module Test_Mailscanner = let conf = "# Main configuration file for the MailScanner E-Mail Virus Scanner %org-name% = BARUWA %org-long-name% = BARUWA MAILFW %web-site% = %etc-dir% = /etc/MailScanner %reports-base% = /etc/MailScanner/reports %report-dir% = /etc/MailScanner/reports/en %rules-dir% = /etc/MailScanner/rules %mcp-dir% = /etc/MailScanner/mcp %spool-dir% = /var/spool/MailScanner %signature-dir% = /etc/MailScanner/baruwa/signatures %brules-dir% = /etc/MailScanner/baruwa/rules Max Children = 5 Run As User = exim Run As Group = exim Queue Scan Interval = 6 Incoming Queue Dir = /var/spool/ Outgoing Queue Dir = /var/spool/exim/input Incoming Work Dir = %spool-dir%/incoming Quarantine Dir = %spool-dir%/quarantine PID file = /var/run/MailScanner/ Restart Every = 7200 MTA = exim Sendmail = /usr/sbin/exim -C /etc/exim/exim_out.conf Sendmail2 = /usr/sbin/exim -C /etc/exim/exim_out.conf Incoming Work User = exim Incoming Work Group = clam Incoming Work Permissions = 0640 Quarantine User = exim Quarantine Group = baruwa Quarantine Permissions = 0660 Max Unscanned Bytes Per Scan = 100m Max Unsafe Bytes Per Scan = 50m Max Unscanned Messages Per Scan = 30 Max Unsafe Messages Per Scan = 30 Max Normal Queue Size = 800 Scan Messages = %rules-dir%/scan.messages.rules Reject Message = no Maximum Processing Attempts = 6 Processing Attempts Database = %spool-dir%/incoming/Processing.db Maximum Attachments Per Message = 200 Expand TNEF = yes Use TNEF Contents = replace Deliver Unparsable TNEF = no TNEF Expander = /usr/bin/tnef --maxsize=100000000 TNEF Timeout = 120 File Command = /usr/sbin/file-wrapper File Timeout = 20 Gunzip Command = /bin/gunzip Gunzip Timeout = 50 Unrar Command = /usr/bin/unrar Unrar Timeout = 50 Find UU-Encoded Files = no Maximum Message Size = %brules-dir%/message.size.rules Maximum Attachment Size = -1 Minimum Attachment Size = -1 Maximum Archive Depth = 4 Find Archives By Content = yes Unpack Microsoft Documents = yes Zip Attachments = no Attachments Zip Filename = Attachments Min Total Size To Zip = 100k Attachment Extensions Not To Zip = .zip .rar .gz .tgz .jpg .jpeg .mpg .mpe .mpeg .mp3 .rpm .htm .html .eml Add Text Of Doc = no Antiword = /usr/bin/antiword -f Antiword Timeout = 50 Unzip Maximum Files Per Archive = 0 Unzip Maximum File Size = 50k Unzip Filenames = *.txt *.ini *.log *.csv Unzip MimeType = text/plain Virus Scanning = %brules-dir%/virus.checks.rules Virus Scanners = auto Virus Scanner Timeout = 300 Deliver Disinfected Files = no Silent Viruses = HTML-IFrame All-Viruses Still Deliver Silent Viruses = no Non-Forging Viruses = Joke/ OF97/ WM97/ W97M/ eicar Spam-Virus Header = X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW-SpamVirus-Report: Virus Names Which Are Spam = Sanesecurity.Spam*UNOFFICIAL HTML/* *Phish* *Suspected-phishing_safebrowsing* Block Encrypted Messages = no Block Unencrypted Messages = no Allow Password-Protected Archives = yes Check Filenames In Password-Protected Archives = yes Allowed Sophos Error Messages = Sophos IDE Dir = /opt/sophos-av/lib/sav Sophos Lib Dir = /opt/sophos-av/lib Monitors For Sophos Updates = /opt/sophos-av/lib/sav/*.ide Monitors for ClamAV Updates = /var/lib/clamav/*.cvd ClamAVmodule Maximum Recursion Level = 8 ClamAVmodule Maximum Files = 1000 ClamAVmodule Maximum File Size = 10000000 ClamAVmodule Maximum Compression Ratio = 250 Clamd Port = 3310 Clamd Socket = /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock Clamd Lock File = Clamd Use Threads = no ClamAV Full Message Scan = yes Fpscand Port = 10200 Dangerous Content Scanning = %rules-dir%/content.scanning.rules Allow Partial Messages = no Allow External Message Bodies = no Find Phishing Fraud = yes Also Find Numeric Phishing = yes Use Stricter Phishing Net = yes Highlight Phishing Fraud = yes Phishing Safe Sites File = %etc-dir%/ Phishing Bad Sites File = %etc-dir%/phishing.bad.sites.conf Country Sub-Domains List = %etc-dir%/ Allow IFrame Tags = disarm Allow Form Tags = disarm Allow Script Tags = disarm Allow WebBugs = disarm Ignored Web Bug Filenames = spacer pixel.gif pixel.png gap Known Web Bug Servers = Web Bug Replacement = Allow Object Codebase Tags = disarm Convert Dangerous HTML To Text = no Convert HTML To Text = no Archives Are = zip rar ole Allow Filenames = Deny Filenames = Filename Rules = %rules-dir%/filename.rules Allow Filetypes = Allow File MIME Types = Deny Filetypes = Deny File MIME Types = Filetype Rules = %rules-dir%/filetype.rules Archives: Allow Filenames = Archives: Deny Filenames = Archives: Filename Rules = %etc-dir%/archives.filename.rules.conf Archives: Allow Filetypes = Archives: Allow File MIME Types = Archives: Deny Filetypes = Archives: Deny File MIME Types = Archives: Filetype Rules = %etc-dir%/archives.filetype.rules.conf Default Rename Pattern = __FILENAME__.disarmed Quarantine Infections = yes Quarantine Silent Viruses = no Quarantine Modified Body = no Quarantine Whole Message = yes Quarantine Whole Messages As Queue Files = no Keep Spam And MCP Archive Clean = yes Language Strings = %brules-dir%/languages.rules Rejection Report = %brules-dir%/rejectionreport.rules Deleted Bad Content Message Report = %brules-dir%/deletedcontentmessage.rules Deleted Bad Filename Message Report = %brules-dir%/deletedfilenamemessage.rules Deleted Virus Message Report = %brules-dir%/deletedvirusmessage.rules Deleted Size Message Report = %brules-dir%/deletedsizemessage.rules Stored Bad Content Message Report = %brules-dir%/storedcontentmessage.rules Stored Bad Filename Message Report = %brules-dir%/storedfilenamemessage.rules Stored Virus Message Report = %brules-dir%/storedvirusmessage.rules Stored Size Message Report = %brules-dir%/storedsizemessage.rules Disinfected Report = %brules-dir%/disinfectedreport.rules Inline HTML Signature = %brules-dir%/html.sigs.rules Inline Text Signature = %brules-dir%/text.sigs.rules Signature Image Filename = %brules-dir%/sig.imgs.names.rules Signature Image <img> Filename = %brules-dir%/sig.imgs.rules Inline HTML Warning = %brules-dir%/inlinewarninghtml.rules Inline Text Warning = %brules-dir%/inlinewarningtxt.rules Sender Content Report = %brules-dir%/sendercontentreport.rules Sender Error Report = %brules-dir%/sendererrorreport.rules Sender Bad Filename Report = %brules-dir%/senderfilenamereport.rules Sender Virus Report = %brules-dir%/sendervirusreport.rules Sender Size Report = %brules-dir%/sendersizereport.rules Hide Incoming Work Dir = yes Include Scanner Name In Reports = yes Mail Header = X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW: Spam Header = X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW-SpamCheck: Spam Score Header = X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW-SpamScore: Information Header = X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW-Information: Add Envelope From Header = yes Add Envelope To Header = no Envelope From Header = X-BARUWA-BaruwaFW-From: Envelope To Header = X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW-To: ID Header = X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW-ID: IP Protocol Version Header = Spam Score Character = s SpamScore Number Instead Of Stars = no Minimum Stars If On Spam List = 0 Clean Header Value = Found to be clean Infected Header Value = Found to be infected Disinfected Header Value = Disinfected Information Header Value = Please contact %org-long-name% for more information Detailed Spam Report = yes Include Scores In SpamAssassin Report = yes Always Include SpamAssassin Report = no Multiple Headers = add Place New Headers At Top Of Message = yes Hostname = the %org-name% ($HOSTNAME) Baruwa Sign Messages Already Processed = no Sign Clean Messages = %brules-dir%/sign.clean.msgs.rules Attach Image To Signature = yes Attach Image To HTML Message Only = yes Allow Multiple HTML Signatures = no Dont Sign HTML If Headers Exist = Mark Infected Messages = yes Mark Unscanned Messages = no Unscanned Header Value = Not scanned: please contact %org-long-name% for details Remove These Headers = X-Mozilla-Status: X-Mozilla-Status2: Deliver Cleaned Messages = yes Notify Senders = no Notify Senders Of Viruses = no Notify Senders Of Blocked Filenames Or Filetypes = no Notify Senders Of Blocked Size Attachments = no Notify Senders Of Other Blocked Content = no Never Notify Senders Of Precedence = list bulk Scanned Modify Subject = no Scanned Subject Text = {Scanned} Virus Modify Subject = no Virus Subject Text = {Virus?} Filename Modify Subject = no Filename Subject Text = {Filename?} Content Modify Subject = no Content Subject Text = {Dangerous Content?} Size Modify Subject = no Size Subject Text = {Size} Disarmed Modify Subject = no Disarmed Subject Text = {Disarmed} Phishing Modify Subject = yes Phishing Subject Text = {Suspected Phishing?} Spam Modify Subject = no Spam Subject Text = {Spam?} High Scoring Spam Modify Subject = no High Scoring Spam Subject Text = {Spam?} Warning Is Attachment = yes Attachment Warning Filename = %org-name%-Attachment-Warning.txt Attachment Encoding Charset = ISO-8859-1 Archive Mail = Missing Mail Archive Is = file Send Notices = no Notices Include Full Headers = yes Hide Incoming Work Dir in Notices = yes Notice Signature = -- \\n%org-name%\\nEmail Security\\n%website% Notices From = Baruwa Notices To = postmaster Local Postmaster = postmaster Spam List Definitions = %etc-dir%/spam.lists.conf Virus Scanner Definitions = %etc-dir%/virus.scanners.conf Spam Checks = %brules-dir%/spam.checks.rules Spam List = Spam Domain List = Spam Lists To Be Spam = 1 Spam Lists To Reach High Score = 3 Spam List Timeout = 10 Max Spam List Timeouts = 7 Spam List Timeouts History = 10 Is Definitely Not Spam = %brules-dir%/approved.senders.rules Is Definitely Spam = %brules-dir%/banned.senders.rules Definite Spam Is High Scoring = yes Ignore Spam Whitelist If Recipients Exceed = 20 Max Spam Check Size = 4000k Use Watermarking = no Add Watermark = yes Check Watermarks With No Sender = yes Treat Invalid Watermarks With No Sender as Spam = nothing Check Watermarks To Skip Spam Checks = yes Watermark Secret = %org-name%-BaruwaFW-Secret Watermark Lifetime = 604800 Watermark Header = X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW-Watermark: Use SpamAssassin = yes Max SpamAssassin Size = 800k Required SpamAssassin Score = %brules-dir%/spam.score.rules High SpamAssassin Score = %brules-dir%/highspam.score.rules SpamAssassin Auto Whitelist = yes SpamAssassin Timeout = 75 Max SpamAssassin Timeouts = 10 SpamAssassin Timeouts History = 30 Check SpamAssassin If On Spam List = yes Include Binary Attachments In SpamAssassin = no Spam Score = yes Cache SpamAssassin Results = yes SpamAssassin Cache Database File = %spool-dir%/incoming/SpamAssassin.cache.db Rebuild Bayes Every = 0 Wait During Bayes Rebuild = no Use Custom Spam Scanner = no Max Custom Spam Scanner Size = 20k Custom Spam Scanner Timeout = 20 Max Custom Spam Scanner Timeouts = 10 Custom Spam Scanner Timeout History = 20 Spam Actions = %brules-dir%/spam.actions.rules High Scoring Spam Actions = %brules-dir%/highspam.actions.rules Non Spam Actions = %rules-dir%/nonspam.actions.rules SpamAssassin Rule Actions = Sender Spam Report = %brules-dir%/senderspamreport.rules Sender Spam List Report = %brules-dir%/senderspamrblreport.rules Sender SpamAssassin Report = %brules-dir%/senderspamsareport.rules Inline Spam Warning = %brules-dir%/inlinespamwarning.rules Recipient Spam Report = %brules-dir%/recipientspamreport.rules Enable Spam Bounce = %rules-dir%/bounce.rules Bounce Spam As Attachment = no Syslog Facility = mail Log Speed = no Log Spam = no Log Non Spam = no Log Delivery And Non-Delivery = no Log Permitted Filenames = no Log Permitted Filetypes = no Log Permitted File MIME Types = no Log Silent Viruses = no Log Dangerous HTML Tags = no Log SpamAssassin Rule Actions = no SpamAssassin Temporary Dir = /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/SpamAssassin-Temp SpamAssassin User State Dir = SpamAssassin Install Prefix = SpamAssassin Site Rules Dir = /etc/mail/spamassassin SpamAssassin Local Rules Dir = SpamAssassin Local State Dir = SpamAssassin Default Rules Dir = DB DSN = DBI:Pg:database=baruwa DB Username = baruwa DB Password = password SQL Serial Number = SELECT MAX(value) AS confserialnumber FROM configurations WHERE internal='confserialnumber' SQL Quick Peek = SELECT dbvalue(value) AS value FROM quickpeek WHERE external = ? AND (hostname = ? OR hostname='default') LIMIT 1 SQL Config = SELECT internal, dbvalue(value) AS value, hostname FROM quickpeek WHERE hostname=? OR hostname='default' SQL Ruleset = SELECT row_number, ruleset AS rule FROM msrulesets WHERE name=? SQL SpamAssassin Config = SQL Debug = no Sphinx Host = Sphinx Port = 9306 MCP Checks = no First Check = spam MCP Required SpamAssassin Score = 1 MCP High SpamAssassin Score = 10 MCP Error Score = 1 MCP Header = X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW-MCPCheck: Non MCP Actions = deliver MCP Actions = deliver High Scoring MCP Actions = deliver Bounce MCP As Attachment = no MCP Modify Subject = start MCP Subject Text = {MCP?} High Scoring MCP Modify Subject = start High Scoring MCP Subject Text = {MCP?} Is Definitely MCP = no Is Definitely Not MCP = no Definite MCP Is High Scoring = no Always Include MCP Report = no Detailed MCP Report = yes Include Scores In MCP Report = no Log MCP = no MCP Max SpamAssassin Timeouts = 20 MCP Max SpamAssassin Size = 100k MCP SpamAssassin Timeout = 10 MCP SpamAssassin Prefs File = %mcp-dir%/mcp.spam.assassin.prefs.conf MCP SpamAssassin User State Dir = MCP SpamAssassin Local Rules Dir = %mcp-dir% MCP SpamAssassin Default Rules Dir = %mcp-dir% MCP SpamAssassin Install Prefix = %mcp-dir% Recipient MCP Report = %report-dir%/ Sender MCP Report = %report-dir%/ Use Default Rules With Multiple Recipients = no Read IP Address From Received Header = no Spam Score Number Format = %d.1f MailScanner Version Number = 4.85.5 SpamAssassin Cache Timings = 1800,300,10800,172800,600 Debug = no Debug SpamAssassin = no Run In Foreground = no Always Looked Up Last = &BaruwaLog Always Looked Up Last After Batch = no Deliver In Background = yes Delivery Method = batch Split Exim Spool = no Lockfile Dir = %spool-dir%/incoming/Locks Custom Functions Dir = /usr/share/baruwa/CustomFunctions Lock Type = Syslog Socket Type = Automatic Syntax Check = yes Minimum Code Status = supported include /etc/MailScanner/conf.d/*.conf " test Mailscanner.lns get conf = { "#comment" = "Main configuration file for the MailScanner E-Mail Virus Scanner"} { "%org-name%" = "BARUWA" } { "%org-long-name%" = "BARUWA MAILFW" } { "%web-site%" = "" } { "%etc-dir%" = "/etc/MailScanner" } { "%reports-base%" = "/etc/MailScanner/reports" } { "%report-dir%" = "/etc/MailScanner/reports/en" } { "%rules-dir%" = "/etc/MailScanner/rules" } { "%mcp-dir%" = "/etc/MailScanner/mcp" } { "%spool-dir%" = "/var/spool/MailScanner" } { "%signature-dir%" = "/etc/MailScanner/baruwa/signatures" } { "%brules-dir%" = "/etc/MailScanner/baruwa/rules" } { "Max Children" = "5" } { "Run As User" = "exim" } { "Run As Group" = "exim" } { "Queue Scan Interval" = "6" } { "Incoming Queue Dir" = "/var/spool/" } { "Outgoing Queue Dir" = "/var/spool/exim/input" } { "Incoming Work Dir" = "%spool-dir%/incoming" } { "Quarantine Dir" = "%spool-dir%/quarantine" } { "PID file" = "/var/run/MailScanner/" } { "Restart Every" = "7200" } { "MTA" = "exim" } { "Sendmail" = "/usr/sbin/exim -C /etc/exim/exim_out.conf" } { "Sendmail2" = "/usr/sbin/exim -C /etc/exim/exim_out.conf" } { "Incoming Work User" = "exim" } { "Incoming Work Group" = "clam" } { "Incoming Work Permissions" = "0640" } { "Quarantine User" = "exim" } { "Quarantine Group" = "baruwa" } { "Quarantine Permissions" = "0660" } { "Max Unscanned Bytes Per Scan" = "100m" } { "Max Unsafe Bytes Per Scan" = "50m" } { "Max Unscanned Messages Per Scan" = "30" } { "Max Unsafe Messages Per Scan" = "30" } { "Max Normal Queue Size" = "800" } { "Scan Messages" = "%rules-dir%/scan.messages.rules" } { "Reject Message" = "no" } { "Maximum Processing Attempts" = "6" } { "Processing Attempts Database" = "%spool-dir%/incoming/Processing.db" } { "Maximum Attachments Per Message" = "200" } { "Expand TNEF" = "yes" } { "Use TNEF Contents" = "replace" } { "Deliver Unparsable TNEF" = "no" } { "TNEF Expander" = "/usr/bin/tnef --maxsize=100000000" } { "TNEF Timeout" = "120" } { "File Command" = "/usr/sbin/file-wrapper" } { "File Timeout" = "20" } { "Gunzip Command" = "/bin/gunzip" } { "Gunzip Timeout" = "50" } { "Unrar Command" = "/usr/bin/unrar" } { "Unrar Timeout" = "50" } { "Find UU-Encoded Files" = "no" } { "Maximum Message Size" = "%brules-dir%/message.size.rules" } { "Maximum Attachment Size" = "-1" } { "Minimum Attachment Size" = "-1" } { "Maximum Archive Depth" = "4" } { "Find Archives By Content" = "yes" } { "Unpack Microsoft Documents" = "yes" } { "Zip Attachments" = "no" } { "Attachments Zip Filename" = "" } { "Attachments Min Total Size To Zip" = "100k" } { "Attachment Extensions Not To Zip" = ".zip .rar .gz .tgz .jpg .jpeg .mpg .mpe .mpeg .mp3 .rpm .htm .html .eml" } { "Add Text Of Doc" = "no" } { "Antiword" = "/usr/bin/antiword -f" } { "Antiword Timeout" = "50" } { "Unzip Maximum Files Per Archive" = "0" } { "Unzip Maximum File Size" = "50k" } { "Unzip Filenames" = "*.txt *.ini *.log *.csv" } { "Unzip MimeType" = "text/plain" } { "Virus Scanning" = "%brules-dir%/virus.checks.rules" } { "Virus Scanners" = "auto" } { "Virus Scanner Timeout" = "300" } { "Deliver Disinfected Files" = "no" } { "Silent Viruses" = "HTML-IFrame All-Viruses" } { "Still Deliver Silent Viruses" = "no" } { "Non-Forging Viruses" = "Joke/ OF97/ WM97/ W97M/ eicar" } { "Spam-Virus Header" = "X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW-SpamVirus-Report:" } { "Virus Names Which Are Spam" = "Sanesecurity.Spam*UNOFFICIAL HTML/* *Phish* *Suspected-phishing_safebrowsing*" } { "Block Encrypted Messages" = "no" } { "Block Unencrypted Messages" = "no" } { "Allow Password-Protected Archives" = "yes" } { "Check Filenames In Password-Protected Archives" = "yes" } { "Allowed Sophos Error Messages" } { "Sophos IDE Dir" = "/opt/sophos-av/lib/sav" } { "Sophos Lib Dir" = "/opt/sophos-av/lib" } { "Monitors For Sophos Updates" = "/opt/sophos-av/lib/sav/*.ide" } { "Monitors for ClamAV Updates" = "/var/lib/clamav/*.cvd" } { "ClamAVmodule Maximum Recursion Level" = "8" } { "ClamAVmodule Maximum Files" = "1000" } { "ClamAVmodule Maximum File Size" = "10000000" } { "ClamAVmodule Maximum Compression Ratio" = "250" } { "Clamd Port" = "3310" } { "Clamd Socket" = "/var/run/clamav/clamd.sock" } { "Clamd Lock File" } { "Clamd Use Threads" = "no" } { "ClamAV Full Message Scan" = "yes" } { "Fpscand Port" = "10200" } { "Dangerous Content Scanning" = "%rules-dir%/content.scanning.rules" } { "Allow Partial Messages" = "no" } { "Allow External Message Bodies" = "no" } { "Find Phishing Fraud" = "yes" } { "Also Find Numeric Phishing" = "yes" } { "Use Stricter Phishing Net" = "yes" } { "Highlight Phishing Fraud" = "yes" } { "Phishing Safe Sites File" = "%etc-dir%/" } { "Phishing Bad Sites File" = "%etc-dir%/phishing.bad.sites.conf" } { "Country Sub-Domains List" = "%etc-dir%/" } { "Allow IFrame Tags" = "disarm" } { "Allow Form Tags" = "disarm" } { "Allow Script Tags" = "disarm" } { "Allow WebBugs" = "disarm" } { "Ignored Web Bug Filenames" = "spacer pixel.gif pixel.png gap" } { "Known Web Bug Servers" = "" } { "Web Bug Replacement" = "" } { "Allow Object Codebase Tags" = "disarm" } { "Convert Dangerous HTML To Text" = "no" } { "Convert HTML To Text" = "no" } { "Archives Are" = "zip rar ole" } { "Allow Filenames" } { "Deny Filenames" } { "Filename Rules" = "%rules-dir%/filename.rules" } { "Allow Filetypes" } { "Allow File MIME Types" } { "Deny Filetypes" } { "Deny File MIME Types" } { "Filetype Rules" = "%rules-dir%/filetype.rules" } { "Archives: Allow Filenames" } { "Archives: Deny Filenames" } { "Archives: Filename Rules" = "%etc-dir%/archives.filename.rules.conf" } { "Archives: Allow Filetypes" } { "Archives: Allow File MIME Types" } { "Archives: Deny Filetypes" } { "Archives: Deny File MIME Types" } { "Archives: Filetype Rules" = "%etc-dir%/archives.filetype.rules.conf" } { "Default Rename Pattern" = "__FILENAME__.disarmed" } { "Quarantine Infections" = "yes" } { "Quarantine Silent Viruses" = "no" } { "Quarantine Modified Body" = "no" } { "Quarantine Whole Message" = "yes" } { "Quarantine Whole Messages As Queue Files" = "no" } { "Keep Spam And MCP Archive Clean" = "yes" } { "Language Strings" = "%brules-dir%/languages.rules" } { "Rejection Report" = "%brules-dir%/rejectionreport.rules" } { "Deleted Bad Content Message Report" = "%brules-dir%/deletedcontentmessage.rules" } { "Deleted Bad Filename Message Report" = "%brules-dir%/deletedfilenamemessage.rules" } { "Deleted Virus Message Report" = "%brules-dir%/deletedvirusmessage.rules" } { "Deleted Size Message Report" = "%brules-dir%/deletedsizemessage.rules" } { "Stored Bad Content Message Report" = "%brules-dir%/storedcontentmessage.rules" } { "Stored Bad Filename Message Report" = "%brules-dir%/storedfilenamemessage.rules" } { "Stored Virus Message Report" = "%brules-dir%/storedvirusmessage.rules" } { "Stored Size Message Report" = "%brules-dir%/storedsizemessage.rules" } { "Disinfected Report" = "%brules-dir%/disinfectedreport.rules" } { "Inline HTML Signature" = "%brules-dir%/html.sigs.rules" } { "Inline Text Signature" = "%brules-dir%/text.sigs.rules" } { "Signature Image Filename" = "%brules-dir%/sig.imgs.names.rules" } { "Signature Image <img> Filename" = "%brules-dir%/sig.imgs.rules" } { "Inline HTML Warning" = "%brules-dir%/inlinewarninghtml.rules" } { "Inline Text Warning" = "%brules-dir%/inlinewarningtxt.rules" } { "Sender Content Report" = "%brules-dir%/sendercontentreport.rules" } { "Sender Error Report" = "%brules-dir%/sendererrorreport.rules" } { "Sender Bad Filename Report" = "%brules-dir%/senderfilenamereport.rules" } { "Sender Virus Report" = "%brules-dir%/sendervirusreport.rules" } { "Sender Size Report" = "%brules-dir%/sendersizereport.rules" } { "Hide Incoming Work Dir" = "yes" } { "Include Scanner Name In Reports" = "yes" } { "Mail Header" = "X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW:" } { "Spam Header" = "X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW-SpamCheck:" } { "Spam Score Header" = "X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW-SpamScore:" } { "Information Header" = "X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW-Information:" } { "Add Envelope From Header" = "yes" } { "Add Envelope To Header" = "no" } { "Envelope From Header" = "X-BARUWA-BaruwaFW-From:" } { "Envelope To Header" = "X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW-To:" } { "ID Header" = "X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW-ID:" } { "IP Protocol Version Header" } { "Spam Score Character" = "s" } { "SpamScore Number Instead Of Stars" = "no" } { "Minimum Stars If On Spam List" = "0" } { "Clean Header Value" = "Found to be clean" } { "Infected Header Value" = "Found to be infected" } { "Disinfected Header Value" = "Disinfected" } { "Information Header Value" = "Please contact %org-long-name% for more information" } { "Detailed Spam Report" = "yes" } { "Include Scores In SpamAssassin Report" = "yes" } { "Always Include SpamAssassin Report" = "no" } { "Multiple Headers" = "add" } { "Place New Headers At Top Of Message" = "yes" } { "Hostname" = "the %org-name% ($HOSTNAME) Baruwa" } { "Sign Messages Already Processed" = "no" } { "Sign Clean Messages" = "%brules-dir%/sign.clean.msgs.rules" } { "Attach Image To Signature" = "yes" } { "Attach Image To HTML Message Only" = "yes" } { "Allow Multiple HTML Signatures" = "no" } { "Dont Sign HTML If Headers Exist" } { "Mark Infected Messages" = "yes" } { "Mark Unscanned Messages" = "no" } { "Unscanned Header Value" = "Not scanned: please contact %org-long-name% for details" } { "Remove These Headers" = "X-Mozilla-Status: X-Mozilla-Status2:" } { "Deliver Cleaned Messages" = "yes" } { "Notify Senders" = "no" } { "Notify Senders Of Viruses" = "no" } { "Notify Senders Of Blocked Filenames Or Filetypes" = "no" } { "Notify Senders Of Blocked Size Attachments" = "no" } { "Notify Senders Of Other Blocked Content" = "no" } { "Never Notify Senders Of Precedence" = "list bulk" } { "Scanned Modify Subject" = "no" } { "Scanned Subject Text" = "{Scanned}" } { "Virus Modify Subject" = "no" } { "Virus Subject Text" = "{Virus?}" } { "Filename Modify Subject" = "no" } { "Filename Subject Text" = "{Filename?}" } { "Content Modify Subject" = "no" } { "Content Subject Text" = "{Dangerous Content?}" } { "Size Modify Subject" = "no" } { "Size Subject Text" = "{Size}" } { "Disarmed Modify Subject" = "no" } { "Disarmed Subject Text" = "{Disarmed}" } { "Phishing Modify Subject" = "yes" } { "Phishing Subject Text" = "{Suspected Phishing?}" } { 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AND (hostname = ? OR hostname='default') LIMIT 1" } { "SQL Config" = "SELECT internal, dbvalue(value) AS value, hostname FROM quickpeek WHERE hostname=? OR hostname='default'" } { "SQL Ruleset" = "SELECT row_number, ruleset AS rule FROM msrulesets WHERE name=?" } { "SQL SpamAssassin Config" } { "SQL Debug" = "no" } { "Sphinx Host" = "" } { "Sphinx Port" = "9306" } { "MCP Checks" = "no" } { "First Check" = "spam" } { "MCP Required SpamAssassin Score" = "1" } { "MCP High SpamAssassin Score" = "10" } { "MCP Error Score" = "1" } { "MCP Header" = "X-%org-name%-BaruwaFW-MCPCheck:" } { "Non MCP Actions" = "deliver" } { "MCP Actions" = "deliver" } { "High Scoring MCP Actions" = "deliver" } { "Bounce MCP As Attachment" = "no" } { "MCP Modify Subject" = "start" } { "MCP Subject Text" = "{MCP?}" } { "High Scoring MCP Modify Subject" = "start" } { "High Scoring MCP Subject Text" = "{MCP?}" } { "Is Definitely MCP" = "no" } { "Is Definitely Not MCP" = "no" } { "Definite MCP Is High Scoring" = "no" } { "Always Include MCP Report" = "no" } { "Detailed MCP Report" = "yes" } { "Include Scores In MCP Report" = "no" } { "Log MCP" = "no" } { "MCP Max SpamAssassin Timeouts" = "20" } { "MCP Max SpamAssassin Size" = "100k" } { "MCP SpamAssassin Timeout" = "10" } { "MCP SpamAssassin Prefs File" = "%mcp-dir%/mcp.spam.assassin.prefs.conf" } { "MCP SpamAssassin User State Dir" } { "MCP SpamAssassin Local Rules Dir" = "%mcp-dir%" } { "MCP SpamAssassin Default Rules Dir" = "%mcp-dir%" } { "MCP SpamAssassin Install Prefix" = "%mcp-dir%" } { "Recipient MCP Report" = "%report-dir%/" } { "Sender MCP Report" = "%report-dir%/" } { "Use Default Rules With Multiple Recipients" = "no" } { "Read IP Address From Received Header" = "no" } { "Spam Score Number Format" = "%d.1f" } { "MailScanner Version Number" = "4.85.5" } { "SpamAssassin Cache Timings" = "1800,300,10800,172800,600" } { "Debug" = "no" } { "Debug SpamAssassin" = "no" } { "Run In Foreground" = "no" } { "Always Looked Up Last" = "&BaruwaLog" } { "Always Looked Up Last After Batch" = "no" } { "Deliver In Background" = "yes" } { "Delivery Method" = "batch" } { "Split Exim Spool" = "no" } { "Lockfile Dir" = "%spool-dir%/incoming/Locks" } { "Custom Functions Dir" = "/usr/share/baruwa/CustomFunctions" } { "Lock Type" } { "Syslog Socket Type" } { "Automatic Syntax Check" = "yes" } { "Minimum Code Status" = "supported" } { "include" = "/etc/MailScanner/conf.d/*.conf"}
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