## Post-Stretch * Restructure and clean up initramfs integration code * Idea: swap out basic functions into /lib/cryptsetup/functions and use them both in initscript and in cryptroot hook/script? Anyway, code deduplication is badly needed! * systemd is the default init system since stretch, and has its own logic for unlocking LUKS/dm-crypt devices. However not all options (in particular keyscript=) in crypttab(5) are currently implemented, hence crypttab(5) entries with unsupported options can't be processed aftet pivot_root(8). We should either convince the systemd maintainers to merge patches implementing the missing options, or skip systemd's own cryptsetup helper. Cf. https://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-systemd-maintainers/2016-September/012641.html * cryptroot hook script: - Parent device detection for multiple-parent-device support is spread all over the hook. for btrfs, the source devices are detected in get_fs_device(), for lvm a dedicated function exists and it is invoked from add_device(). - After doing the above refactoring, we should add parent device detection for mdadm (#629236) and ZFS (#820888) so users don't have to manually add the 'initramfs' option to the crypttab. - Variable naming is inconsistent. sometimes we use $device, sometimes $node. - get_derived_device() should not be invoked by get_initramfs_devices(). Instead, add_device("$device") should care about such things. In other words: first compile a list of device candidates according to the source (root device, resume device, 'initramfs option', ...), then detect possible dependencies (parent devices in case of lvm/btrfs/mdraid/..., keyscripts like decrypt_derived, ...). - In get_lvm_deps() the following should be replaced: dmsetup table "$depnode" 2>/dev/null | cut -d' ' -f3)" != "crypt" by dmsetup info -c --noheadings -o subsystem "$depnode" != "CRYPT" - Processing fstab and crypttab should be done in dedicated functions. At the moment, crypttab is processed in different ways: * get_initramfs_devices(): grep -s '^[^#]' /etc/crypttab | while read target source key options; * get_device_opts(): opt="$( awk -vtarget="$target" '$1 == target {gsub(/[ \t]+/," "); print; exit}' /etc/crypttab )" source=$( printf '%s' "$opt" | cut -d " " -f2 ) key=$( printf '%s' "$opt" | cut -d " " -f3 ) rootopts=$( printf '%s' "$opt" | cut -d " " -f4- ) - Variable name '$rootopts' in get_device_opts() is wrong now that we process a lot more devices than just the root device in initramfs. - Replace 'rootdev', 'resumedev', etc. flags by an option 'usage={root,resume,...}' * cryptroot local-top script: - Find a solution to run 'lvm vgchange' only after all lvm parent devices are unlocked. At the moment, ugly errors and warnings are shown in case of several encrypted parent devices. ## Post-Lenny * Would a fallback make sense? like when using any keyscript, try passphrase in the case that it fails. if we implement that at all, never make it the default, and warn about security issues in README.Debian. even explain that backup passphrase keyslots thwart the extra security of keyfiles/keyscripts. (#438481, #471729) * Implement something like 'ignore-if-no-device' to mount (/etc/fstab), and thus support several situations where cryptsetup fails to setup a device: -> the device is not attached at all -> wrong passphrase/no keyfile available -> timeouts arise (#474120) * seems like the fstab flag alread does exists: nofail. so reimplement timeout? * Reimplement timeout support in a cleaner way?
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