module Test_ntp = let conf = "# # Fichier genere par puppet # Environnement: development server version 3 server version 4 driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift restrict default ignore #server restrict nomodify # allow everything from localhost restrict logfile /var/log/ntpd statsdir /var/log/ntpstats/ ntpsigndsocket /var/lib/samba/ntp_signd statistics loopstats peerstats clockstats filegen loopstats file loopstats type day enable link filegen peerstats file peerstats type day disable filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable nolink interface ignore wildcard interface listen " test Ntp.lns get conf = { "#comment" = "" } { "#comment" = "Fichier genere par puppet" } { "#comment" = "Environnement: development" } {} { "server" = "" { "version" = "3" } } { "server" = "" { "version" = "4" } } {} { "driftfile" = "/var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift" } {} { "restrict" = "default" { "action" = "ignore" } } {} { "#comment" = "server" } { "restrict" = "" { "action" = "nomodify" } } {} { "#comment" = "allow everything from localhost" } { "restrict" = "" } {} { "logfile" = "/var/log/ntpd" } { "statsdir" = "/var/log/ntpstats/" } { "ntpsigndsocket" = "/var/lib/samba/ntp_signd" } {} { "statistics" { "loopstats" } { "peerstats" } { "clockstats" } } { "filegen" = "loopstats" { "file" = "loopstats" } { "type" = "day" } { "enable" = "enable" } { "link" = "link" } } { "filegen" = "peerstats" { "file" = "peerstats" } { "type" = "day" } { "enable" = "disable" } } { "filegen" = "clockstats" { "file" = "clockstats" } { "type" = "day" } { "enable" = "enable" } { "link" = "nolink" } } { } { "interface" { "action" = "ignore" } { "addresses" = "wildcard" } } { "interface" { "action" = "listen" } { "addresses" = "" } } (* Some things needed to process the default ntp.conf on Fedora *) test Ntp.lns get "server # added by /sbin/dhclient-script\n" = { "server" = "" { "#comment" = "# added by /sbin/dhclient-script" } } test Ntp.lns get "server iburst dynamic\n" = { "server" = "" { "iburst" } { "dynamic" } } test Ntp.lns get "restrict \n" = { "restrict" = "" } test Ntp.lns get "restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery\n" = { "restrict" = "default" { "action" = "kod" } { "action" = "nomodify" } { "action" = "notrap" } { "action" = "nopeer" } { "action" = "noquery" } } test Ntp.lns put "restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery\n" after insb "ipv6" "restrict/action[1]" = "restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery\n" test Ntp.lns get "restrict -6 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery\n" = { "restrict" = "default" { "ipv6" } { "action" = "kod" } { "action" = "nomodify" } { "action" = "notrap" } { "action" = "nopeer" } { "action" = "noquery" } } test Ntp.lns put "restrict default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery\n" after insb "ipv4" "restrict/action[1]" = "restrict -4 default kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery\n" test Ntp.lns get "restrict -4 default notrap nomodify nopeer noquery\n" = { "restrict" = "default" { "ipv4" } { "action" = "notrap" } { "action" = "nomodify" } { "action" = "nopeer" } { "action" = "noquery" } } test Ntp.lns get "includefile /etc/ntp/crypto/pw\n" = { "includefile" = "/etc/ntp/crypto/pw" } test Ntp.lns get "fudge stratum 10\n" = { "fudge" = "" { "stratum" = "10" } } test Ntp.lns get "broadcast key 42\n" = { "broadcast" = "" { "key" = "42" } } test Ntp.lns get "multicastclient\n" = { "multicastclient" = "" } test Ntp.lns put "broadcastclient\tnovolley # broadcast\n" after rm "/*/novolley" = "broadcastclient # broadcast\n" test Ntp.auth_command get "trustedkey 4 8 42\n" = { "trustedkey" { "key" = "4" } { "key" = "8" } { "key" = "42" } } test Ntp.auth_command get "trustedkey 42\n" = { "trustedkey" { "key" = "42" } } test Ntp.lns get "broadcastdelay 0.008\n" = { "broadcastdelay" = "0.008" } test Ntp.lns get "enable auth calibrate\ndisable kernel stats\n" = { "enable" { "flag" = "auth" } { "flag" = "calibrate" } } { "disable" { "flag" = "kernel" } { "flag" = "stats" } } (* Bug #103: tinker directive *) test Ntp.tinker get "tinker panic 0 huffpuff 3.14\n" = { "tinker" { "panic" = "0" } { "huffpuff" = "3.14" } } (* Bug #297: tos directive *) test Ntp.tos get "tos maxdist 16\n" = { "tos" { "maxdist" = "16" } }
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