[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
## automake - create Makefile.in from Makefile.am
## Copyright (C) 2001-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
## any later version.

## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.

## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

am__tty_colors_dummy = \
  mgn= red= grn= lgn= blu= brg= std=; \

am__tty_colors = { \
  $(am__tty_colors_dummy); \
  if test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xno; then \
    am__color_tests=no; \
  elif test "X$(AM_COLOR_TESTS)" = Xalways; then \
    am__color_tests=yes; \
## If stdout is a non-dumb tty, use colors.  If test -t is not supported,
## then this check fails; a conservative approach.  Of course do not
## redirect stdout here, just stderr.
  elif test "X$$TERM" != Xdumb && { test -t 1; } 2>/dev/null; then \
    am__color_tests=yes; \
  fi; \
  if test $$am__color_tests = yes; then \
    red=''; \
    grn=''; \
    lgn=''; \
    blu=''; \
    mgn=''; \
    brg=''; \
    std=''; \
  fi; \



include inst-vars.am

## New parallel test driver.
## The first version of the code here was adapted from check.mk, which was
## originally written at EPITA/LRDE, further developed at Gostai, then made
## its way from GNU coreutils to end up, largely rewritten, in Automake.
## The current version is an heavy rewrite of that, to allow for support
## of more test metadata, and the use of custom test drivers and protocols
## (among them, TAP).

am__recheck_rx = ^[ 	]*:recheck:[ 	]*
am__global_test_result_rx = ^[ 	]*:global-test-result:[ 	]*
am__copy_in_global_log_rx = ^[ 	]*:copy-in-global-log:[ 	]*

# A command that, given a newline-separated list of test names on the
# standard input, print the name of the tests that are to be re-run
# upon "make recheck".
am__list_recheck_tests = $(AWK) '{ \
## By default, we assume the test is to be re-run.
  recheck = 1; \
  while ((rc = (getline line < ($$0 ".trs"))) != 0) \
    { \
      if (rc < 0) \
        { \
## If we've encountered an I/O error here, there are three possibilities:
##  [1] The '.log' file exists, but the '.trs' does not; in this case,
##      we "gracefully" recover by assuming the corresponding test is
##      to be re-run (which will re-create the missing '.trs' file).
##  [2] Both the '.log' and '.trs' files are missing; this means that
##      the corresponding test has not been run, and is thus *not* to
##      be re-run.
##  [3] We have encountered some corner-case problem (e.g., a '.log' or
##      '.trs' files somehow made unreadable, or issues with a bad NFS
##      connection, or whatever); we don't handle such corner cases.
          if ((getline line2 < ($$0 ".log")) < 0) \
	    recheck = 0; \
          break; \
        } \
      else if (line ~ /$(am__recheck_rx)[nN][Oo]/) \
## A directive explicitly specifying the test is *not* to be re-run.
        { \
          recheck = 0; \
          break; \
        } \
      else if (line ~ /$(am__recheck_rx)[yY][eE][sS]/) \
        { \
## A directive explicitly specifying the test *is* to be re-run.
          break; \
        } \
## else continue with the next iteration.
    }; \
  if (recheck) \
    print $$0; \
## Don't leak open file descriptors, as this could cause serious
## problems when there are many tests (yes, even on Linux).
  close ($$0 ".trs"); \
  close ($$0 ".log"); \

# A command that, given a newline-separated list of test names on the
# standard input, create the global log from their .trs and .log files.
am__create_global_log = $(AWK) ' \
function fatal(msg) \
{ \
  print "fatal: making $@: " msg | "cat >&2"; \
  exit 1; \
} \
function rst_section(header) \
{ \
  print header; \
  len = length(header); \
  for (i = 1; i <= len; i = i + 1) \
    printf "="; \
  printf "\n\n"; \
} \
{ \
## By default, we assume the test log is to be copied in the global log,
## and that its result is simply "RUN" (i.e., we still don't know what
## it outcome was, but we know that at least it has run).
  copy_in_global_log = 1; \
  global_test_result = "RUN"; \
  while ((rc = (getline line < ($$0 ".trs"))) != 0) \
    { \
      if (rc < 0) \
         fatal("failed to read from " $$0 ".trs"); \
      if (line ~ /$(am__global_test_result_rx)/) \
        { \
          sub("$(am__global_test_result_rx)", "", line); \
          sub("[ 	]*$$", "", line); \
          global_test_result = line; \
        } \
      else if (line ~ /$(am__copy_in_global_log_rx)[nN][oO]/) \
        copy_in_global_log = 0; \
    }; \
  if (copy_in_global_log) \
    { \
      rst_section(global_test_result ": " $$0); \
      while ((rc = (getline line < ($$0 ".log"))) != 0) \
      { \
        if (rc < 0) \
          fatal("failed to read from " $$0 ".log"); \
        print line; \
      }; \
      printf "\n"; \
    }; \
## Don't leak open file descriptors, as this could cause serious
## problems when there are many tests (yes, even on Linux).
  close ($$0 ".trs"); \
  close ($$0 ".log"); \

# Restructured Text title.
am__rst_title = { sed 's/.*/   &   /;h;s/./=/g;p;x;s/ *$$//;p;g' && echo; }

# Solaris 10 'make', and several other traditional 'make' implementations,
# pass "-e" to $(SHELL), and POSIX 2008 even requires this.  Work around it
# by disabling -e (using the XSI extension "set +e") if it's set.
am__sh_e_setup = case $$- in *e*) set +e;; esac

# Default flags passed to test drivers.
am__common_driver_flags = \
  --color-tests "$$am__color_tests" \
  --enable-hard-errors "$$am__enable_hard_errors" \
  --expect-failure "$$am__expect_failure"

# To be inserted before the command running the test.  Creates the
# directory for the log if needed.  Stores in $dir the directory
# containing $f, in $tst the test, in $log the log.  Executes the
# developer- defined test setup AM_TESTS_ENVIRONMENT (if any), and
# passes TESTS_ENVIRONMENT.  Set up options for the wrapper that
# will run the test scripts (or their associated LOG_COMPILER, if
# thy have one).
am__check_pre =						\
$(am__sh_e_setup);					\
$(am__vpath_adj_setup) $(am__vpath_adj)			\
$(am__tty_colors);					\
srcdir=$(srcdir); export srcdir;			\
case "$@" in						\
  */*) am__odir=`echo "./$@" | sed 's|/[^/]*$$||'`;;	\
    *) am__odir=.;; 					\
esac;							\
test "x$$am__odir" = x"." || test -d "$$am__odir" 	\
  || $(MKDIR_P) "$$am__odir" || exit $$?;		\
if test -f "./$$f"; then dir=./;			\
elif test -f "$$f"; then dir=;				\
else dir="$(srcdir)/"; fi;				\
tst=$$dir$$f; log='$@'; 				\
if test -n '$(DISABLE_HARD_ERRORS)'; then		\
  am__enable_hard_errors=no; 				\
else							\
  am__enable_hard_errors=yes; 				\
fi; 							\
## The use of $dir below is required to account for VPATH
## rewriting done by Sun make.
case " $(XFAIL_TESTS) " in				\
  *[\ \	]$$f[\ \	]* | *[\ \	]$$dir$$f[\ \	]*) \
    am__expect_failure=yes;;				\
  *)							\
    am__expect_failure=no;;				\
esac; 							\

# A shell command to get the names of the tests scripts with any registered
# extension removed (i.e., equivalently, the names of the test logs, with
# the '.log' extension removed).  The result is saved in the shell variable
# '$bases'.  This honors runtime overriding of TESTS and TEST_LOGS.  Sadly,
# we cannot use something simpler, involving e.g., "$(TEST_LOGS:.log=)",
# since that might cause problem with VPATH rewrites for suffix-less tests.
# See also 'test-harness-vpath-rewrite.sh' and 'test-trs-basic.sh'.
am__set_TESTS_bases = \
  bases='$(TEST_LOGS)'; \
  bases=`for i in $$bases; do echo $$i; done | sed 's/\.log$$//'`; \
## Trim away any extra whitespace.  This has already proved useful
## in avoiding weird bug on lesser make implementations.  It also
## works around the GNU make 3.80 bug where trailing whitespace in
## "TESTS = foo.test $(empty)" causes $(TESTS_LOGS)  to erroneously
## expand to "foo.log .log".
  bases=`echo $$bases`

# Recover from deleted '.trs' file; this should ensure that
# "rm -f foo.log; make foo.trs" re-run 'foo.test', and re-create
# both 'foo.log' and 'foo.trs'.  Break the recipe in two subshells
# to avoid problems with "make -n".
	rm -f $< $@

# Leading 'am--fnord' is there to ensure the list of targets does not
# expand to empty, as could happen e.g. with make check TESTS=''.
am--fnord $(TEST_LOGS) $(TEST_LOGS:.log=.trs): $(am__force_recheck)

	@$(am__set_TESTS_bases); \
## Helper shell function, tells whether a path refers to an existing,
## regular, readable file.
	am__f_ok () { test -f "$$1" && test -r "$$1"; }; \
## We need to ensures that all the required '.trs' and '.log' files will
## be present and readable.  The direct dependencies of $(TEST_SUITE_LOG)
## only ensure that all the '.log' files exists; they don't ensure that
## the '.log' files are readable, and worse, they don't ensure that the
## '.trs' files even exist.
	redo_bases=`for i in $$bases; do \
	              am__f_ok $$i.trs && am__f_ok $$i.log || echo $$i; \
	            done`; \
	if test -n "$$redo_bases"; then \
## Uh-oh, either some '.log' files were unreadable, or some '.trs' files
## were missing (or unreadable).  We need to re-run the corresponding
## tests in order to re-create them.
	  redo_logs=`for i in $$redo_bases; do echo $$i.log; done`; \
	  redo_results=`for i in $$redo_bases; do echo $$i.trs; done`; \
	  if $(am__make_dryrun); then :; else \
## Break "rm -f" into two calls to minimize the possibility of exceeding
## command line length limits.
	    rm -f $$redo_logs && rm -f $$redo_results || exit 1; \
	  fi; \
	fi; \
## Use a trick to to ensure that we don't go into an infinite recursion
## in case a test log in $(TEST_LOGS) is the same as $(TEST_SUITE_LOG).
## Yes, this has already happened in practice.  Sigh!
	if test -n "$$am__remaking_logs"; then \
	  echo "fatal: making $(TEST_SUITE_LOG): possible infinite" \
	       "recursion detected" >&2; \
## Invoking this unconditionally could cause a useless "make all" to
## be invoked when '$redo_logs' expands to empty (automake bug#16302).
	elif test -n "$$redo_logs"; then \
	  am__remaking_logs=yes $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$redo_logs; \
	fi; \
	if $(am__make_dryrun); then :; else \
## Sanity check: each unreadable or non-existent test result file should
## has been properly remade at this point, as should the corresponding log
## file.
	  st=0;  \
	  errmsg="fatal: making $(TEST_SUITE_LOG): failed to create"; \
	  for i in $$redo_bases; do \
	    test -f $$i.trs && test -r $$i.trs \
	      || { echo "$$errmsg $$i.trs" >&2; st=1; }; \
	    test -f $$i.log && test -r $$i.log \
	      || { echo "$$errmsg $$i.log" >&2; st=1; }; \
	  done; \
	  test $$st -eq 0 || exit 1; \
## We need a new subshell to work portably with "make -n", since the
## previous part of the recipe contained a $(MAKE) invocation.
	@$(am__sh_e_setup); $(am__tty_colors); $(am__set_TESTS_bases); \
	ws='[ 	]'; \
## List of test result files.
	results=`for b in $$bases; do echo $$b.trs; done`; \
	test -n "$$results" || results=/dev/null; \
## Prepare data for the test suite summary.  These do not take into account
## unreadable test results, but they'll be appropriately updated later if
## needed.
	all=`  grep "^$$ws*:test-result:"           $$results | wc -l`; \
	pass=` grep "^$$ws*:test-result:$$ws*PASS"  $$results | wc -l`; \
	fail=` grep "^$$ws*:test-result:$$ws*FAIL"  $$results | wc -l`; \
	skip=` grep "^$$ws*:test-result:$$ws*SKIP"  $$results | wc -l`; \
	xfail=`grep "^$$ws*:test-result:$$ws*XFAIL" $$results | wc -l`; \
	xpass=`grep "^$$ws*:test-result:$$ws*XPASS" $$results | wc -l`; \
	error=`grep "^$$ws*:test-result:$$ws*ERROR" $$results | wc -l`; \
## Whether the testsuite was successful or not.
	if test `expr $$fail + $$xpass + $$error` -eq 0; then \
	  success=true; \
	else \
	  success=false; \
	fi; \
## Make $br a line of exactly 76 '=' characters, that will be used to
## enclose the testsuite summary report when displayed on the console.
	br='==================='; br=$$br$$br$$br$$br; \
## When writing the test summary to the console, we want to color a line
## reporting the count of some result *only* if at least one test
## experienced such a result.  This function is handy in this regard.
	result_count () \
	{ \
	    if test x"$$1" = x"--maybe-color"; then \
	      maybe_colorize=yes; \
	    elif test x"$$1" = x"--no-color"; then \
	      maybe_colorize=no; \
	    else \
	      echo "$@: invalid 'result_count' usage" >&2; exit 4; \
	    fi; \
	    shift; \
	    desc=$$1 count=$$2; \
	    if test $$maybe_colorize = yes && test $$count -gt 0; then \
	      color_start=$$3 color_end=$$std; \
	    else \
	      color_start= color_end=; \
	    fi; \
	    echo "$${color_start}# $$desc $$count$${color_end}"; \
	}; \
## A shell function that creates the testsuite summary.  We need it
## because we have to create *two* summaries, one for test-suite.log,
## and a possibly-colorized one for console output.
	create_testsuite_report () \
	{ \
	  result_count $$1 "TOTAL:" $$all   "$$brg"; \
	  result_count $$1 "PASS: " $$pass  "$$grn"; \
	  result_count $$1 "SKIP: " $$skip  "$$blu"; \
	  result_count $$1 "XFAIL:" $$xfail "$$lgn"; \
	  result_count $$1 "FAIL: " $$fail  "$$red"; \
	  result_count $$1 "XPASS:" $$xpass "$$red"; \
	  result_count $$1 "ERROR:" $$error "$$mgn"; \
	}; \
## Write "global" testsuite log.
	{								\
	  echo "$(PACKAGE_STRING): $(subdir)/$(TEST_SUITE_LOG)" |	\
	    $(am__rst_title);						\
	  create_testsuite_report --no-color;				\
	  echo;								\
	  echo ".. contents:: :depth: 2";				\
	  echo;								\
	  for b in $$bases; do echo $$b; done				\
	    | $(am__create_global_log);					\
	} >$(TEST_SUITE_LOG).tmp || exit 1;				\
	mv $(TEST_SUITE_LOG).tmp $(TEST_SUITE_LOG);			\
## Emit the test summary on the console.
	if $$success; then						\
	  col="$$grn";							\
	 else								\
	  col="$$red";							\
	  test x"$$VERBOSE" = x || cat $(TEST_SUITE_LOG);		\
	fi;								\
## Multi line coloring is problematic with "less -R", so we really need
## to color each line individually.
	echo "$${col}$$br$${std}"; 					\
	echo "$${col}Testsuite summary for $(PACKAGE_STRING)$${std}";	\
	echo "$${col}$$br$${std}"; 					\
## This is expected to go to the console, so it might have to be colorized.
	create_testsuite_report --maybe-color;				\
	echo "$$col$$br$$std";						\
	if $$success; then :; else					\
	  echo "$${col}See $(subdir)/$(TEST_SUITE_LOG)$${std}";		\
	  if test -n "$(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)"; then			\
	    echo "$${col}Please report to $(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)$${std}";	\
	  fi;								\
	  echo "$$col$$br$$std";					\
	fi;								\
## Be sure to exit with the proper exit status.  The use of "exit 1" below
## is required to work around a FreeBSD make bug (present only when running
## in concurrent mode).  See automake bug#9245:
##  <http://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=9245>
## and FreeBSD PR bin/159730:
##  <http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=159730>.
	$$success || exit 1


## ------------------------------------------ ##
## Running all tests, or rechecking failures. ##
## ------------------------------------------ ##

	@list='$(RECHECK_LOGS)';           test -z "$$list" || rm -f $$list
	@list='$(RECHECK_LOGS:.log=.trs)'; test -z "$$list" || rm -f $$list
## We always have to remove $(TEST_SUITE_LOG), to ensure its rule is run
## in any case even in lazy mode: otherwise, if no test needs rerunning,
## or a prior run plus reruns all happen within the same timestamp (can
## happen with a prior "make TESTS=<subset>"), then we get no log output.
## OTOH, this means that, in the rule for '$(TEST_SUITE_LOG)', we
## cannot use '$?' to compute the set of lazily rerun tests, lest
## we rely on .PHONY to work portably.
	@test -z "$(TEST_SUITE_LOG)" || rm -f $(TEST_SUITE_LOG)
	@set +e; $(am__set_TESTS_bases); \
	log_list=`for i in $$bases; do echo $$i.log; done`; \
	trs_list=`for i in $$bases; do echo $$i.trs; done`; \
## Remove newlines and normalize whitespace.  Trailing (and possibly
## leading) whitespace is known to cause segmentation faults on
## Solaris 10 XPG4 make.
	log_list=`echo $$log_list`; trs_list=`echo $$trs_list`; \
## Be sure to exit with the proper exit status (automake bug#9245).  See
## comments in the recipe of $(TEST_SUITE_LOG) above for more information.
	exit $$?;

## Recheck must depend on $(check_SCRIPTS), $(check_PROGRAMS), etc.
## It must also depend on the 'all' target.  See automake bug#11252.
recheck: all %CHECK_DEPS%
## See comments above in the check-TESTS recipe for why remove
## $(TEST_SUITE_LOG) here.
	@test -z "$(TEST_SUITE_LOG)" || rm -f $(TEST_SUITE_LOG)
	@set +e; $(am__set_TESTS_bases); \
## We must only consider tests that had an unexpected outcome (FAIL
## or XPASS) in the earlier run.
	bases=`for i in $$bases; do echo $$i; done \
	         | $(am__list_recheck_tests)` || exit 1; \
	log_list=`for i in $$bases; do echo $$i.log; done`; \
## Remove newlines and normalize whitespace.  Trailing (and possibly
## leading) whitespace is known to cause segmentation faults on
## Solaris 10 XPG4 make.
	log_list=`echo $$log_list`; \
## Move the '.log' and '.trs' files associated with the tests to be
## re-run out of the way, so that those tests will be re-run by the
## "make test-suite.log" recursive invocation below.
## Two tricky requirements:
##   - we must avoid extra files removal when running under "make -n";
##   - in case the test is a compiled program whose compilation fails,
##     we must ensure that any '.log' and '.trs' file referring to such
##     test are preserved, so that future "make recheck" invocations
##     will still try to re-compile and re-run it (automake bug#11791).
## The tricky recursive make invocation below should cater to such
## requirements.
	        am__force_recheck=am--force-recheck \
	        TEST_LOGS="$$log_list"; \
## Be sure to exit with the proper exit status (automake bug#9245).  See
## comments in the recipe of $(TEST_SUITE_LOG) above for more information.
	exit $$?

AM_RECURSIVE_TARGETS += check recheck

.PHONY: recheck


## Obsolescent serial testsuite driver.

check-TESTS: $(TESTS)
	@failed=0; all=0; xfail=0; xpass=0; skip=0; \
	srcdir=$(srcdir); export srcdir; \
## Make sure Solaris VPATH-expands all members of this list, even
## the first and the last one; thus the spaces around $(TESTS)
	list=' $(TESTS) '; \
	$(am__tty_colors); \
	if test -n "$$list"; then \
	  for tst in $$list; do \
	    if test -f ./$$tst; then dir=./; \
## Note: Solaris 2.7 seems to expand TESTS using VPATH.  That's
## why we also try 'dir='.
	    elif test -f $$tst; then dir=; \
	    else dir="$(srcdir)/"; fi; \
	    if $(TESTS_ENVIRONMENT) $${dir}$$tst $(AM_TESTS_FD_REDIRECT); then \
## Success
	      all=`expr $$all + 1`; \
	      case " $(XFAIL_TESTS) " in \
	      *[\ \	]$$tst[\ \	]*) \
		xpass=`expr $$xpass + 1`; \
		failed=`expr $$failed + 1`; \
		col=$$red; res=XPASS; \
	      ;; \
	      *) \
		col=$$grn; res=PASS; \
	      ;; \
	      esac; \
	    elif test $$? -ne 77; then \
## Failure
	      all=`expr $$all + 1`; \
	      case " $(XFAIL_TESTS) " in \
	      *[\ \	]$$tst[\ \	]*) \
		xfail=`expr $$xfail + 1`; \
		col=$$lgn; res=XFAIL; \
	      ;; \
	      *) \
		failed=`expr $$failed + 1`; \
		col=$$red; res=FAIL; \
	      ;; \
	      esac; \
	    else \
## Skipped
	      skip=`expr $$skip + 1`; \
	      col=$$blu; res=SKIP; \
	    fi; \
	    echo "$${col}$$res$${std}: $$tst"; \
	  done; \
## Prepare the banner
	  if test "$$all" -eq 1; then \
	    tests="test"; \
	    All=""; \
	  else \
	    tests="tests"; \
	    All="All "; \
	  fi; \
	  if test "$$failed" -eq 0; then \
	    if test "$$xfail" -eq 0; then \
	      banner="$$All$$all $$tests passed"; \
	    else \
	      if test "$$xfail" -eq 1; then failures=failure; else failures=failures; fi; \
	      banner="$$All$$all $$tests behaved as expected ($$xfail expected $$failures)"; \
	    fi; \
	  else \
	    if test "$$xpass" -eq 0; then \
	      banner="$$failed of $$all $$tests failed"; \
	    else \
	      if test "$$xpass" -eq 1; then passes=pass; else passes=passes; fi; \
	      banner="$$failed of $$all $$tests did not behave as expected ($$xpass unexpected $$passes)"; \
	    fi; \
	  fi; \
## DASHES should contain the largest line of the banner.
	  dashes="$$banner"; \
	  skipped=""; \
	  if test "$$skip" -ne 0; then \
	    if test "$$skip" -eq 1; then \
	      skipped="($$skip test was not run)"; \
	    else \
	      skipped="($$skip tests were not run)"; \
	    fi; \
	    test `echo "$$skipped" | wc -c` -le `echo "$$banner" | wc -c` || \
	      dashes="$$skipped"; \
	  fi; \
	  report=""; \
	  if test "$$failed" -ne 0 && test -n "$(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)"; then \
	    report="Please report to $(PACKAGE_BUGREPORT)"; \
	    test `echo "$$report" | wc -c` -le `echo "$$banner" | wc -c` || \
	      dashes="$$report"; \
	  fi; \
	  dashes=`echo "$$dashes" | sed s/./=/g`; \
	  if test "$$failed" -eq 0; then \
	    col="$$grn"; \
	  else \
	    col="$$red"; \
	  fi; \
## Multi line coloring is problematic with "less -R", so we really need
## to color each line individually.
	  echo "$${col}$$dashes$${std}"; \
	  echo "$${col}$$banner$${std}"; \
	  test -z "$$skipped" || echo "$${col}$$skipped$${std}"; \
	  test -z "$$report" || echo "$${col}$$report$${std}"; \
	  echo "$${col}$$dashes$${std}"; \
	  test "$$failed" -eq 0; \
	else :; fi



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