# /etc/acpid/ac.sh
# Detect loss of AC power and regaining of AC power, and take action
# appropriatly.
# On my laptop anyway, this script doesn't not get different parameters for
# loss of power and regained power. So, I have to use a separate program to
# tell what the adapter status is.
# This uses the spicctrl program for probing the sonypi device.
BACKLIGHT=$(spicctrl -B)
if on_ac_power; then
# Now on AC power.
# Tell longrun to go crazy.
longrun -f performance
longrun -s 0 100
# Turn up the backlight unless it's up far enough.
if [ "$BACKLIGHT" -lt 108 ]; then
spicctrl -b 108
# Now off AC power.
# Tell longrun to be a miser.
longrun -f economy
longrun -s 0 50 # adjust to suite..
# Don't allow the screen to be too bright, but don't turn the
# backlight _up_ on removal, and don't turn it all the way down, as
# that is unusable on my laptop in most conditions. Adjust to
# taste.
if [ "$BACKLIGHT" -gt 68 ]; then
spicctrl -b 68