(* Module: Test_Xml Provides unit tests and examples for the <Xml> lens. *) module Test_Xml = (* View: knode A simple flag function Parameters: r:regexp - the pattern for the flag *) let knode (r:regexp) = [ key r ] (************************************************************************ * Group: Utilities lens *************************************************************************) (* let _ = print_regexp(lens_ctype(Xml.text)) let _ = print_endline "" *) (* Group: Comments *) (* Test: Xml.comment Comments get mapped into "#comment" nodes. *) test Xml.comment get "<!-- declarations for <head> & <body> -->" = { "#comment" = " declarations for <head> & <body> " } (* Test: Xml.comment This syntax is not understood. *) test Xml.comment get "<!-- B+, B, or B--->" = * (* Group: Prolog and declarations *) (* Test: Xml.prolog The XML prolog tag is mapped in a "#declaration" node, which contains an "#attribute" node with various attributes of the tag. *) test Xml.prolog get "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" = { "#declaration" { "#attribute" { "version" = "1.0" } { "encoding" = "UTF-8" } } } (* Test: Xml.decl_def_item !ELEMENT declaration tags are mapped in "!ELEMENT" nodes. The associated declaration attribute is mapped in a "#decl" subnode. *) test Xml.decl_def_item get "<!ELEMENT greeting (#PCDATA)>" = { "!ELEMENT" = "greeting" { "#decl" = "(#PCDATA)" } } (* Test: Xml.decl_def_item !ENTITY declaration tags are mapped in "!ENTITY" nodes. The associated declaration attribute is mapped in a "#decl" subnode. *) test Xml.decl_def_item get "<!ENTITY da \"
\">" = { "!ENTITY" = "da" { "#decl" = "
" } } (* Test: Xml.doctype !DOCTYPE tags are mapped in "!DOCTYPE" nodes. The associated system attribute is mapped in a "SYSTEM" subnode. *) test Xml.doctype get "<!DOCTYPE greeting:foo SYSTEM \"hello.dtd\">" = { "!DOCTYPE" = "greeting:foo" { "SYSTEM" = "hello.dtd" } } (* Test: Xml.doctype This is an example of a !DOCTYPE tag with !ELEMENT children tags. *) test Xml.doctype get "<!DOCTYPE foo [ <!ELEMENT bar (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT baz (bar)* > ]>" = { "!DOCTYPE" = "foo" { "!ELEMENT" = "bar" { "#decl" = "(#PCDATA)" } } { "!ELEMENT" = "baz" { "#decl" = "(bar)*" } } } (* Group: Attributes *) (* Variable: att_def1 *) let att_def1 = "<!ATTLIST termdef id ID #REQUIRED name CDATA #IMPLIED>" (* Variable: att_def2 *) let att_def2 = "<!ATTLIST list type (bullets|ordered|glossary) \"ordered\">" (* Variable: att_def3 *) let att_def3 = "<!ATTLIST form method CDATA #FIXED \"POST\">" (* Test: Xml.att_list_def *) test Xml.att_list_def get att_def1 = { "!ATTLIST" = "termdef" { "1" { "#name" = "id" } { "#type" = "ID" } { "#REQUIRED" } } { "2" { "#name" = "name" } { "#type" = "CDATA" } { "#IMPLIED" } } } (* Test: Xml.att_list_def *) test Xml.att_list_def get att_def2 = { "!ATTLIST" = "list" { "1" { "#name" = "type" } { "#type" = "(bullets|ordered|glossary)" } { "#FIXED" = "ordered" } } } (* Test: Xml.att_list_def *) test Xml.att_list_def get att_def3 = { "!ATTLIST" = "form" { "1" { "#name" = "method" } { "#type" = "CDATA" } { "#FIXED" = "POST" } } } (* Test: Xml.notation_def *) test Xml.notation_def get "<!NOTATION not3 SYSTEM \"\">" = { "!NOTATION" = "not3" { "SYSTEM" = "" } } (* Variable: cdata1 *) let cdata1 = "<![CDATA[testing]]>" (* Test: Xml.cdata *) test Xml.cdata get cdata1 = { "#CDATA" = "testing" } (* Variable: attr1 *) let attr1 = " attr1=\"value1\" attr2=\"value2\"" (* Variable: attr2 *) let attr2 = " attr2=\"foo\"" (* Test: Xml.attributes *) test Xml.attributes get attr1 = { "#attribute" { "attr1" = "value1" } { "attr2" = "value2" } } (* Test: Xml.attributes *) test Xml.attributes get " refs=\"A1\nA2 A3\"" = { "#attribute" { "refs" = "A1\nA2 A3" } } (* Test: Xml.attributes *) test Xml.attributes put attr1 after rm "/#attribute[1]"; set "/#attribute/attr2" "foo" = attr2 (* test quoting *) (* well formed values *) test Xml.attributes get " attr1=\"value1\"" = { "#attribute" { "attr1" = "value1" } } test Xml.attributes get " attr1='value1'" = { "#attribute" { "attr1" = "value1" } } test Xml.attributes get " attr1='va\"lue1'" = { "#attribute" { "attr1" = "va\"lue1" } } test Xml.attributes get " attr1=\"va'lue1\"" = { "#attribute" { "attr1" = "va'lue1" } } (* illegal as per the XML standard *) test Xml.attributes get " attr1=\"va\"lue1\"" = * test Xml.attributes get " attr1='va'lue1'" = * (* malformed values *) test Xml.attributes get " attr1=\"value1'" = * test Xml.attributes get " attr1='value1\"" = * (* Group: empty *) (* Variable: empty1 *) let empty1 = "<a/>" (* Variable: empty2 *) let empty2 = "<a foo=\"bar\"/>" (* Variable: empty3 *) let empty3 = "<a foo=\"bar\"></a>\n" (* Variable: empty4 *) let empty4 = "<a foo=\"bar\" far=\"baz\"/>" (* Test: Xml.empty_element *) test Xml.empty_element get empty1 = { "a" = "#empty" } (* Test: Xml.empty_element *) test Xml.empty_element get empty2 = { "a" = "#empty" { "#attribute" { "foo" = "bar"} } } (* Test: Xml.empty_element *) test Xml.empty_element put empty1 after set "/a/#attribute/foo" "bar" = empty2 (* Test: Xml.empty_element The attribute node must be the first child of the element *) test Xml.empty_element put empty1 after set "/a/#attribute/foo" "bar"; set "/a/#attribute/far" "baz" = empty4 (* Test: Xml.content *) test Xml.content put "<a><b/></a>" after clear "/a/b" = "<a><b></b>\n</a>" (* Group: Full lens *) (* Test: Xml.lns *) test Xml.lns put "<a></a >" after set "/a/#text[1]" "foo"; set "/a/#text[2]" "bar" = "<a>foobar</a >" (* Test: Xml.lns *) test Xml.lns get "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?> <!DOCTYPE catalog PUBLIC \"-//OASIS//DTD XML Catalogs V1.0//EN\" \"file:///usr/share/xml/schema/xml-core/catalog.dtd\"> <doc/>" = { "#declaration" { "#attribute" { "version" = "1.0" } } } { "!DOCTYPE" = "catalog" { "PUBLIC" { "#literal" = "-//OASIS//DTD XML Catalogs V1.0//EN" } { "#literal" = "file:///usr/share/xml/schema/xml-core/catalog.dtd" } } } { "doc" = "#empty" } (* Test: Xml.lns *) test Xml.lns get "<oor:component-data xmlns:oor=\"http://openoffice.org/2001/registry\"/> " = { "oor:component-data" = "#empty" { "#attribute" { "xmlns:oor" = "http://openoffice.org/2001/registry" } } } (* Variable: input1 *) let input1 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <html>\r <head> <title>Wiki</title> </head> <body> <h1>Augeas</h1> <p class=\"main\">Augeas is now able to parse XML files!</p> <ul> <li>Translate from XML to a tree syntax</li> <li>Translate from the tree back to XML</li> <!-- this is some comment --> <li>this</li> </ul> </body> </html> " (* Test: Xml.doc Test <input1> with <Xml.doc> *) test Xml.doc get input1 = { "#declaration" { "#attribute" { "version" = "1.0" } { "encoding" = "UTF-8" } } } { "html" { "#text" = "\r\n " } { "head" { "#text" = "\n " } { "title" { "#text" = "Wiki" } } { "#text" = " " } } { "#text" = " " } { "body" { "#text" = " " } { "h1" { "#text" = "Augeas" } } { "#text" = " " } { "p" { "#attribute" { "class" = "main" } } { "#text" = "Augeas is now able to parse XML files!" } } { "#text" = " " } { "ul" { "#text" = "\n " } { "li" { "#text" = "Translate from XML to a tree syntax" } } { "#text" = " " } { "li" { "#text" = "Translate from the tree back to XML" } } { "#text" = " " } { "#comment" = " this is some comment " } { "#text" = " " } { "li" { "#text" = "this" } } { "#text" = " " } } { "#text" = " " } } } (* Test: Xml.doc Modify <input1> with <Xml.doc> *) test Xml.doc put input1 after rm "/html/body" = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <html>\r <head> <title>Wiki</title> </head> </html> " (* Variable: ul1 *) let ul1 = " <ul> <li>test1</li> <li>test2</li> <li>test3</li> <li>test4</li> </ul> " test Xml.doc get ul1 = { "ul" { "#text" = " " } { "li" { "#text" = "test1" } } { "#text" = " " } { "li" { "#text" = "test2" } } { "#text" = " " } { "li" { "#text" = "test3" } } { "#text" = " " } { "li" { "#text" = "test4" } } } test Xml.doc put ul1 after set "/ul/li[3]/#text" "bidon" = " <ul> <li>test1</li> <li>test2</li> <li>bidon</li> <li>test4</li> </ul> " test Xml.doc put ul1 after rm "/ul/li[2]" = " <ul> <li>test1</li> <li>test3</li> <li>test4</li> </ul> " (* #text nodes don't move when inserting a node, the result depends on where the node is added *) test Xml.doc put ul1 after insb "a" "/ul/li[2]" = " <ul> <li>test1</li> <a></a> <li>test2</li> <li>test3</li> <li>test4</li> </ul> " test Xml.doc put ul1 after insa "a" "/ul/li[1]" = " <ul> <li>test1</li> <a></a> <li>test2</li> <li>test3</li> <li>test4</li> </ul> " (* Attributes must be added before text nodes *) test Xml.doc put ul1 after insb "#attribute" "/ul/li[2]/#text"; set "/ul/li[2]/#attribute/bidon" "gazou"; set "/ul/li[2]/#attribute/foo" "bar" = " <ul> <li>test1</li> <li bidon=\"gazou\" foo=\"bar\">test2</li> <li>test3</li> <li>test4</li> </ul> " (* if empty element is allowed to be as root, this test triggers error *) test Xml.lns get "<doc> <a><c/><b><c/></b><c/><c/><a></a></a> </doc>" = { "doc" { "#text" = "\n" } { "a" { "c" = "#empty" } { "b" { "c" = "#empty" } } { "c" = "#empty" } { "c" = "#empty" } { "a" } } } let p01pass2 = "<?PI before document element?> <!-- comment after document element--> <?PI before document element?> <!-- comment after document element--> <?PI before document element?> <!-- comment after document element--> <?PI before document element?> <!DOCTYPE doc [ <!ELEMENT doc ANY> <!ELEMENT a ANY> <!ELEMENT b ANY> <!ELEMENT c ANY> ]> <doc> <a><b><c/></b></a> </doc> <!-- comment after document element--> <?PI after document element?> <!-- comment after document element--> <?PI after document element?> <!-- comment after document element--> <?PI after document element?> " test Xml.lns get p01pass2 = { "#pi" { "#target" = "PI" } { "#instruction" = "before document element" } } { "#comment" = " comment after document element" } { "#pi" { "#target" = "PI" } { "#instruction" = "before document element" } } { "#comment" = " comment after document element" } { "#pi" { "#target" = "PI" } { "#instruction" = "before document element" } } { "#comment" = " comment after document element" } { "#pi" { "#target" = "PI" } { "#instruction" = "before document element" } } { "!DOCTYPE" = "doc" { "!ELEMENT" = "doc" { "#decl" = "ANY" } } { "!ELEMENT" = "a" { "#decl" = "ANY" } } { "!ELEMENT" = "b" { "#decl" = "ANY" } } { "!ELEMENT" = "c" { "#decl" = "ANY" } } } { "doc" { "#text" = " " } { "a" { "b" { "c" = "#empty" } } } } { "#comment" = " comment after document element" } { "#pi" { "#target" = "PI" } { "#instruction" = "after document element" } } { "#comment" = " comment after document element" } { "#pi" { "#target" = "PI" } { "#instruction" = "after document element" } } { "#comment" = " comment after document element" } { "#pi" { "#target" = "PI" } { "#instruction" = "after document element" } } (* various valid Name constructions *) test Xml.lns get "<doc>\n<A:._-0/>\n<::._-0/>\n<_:._-0/>\n<A/>\n<_/>\n<:/>\n</doc>" = { "doc" { "#text" = "\n" } { "A:._-0" = "#empty" } { "::._-0" = "#empty" } { "_:._-0" = "#empty" } { "A" = "#empty" } { "_" = "#empty" } { ":" = "#empty" } } test Xml.lns get "<doc> <abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/> <ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/> <A01234567890/> <A.-:/> </doc>" = { "doc" { "#text" = "\n" } { "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" = "#empty" } { "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" = "#empty" } { "A01234567890" = "#empty" } { "A.-:" = "#empty" } } let p06fail1 = "<!--non-validating processors may pass this instance because they don't check the IDREFS attribute type--> <!DOCTYPE doc [ <!ELEMENT doc (a|refs)*> <!ELEMENT a EMPTY> <!ELEMENT refs EMPTY> <!ATTLIST refs refs IDREFS #REQUIRED> <!ATTLIST a id ID #REQUIRED> ]> <doc> <a id=\"A1\"/><a id=\"A2\"/><a id=\"A3\"/> <refs refs=\"\"/> </doc>" (* we accept this test because we do not verify XML references *) test Xml.lns get p06fail1 = { "#comment" = "non-validating processors may pass this instance because they don't check the IDREFS attribute type" } { "!DOCTYPE" = "doc" { "!ELEMENT" = "doc" { "#decl" = "(a|refs)*" } } { "!ELEMENT" = "a" { "#decl" = "EMPTY" } } { "!ELEMENT" = "refs" { "#decl" = "EMPTY" } } { "!ATTLIST" = "refs" { "1" { "#name" = "refs" } { "#type" = "IDREFS" } { "#REQUIRED" } } } { "!ATTLIST" = "a" { "1" { "#name" = "id" } { "#type" = "ID" } { "#REQUIRED" } } } } { "doc" { "#text" = " " } { "a" = "#empty" { "#attribute" { "id" = "A1" } } } { "a" = "#empty" { "#attribute" { "id" = "A2" } } } { "a" = "#empty" { "#attribute" { "id" = "A3" } } } { "refs" = "#empty" { "#attribute" { "refs" = "" } } } } (* we accept dquote, but not single quotes, because of resulting ambiguity *) let p10pass1_1 = "<doc><A a=\"asdf>'">\nasdf\n ?>%\"/></doc>" let p10pass1_2 = "<doc><A a='\"\">'"'/></doc>" test Xml.lns get p10pass1_1 = { "doc" { "A" = "#empty" { "#attribute" { "a" = "asdf>'">\nasdf\n ?>%" } } } } test Xml.lns get p10pass1_2 = { "doc" { "A" = "#empty" { "#attribute" { "a" = "\"\">'"" } } } } (* here again, test exclude single quote *) let p11pass1 = "<!--Inability to resolve a notation should not be reported as an error--> <!DOCTYPE doc [ <!ELEMENT doc EMPTY> <!NOTATION not1 SYSTEM \"a%a&b�<!ELEMENT<!--<?</>?>/\''\"> <!NOTATION not3 SYSTEM \"\"> ]> <doc></doc>" test Xml.lns get p11pass1 = { "#comment" = "Inability to resolve a notation should not be reported as an error" } { "!DOCTYPE" = "doc" { "!ELEMENT" = "doc" { "#decl" = "EMPTY" } } { "!NOTATION" = "not1" { "SYSTEM" = "a%a&b�<!ELEMENT<!--<?</>?>/\''" } } { "!NOTATION" = "not3" { "SYSTEM" = "" } } } { "doc" } test Xml.lns get "<doc>a%b%</doc></doc>]]<&</doc>" = { "doc" { "#text" = "a%b%</doc></doc>]]<&" } } let p15pass1 = "<!--a <!DOCTYPE <?- ]]>-<[ CDATA [ \"- -'- -<doc>--> <!----> <doc></doc>" test Xml.lns get p15pass1 = { "#comment" = "a <!DOCTYPE <?- ]]>-<[ CDATA [ \"- -'- -<doc>" } { "#comment" = "" } { "doc" } let p22pass3 = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?> <!--comment--> <?pi some instruction ?> <doc><?pi?></doc>" test Xml.lns get p22pass3 = { "#declaration" { "#attribute" { "version" = "1.0" } } } { "#comment" = "comment" } { "#pi" { "#target" = "pi" } { "#instruction" = "some instruction" } } { "doc" { "#pi" { "#target" = "pi" } } } let p25pass2 = "<?xml version = \"1.0\"?> <doc></doc>" test Xml.lns get p25pass2 = { "#declaration" { "#attribute" { "version" = "1.0" } } } { "doc" } test Xml.lns get "<!DOCTYPE doc [ <!ELEMENT doc EMPTY> ]> <doc></doc>" = { "!DOCTYPE" = "doc" { "!ELEMENT" = "doc" { "#decl" = "EMPTY" } } } { "doc" } test Xml.lns get "<doc></doc \n>" = { "doc" } test Xml.lns get "<a><doc att=\"val\" \natt2=\"val2\" att3=\"val3\"/></a>" = { "a" { "doc" = "#empty" { "#attribute" { "att" = "val" } { "att2" = "val2" } { "att3" = "val3" } } } } test Xml.lns get "<doc/>" = { "doc" = "#empty" } test Xml.lns get "<a><![CDATA[Thu, 13 Feb 2014 12:22:35 +0000]]></a>" = { "a" { "#CDATA" = "Thu, 13 Feb 2014 12:22:35 +0000" } } (* failure tests *) (* only one document element *) test Xml.lns get "<doc></doc><bad/>" = * (* document element must be complete *) test Xml.lns get "<doc>" = * (* accept empty document *) test Xml.lns get "\n" = {} (* malformed element *) test Xml.lns get "<a><A@/></a>" = * (* a Name cannot start with a digit *) test Xml.lns get "<a><0A/></a>" = * (* no space before "CDATA" *) test Xml.lns get "<doc><![ CDATA[a]]></doc>" = * (* no space after "CDATA" *) test Xml.lns get "<doc><![CDATA [a]]></doc>" = * (* FIXME: CDSect's can't nest *) test Xml.lns get "<doc> <![CDATA[ <![CDATA[XML doesn't allow CDATA sections to nest]]> ]]> </doc>" = { "doc" { "#text" = "\n" } { "#CDATA" = "\n<![CDATA[XML doesn't allow CDATA sections to nest" } { "#text" = "\n]]" } { "#text" = ">\n" } } (* Comment is illegal in VersionInfo *) test Xml.lns get "<?xml version <!--bad comment--> =\"1.0\"?> <doc></doc>" = * (* only declarations in DTD *) test Xml.lns get "<!DOCTYPE doc [ <!ELEMENT doc EMPTY> <doc></doc> ]>" = * (* we do not support external entities *) test Xml.lns get "<!DOCTYPE doc [ <!ENTITY % eldecl \"<!ELEMENT doc EMPTY>\"> %eldecl; ]> <doc></doc>" = * (* Escape character in attributes *) test Xml.lns get "<a password=\"my\!pass\" />" = { "a" = "#empty" { "#attribute" { "password" = "my\!pass" } } } test Xml.lns put "" after set "/a" "#empty" = "<a/>\n" (* Issue #142 *) test Xml.entity_def get "<!ENTITY open-hatch SYSTEM \"http://examplecom/OpenHatch.xml\">" = { "!ENTITY" = "open-hatch" { "SYSTEM" { "#systemliteral" = "http://examplecom/OpenHatch.xml" } } } test Xml.entity_def get "<!ENTITY open-hatch PUBLIC \"-//Textuality//TEXT Standard open-hatch boilerplate//EN\" \"http://www.textuality.com/boilerplate/OpenHatch.xml\">" = { "!ENTITY" = "open-hatch" { "PUBLIC" { "#pubidliteral" = "-//Textuality//TEXT Standard open-hatch boilerplate//EN" } { "#systemliteral" = "http://www.textuality.com/boilerplate/OpenHatch.xml" } } } let dt_with_entities = "<!DOCTYPE server-xml [ <!ENTITY sys-ent SYSTEM \"sys-file.xml\"> <!ENTITY pub-ent PUBLIC \"-//something public//TEXT\" \"pub-file.xml\"> ]>" test Xml.doctype get dt_with_entities = { "!DOCTYPE" = "server-xml" { "!ENTITY" = "sys-ent" { "SYSTEM" { "#systemliteral" = "sys-file.xml" } } } { "!ENTITY" = "pub-ent" { "PUBLIC" { "#pubidliteral" = "-//something public//TEXT" } { "#systemliteral" = "pub-file.xml" } } } } test Xml.doctype put dt_with_entities after rm "/\!DOCTYPE/\!ENTITY[2]"; set "/\!DOCTYPE/\!ENTITY[. = \"sys-ent\"]/SYSTEM/#systemliteral" "other-file.xml" = "<!DOCTYPE server-xml [ <!ENTITY sys-ent SYSTEM \"other-file.xml\"> ]>" test Xml.lns get (dt_with_entities . "<body></body>") = { "!DOCTYPE" = "server-xml" { "!ENTITY" = "sys-ent" { "SYSTEM" { "#systemliteral" = "sys-file.xml" } } } { "!ENTITY" = "pub-ent" { "PUBLIC" { "#pubidliteral" = "-//something public//TEXT" } { "#systemliteral" = "pub-file.xml" } } } } { "body" } test Xml.lns put "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?> <body> </body>" after insa "!DOCTYPE" "#declaration"; set "\\!DOCTYPE" "Server"; set "\\!DOCTYPE/\\!ENTITY" "resourcesFile"; set "\\!DOCTYPE/\\!ENTITY/SYSTEM/#systemliteral" "data.xml" = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><!DOCTYPE Server[ <!ENTITY resourcesFile SYSTEM \"data.xml\">]> <body>\n</body>"
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test_gshadow.aug | File | 359 B | 0644 |
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test_hosts.aug | File | 1.78 KB | 0644 |
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test_inittab.aug | File | 1.82 KB | 0644 |
test_inputrc.aug | File | 5.13 KB | 0644 |
test_interfaces.aug | File | 3.65 KB | 0644 |
test_iproute2.aug | File | 945 B | 0644 |
test_iptables.aug | File | 7.39 KB | 0644 |
test_iscsid.aug | File | 2.45 KB | 0644 |
test_jaas.aug | File | 5.35 KB | 0644 |
test_jettyrealm.aug | File | 982 B | 0644 |
test_jmxaccess.aug | File | 637 B | 0644 |
test_jmxpassword.aug | File | 653 B | 0644 |
test_json.aug | File | 16.85 KB | 0644 |
test_kdump.aug | File | 2.84 KB | 0644 |
test_keepalived.aug | File | 14.33 KB | 0644 |
test_known_hosts.aug | File | 1.79 KB | 0644 |
test_koji.aug | File | 1.65 KB | 0644 |
test_krb5.aug | File | 28.56 KB | 0644 |
test_ldap.aug | File | 398 B | 0644 |
test_ldif.aug | File | 3.88 KB | 0644 |
test_ldso.aug | File | 486 B | 0644 |
test_lightdm.aug | File | 3.98 KB | 0644 |
test_limits.aug | File | 924 B | 0644 |
test_login_defs.aug | File | 528 B | 0644 |
test_logrotate.aug | File | 7.81 KB | 0644 |
test_logwatch.aug | File | 322 B | 0644 |
test_lokkit.aug | File | 2.1 KB | 0644 |
test_lvm.aug | File | 4.56 KB | 0644 |
test_mailscanner.aug | File | 32.15 KB | 0644 |
test_mailscanner_rules.aug | File | 2.6 KB | 0644 |
test_masterpasswd.aug | File | 3.21 KB | 0644 |
test_mcollective.aug | File | 1.2 KB | 0644 |
test_mdadm_conf.aug | File | 2.52 KB | 0644 |
test_memcached.aug | File | 1.15 KB | 0644 |
test_mke2fs.aug | File | 2.13 KB | 0644 |
test_modprobe.aug | File | 4.07 KB | 0644 |
test_modules.aug | File | 229 B | 0644 |
test_modules_conf.aug | File | 3.23 KB | 0644 |
test_mongodbserver.aug | File | 775 B | 0644 |
test_monit.aug | File | 1.03 KB | 0644 |
test_multipath.aug | File | 5.21 KB | 0644 |
test_mysql.aug | File | 8.75 KB | 0644 |
test_nagioscfg.aug | File | 2.95 KB | 0644 |
test_nagiosobjects.aug | File | 1.69 KB | 0644 |
test_netmasks.aug | File | 640 B | 0644 |
test_networkmanager.aug | File | 1.27 KB | 0644 |
test_networks.aug | File | 1.16 KB | 0644 |
test_nginx.aug | File | 7.04 KB | 0644 |
test_nrpe.aug | File | 2.13 KB | 0644 |
test_nslcd.aug | File | 12.84 KB | 0644 |
test_nsswitch.aug | File | 1.54 KB | 0644 |
test_ntp.aug | File | 5.09 KB | 0644 |
test_ntpd.aug | File | 1.87 KB | 0644 |
test_odbc.aug | File | 1.62 KB | 0644 |
test_opendkim.aug | File | 5.66 KB | 0644 |
test_openshift_config.aug | File | 3.64 KB | 0644 |
test_openshift_http.aug | File | 2.16 KB | 0644 |
test_openshift_quickstarts.aug | File | 12.42 KB | 0644 |
test_openvpn.aug | File | 28.09 KB | 0644 |
test_oz.aug | File | 611 B | 0644 |
test_pagekite.aug | File | 2.75 KB | 0644 |
test_pam.aug | File | 1.54 KB | 0644 |
test_pamconf.aug | File | 1010 B | 0644 |
test_passwd.aug | File | 2.44 KB | 0644 |
test_pbuilder.aug | File | 531 B | 0644 |
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test_pgbouncer.aug | File | 1.97 KB | 0644 |
test_php.aug | File | 1.4 KB | 0644 |
test_phpvars.aug | File | 1.63 KB | 0644 |
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test_postfix_master.aug | File | 3.77 KB | 0644 |
test_postfix_passwordmap.aug | File | 1.31 KB | 0644 |
test_postfix_sasl_smtpd.aug | File | 530 B | 0644 |
test_postfix_transport.aug | File | 1.58 KB | 0644 |
test_postfix_virtual.aug | File | 1.23 KB | 0644 |
test_postgresql.aug | File | 8.07 KB | 0644 |
test_properties.aug | File | 3.51 KB | 0644 |
test_protocols.aug | File | 1.3 KB | 0644 |
test_puppet.aug | File | 547 B | 0644 |
test_puppet_auth.aug | File | 1.1 KB | 0644 |
test_puppetfile.aug | File | 1.73 KB | 0644 |
test_puppetfileserver.aug | File | 949 B | 0644 |
test_pylonspaste.aug | File | 1.73 KB | 0644 |
test_pythonpaste.aug | File | 1.23 KB | 0644 |
test_qpid.aug | File | 1.3 KB | 0644 |
test_quote.aug | File | 8.66 KB | 0644 |
test_rabbitmq.aug | File | 3.66 KB | 0644 |
test_radicale.aug | File | 1.04 KB | 0644 |
test_rancid.aug | File | 706 B | 0644 |
test_redis.aug | File | 5.81 KB | 0644 |
test_reprepro_uploaders.aug | File | 4.68 KB | 0644 |
test_resolv.aug | File | 1.46 KB | 0644 |
test_rhsm.aug | File | 4.46 KB | 0644 |
test_rmt.aug | File | 826 B | 0644 |
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test_rx.aug | File | 3.33 KB | 0644 |
test_samba.aug | File | 3.52 KB | 0644 |
test_schroot.aug | File | 2.25 KB | 0644 |
test_securetty.aug | File | 636 B | 0644 |
test_services.aug | File | 2.87 KB | 0644 |
test_shadow.aug | File | 2.01 KB | 0644 |
test_shells.aug | File | 348 B | 0644 |
test_shellvars.aug | File | 18.33 KB | 0644 |
test_shellvars_list.aug | File | 4.18 KB | 0644 |
test_simplelines.aug | File | 724 B | 0644 |
test_simplevars.aug | File | 994 B | 0644 |
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test_slapd.aug | File | 3.03 KB | 0644 |
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test_solaris_system.aug | File | 2.48 KB | 0644 |
test_soma.aug | File | 424 B | 0644 |
test_spacevars.aug | File | 431 B | 0644 |
test_splunk.aug | File | 2.96 KB | 0644 |
test_squid.aug | File | 5.09 KB | 0644 |
test_ssh.aug | File | 2.92 KB | 0644 |
test_sshd.aug | File | 5.04 KB | 0644 |
test_sssd.aug | File | 896 B | 0644 |
test_star.aug | File | 1.56 KB | 0644 |
test_stunnel.aug | File | 791 B | 0644 |
test_subversion.aug | File | 3.06 KB | 0644 |
test_sudoers.aug | File | 9.9 KB | 0644 |
test_sysconfig.aug | File | 4.1 KB | 0644 |
test_sysconfig_route.aug | File | 522 B | 0644 |
test_sysctl.aug | File | 1.34 KB | 0644 |
test_syslog.aug | File | 10.96 KB | 0644 |
test_systemd.aug | File | 7.95 KB | 0644 |
test_termcap.aug | File | 16.69 KB | 0644 |
test_thttpd.aug | File | 1.17 KB | 0644 |
test_tmpfiles.aug | File | 9.94 KB | 0644 |
test_trapperkeeper.aug | File | 4.15 KB | 0644 |
test_tuned.aug | File | 259 B | 0644 |
test_up2date.aug | File | 6.23 KB | 0644 |
test_updatedb.aug | File | 855 B | 0644 |
test_util.aug | File | 428 B | 0644 |
test_vfstab.aug | File | 2.79 KB | 0644 |
test_vmware_config.aug | File | 1.7 KB | 0644 |
test_vsftpd.aug | File | 2.49 KB | 0644 |
test_webmin.aug | File | 195 B | 0644 |
test_wine.aug | File | 5.58 KB | 0644 |
test_xendconfsxp.aug | File | 7.74 KB | 0644 |
test_xinetd.aug | File | 2.78 KB | 0644 |
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test_xorg.aug | File | 2.41 KB | 0644 |
test_xymon.aug | File | 4.29 KB | 0644 |
test_xymon_alerting.aug | File | 7.44 KB | 0644 |
test_yaml.aug | File | 1.34 KB | 0644 |
test_yum.aug | File | 7.28 KB | 0644 |