# Byobu f-key keybindings
# This configuration profile is intended to provide a useful
# keybindings using the keyboard's f-keys
# Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Dustin Kirkland <kirkland@byobu.org>
# Nick Barcet <nick.barcet@canonical.com>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Byobu's escape key is ASCII Dec:94, Hex:5E, Oct:136, Char: ctrl-^ -- ctrl-caret
# which is bound to F12
escape ^^^^
register x "^^" # | Goes with the F12 definition
# F-keys seem to work well in both gnome-terminal and tty consoles
bindkey -k k1 $BYOBU_BACKEND -t config 0 byobu-config # F1 | Configuration (along with F9)
# | since F1 = Help in gnome-terminal
bindkey "^[O1;2P" $BYOBU_BACKEND -t help 0 $BYOBU_PAGER $BYOBU_PREFIX/share/doc/byobu/help.screen.txt # shift-F1 | help
bindkey -k k2 $BYOBU_BACKEND # F2 | Create new window
bindkey "^[O1;5Q" eval 'split -v' 'focus down' 'next' 'focus up' 'layout save byobu' 'layout autosave' 'screen' # ctrl-F2 | vertical split
bindkey "^[O1;2Q" eval 'split' 'focus down' 'next' 'focus up' 'layout save byobu' 'layout autosave' 'screen' # shift-F2 | horizontal split
# No ctrl-shift-F2 (new session) in Screen
bindkey -k k3 eval 'prev' 'fit' # F3 | Previous Window
bindkey -k k4 eval 'next' 'fit' # F4 | Next Window
bindkey "^[[1;3D" eval 'prev' 'fit' # alt-left | Previous Window
bindkey "^[[1;3C" eval 'next' 'fit' # alt-right | Next Window
# No alt-up (previous session) in Screen
# No alt-down (next session) in Screen
bindkey "^[O1;2R" focus up # shift-F3 | focus up
bindkey "^[O1;2S" focus down # shift-F4 | focus down
bindkey "^[[1;2A" focus up # shift-up | focus up
bindkey "^[[1;2B" focus down # shift-up | focus down
bindkey "^[[1;2D" focus up # shift-left | focus up
bindkey "^[[1;2C" focus down # shift-right | focus down
# No ctrl-shift-F3 (move pane) in Screen
# No ctrl-shift-F4 (move pane) in Screen
bindkey "^[[1;4A" resize +1 # shift-alt-up | resize +1
bindkey "^[[1;4B" resize -1 # shift-alt-down | resize -1
bindkey "^[[1;4D" resize -1 # shift-alt-left | resize -1
bindkey "^[[1;4C" resize +1 # shift-alt-right | resize +1
register r ":source $BYOBU_CONFIG_DIR/profile^M" # | Goes with F5 definition
bindkey -k k5 eval 'process x' 'process r' # F5 | Reload profile
bindkey "^[[15;5~" eval 'process x' 'process r' 'stuff ". $BYOBU_PREFIX/bin/byobu-reconnect-sockets^M"' # ctrl-F5 | reconnect gpg/ssh/x sockets
bindkey "^[[15;6~" $BYOBU_BACKEND -t color 0 byobu-select-profile # ctrl-shift-F5 | choose a background color
bindkey "^[[15;2~" only # shift-F5 | kill all splits
bindkey "^[[31~" only # shift-F5 | kill all splits
bindkey -k k6 detach # F6 | Detach from this session
bindkey "^[[17;2~" eval 'exec touch $BYOBU_RUN_DIR/no-logout' 'detach' # shift-F6 | detach, but don't logout
bindkey "^[[32~" eval 'exec touch $BYOBU_RUN_DIR/no-logout' 'detach' # shift-F6 | detach, but don't logout
bindkey "^[[17;5~" remove # ctrl-F6 | kill this split
# ctrl-F6 | sadly, does not work in tty :-(
bindkey -k k7 copy # F7 | Enter copy/scrollback mode
register p "^[[5~"
bindkey "^[[5;3~" eval 'msgwait 0' 'msgminwait 0' 'copy' 'process p' 'msgwait 1' 'echo "Byobu scrollback mode (alt-pgup / alt-pgdown)"' # alt-pageup | scrollback
register n "^[[6~"
bindkey "^[[6;3~" eval 'msgwait 0' 'msgminwait 0' 'copy' 'process n' 'msgwait 1' 'echo "Byobu scrollback mode (alt-pgup / alt-pgdown)"' # alt-pagedn | scrollback
register t "A^[OH^k^h" # | Goes with the F8 definition
bindkey -k k8 eval 'process x' 'process t' # F8 | Re-title a window
register u ":sessionname " # | Goes with the Ctrl-F8 definition
bindkey "^[[19;5~" eval 'process x' 'process u' # Ctrl-F8 | Re-title a session
# No alt-shift-F8 (restore layout) in Screen
# No ctrl-shift-F8 (save layout) in Screen
bindkey -k k9 $BYOBU_BACKEND -t config 0 byobu-config # F9 | Configuration
register s "[g G$>^h" # Goes with Shift-F7 and F12 ~ definition
bindkey "^[[18;2~" eval 'process x' 'process s' 'exec $BYOBU_SED_INLINE -e "/./,/^$/!d" $BYOBU_RUN_DIR/printscreen' '$BYOBU_BACKEND -t PRINTSCREEN $EDITOR $BYOBU_RUN_DIR/printscreen' # Shift-F7 | write the buffer to file, open in a new window
# F10 | 'toolbar' in gnome-terminal
# F11 | 'Full Screen' in gnome-terminal
# No alt-F11 (break pane) in Screen
# No ctrl-F11 (join pane) in Screen
# No shift-F11 (join pane) in Screen
bindkey -k F2 process x # F12 | Byobu's escape key
bind $ $BYOBU_BACKEND -t status 0 byobu-status-detail # F12 $ | show detailed status
bind @ $BYOBU_BACKEND -t config 0 byobu-config # F12 @ | Configuration
bind R process r # F12 R | Reload profile
bind ~ eval 'process x' 'process s' 'exec $BYOBU_SED_INLINE -e "/./,/^$/!d" $BYOBU_RUN_DIR/printscreen' '$BYOBU_BACKEND -t PRINTSCREEN $EDITOR $BYOBU_RUN_DIR/printscreen' # F12 ~ | write the buffer to file, open in a new window
register d ":source $BYOBU_PREFIX/share/byobu/keybindings/f-keys.screen.disable^M"
bind ! eval 'process x' 'process d' 'backtick 111 9999999 9999999 byobu-status menu --disable-f-keys' # F12 ! | toggle on/off f-keys
bindkey "^A" $BYOBU_BACKEND -t ctrl-a byobu-ctrl-a