[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
#                                                  -*- Autoconf -*-
# This file is part of Autoconf.
# foreach-based replacements for recursive functions.
# Speeds up GNU M4 1.4.x by avoiding quadratic $@ recursion, but penalizes
# GNU M4 1.6 by requiring more memory and macro expansions.
# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

# This file is part of Autoconf.  This program is free
# software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted additional
# permissions described in the Autoconf Configure Script Exception,
# version 3.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# and a copy of the Autoconf Configure Script Exception along with
# this program; see the files COPYINGv3 and COPYING.EXCEPTION
# respectively.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# Written by Eric Blake.

# In M4 1.4.x, every byte of $@ is rescanned.  This means that an
# algorithm on n arguments that recurses with one less argument each
# iteration will scan n * (n + 1) / 2 arguments, for O(n^2) time.  In
# M4 1.6, this was fixed so that $@ is only scanned once, then
# back-references are made to information stored about the scan.
# Thus, n iterations need only scan n arguments, for O(n) time.
# Additionally, in M4 1.4.x, recursive algorithms did not clean up
# memory very well, requiring O(n^2) memory rather than O(n) for n
# iterations.
# This file is designed to overcome the quadratic nature of $@
# recursion by writing a variant of m4_foreach that uses m4_for rather
# than $@ recursion to operate on the list.  This involves more macro
# expansions, but avoids the need to rescan a quadratic number of
# arguments, making these replacements very attractive for M4 1.4.x.
# On the other hand, in any version of M4, expanding additional macros
# costs additional time; therefore, in M4 1.6, where $@ recursion uses
# fewer macros, these replacements actually pessimize performance.
# Additionally, the use of $10 to mean the tenth argument violates
# POSIX; although all versions of m4 1.4.x support this meaning, a
# future m4 version may switch to take it as the first argument
# concatenated with a literal 0, so the implementations in this file
# are not future-proof.  Thus, this file is conditionally included as
# part of m4_init(), only when it is detected that M4 probably has
# quadratic behavior (ie. it lacks the macro __m4_version__).
# Please keep this file in sync with m4sugar.m4.

# _m4_foreach(PRE, POST, IGNORED, ARG...)
# ---------------------------------------
# Form the common basis of the m4_foreach and m4_map macros.  For each
# ARG, expand PRE[ARG]POST[].  The IGNORED argument makes recursion
# easier, and must be supplied rather than implicit.
# This version minimizes the number of times that $@ is evaluated by
# using m4_for to generate a boilerplate into _m4_f then passing $@ to
# that temporary macro.  Thus, the recursion is done in m4_for without
# reparsing any user input, and is not quadratic.  For an idea of how
# this works, note that m4_foreach(i,[1,2],[i]) calls
#   _m4_foreach([m4_define([i],],[)i],[],[1],[2])
# which defines _m4_f:
#   $1[$4]$2[]$1[$5]$2[]_m4_popdef([_m4_f])
# then calls _m4_f([m4_define([i],],[)i],[],[1],[2]) for a net result:
#   m4_define([i],[1])i[]m4_define([i],[2])i[]_m4_popdef([_m4_f]).
[m4_if([$#], [3], [],
       [m4_pushdef([_m4_f], _m4_for([4], [$#], [1],
   [$0_([1], [2],], [)])[_m4_popdef([_m4_f])])_m4_f($@)])])


# m4_case(SWITCH, VAL1, IF-VAL1, VAL2, IF-VAL2, ..., DEFAULT)
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Find the first VAL that SWITCH matches, and expand the corresponding
# IF-VAL.  If there are no matches, expand DEFAULT.
# Use m4_for to create a temporary macro in terms of a boilerplate
# m4_if with final cleanup.  If $# is even, we have DEFAULT; if it is
# odd, then rounding the last $# up in the temporary macro is
# harmless.  For example, both m4_case(1,2,3,4,5) and
# m4_case(1,2,3,4,5,6) result in the intermediate _m4_case being
#   m4_if([$1],[$2],[$3],[$1],[$4],[$5],_m4_popdef([_m4_case])[$6])
[m4_if(m4_eval([$# <= 2]), [1], [$2],
[m4_pushdef([_$0], [m4_if(]_m4_for([2], m4_eval([($# - 1) / 2 * 2]), [2],
     [_$0_(], [)])[_m4_popdef(
	 [_$0])]m4_dquote($m4_eval([($# + 1) & ~1]))[)])_$0($@)])])

[$0_([1], [$1], m4_incr([$1]))])


# m4_bmatch(SWITCH, RE1, VAL1, RE2, VAL2, ..., DEFAULT)
# -----------------------------------------------------
# m4 equivalent of
# if (SWITCH =~ RE1)
#   VAL1;
# elif (SWITCH =~ RE2)
#   VAL2;
# elif ...
#   ...
# else
# We build the temporary macro _m4_b:
#   m4_define([_m4_b], _m4_defn([_m4_bmatch]))_m4_b([$1], [$2], [$3])...
#   _m4_b([$1], [$m-1], [$m])_m4_b([], [], [$m+1]_m4_popdef([_m4_b]))
# then invoke m4_unquote(_m4_b($@)), for concatenation with later text.
[m4_if([$#], 0, [m4_fatal([$0: too few arguments: $#])],
       [$#], 1, [m4_fatal([$0: too few arguments: $#: $1])],
       [$#], 2, [$2],
       [m4_pushdef([_m4_b], [m4_define([_m4_b],
  _m4_defn([_$0]))]_m4_for([3], m4_eval([($# + 1) / 2 * 2 - 1]),
  [2], [_$0_(], [)])[_m4_b([], [],]m4_dquote([$]m4_eval(
  [($# + 1) / 2 * 2]))[_m4_popdef([_m4_b]))])m4_unquote(_m4_b($@))])])

[m4_if(m4_bregexp([$1], [$2]), [-1], [], [[$3]m4_define([$0])])])

[$0_([1], m4_decr([$1]), [$1])])

[[_m4_b([$$1], [$$2], [$$3])]])

# m4_cond(TEST1, VAL1, IF-VAL1, TEST2, VAL2, IF-VAL2, ..., [DEFAULT])
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Similar to m4_if, except that each TEST is expanded when encountered.
# If the expansion of TESTn matches the string VALn, the result is IF-VALn.
# The result is DEFAULT if no tests passed.  This macro allows
# short-circuiting of expensive tests, where it pays to arrange quick
# filter tests to run first.
# m4_cond already guarantees either 3*n or 3*n + 1 arguments, 1 <= n.
# We only have to speed up _m4_cond, by building the temporary _m4_c:
#   m4_define([_m4_c], _m4_defn([m4_unquote]))_m4_c([m4_if(($1), [($2)],
#   [[$3]m4_define([_m4_c])])])_m4_c([m4_if(($4), [($5)],
#   [[$6]m4_define([_m4_c])])])..._m4_c([m4_if(($m-2), [($m-1)],
#   [[$m]m4_define([_m4_c])])])_m4_c([[$m+1]]_m4_popdef([_m4_c]))
# We invoke m4_unquote(_m4_c($@)), for concatenation with later text.
[m4_pushdef([_m4_c], [m4_define([_m4_c],
  _m4_defn([m4_unquote]))]_m4_for([2], m4_eval([$# / 3 * 3 - 1]), [3],
  [$0_(], [)])[_m4_c(]m4_dquote(m4_dquote(
  [$]m4_eval([$# / 3 * 3 + 1])))[_m4_popdef([_m4_c]))])m4_unquote(_m4_c($@))])

[$0_(m4_decr([$1]), [$1], m4_incr([$1]))])

[[_m4_c([m4_if(($$1), [($$2)], [[$$3]m4_define([_m4_c])])])]])

# m4_bpatsubsts(STRING, RE1, SUBST1, RE2, SUBST2, ...)
# ----------------------------------------------------
# m4 equivalent of
#   $_ = STRING;
#   s/RE1/SUBST1/g;
#   s/RE2/SUBST2/g;
#   ...
# m4_bpatsubsts already validated an odd number of arguments; we only
# need to speed up _m4_bpatsubsts.  To avoid nesting, we build the
# temporary _m4_p:
#   m4_define([_m4_p], [$1])m4_define([_m4_p],
#   m4_bpatsubst(m4_dquote(_m4_defn([_m4_p])), [$2], [$3]))m4_define([_m4_p],
#   m4_bpatsubst(m4_dquote(_m4_defn([_m4_p])), [$4], [$5]))m4_define([_m4_p],...
#   m4_bpatsubst(m4_dquote(_m4_defn([_m4_p])), [$m-1], [$m]))m4_unquote(
#   _m4_defn([_m4_p])_m4_popdef([_m4_p]))
[m4_pushdef([_m4_p], [m4_define([_m4_p],
  ]m4_dquote([$]1)[)]_m4_for([3], [$#], [2], [$0_(],

[$0_(m4_decr([$1]), [$1])])

m4_bpatsubst(m4_dquote(_m4_defn([_m4_p])), [$$1], [$$2]))]])

# m4_shiftn(N, ...)
# -----------------
# Returns ... shifted N times.  Useful for recursive "varargs" constructs.
# m4_shiftn already validated arguments; we only need to speed up
# _m4_shiftn.  If N is 3, then we build the temporary _m4_s, defined as
#   ,[$5],[$6],...,[$m]_m4_popdef([_m4_s])
# before calling m4_shift(_m4_s($@)).
[m4_if(m4_incr([$1]), [$#], [], [m4_pushdef([_m4_s],
  _m4_for(m4_eval([$1 + 2]), [$#], [1],
  [[,]m4_dquote($], [)])[_m4_popdef([_m4_s])])m4_shift(_m4_s($@))])])

# m4_do(STRING, ...)
# ------------------
# This macro invokes all its arguments (in sequence, of course).  It is
# useful for making your macros more structured and readable by dropping
# unnecessary dnl's and have the macros indented properly.
# Here, we use the temporary macro _m4_do, defined as
#   $1[]$2[]...[]$n[]_m4_popdef([_m4_do])
[m4_if([$#], [0], [],
       [m4_pushdef([_$0], _m4_for([1], [$#], [1],
		   [$], [[[]]])[_m4_popdef([_$0])])_$0($@)])])

# m4_dquote_elt(ARGS)
# -------------------
# Return ARGS as an unquoted list of double-quoted arguments.
# _m4_foreach to the rescue.
[m4_if([$#], [0], [], [[[$1]]_m4_foreach([,m4_dquote(], [)], $@)])])

# m4_reverse(ARGS)
# ----------------
# Output ARGS in reverse order.
# Invoke _m4_r($@) with the temporary _m4_r built as
#   [$m], [$m-1], ..., [$2], [$1]_m4_popdef([_m4_r])
[m4_if([$#], [0], [], [$#], [1], [[$1]],
[m4_pushdef([_m4_r], [[$$#]]_m4_for(m4_decr([$#]), [1], [-1],
    [[, ]m4_dquote($], [)])[_m4_popdef([_m4_r])])_m4_r($@)])])

# m4_map_args_pair(EXPRESSION, [END-EXPR = EXPRESSION], ARG...)
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Perform a pairwise grouping of consecutive ARGs, by expanding
# EXPRESSION([ARG1], [ARG2]).  If there are an odd number of ARGs, the
# final argument is expanded with END-EXPR([ARGn]).
# Build the temporary macro _m4_map_args_pair, with the $2([$m+1])
# only output if $# is odd:
#   $1([$3], [$4])[]$1([$5], [$6])[]...$1([$m-1],
#   [$m])[]m4_default([$2], [$1])([$m+1])[]_m4_popdef([_m4_map_args_pair])
[m4_if([$#], [0], [m4_fatal([$0: too few arguments: $#])],
       [$#], [1], [m4_fatal([$0: too few arguments: $#: $1])],
       [$#], [2], [],
       [$#], [3], [m4_default([$2], [$1])([$3])[]],
       [m4_pushdef([_$0], _m4_for([3],
   m4_eval([$# / 2 * 2 - 1]), [2], [_$0_(], [)])_$0_end(
   [1], [2], [$#])[_m4_popdef([_$0])])_$0($@)])])

[$0_([1], [$1], m4_incr([$1]))])

[[$$1([$$2], [$$3])[]]])

[m4_if(m4_eval([$3 & 1]), [1], [[m4_default([$$2], [$$1])([$$3])[]]])])

# m4_join(SEP, ARG1, ARG2...)
# ---------------------------
# Produce ARG1SEPARG2...SEPARGn.  Avoid back-to-back SEP when a given ARG
# is the empty string.  No expansion is performed on SEP or ARGs.
# Use a self-modifying separator, since we don't know how many
# arguments might be skipped before a separator is first printed, but
# be careful if the separator contains $.  _m4_foreach to the rescue.
[m4_pushdef([_m4_sep], [m4_define([_m4_sep], _m4_defn([m4_echo]))])]dnl
[_m4_foreach([_$0([$1],], [)], $@)_m4_popdef([_m4_sep])])

[m4_if([$2], [], [], [_m4_sep([$1])[$2]])])

# m4_joinall(SEP, ARG1, ARG2...)
# ------------------------------
# Produce ARG1SEPARG2...SEPARGn.  An empty ARG results in back-to-back SEP.
# No expansion is performed on SEP or ARGs.
# A bit easier than m4_join.  _m4_foreach to the rescue.
[[$2]m4_if(m4_eval([$# <= 2]), [1], [],
	   [_m4_foreach([$1], [], m4_shift($@))])])

# m4_list_cmp(A, B)
# -----------------
# Compare the two lists of integer expressions A and B.
# m4_list_cmp takes care of any side effects; we only override
# _m4_list_cmp_raw, where we can safely expand lists multiple times.
# First, insert padding so that both lists are the same length; the
# trailing +0 is necessary to handle a missing list.  Next, create a
# temporary macro to perform pairwise comparisons until an inequality
# is found.  For example, m4_list_cmp([1], [1,2]) creates _m4_cmp as
#   m4_if(m4_eval([($1) != ($3)]), [1], [m4_cmp([$1], [$3])],
#         m4_eval([($2) != ($4)]), [1], [m4_cmp([$2], [$4])],
#         [0]_m4_popdef([_m4_cmp]))
# then calls _m4_cmp([1+0], [0*2], [1], [2+0])
[m4_if([$1], [$2], 0,
       [_m4_list_cmp($1+0_m4_list_pad(m4_count($1), m4_count($2)),
		     $2+0_m4_list_pad(m4_count($2), m4_count($1)))])])

[m4_if(m4_eval($1 < $2), [1],
       [_m4_for(m4_incr([$1]), [$2], [1], [,0*])])])

[m4_pushdef([_m4_cmp], [m4_if(]_m4_for(
   [1], m4_eval([$# >> 1]), [1], [$0_(], [,]m4_eval([$# >> 1])[)])[

[$0_([$1], m4_eval([$1 + $2]))])

[[m4_eval([($$1) != ($$2)]), [1], [m4_cmp([$$1], [$$2])],

# m4_max(EXPR, ...)
# m4_min(EXPR, ...)
# -----------------
# Return the decimal value of the maximum (or minimum) in a series of
# integer expressions.
# _m4_foreach to the rescue; we only need to replace _m4_minmax.  Here,
# we need a temporary macro to track the best answer so far, so that
# the foreach expression is tractable.
[m4_pushdef([_m4_best], m4_eval([$2]))_m4_foreach(
  [m4_define([_m4_best], $1(_m4_best,], [))], m4_shift($@))]dnl

# m4_set_add_all(SET, VALUE...)
# -----------------------------
# Add each VALUE into SET.  This is O(n) in the number of VALUEs, and
# can be faster than calling m4_set_add for each VALUE.
# _m4_foreach to the rescue.  If no deletions have occurred, then
# avoid the speed penalty of m4_set_add.
[m4_if([$#], [0], [], [$#], [1], [],
       [m4_define([_m4_set_size($1)], m4_eval(m4_set_size([$1])
	  + m4_len(_m4_foreach(m4_ifdef([_m4_set_cleanup($1)],
  [[m4_set_add]], [[_$0]])[([$1],], [)], $@))))])])

[m4_ifdef([_m4_set([$1],$2)], [],
		     [1])m4_pushdef([_m4_set([$1])], [$2])-])])


Name Type Size Permission Actions
foreach.m4 File 14.41 KB 0644
m4sh.m4 File 73.78 KB 0644
m4sh.m4f File 70.2 KB 0644
m4sugar.m4 File 119.01 KB 0644
m4sugar.m4f File 29.92 KB 0644
version.m4 File 523 B 0644