" }
       { "#comment" = "or AH, which is the IPSec authentication header." }
       { "#comment" = "I don't use AH" }
       { "#comment" = "yet as many people have reported problems with it" }
       { "authentication"
         { "auth_type" = "PASS" }
         { "auth_pass" = "example" } }
       { }
       { "#comment" = "these are the IP addresses that keepalived will setup on this" }
       { "#comment" = "machine. Later in the config we will specify which real" }
       { "#comment" = "servers  are behind these IPs" }
       { "#comment" = "without this block, keepalived will not setup and takedown the" }
       { "#comment" = "any IP addresses" }
       { }
       { "virtual_ipaddress"
         { "ipaddr" = "" }
         { "ipaddr" = ""
           { "prefixlen" = "32" }
           { "dev" = "vlan933" }
           { "#comment" = "parse it well" } }
         { "#comment" = "and more if you want them" } }
       { }
       { "use_vmac" }
       { "vmac_xmit_base" }
       { "native_ipv6" }
       { "dont_track_primary" }
       { "preempt_delay" }
       { }
       { "mcast_src_ip" = "" }
       { "unicast_src_ip" = "" }
       { }
       { "unicast_peer"
         { "ipaddr" = "" }
         { "ipaddr" = "" } } }
     { }
     { "virtual_server"
       { "ip" = "" }
       { "port" = "22" }
       { "delay_loop" = "6" }
       { }
       { "#comment" = "use round-robin as a load balancing algorithm" }
       { "lb_algo" = "rr" }
       { }
       { "#comment" = "we are doing NAT" }
       { "lb_kind" = "NAT" }
       { "nat_mask" = "" }
       { }
       { "protocol" = "TCP" }
       { }
       { "sorry_server"
         { "ip" = "" }
         { "port" = "22" } }
       { }
       { "#comment" = "there can be as many real_server blocks as you need" }
       { }
       { "real_server"
         { "ip" = "" }
         { "port" = "22" }
         { "#comment" = "if we used weighted round-robin or a similar lb algo," }
         { "#comment" = "we include the weight of this server" }
         { }
         { "weight" = "1" }
         { }
         { "#comment" = "here is a health checker for this server." }
         { "#comment" = "we could use a custom script here (see the keepalived docs)" }
         { "#comment" = "but we will just make sure we can do a vanilla tcp connect()" }
         { "#comment" = "on port 22" }
         { "#comment" = "if it fails, we will pull this realserver out of the pool" }
         { "#comment" = "and send email about the removal" }
         { "TCP_CHECK"
           { "connect_timeout" = "3" }
           { "connect_port" = "22" } } } }
       { }
       { "virtual_server_group" = "DNS_1"
         { "vip"
           { "ipaddr" = "" }
           { "port" = "22" } }
         { "vip"
           { "ipaddr" = "" }
           { "port" = "36" } }
         { "vip"
           { "ipaddr" = ""
           { "prefixlen" = "32" } }
           { "port" = "27" } } }
       { }
       { "vrrp_script" = "chk_apache2"
         { "#comment" = "Requires keepalived-1.1.13" }
         { "script" = "\"killall -0 apache2\""
           { "#comment" = "faster" } }
         { "interval" = "2"
           { "#comment" = "check every 2 seconds" } }
         { "weight" = "2"
           { "#comment" = "add 2 points of prio if OK" } }
         { "fall" = "5" }
         { "raise" = "5" } }
       { }
       { "#comment" = "that's all" }

(* Variable: tcp_check
   An example of a TCP health checker *)
let tcp_check = "virtual_server 22 {
  real_server 22 {
      connect_timeout 3
      connect_port 22
test Keepalived.lns get tcp_check =
  { "virtual_server"
    { "ip" = "" }
    { "port" = "22" }
    { "real_server"
      { "ip" = "" }
      { "port" = "22" }
      { "TCP_CHECK"
        { "connect_timeout" = "3" }
        { "connect_port" = "22" }
        { "bindto" = "" } } } }

(* Variable: misc_check
   An example of a MISC health checker *)
let misc_check = "virtual_server 22 {
  real_server 22 {
      misc_path /usr/local/bin/server_test
      misc_timeout 3
test Keepalived.lns get misc_check =
  { "virtual_server"
    { "ip" = "" }
    { "port" = "22" }
    { "real_server"
      { "ip" = "" }
      { "port" = "22" }
      { "MISC_CHECK"
        { "misc_path" = "/usr/local/bin/server_test" }
        { "misc_timeout" = "3" }
        { "misc_dynamic" } } } }

(* Variable: smtp_check
   An example of an SMTP health checker *)
let smtp_check = "virtual_server 22 {
  real_server 22 {
      host {
        connect_port 587
      connect_timeout 3
      retry 5
      delay_before_retry 10
      helo_name \"Testing Augeas\"
test Keepalived.lns get smtp_check =
  { "virtual_server"
    { "ip" = "" }
    { "port" = "22" }
    { "real_server"
      { "ip" = "" }
      { "port" = "22" }
      { "SMTP_CHECK"
        { "host"
          { "connect_ip" = "" }
          { "connect_port" = "587" }
          { "bindto" = "" } }
        { "connect_timeout" = "3" }
        { "retry" = "5" }
        { "delay_before_retry" = "10" }
        { "helo_name" = "\"Testing Augeas\"" } } } }

(* Variable: http_check
   An example of an HTTP health checker *)
let http_check = "virtual_server 22 {
  real_server 22 {
    HTTP_GET {
      url {
        path /mrtg2/
        digest 9b3a0c85a887a256d6939da88aabd8cd
        status_code 200
      connect_timeout 3
      connect_port 8080
      nb_get_retry 5
      delay_before_retry 10
    SSL_GET {
      connect_port 8443
test Keepalived.lns get http_check =
  { "virtual_server"
    { "ip" = "" }
    { "port" = "22" }
    { "real_server"
      { "ip" = "" }
      { "port" = "22" }
      { "HTTP_GET"
        { "url"
          { "path" = "/mrtg2/" }
          { "digest" = "9b3a0c85a887a256d6939da88aabd8cd" }
          { "status_code" = "200" } }
        { "connect_timeout" = "3" }
        { "connect_port" = "8080" }
        { "nb_get_retry" = "5" }
        { "delay_before_retry" = "10" } }
      { "SSL_GET"
        { "connect_port" = "8443" } } } }


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test_xymon.aug File 4.29 KB 0644
test_xymon_alerting.aug File 7.44 KB 0644
test_yaml.aug File 1.34 KB 0644
test_yum.aug File 7.28 KB 0644