[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package Automake::Options;

use 5.006;
use strict;
use Exporter;
use Automake::Config;
use Automake::ChannelDefs;
use Automake::Channels;
use Automake::Version;

use vars qw (@ISA @EXPORT);

@ISA = qw (Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw (option global_option
              set_option set_global_option
              unset_option unset_global_option
              process_option_list process_global_option_list
              set_strictness $strictness $strictness_name
              &FOREIGN &GNU &GNITS);

=head1 NAME

Automake::Options - keep track of Automake options


  use Automake::Options;

  # Option lookup and setting.
  $opt = option 'name';
  $opt = global_option 'name';
  set_option 'name', 'value';
  set_global_option 'name', 'value';
  unset_option 'name';
  unset_global_option 'name';

  # Batch option setting.
  process_option_list $location, @names;
  process_global_option_list $location, @names;

  # Strictness lookup and setting.
  set_strictness 'foreign';
  set_strictness 'gnu';
  set_strictness 'gnits';
  if ($strictness >= GNU) { ... }
  print "$strictness_name\n";


This packages manages Automake's options and strictness settings.
Options can be either local or global.  Local options are set using an
C<AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS> variable in a F<Makefile.am> and apply only to
this F<Makefile.am>.  Global options are set from the command line or
passed as an argument to C<AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE>, they apply to all


# Values are the Automake::Location of the definition.
use vars '%_options';        # From AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS
use vars '%_global_options'; # From AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE or the command line.

# Whether process_option_list has already been called for the current
# Makefile.am.
use vars '$_options_processed';
# Whether process_global_option_list has already been called.
use vars '$_global_options_processed';

=head2 Constants

=over 4


=item GNU

=item GNITS

Strictness constants used as values for C<$strictness>.



# Constants to define the "strictness" level.
use constant FOREIGN => 0;
use constant GNU     => 1;
use constant GNITS   => 2;

=head2 Variables

=over 4

=item C<$strictness>

The current strictness.  One of C<FOREIGN>, C<GNU>, or C<GNITS>.

=item C<$strictness_name>

The current strictness name.  One of C<'foreign'>, C<'gnu'>, or C<'gnits'>.



# Strictness levels.
use vars qw ($strictness $strictness_name);

# Strictness level as set on command line.
use vars qw ($_default_strictness $_default_strictness_name);

=head2 Functions

=over 4

=item C<Automake::Options::reset>

Reset the options variables for the next F<Makefile.am>.

In other words, this gets rid of all local options in use by the
previous F<Makefile.am>.


sub reset ()
  $_options_processed = 0;
  %_options = %_global_options;
  # The first time we are run,
  # remember the current setting as the default.
  if (defined $_default_strictness)
      $strictness = $_default_strictness;
      $strictness_name = $_default_strictness_name;
      $_default_strictness = $strictness;
      $_default_strictness_name = $strictness_name;

=item C<$value = option ($name)>

=item C<$value = global_option ($name)>

Query the state of an option.  If the option is unset, this
returns the empty list.  Otherwise it returns the option's value,
as set by C<set_option> or C<set_global_option>.

Note that C<global_option> should be used only when it is
important to make sure an option hasn't been set locally.
Otherwise C<option> should be the standard function to
check for options (be they global or local).


sub option ($)
  my ($name) = @_;
  return () unless defined $_options{$name};
  return $_options{$name};

sub global_option ($)
  my ($name) = @_;
  return () unless defined $_global_options{$name};
  return $_global_options{$name};

=item C<set_option ($name, $value)>

=item C<set_global_option ($name, $value)>

Set an option.  By convention, C<$value> is usually the location
of the option definition.


sub set_option ($$)
  my ($name, $value) = @_;
  $_options{$name} = $value;

sub set_global_option ($$)
  my ($name, $value) = @_;
  $_global_options{$name} = $value;

=item C<unset_option ($name)>

=item C<unset_global_option ($name)>

Unset an option.


sub unset_option ($)
  my ($name) = @_;
  delete $_options{$name};

sub unset_global_option ($)
  my ($name) = @_;
  delete $_global_options{$name};

=item C<process_option_list (@list)>

=item C<process_global_option_list (@list)>

Process Automake's option lists.  C<@list> should be a list of hash
references with keys C<option> and C<where>, where C<option> is an
option as they occur in C<AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS> or C<AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE>,
and C<where> is the location where that option occurred.

These functions should be called at most once for each set of options
having the same precedence; i.e., do not call it twice for two options

Return 0 on error, 1 otherwise.


# _option_is_from_configure ($OPTION, $WHERE)
# ----------------------------------------------
# Check that the $OPTION given in location $WHERE is specified with
sub _option_is_from_configure ($$)
  my ($opt, $where)= @_;
  return 1
    if $where->get =~ /^configure\./;
  error $where,
        "option '$opt' can only be used as argument to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE\n" .
        "but not in AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS makefile statements";
  return 0;

# _is_valid_easy_option ($OPTION)
# -------------------------------
# Explicitly recognize valid automake options that require no
# special handling by '_process_option_list' below.
sub _is_valid_easy_option ($)
  my $opt = shift;
  return scalar grep { $opt eq $_ } qw(

# _process_option_list (\%OPTIONS, @LIST)
# ------------------------------------------
# Process a list of options.  \%OPTIONS is the hash to fill with options
# data.  @LIST is a list of options as get passed to public subroutines
# process_option_list() and process_global_option_list() (see POD
# documentation above).
sub _process_option_list (\%@)
  my ($options, @list) = @_;
  my @warnings = ();
  my $ret = 1;

  foreach my $h (@list)
      local $_ = $h->{'option'};
      my $where = $h->{'where'};
      $options->{$_} = $where;
      if ($_ eq 'gnits' || $_ eq 'gnu' || $_ eq 'foreign')
          set_strictness ($_);
      # TODO: Remove this special check in Automake 3.0.
      elsif (/^(.*\/)?ansi2knr$/)
          # Obsolete (and now removed) de-ANSI-fication support.
          error ($where,
                 "automatic de-ANSI-fication support has been removed");
          $ret = 0;
      # TODO: Remove this special check in Automake 3.0.
      elsif ($_ eq 'cygnus')
          error $where, "support for Cygnus-style trees has been removed";
          $ret = 0;
      # TODO: Remove this special check in Automake 3.0.
      elsif ($_ eq 'dist-lzma')
          error ($where, "support for lzma-compressed distribution " .
                         "archives has been removed");
          $ret = 0;
      # TODO: Make this a fatal error in Automake 2.0.
      elsif ($_ eq 'dist-shar')
          msg ('obsolete', $where,
               "support for shar distribution archives is deprecated.\n" .
               "  It will be removed in Automake 2.0");
      # TODO: Make this a fatal error in Automake 2.0.
      elsif ($_ eq 'dist-tarZ')
          msg ('obsolete', $where,
               "support for distribution archives compressed with " .
               "legacy program 'compress' is deprecated.\n" .
               "  It will be removed in Automake 2.0");
      elsif (/^filename-length-max=(\d+)$/)
          delete $options->{$_};
          $options->{'filename-length-max'} = [$_, $1];
      elsif ($_ eq 'tar-v7' || $_ eq 'tar-ustar' || $_ eq 'tar-pax')
          if (not _option_is_from_configure ($_, $where))
              $ret = 0;
          for my $opt ('tar-v7', 'tar-ustar', 'tar-pax')
                if $opt eq $_ or ! exists $options->{$opt};
              error ($where,
                     "options '$_' and '$opt' are mutually exclusive");
              $ret = 0;
      elsif (/^\d+\.\d+(?:\.\d+)?[a-z]?(?:-[A-Za-z0-9]+)?$/)
          # Got a version number.
          if (Automake::Version::check ($VERSION, $&))
              error ($where, "require Automake $_, but have $VERSION");
              $ret = 0;
      elsif (/^(?:--warnings=|-W)(.*)$/)
          my @w = map { { cat => $_, loc => $where} } split (',', $1);
          push @warnings, @w;
      elsif (! _is_valid_easy_option $_)
          error ($where, "option '$_' not recognized");
          $ret = 0;

  # We process warnings here, so that any explicitly-given warning setting
  # will take precedence over warning settings defined implicitly by the
  # strictness.
  foreach my $w (@warnings)
      msg 'unsupported', $w->{'loc'},
          "unknown warning category '$w->{'cat'}'"
        if switch_warning $w->{cat};

  return $ret;

sub process_option_list (@)
  prog_error "local options already processed"
    if $_options_processed;
  $_options_processed = 1;
  _process_option_list (%_options, @_);

sub process_global_option_list (@)
  prog_error "global options already processed"
    if $_global_options_processed;
  $_global_options_processed = 1;
  _process_option_list (%_global_options, @_);

=item C<set_strictness ($name)>

Set the current strictness level.
C<$name> should be one of C<'foreign'>, C<'gnu'>, or C<'gnits'>.


# Set strictness.
sub set_strictness ($)
  $strictness_name = $_[0];

  Automake::ChannelDefs::set_strictness ($strictness_name);

  if ($strictness_name eq 'gnu')
      $strictness = GNU;
  elsif ($strictness_name eq 'gnits')
      $strictness = GNITS;
  elsif ($strictness_name eq 'foreign')
      $strictness = FOREIGN;
      prog_error "level '$strictness_name' not recognized";


### Setup "GNU" style for perl-mode and cperl-mode.
## Local Variables:
## perl-indent-level: 2
## perl-continued-statement-offset: 2
## perl-continued-brace-offset: 0
## perl-brace-offset: 0
## perl-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
## perl-label-offset: -2
## cperl-indent-level: 2
## cperl-brace-offset: 0
## cperl-continued-brace-offset: 0
## cperl-label-offset: -2
## cperl-extra-newline-before-brace: t
## cperl-merge-trailing-else: nil
## cperl-continued-statement-offset: 2
## End:


Name Type Size Permission Actions
ChannelDefs.pm File 10.98 KB 0644
Channels.pm File 20.46 KB 0644
Condition.pm File 15.29 KB 0644
Config.pm File 1.91 KB 0644
Configure_ac.pm File 3.38 KB 0644
DisjConditions.pm File 14.44 KB 0644
FileUtils.pm File 9.36 KB 0644
General.pm File 2.14 KB 0644
Getopt.pm File 2.71 KB 0644
Item.pm File 4.5 KB 0644
ItemDef.pm File 2.4 KB 0644
Language.pm File 3.22 KB 0644
Location.pm File 5.84 KB 0644
Options.pm File 11.67 KB 0644
Rule.pm File 24.08 KB 0644
RuleDef.pm File 2.7 KB 0644
VarDef.pm File 8.83 KB 0644
Variable.pm File 45.37 KB 0644
Version.pm File 4.25 KB 0644
Wrap.pm File 4.12 KB 0644
XFile.pm File 7.76 KB 0644