[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $

this directory contains a number of example packages which show
how dbconfig-common can be used in various situations:

- db-test-mysql 

	a simple mysql database application.

- db-test-mysql-perl

	like the above, but instead of using dbconfig-common's native
	setup code, the information is gathered and passed to a
	maintainer-provided or upstream-provided script.

- db-test-mysql-frontend

    a "read-only frontend" package.  this package prompts for all the
    pertinent information, but performs no database-modifying actions.

- db-test-pgsql

	like db-test-mysql, but for applications that work with postgres.

- db-test-pgsql-migration

    the same as above, but provided with a "1.9" version that doesn't
    use dbconfig-common, which illustrates how in the "2.0" version
    dbconfig-common can migrate previously existing settings.

- db-test-multidbtype

	this package shows how dbconfig-common can be used to configure
	applications that work with any number of database types supported
	by dbconfig-common.  currently this is only mysql/pgsql, but
	work is in progress to support others, such as oracle and sqlite.

also, you probably see that one of the packages (db-test-mysql) has
two versions available.  this simply shows how dbconfig-common can
support application upgrades that require making modifications to
the underlying database.

you can build all these packages at once by simply running the
provided ./buildpackages.sh script if you're lazy :)


 -- sean finney <seanius@debian.org>  Sun, 02 Apr 2006 17:35:03 +0200


Name Type Size Permission Actions
db-test-multidbtype-2.0 Folder 0755
db-test-mysql-2.0 Folder 0755
db-test-mysql-2.1 Folder 0755
db-test-mysql-frontend-2.0 Folder 0755
db-test-mysql-perl-2.0 Folder 0755
db-test-pgsql-2.0 Folder 0755
db-test-pgsql-2.1 Folder 0755
db-test-pgsql-2.2 Folder 0755
db-test-pgsql-migration-1.9 Folder 0755
db-test-pgsql-migration-2.0 Folder 0755
db-test-sqlite-2.0 Folder 0755
db-test-sqlite3-2.0 Folder 0755
README File 1.53 KB 0644
buildpackages.sh File 534 B 0755