[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Directory Icon=applications-system Name=System Name[am]=ስርአት Name[ar]=النّظام Name[ast]=Sistema Name[bg]=Система Name[ca]=Sistema Name[cs]=Systém Name[da]=System Name[de]=System Name[el]=Σύστημα Name[en_AU]=System Name[en_GB]=System Name[eo]=Sistemo Name[es]=Sistema Name[et]=Süsteem Name[eu]=Sistema Name[fi]=Järjestelmä Name[fr]=Système Name[gl]=Sistema Name[he]=מערכת Name[hr]=Sustav Name[hu]=Rendszer Name[id]=Sistem Name[is]=Kerfið Name[it]=Sistema Name[ja]=システム Name[kk]=Жүйелік Name[ko]=시스템 Name[lt]=Sistema Name[ms]=Sistem Name[nb]=System Name[nl]=Systeem Name[nn]=System Name[oc]=Sistèma Name[pl]=System Name[pt]=Sistema Name[pt_BR]=Sistema Name[ro]=Sistem Name[ru]=Система Name[sk]=Systém Name[sl]=Sistem Name[sq]=Sistem Name[sr]=Систем Name[sv]=System Name[te]=వ్యవస్థ Name[th]=ระบบ Name[tr]=Sistem Name[ug]=سىستېما Name[uk]=Система Name[uz]=Tizim Name[uz@Latn]=Tizim Name[zh_CN]=系统 Name[zh_HK]=系統 Name[zh_TW]=系統 Comment=System tools and utilities Comment[am]=የ ስርአት መሳሪያዎች እና መገልገያዎች Comment[ar]=أدوات النظام Comment[ast]=Ferramientes del sistema y utilidaes Comment[bg]=Системни инструменти Comment[ca]=Eines i utilitats del sistema Comment[cs]=Systémové nástroje Comment[da]=Systemværktøjer Comment[de]=Systemwerkzeuge und Hilfsprogramme Comment[el]=Εργαλεία και βοηθητικά προγράμματα συστήματος Comment[en_AU]=System tools and utilities Comment[en_GB]=System tools and utilities Comment[eo]=Sistemaj iloj kaj utilaĵoj Comment[es]=Herramientas y utilidades del sistema Comment[et]=Süsteemi tööriistad ja vahendid Comment[eu]=Sistema tresna eta lanabesak Comment[fi]=Järjestelmän työkalut ja hyötyohjelmat Comment[fr]=Outils et utilitaires système Comment[gl]=Utilidades e ferramentas do sistema Comment[he]=כלי ועזרי מערכת Comment[hr]=Alati i pomagala sustava Comment[hu]=Rendszereszközök és segédprogramok Comment[id]=Utilitas sistem Comment[is]=Kerfisforrit og nytjatól Comment[it]=Strumenti e utilità di sistema Comment[ja]=システムツールおよびユーティリティです Comment[kk]=Жүйелік құралдар Comment[ko]=시스템 도구와 유틸리티 Comment[lt]=Sistemos įrankiai ir priemonės Comment[ms]=Peralatan dan utiliti sistem Comment[nb]=Systemverktøy Comment[nl]=Systeemgereedschap en hulpmiddelen Comment[nn]=Systemverktøy Comment[oc]=Aisinas e utilitaris sistèma Comment[pl]=Przechowuje narzędzia do zarządzania systemem Comment[pt]=Ferramentas e utilitários do sistema Comment[pt_BR]=Ferramentas e utilitários do sistema Comment[ro]=Utilitare de sistem Comment[ru]=Средства администрирования системы Comment[sk]=Systémové nástroje a programy Comment[sl]=Sistemska orodja in pripomočki Comment[sq]=Mjete dhe të dobishëm sistemi Comment[sr]=Системски програми и помагала Comment[sv]=Systemverktyg och tillbehör Comment[te]=వ్యవస్థ సాధనాలు మరియు వినియోగాలు Comment[th]=เครื่องมือระบบ Comment[tr]=Sistem araçları ve uygulamaları Comment[ug]=سىستېما قوراللىرى Comment[uk]=Інструменти та утиліти для системи Comment[uz]=Tizim vositalari va utilitalar Comment[uz@Latn]=Tizim vositalari va utilitalar Comment[zh_CN]=系统工具和实用程序 Comment[zh_HK]=系統工具與公用程式 Comment[zh_TW]=系統工具與公用程式
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
xfce-accessories.directory | File | 4.77 KB | 0644 |
xfce-development.directory | File | 3.86 KB | 0644 |
xfce-education.directory | File | 3.2 KB | 0644 |
xfce-games.directory | File | 4.46 KB | 0644 |
xfce-graphics.directory | File | 4.77 KB | 0644 |
xfce-hardware.directory | File | 4.29 KB | 0644 |
xfce-multimedia.directory | File | 4.59 KB | 0644 |
xfce-network.directory | File | 3.95 KB | 0644 |
xfce-office.directory | File | 3.96 KB | 0644 |
xfce-other.directory | File | 4.52 KB | 0644 |
xfce-personal.directory | File | 2.98 KB | 0644 |
xfce-screensavers.directory | File | 4.11 KB | 0644 |
xfce-settings.directory | File | 4.86 KB | 0644 |
xfce-system.directory | File | 3.6 KB | 0644 |