[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
# ssh(1) completion                                        -*- shell-script -*-

    COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W \
        "cipher cipher-auth mac kex key protocol-version" -- "$cur" ) )

    ${1:-ssh} -Q $2 2>/dev/null

    local ciphers='$( _ssh_query "$1" cipher )'
    [[ $ciphers ]] || ciphers="3des-cbc aes128-cbc aes192-cbc aes256-cbc
        aes128-ctr aes192-ctr aes256-ctr arcfour128 arcfour256 arcfour
        blowfish-cbc cast128-cbc"
    COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$ciphers" -- "$cur" ) )

    local macs='$( _ssh_query "$1" mac )'
    [[ $macs ]] || macs="hmac-md5 hmac-sha1 umac-64@openssh.com hmac-ripemd160
        hmac-sha1-96 hmac-md5-96"
    COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$macs" -- "$cur" ) )

    compopt -o nospace
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -S = -W 'AddressFamily BatchMode BindAddress
        ChallengeResponseAuthentication CheckHostIP Cipher Ciphers
        ClearAllForwardings Compression CompressionLevel ConnectionAttempts
        ConnectTimeout ControlMaster ControlPath ControlPersist DynamicForward
        EnableSSHKeysign EscapeChar ExitOnForwardFailure ForwardAgent
        ForwardX11 ForwardX11Timeout ForwardX11Trusted GatewayPorts
        GlobalKnownHostsFile GSSAPIAuthentication GSSAPIClientIdentity
        GSSAPIDelegateCredentials GSSAPIKeyExchange GSSAPIRenewalForcesRekey
        GSSAPIServerIdentity GSSAPITrustDns HashKnownHosts Host
        HostbasedAuthentication HostKeyAlgorithms HostKeyAlias HostName
        IdentityFile IdentitiesOnly IPQoS KbdInteractiveDevices KexAlgorithms
        LocalCommand LocalForward LogLevel MACs
        NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost NumberOfPasswordPrompts ProxyJump
        PasswordAuthentication PermitLocalCommand PKCS11Provider Port
        PreferredAuthentications Protocol ProxyCommand PubkeyAuthentication
        RekeyLimit RemoteForward RequestTTY RhostsRSAAuthentication
        RSAAuthentication SendEnv ServerAliveCountMax ServerAliveInterval
        SmartcardDevice StrictHostKeyChecking TCPKeepAlive Tunnel TunnelDevice
        UsePrivilegedPort User UserKnownHostsFile VerifyHostKeyDNS
        VisualHostKey XAuthLocation' -- "$cur" ) )

# Complete a ssh suboption (like ForwardAgent=y<tab>)
# Two parameters: the string to complete including the equal sign, and
# the ssh executable to invoke (optional).
# Not all suboptions are completed.
# Doesn't handle comma-separated lists.
    # Split into subopt and subval
    local prev=${1%%=*} cur=${1#*=}

    case $prev in
            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'yes no' -- "$cur" ) )
            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'any inet inet6' -- "$cur" ) )
            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'blowfish des 3des' -- "$cur" ) )
            _known_hosts_real -a -F "$configfile" -- "$cur"
            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'af1{1..4} af2{2..3} af3{1..3} af4{1..3}
                cs{0..7} ef lowdelay throughput reliability' -- "$cur" ) )
            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '$( _ssh_query "$2" key )' -- "$cur" ) )
            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '$( _ssh_query "$2" kex )' -- "$cur" ) )
            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '1 2 1,2 2,1' -- "$cur" ) )
            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'no yes force auto' -- "$cur" ) )
            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'yes no point-to-point ethernet' \
                    -- "$cur" ) )
            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'gssapi-with-mic host-based publickey
                keyboard-interactive password' -- "$cur" ) )
            _ssh_macs "$2"
            _ssh_ciphers "$2"
    return 0

# Try to complete -o SubOptions=
# Returns 0 if the completion was handled or non-zero otherwise.
    # Get prev and cur words without splitting on =
    local cureq=`_get_cword :=` preveq=`_get_pword :=`
    if [[ $cureq == *=* && $preveq == -o ]]; then
        _ssh_suboption $cureq "$1"
        return $?
    return 1

# Search COMP_WORDS for '-F configfile' or '-Fconfigfile' argument
    set -- "${words[@]}"
    while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
        if [[ $1 == -F* ]]; then
            if [[ ${#1} -gt 2 ]]; then
                configfile="$(dequote "${1:2}")"
                [[ $1 ]] && configfile="$(dequote "$1")"

    local cur prev words cword
    _init_completion -n : || return

    local -a config

    local configfile

    _ssh_suboption_check "$1" && return

    local ipvx

    case $prev in
            _filedir so
            _ssh_ciphers "$1"
            _known_hosts_real -a -F "$configfile" -- "$cur"
            _ssh_macs "$1"
            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -u -- "$cur" ) )
            COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'check forward exit stop' -- "$cur" ) )
            _ssh_queries "$1"

    if [[ "$cur" == -F* ]]; then
        # Prefix completions with '-F'
        COMPREPLY=( "${COMPREPLY[@]/#/-F}" )
        cur=-F$cur  # Restore cur
    elif [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '$( _parse_usage "$1" )' -- "$cur" ) )
        _known_hosts_real $ipvx -a -F "$configfile" -- "$cur"

        local args
        if [[ $args -gt 1 ]]; then
            compopt -o filenames
            COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -c -- "$cur" ) )
} &&
shopt -u hostcomplete && complete -F _ssh ssh slogin autossh sidedoor

# sftp(1) completion
    local cur prev words cword
    _init_completion || return

    local configfile

    _ssh_suboption_check && return

    local ipvx

    case $prev in

    if [[ "$cur" == -F* ]]; then
        # Prefix completions with '-F'
        COMPREPLY=( "${COMPREPLY[@]/#/-F}" )
        cur=-F$cur  # Restore cur
    elif [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '$( _parse_usage "$1" )' -- "$cur" ) )
        _known_hosts_real $ipvx -a -F "$configfile" -- "$cur"
} &&
shopt -u hostcomplete && complete -F _sftp sftp

# things we want to backslash escape in scp paths

# Complete remote files with ssh.  If the first arg is -d, complete on dirs
# only.  Returns paths escaped with three backslashes.
    local IFS=$'\n'

    # remove backslash escape from the first colon

    local userhost=${cur%%?(\\):*}
    local path=${cur#*:}

    # unescape (3 backslashes to 1 for chars we escaped)
    path=$( command sed -e 's/\\\\\\\('$_scp_path_esc'\)/\\\1/g' <<<"$path" )

    # default to home dir of specified user on remote host
    if [[ -z $path ]]; then
        path=$(ssh -o 'Batchmode yes' $userhost pwd 2>/dev/null)

    local files
    if [[ $1 == -d ]]; then
        # escape problematic characters; remove non-dirs
        files=$( ssh -o 'Batchmode yes' $userhost \
            command ls -aF1dL "$path*" 2>/dev/null | \
            command sed -e 's/'$_scp_path_esc'/\\\\\\&/g' -e '/[^\/]$/d' )
        # escape problematic characters; remove executables, aliases, pipes
        # and sockets; add space at end of file names
        files=$( ssh -o 'Batchmode yes' $userhost \
            command ls -aF1dL "$path*" 2>/dev/null | \
            command sed -e 's/'$_scp_path_esc'/\\\\\\&/g' -e 's/[*@|=]$//g' \
            -e 's/[^\/]$/& /g' )
    COMPREPLY+=( $files )

# This approach is used instead of _filedir to get a space appended
# after local file/dir completions, and -o nospace retained for others.
# If first arg is -d, complete on directory names only.  The next arg is
# an optional prefix to add to returned completions.
    local IFS=$'\n'

    local dirsonly=false
    if [[ $1 == -d ]]; then

    if $dirsonly ; then
        COMPREPLY+=( $( command ls -aF1dL $cur* 2>/dev/null | \
            command sed -e "s/$_scp_path_esc/\\\\&/g" -e '/[^\/]$/d' -e "s/^/$1/") )
        COMPREPLY+=( $( command ls -aF1dL $cur* 2>/dev/null | \
            command sed -e "s/$_scp_path_esc/\\\\&/g" -e 's/[*@|=]$//g' \
            -e 's/[^\/]$/& /g' -e "s/^/$1/") )

# scp(1) completion
    local cur prev words cword
    _init_completion -n : || return

    local configfile

    _ssh_suboption_check && {
        COMPREPLY=( "${COMPREPLY[@]/%/ }" )

    local ipvx

    case $prev in
            compopt +o nospace
            COMPREPLY=( "${COMPREPLY[@]/%/ }" )
            compopt +o nospace

    _expand || return

    case $cur in
        !(*:*)/*|[.~]*) ;; # looks like a path
        *:*) _scp_remote_files ; return ;;

    local prefix

    if [[ "$cur" == -F* ]]; then
        case $cur in
                COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '$( _parse_usage "${words[0]}" )' \
                    -- "$cur" ) )
                COMPREPLY=( "${COMPREPLY[@]/%/ }" )
                # not a known host, pass through
                _known_hosts_real $ipvx -c -a -F "$configfile" -- "$cur"

    _scp_local_files "$prefix"
} &&
complete -F _scp -o nospace scp

# ex: filetype=sh


Name Type Size Permission Actions
2to3 File 918 B 0644
7z File 3.8 KB 0644
7za File 3.8 KB 0644
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