[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
## automake - create Makefile.in from Makefile.am
## Copyright (C) 1994-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
## any later version.

## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.

## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


## Don't give this rule a command (even '@:').
## %STAMPVTI% is always newer than %VTEXI%, so this rule is always
## triggered.  If you equip this rule with a command, GNU make will
## assume %VTEXI% has been rebuild in the current directory and
## discard any %VTEXI% file found in a VPATH search.

## Depend on configure so that version number updates cause a rebuild.
## (Not configure.ac, because not all setups define the version number
## in this file.)
%STAMPVTI%: %TEXI% $(top_srcdir)/configure
## It is wrong to have %STAMPVTI% dependent on %DIRSTAMP%, because
## %STAMPVTI% is distributed and %DIRSTAMP% isn't: a distributed file
## should never be dependent upon a non-distributed built file.
## Therefore we ensure that %DIRSTAMP% exists in the rule.
## Use cp + mv so that the update of %VTEXI% is atomic even if
## the source directory is on a different file system.
	@(dir=.; test -f ./%TEXI% || dir=$(srcdir); \
	set `$(SHELL) %MDDIR%mdate-sh $$dir/%TEXI%`; \
	echo "@set UPDATED $$1 $$2 $$3"; \
	echo "@set UPDATED-MONTH $$2 $$3"; \
	echo "@set EDITION $(VERSION)"; \
	echo "@set VERSION $(VERSION)") > %VTI%.tmp$$$$ && \
	(cmp -s %VTI%.tmp$$$$ %VTEXI% \
	  || (echo "Updating %VTEXI%" && \
	      cp %VTI%.tmp$$$$ %VTEXI%.tmp$$$$ && \
	      mv %VTEXI%.tmp$$$$ %VTEXI%)) && \
	rm -f %VTI%.tmp$$$$ %VTEXI%.$$$$
	@cp %VTEXI% $@

mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-%VTI%
	-rm -f %VTI%.tmp* %VTEXI%.tmp*

maintainer-clean-am: maintainer-clean-%VTI%

.PHONY: mostlyclean-%VTI% maintainer-clean-%VTI%


Name Type Size Permission Actions
check.am File 21.61 KB 0644
check2.am File 2.14 KB 0644
clean-hdr.am File 818 B 0644
clean.am File 2.28 KB 0644
compile.am File 1010 B 0644
configure.am File 6.69 KB 0644
data.am File 3.32 KB 0644
dejagnu.am File 3.58 KB 0644
depend.am File 1.01 KB 0644
depend2.am File 5.95 KB 0644
distdir.am File 21.69 KB 0644
footer.am File 881 B 0644
header-vars.am File 6.24 KB 0644
header.am File 786 B 0644
inst-vars.am File 3.39 KB 0644
install.am File 3.9 KB 0644
java.am File 2.79 KB 0644
lang-compile.am File 1.17 KB 0644
lex.am File 1.29 KB 0644
library.am File 976 B 0644
libs.am File 3.8 KB 0644
libtool.am File 1.01 KB 0644
lisp.am File 4.03 KB 0644
ltlib.am File 4.88 KB 0644
ltlibrary.am File 933 B 0644
mans-vars.am File 857 B 0644
mans.am File 6.34 KB 0644
program.am File 1.2 KB 0644
progs.am File 6.24 KB 0644
python.am File 5.09 KB 0644
remake-hdr.am File 3.14 KB 0644
scripts.am File 4.6 KB 0644
subdirs.am File 2.8 KB 0644
tags.am File 5.04 KB 0644
texi-vers.am File 2.41 KB 0644
texibuild.am File 6.18 KB 0644
texinfos.am File 13.12 KB 0644
vala.am File 768 B 0644
yacc.am File 2.35 KB 0644