acpid for Debian
The acpid daemon can handle user defined events. Place event files under
If an event occurs, acpid recurses through the event files in order to
see if the regex defined after "event" matches. If they do, action is
An example with /etc/acpi/events/powerbtn to handle presses on the power
new style:
event=button/power .*
old style:
event=button power.*
to handle both styles:
event=button[ /]power
Your script will get the complete event string (as reported by
/proc/acpid/events), if you use %e as a parameter of your script.
You may want to split this by calling set $*. $1 then holds the
event group, $2 takes the event and $3 and $4 take the values as
reported by the kernel.
When using acpid with modules, you can use /etc/default/acpid in order
to specify Linux kernel modules to be loaded at startup.