module Test_OpenVPN = let server_conf = " daemon local port 1194 # TCP or UDP server? proto udp ;dev tap dev tun dev-node MyTap ca ca.crt cert server.crt key server.key # This file should be kept secret # Diffie hellman parameters. dh dh1024.pem server ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt client-config-dir /etc/openvpn/ccd server-bridge route push \"route\" learn-address ./script push \"redirect-gateway\" push \"dhcp-option DNS\" push \"dhcp-option WINS\" client-to-client duplicate-cn keepalive 10 120 tls-auth ta.key 0 # This file is secret cipher BF-CBC # Blowfish (default) ;cipher AES-128-CBC # AES ;cipher DES-EDE3-CBC # Triple-DES comp-lzo max-clients 100 user nobody group nobody persist-key persist-tun status openvpn-status.log log openvpn.log log-append openvpn.log verb 3 mute 20 management 1193 /etc/openvpn/mpass " test OpenVPN.lns get server_conf = {} { "daemon" } { "local" = "" } { "port" = "1194" } { "#comment" = "TCP or UDP server?" } { "proto" = "udp" } { "#comment" = "dev tap" } { "dev" = "tun" } {} { "dev-node" = "MyTap" } { "ca" = "ca.crt" } { "cert" = "server.crt" } { "key" = "server.key" { "#comment" = "This file should be kept secret" } } {} { "#comment" = "Diffie hellman parameters." } { "dh" = "dh1024.pem" } {} { "server" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } } { "ifconfig-pool-persist" { "file" = "ipp.txt" } } {} { "client-config-dir" = "/etc/openvpn/ccd" } { "server-bridge" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } { "start" = "" } { "end" = "" } } { "route" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } } { "push" = "route" } { "learn-address" = "./script" } { "push" = "redirect-gateway" } { "push" = "dhcp-option DNS" } { "push" = "dhcp-option WINS" } { "client-to-client" } { "duplicate-cn" } { "keepalive" { "ping" = "10" } { "timeout" = "120" } } { "tls-auth" { "key" = "ta.key" } { "is_client" = "0" } { "#comment" = "This file is secret" } } { "cipher" = "BF-CBC" { "#comment" = "Blowfish (default)" } } { "#comment" = "cipher AES-128-CBC # AES" } { "#comment" = "cipher DES-EDE3-CBC # Triple-DES" } { "comp-lzo" } { "max-clients" = "100" } { "user" = "nobody" } { "group" = "nobody" } { "persist-key" } { "persist-tun" } { "status" { "file" = "openvpn-status.log" } } { "log" = "openvpn.log" } { "log-append" = "openvpn.log" } { "verb" = "3" } { "mute" = "20" } { "management" { "server" = "" } { "port" = "1193" } { "pwfile" = "/etc/openvpn/mpass" } } let client_conf = " client remote my-server-1 1194 ;remote my-server-2 1194 remote-random resolv-retry infinite nobind http-proxy-retry # retry on connection failures http-proxy mytest 1024 mute-replay-warnings ns-cert-type server " test OpenVPN.lns get client_conf = {} { "client" } { "remote" { "server" = "my-server-1" } { "port" = "1194" } } { "#comment" = "remote my-server-2 1194" } { "remote-random" } { "resolv-retry" = "infinite" } { "nobind" } { "http-proxy-retry" { "#comment" = "retry on connection failures" } } { "http-proxy" { "server" = "mytest" } { "port" = "1024" } } { "mute-replay-warnings" } { "ns-cert-type" = "server" } (* Most (hopefully all) permutations for OpenVPN 2.3 * NOTE: This completely ignores IPv6 because it's hard to tell which OpenVPN * options actually work with IPv6. Thar be dragons. *) let all_permutations_conf = " config /a/canonical/file config relative_file mode p2p mode server local local hostname remote 1234 remote hostname 1234 remote hostname remote remote hostname 1234 tcp remote 1234 tcp remote hostname 1234 udp remote-random-hostname #comment square <connection> blocks should go here proto-force udp proto-force tcp remote-random proto udp proto tcp-client proto tcp-server connect-retry 5 connect-timeout 10 connect-retry-max 0 show-proxy-settings http-proxy servername 1234 http-proxy servername 1234 auto http-proxy servername 1234 auto-nct http-proxy servername 1234 auto none http-proxy servername 1234 auto basic http-proxy servername 1234 auto ntlm http-proxy servername 1234 relative_filename ntlm http-proxy servername 1234 /canonical/filename basic http-proxy-retry http-proxy-timeout 5 http-proxy-option VERSION 1.0 http-proxy-option AGENT an unquoted string with spaces http-proxy-option AGENT an_unquoted_string_without_spaces socks-proxy servername socks-proxy servername 1234 socks-proxy servername 1234 /canonical/file socks-proxy servername 1234 relative/file socks-proxy-retry resolv-retry 5 float ipchange my command goes here port 1234 lport 1234 rport 1234 bind nobind dev tun dev tun0 dev tap dev tap0 dev null dev-type tun dev-type tap topology net30 topology p2p topology subnet tun-ipv6 dev-node /canonical/file dev-node relative/file lladdr iproute my command goes here ifconfig ifconfig-noexec ifconfig-nowarn route route networkname route vpn_gateway route net_gateway route remote_host route route default route route default route default route default default route gatewayname route gatewayname 5 route vpn_gateway route net_gateway route remote_host route route 5 max-routes 5 route-gateway gateway-name route-gateway route-gateway dhcp route-metric 5 route-delay route-delay 1 route-delay 1 2 route-up my command goes here route-pre-down my command goes here route-noexec route-nopull allow-pull-fqdn client-nat snat client-nat dnat redirect-gateway local redirect-gateway local autolocal redirect-gateway local autolocal def1 bypass-dhcp bypass-dns block-local link-mtu 5 redirect-private local redirect-private local autolocal redirect-private local autolocal def1 bypass-dhcp bypass-dns block-local tun-mtu 5 tun-mtu-extra 5 mtu-disc no mtu-disc maybe mtu-disc yes mtu-test fragment 5 mssfix 1600 sndbuf 65536 rcvbuf 65535 mark blahvalue socket-flags TCP_NODELAY txqueuelen 5 shaper 50 inactive 5 inactive 5 1024 ping 10 ping-exit 10 ping-restart 10 keepalive 1 2 ping-timer-rem persist-tun persist-key persist-local-ip persist-remote-ip mlock up my command goes here up-delay down my command goes here down-pre up-restart setenv myname myvalue setenv my0-_name my value with spaces setenv-safe myname myvalue setenv-safe my-_name my value with spaces ignore-unknown-option anopt ignore-unknown-option anopt anotheropt script-security 3 disable-occ user username group groupname cd /canonical/dir cd relative/dir/ chroot /canonical/dir chroot relative/dir/ setcon selinux-context daemon daemon mydaemon_name syslog syslog my_syslog-name errors-to-stderr passtos inetd inetd wait inetd nowait inetd wait my-program_name log myfilename log-append myfilename suppress-timestamps writepid myfile nice 5 fast-io multihome echo stuff to echo until end of line remap-usr1 SIGHUP remap-usr1 SIGTERM verb 6 status myfile status myfile 15 status-version status-version 3 mute 20 comp-lzo comp-lzo yes comp-lzo no comp-lzo adaptive management 1234 management 1234 /canonical/file management-client management-query-passwords management-query-proxy management-query-remote management-forget-disconnect management-hold management-signal management-up-down management-client-auth management-client-pf management-log-cache 5 management-client-user myuser management-client-user mygroup plugin /canonical/file plugin relative/file plugin myfile an init string server server nopool server-bridge server-bridge nogw push \"my push string\" push-reset push-peer-info disable ifconfig-pool ifconfig-pool ifconfig-pool-persist myfile ifconfig-pool-persist myfile 50 ifconfig-pool-linear ifconfig-push ifconfig-push alias-name iroute iroute client-to-client duplicate-cn client-connect my command goes here client-disconnect my command goes here client-config-dir directory ccd-exclusive tmp-dir /directory hash-size 1 2 bcast-buffers 5 tcp-queue-limit 50 tcp-nodelay max-clients 50 max-routes-per-client 50 stale-routes-check 5 stale-routes-check 5 50 connect-freq 50 100 learn-address my command goes here auth-user-pass-verify /my/script/with/no/ via-env auth-user-pass-verify \" arg1 arg2\" via-file opt-verify auth-user-pass-optional client-cert-not-required username-as-common-name port-share 1234 port-share myhostname 1234 port-share myhostname 1234 /canonical/dir client pull auth-user-pass auth-user-pass /canonical/file auth-user-pass relative/file auth-retry none auth-retry nointeract auth-retry interact static-challenge challenge_no_spaces 1 static-challenge \"my quoted challenge string\" 0 server-poll-timeout 50 explicit-exit-notify explicit-exit-notify 5 secret /canonicalfile secret relativefile secret filename 1 secret filename 0 key-direction auth none auth sha1 cipher SHA1 cipher sha1 keysize 50 prng SHA1 prng SHA1 500 engine engine blah no-replay replay-window 64 replay-window 64 16 mute-replay-warnings replay-persist /my/canonical/filename no-iv use-prediction-resistance test-crypto tls-server tls-client ca myfile capath /mydir/ dh myfile cert myfile extra-certs myfile key myfile tls-version-min 1.1 tls-version-min 2 tls-version-min 1.1 or-highest tls-version-max 5.5 pkcs12 myfile verify-hash AD:B0:95:D8:09:C8:36:45:12:A9:89:C8:90:09:CB:13:72:A6:AD:16 pkcs11-cert-private 0 pkcs11-cert-private 1 pkcs11-id myname pkcs11-id-management pkcs11-pin-cache 50 pkcs11-protected-authentication 0 pkcs11-protected-authentication 1 cryptoapicert \"SUBJ:Justin Akers\" key-method 2 tls-cipher DEFAULT:!EXP:!PSK:!SRP:!kRSA tls-timeout 50 reneg-bytes 50 reneg-pkts 50 reneg-sec 5 hand-window 123 tran-window 456 single-session tls-exit tls-auth filename 1 askpass /canonical/filename auth-nocache tls-verify my command goes here tls-export-cert /a/directory/for/things x509-username-field emailAddress x509-username-field ext:subjectAltName tls-remote myhostname verify-x509-name hostname name verify-x509-name hostname name-prefix verify-x509-name hostname subject ns-cert-type server ns-cert-type client remote-cert-tls server remote-cert-tls client remote-cert-ku 01 remote-cert-ku 01 02 fa FF b3 remote-cert-eku 123.3510.350.10 remote-cert-eku \"TLS Web Client Authentication\" remote-cert-eku serverAuth crl-verify /a/file/path crl-verify /a/directory/ dir show-ciphers show-digests show-tls show-engines genkey mktun rmtun ifconfig-ipv6 2000:123:456::/64 1234:99:123::124 ifconfig-ipv6-push 2000:123:456::/64 1234:99:123::124 iroute-ipv6 2000:123:456::/64 route-ipv6 2000:123:456::/64 route-ipv6 2000:123:456::/64 1234:99:123::124 route-ipv6 2000:123:456::/64 1234:99:123::124 500 server-ipv6 2000:123:456::/64 ifconfig-ipv6-pool 2000:123:456::/64 " test OpenVPN.lns get all_permutations_conf = { } { "config" = "/a/canonical/file" } { "config" = "relative_file" } { "mode" = "p2p" } { "mode" = "server" } { "local" = "" } { "local" = "hostname" } { "remote" { "server" = "" } { "port" = "1234" } } { "remote" { "server" = "hostname" } { "port" = "1234" } } { "remote" { "server" = "hostname" } } { "remote" { "server" = "" } } { "remote" { "server" = "hostname" } { "port" = "1234" } { "proto" = "tcp" } } { "remote" { "server" = "" } { "port" = "1234" } { "proto" = "tcp" } } { "remote" { "server" = "hostname" } { "port" = "1234" } { "proto" = "udp" } } { "remote-random-hostname" } { "#comment" = "comment square <connection> blocks should go here" } { "proto-force" = "udp" } { "proto-force" = "tcp" } { "remote-random" } { "proto" = "udp" } { "proto" = "tcp-client" } { "proto" = "tcp-server" } { "connect-retry" = "5" } { "connect-timeout" = "10" } { "connect-retry-max" = "0" } { "show-proxy-settings" } { "http-proxy" { "server" = "servername" } { "port" = "1234" } } { "http-proxy" { "server" = "servername" } { "port" = "1234" } { "auth" = "auto" } } { "http-proxy" { "server" = "servername" } { "port" = "1234" } { "auth" = "auto-nct" } } { "http-proxy" { "server" = "servername" } { "port" = "1234" } { "auth" = "auto" } { "auth-method" = "none" } } { "http-proxy" { "server" = "servername" } { "port" = "1234" } { "auth" = "auto" } { "auth-method" = "basic" } } { "http-proxy" { "server" = "servername" } { "port" = "1234" } { "auth" = "auto" } { "auth-method" = "ntlm" } } { "http-proxy" { "server" = "servername" } { "port" = "1234" } { "auth" = "relative_filename" } { "auth-method" = "ntlm" } } { "http-proxy" { "server" = "servername" } { "port" = "1234" } { "auth" = "/canonical/filename" } { "auth-method" = "basic" } } { "http-proxy-retry" } { "http-proxy-timeout" = "5" } { "http-proxy-option" { "option" = "VERSION" } { "value" = "1.0" } } { "http-proxy-option" { "option" = "AGENT" } { "value" = "an unquoted string with spaces" } } { "http-proxy-option" { "option" = "AGENT" } { "value" = "an_unquoted_string_without_spaces" } } { "socks-proxy" { "server" = "servername" } } { "socks-proxy" { "server" = "servername" } { "port" = "1234" } } { "socks-proxy" { "server" = "servername" } { "port" = "1234" } { "auth" = "/canonical/file" } } { "socks-proxy" { "server" = "servername" } { "port" = "1234" } { "auth" = "relative/file" } } { "socks-proxy-retry" } { "resolv-retry" = "5" } { "float" } { "ipchange" = "my command goes here" } { "port" = "1234" } { "lport" = "1234" } { "rport" = "1234" } { "bind" } { "nobind" } { "dev" = "tun" } { "dev" = "tun0" } { "dev" = "tap" } { "dev" = "tap0" } { "dev" = "null" } { "dev-type" = "tun" } { "dev-type" = "tap" } { "topology" = "net30" } { "topology" = "p2p" } { "topology" = "subnet" } { "tun-ipv6" } { "dev-node" = "/canonical/file" } { "dev-node" = "relative/file" } { "lladdr" = "" } { "iproute" = "my command goes here" } { "ifconfig" { "local" = "" } { "remote" = "" } } { "ifconfig-noexec" } { "ifconfig-nowarn" } { "route" { "address" = "" } } { "route" { "address" = "networkname" } } { "route" { "address" = "vpn_gateway" } } { "route" { "address" = "net_gateway" } } { "route" { "address" = "remote_host" } } { "route" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } } { "route" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "default" } } { "route" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } { "gateway" = "" } } { "route" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "default" } { "gateway" = "" } } { "route" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } { "gateway" = "default" } } { "route" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "default" } { "gateway" = "default" } } { "route" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } { "gateway" = "gatewayname" } } { "route" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } { "gateway" = "gatewayname" } { "metric" = "5" } } { "route" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } { "gateway" = "vpn_gateway" } } { "route" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } { "gateway" = "net_gateway" } } { "route" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } { "gateway" = "remote_host" } } { "route" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } { "gateway" = "" } } { "route" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } { "gateway" = "" } { "metric" = "5" } } { "max-routes" = "5" } { "route-gateway" = "gateway-name" } { "route-gateway" = "" } { "route-gateway" = "dhcp" } { "route-metric" = "5" } { "route-delay" } { "route-delay" { "seconds" = "1" } } { "route-delay" { "seconds" = "1" } { "win-seconds" = "2" } } { "route-up" = "my command goes here" } { "route-pre-down" = "my command goes here" } { "route-noexec" } { "route-nopull" } { "allow-pull-fqdn" } { "client-nat" { "type" = "snat" } { "network" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } { "alias" = "" } } { "client-nat" { "type" = "dnat" } { "network" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } { "alias" = "" } } { "redirect-gateway" { "flag" = "local" } } { "redirect-gateway" { "flag" = "local" } { "flag" = "autolocal" } } { "redirect-gateway" { "flag" = "local" } { "flag" = "autolocal" } { "flag" = "def1" } { "flag" = "bypass-dhcp" } { "flag" = "bypass-dns" } { "flag" = "block-local" } } { "link-mtu" = "5" } { "redirect-private" { "flag" = "local" } } { "redirect-private" { "flag" = "local" } { "flag" = "autolocal" } } { "redirect-private" { "flag" = "local" } { "flag" = "autolocal" } { "flag" = "def1" } { "flag" = "bypass-dhcp" } { "flag" = "bypass-dns" } { "flag" = "block-local" } } { "tun-mtu" = "5" } { "tun-mtu-extra" = "5" } { "mtu-disc" = "no" } { "mtu-disc" = "maybe" } { "mtu-disc" = "yes" } { "mtu-test" } { "fragment" = "5" } { "mssfix" = "1600" } { "sndbuf" = "65536" } { "rcvbuf" = "65535" } { "mark" = "blahvalue" } { "socket-flags" = "TCP_NODELAY" } { "txqueuelen" = "5" } { "shaper" = "50" } { "inactive" { "seconds" = "5" } } { "inactive" { "seconds" = "5" } { "bytes" = "1024" } } { "ping" = "10" } { "ping-exit" = "10" } { "ping-restart" = "10" } { "keepalive" { "ping" = "1" } { "timeout" = "2" } } { "ping-timer-rem" } { "persist-tun" } { "persist-key" } { "persist-local-ip" } { "persist-remote-ip" } { "mlock" } { "up" = "my command goes here" } { "up-delay" } { "down" = "my command goes here" } { "down-pre" } { "up-restart" } { "setenv" { "myname" = "myvalue" } } { "setenv" { "my0-_name" = "my value with spaces" } } { "setenv-safe" { "myname" = "myvalue" } } { "setenv-safe" { "my-_name" = "my value with spaces" } } { "ignore-unknown-option" { "opt" = "anopt" } } { "ignore-unknown-option" { "opt" = "anopt" } { "opt" = "anotheropt" } } { "script-security" = "3" } { "disable-occ" } { "user" = "username" } { "group" = "groupname" } { "cd" = "/canonical/dir" } { "cd" = "relative/dir/" } { "chroot" = "/canonical/dir" } { "chroot" = "relative/dir/" } { "setcon" = "selinux-context" } { "daemon" } { "daemon" = "mydaemon_name" } { "syslog" } { "syslog" = "my_syslog-name" } { "errors-to-stderr" } { "passtos" } { "inetd" } { "inetd" { "mode" = "wait" } } { "inetd" { "mode" = "nowait" } } { "inetd" { "mode" = "wait" } { "progname" = "my-program_name" } } { "log" = "myfilename" } { "log-append" = "myfilename" } { "suppress-timestamps" } { "writepid" = "myfile" } { "nice" = "5" } { "fast-io" } { "multihome" } { "echo" = "stuff to echo until end of line" } { "remap-usr1" = "SIGHUP" } { "remap-usr1" = "SIGTERM" } { "verb" = "6" } { "status" { "file" = "myfile" } } { "status" { "file" = "myfile" } { "repeat-seconds" = "15" } } { "status-version" } { "status-version" = "3" } { "mute" = "20" } { "comp-lzo" } { "comp-lzo" = "yes" } { "comp-lzo" = "no" } { "comp-lzo" = "adaptive" } { "management" { "server" = "" } { "port" = "1234" } } { "management" { "server" = "" } { "port" = "1234" } { "pwfile" = "/canonical/file" } } { "management-client" } { "management-query-passwords" } { "management-query-proxy" } { "management-query-remote" } { "management-forget-disconnect" } { "management-hold" } { "management-signal" } { "management-up-down" } { "management-client-auth" } { "management-client-pf" } { "management-log-cache" = "5" } { "management-client-user" = "myuser" } { "management-client-user" = "mygroup" } { "plugin" { "file" = "/canonical/file" } } { "plugin" { "file" = "relative/file" } } { "plugin" { "file" = "myfile" } { "init-string" = "an init string" } } { "server" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } } { "server" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } { "nopool" } } { "server-bridge" { "address" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } { "start" = "" } { "end" = "" } } { "server-bridge" = "nogw" } { "push" = "my push string" } { "push-reset" } { "push-peer-info" } { "disable" } { "ifconfig-pool" { "start" = "" } { "end" = "" } } { "ifconfig-pool" { "start" = "" } { "end" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } } { "ifconfig-pool-persist" { "file" = "myfile" } } { "ifconfig-pool-persist" { "file" = "myfile" } { "seconds" = "50" } } { "ifconfig-pool-linear" } { "ifconfig-push" { "local" = "" } { "remote-netmask" = "" } } { "ifconfig-push" { "local" = "" } { "remote-netmask" = "" } { "alias" = "alias-name" } } { "iroute" { "local" = "" } } { "iroute" { "local" = "" } { "netmask" = "" } } { "client-to-client" } { "duplicate-cn" } { "client-connect" = "my command goes here" } { "client-disconnect" = "my command goes here" } { "client-config-dir" = "directory" } { "ccd-exclusive" } { "tmp-dir" = "/directory" } { "hash-size" { "real" = "1" } { "virtual" = "2" } } { "bcast-buffers" = "5" } { "tcp-queue-limit" = "50" } { "tcp-nodelay" } { "max-clients" = "50" } { "max-routes-per-client" = "50" } { "stale-routes-check" { "age" = "5" } } { "stale-routes-check" { "age" = "5" } { "interval" = "50" } } { "connect-freq" { "num" = "50" } { "sec" = "100" } } { "learn-address" = "my command goes here" } { "auth-user-pass-verify" { { "command" = "/my/script/with/no/" } } { "method" = "via-env" } } { "auth-user-pass-verify" { { "command" = " arg1 arg2" } } { "method" = "via-file" } } { "opt-verify" } { "auth-user-pass-optional" } { "client-cert-not-required" } { "username-as-common-name" } { "port-share" { "host" = "" } { "port" = "1234" } } { "port-share" { "host" = "myhostname" } { "port" = "1234" } } { "port-share" { "host" = "myhostname" } { "port" = "1234" } { "dir" = "/canonical/dir" } } { "client" } { "pull" } { "auth-user-pass" } { "auth-user-pass" = "/canonical/file" } { "auth-user-pass" = "relative/file" } { "auth-retry" = "none" } { "auth-retry" = "nointeract" } { "auth-retry" = "interact" } { "static-challenge" { { "text" = "challenge_no_spaces" } } { "echo" = "1" } } { "static-challenge" { { "text" = "my quoted challenge string" } } { "echo" = "0" } } { "server-poll-timeout" = "50" } { "explicit-exit-notify" } { "explicit-exit-notify" = "5" } { "secret" { "file" = "/canonicalfile" } } { "secret" { "file" = "relativefile" } } { "secret" { "file" = "filename" } { "direction" = "1" } } { "secret" { "file" = "filename" } { "direction" = "0" } } { "key-direction" } { "auth" = "none" } { "auth" = "sha1" } { "cipher" = "SHA1" } { "cipher" = "sha1" } { "keysize" = "50" } { "prng" { "algorithm" = "SHA1" } } { "prng" { "algorithm" = "SHA1" } { "nsl" = "500" } } { "engine" } { "engine" = "blah" } { "no-replay" } { "replay-window" { "window-size" = "64" } } { "replay-window" { "window-size" = "64" } { "seconds" = "16" } } { "mute-replay-warnings" } { "replay-persist" = "/my/canonical/filename" } { "no-iv" } { "use-prediction-resistance" } { "test-crypto" } { "tls-server" } { "tls-client" } { "ca" = "myfile" } { "capath" = "/mydir/" } { "dh" = "myfile" } { "cert" = "myfile" } { "extra-certs" = "myfile" } { "key" = "myfile" } { "tls-version-min" = "1.1" } { "tls-version-min" = "2" } { "tls-version-min" = "1.1" { "or-highest" } } { "tls-version-max" = "5.5" } { "pkcs12" = "myfile" } { "verify-hash" = "AD:B0:95:D8:09:C8:36:45:12:A9:89:C8:90:09:CB:13:72:A6:AD:16" } { "pkcs11-cert-private" = "0" } { "pkcs11-cert-private" = "1" } { "pkcs11-id" = "myname" } { "pkcs11-id-management" } { "pkcs11-pin-cache" = "50" } { "pkcs11-protected-authentication" = "0" } { "pkcs11-protected-authentication" = "1" } { "cryptoapicert" { "SUBJ" = "Justin Akers" } } { "key-method" = "2" } { "tls-cipher" { "cipher" = "DEFAULT" } { "cipher" = "!EXP" } { "cipher" = "!PSK" } { "cipher" = "!SRP" } { "cipher" = "!kRSA" } } { "tls-timeout" = "50" } { "reneg-bytes" = "50" } { "reneg-pkts" = "50" } { "reneg-sec" = "5" } { "hand-window" = "123" } { "tran-window" = "456" } { "single-session" } { "tls-exit" } { "tls-auth" { "key" = "filename" } { "is_client" = "1" } } { "askpass" = "/canonical/filename" } { "auth-nocache" } { "tls-verify" = "my command goes here" } { "tls-export-cert" = "/a/directory/for/things" } { "x509-username-field" { "subj" = "emailAddress" } } { "x509-username-field" { "ext" = "subjectAltName" } } { "tls-remote" = "myhostname" } { "verify-x509-name" { "name" = "hostname" } { "type" = "name" } } { "verify-x509-name" { "name" = "hostname" } { "type" = "name-prefix" } } { "verify-x509-name" { "name" = "hostname" } { "type" = "subject" } } { "ns-cert-type" = "server" } { "ns-cert-type" = "client" } { "remote-cert-tls" = "server" } { "remote-cert-tls" = "client" } { "remote-cert-ku" { "usage" = "01" } } { "remote-cert-ku" { "usage" = "01" } { "usage" = "02" } { "usage" = "fa" } { "usage" = "FF" } { "usage" = "b3" } } { "remote-cert-eku" { "oid" = "123.3510.350.10" } } { "remote-cert-eku" { "symbol" = "TLS Web Client Authentication" } } { "remote-cert-eku" { "symbol" = "serverAuth" } } { "crl-verify" = "/a/file/path" } { "crl-verify" = "/a/directory/" { "dir" } } { "show-ciphers" } { "show-digests" } { "show-tls" } { "show-engines" } { "genkey" } { "mktun" } { "rmtun" } { "ifconfig-ipv6" { "address" = "2000:123:456::/64" } { "remote" = "1234:99:123::124" } } { "ifconfig-ipv6-push" { "address" = "2000:123:456::/64" } { "remote" = "1234:99:123::124" } } { "iroute-ipv6" = "2000:123:456::/64" } { "route-ipv6" { "network" = "2000:123:456::/64" } } { "route-ipv6" { "network" = "2000:123:456::/64" } { "gateway" = "1234:99:123::124" } } { "route-ipv6" { "network" = "2000:123:456::/64" } { "gateway" = "1234:99:123::124" } { "metric" = "500" } } { "server-ipv6" = "2000:123:456::/64" } { "ifconfig-ipv6-pool" = "2000:123:456::/64" } { }
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