/* * Lord Of The Rings * * $FreeBSD: head/usr.bin/calendar/calendars/calendar.lotr 120919 2003-10-09 00:31:48Z grog $ */ #ifndef _calendar_lotr_ #define _calendar_lotr_ LANG=UTF-8 01/05 Fellowship enters Moria 01/09 Fellowship reaches Lorien 01/17 Passing of Gandalf 02/07 Fellowship leaves Lorien 02/17 Death of Boromir 02/20 Meriadoc & Pippin meet Treebeard 02/22 Passing of King Ellesar 02/24 Ents destroy Isengard 02/26 Aragorn takes the Paths of the Dead 03/05 Frodo & Samwise encounter Shelob 03/08 Deaths of Denethor & Theoden 03/18 Destruction of the Ring 03/29 Flowering of the Mallorn 04/04 Gandalf visits Bilbo 04/17 An unexpected party 04/23 Crowning of King Ellesar 05/19 Arwen leaves Lorian to wed King Ellesar 06/11 Sauron attacks Osgilliath 06/13 Bilbo returns to Bag End 06/23 Wedding of Ellesar & Arwen 07/04 Gandalf imprisoned by Saruman 07/24 The ring comes to Bilbo 07/26 Bilbo rescued from Wargs by Eagles 08/03 Funeral of King Theoden 08/29 Saruman enters the Shire 09/10 Gandalf escapes from Orthanc 09/14 Frodo & Bilbo's birthday 09/15 Black riders enter the Shire 09/18 Frodo and company rescued by Bombadil 09/28 Frodo wounded at Weathertop 10/05 Frodo crosses bridge of Mitheithel 10/16 Boromir reaches Rivendell 10/17 Council of Elrond 10/25 End of War of the Ring 11/16 Bilbo reaches the Lonely Mountain 12/05 Death of Smaug 12/16 Fellowship begins Quest #endif /* !_calendar_lotr_ */
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