[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
  if (ARGC != 2) {
    print "URLCHK - check if URLs have changed"
    print "IN:\n    the file with URLs as a command-line parameter"
    print "    file contains URL, old length, new length"
    print "PARAMS:\n    -v Proxy=MyProxy -v ProxyPort=8080"
    print "OUT:\n    same as file with URLs"
    print "JK 02.03.1998"
  URLfile = ARGV[1]; ARGV[1] = ""
  if (Proxy     != "") Proxy     = " -v Proxy="     Proxy
  if (ProxyPort != "") ProxyPort = " -v ProxyPort=" ProxyPort
  while ((getline < URLfile) > 0)
     Length[$1] = $3 + 0
  close(URLfile)      # now, URLfile is read in and can be updated
  GetHeader = "gawk " Proxy ProxyPort " -v Method=\"HEAD\" -f geturl.awk "
  for (i in Length) {
    GetThisHeader = GetHeader i " 2>&1"
    while ((GetThisHeader | getline) > 0)
      if (toupper($0) ~ /CONTENT-LENGTH/) NewLength = $2 + 0
    print i, Length[i], NewLength > URLfile
    if (Length[i] != NewLength)  # report only changed URLs
      print i, Length[i], NewLength


Name Type Size Permission Actions
PostAgent.sh File 274 B 0644
coreserv.awk File 3.31 KB 0644
eliza.awk File 9.98 KB 0644
fingerclient.awk File 161 B 0644
geturl.awk File 787 B 0644
hello-serv.awk File 463 B 0644
maze.awk File 2.59 KB 0644
mobag.awk File 2.77 KB 0644
panic.awk File 575 B 0644
protbase.awk File 400 B 0644
protbase.request File 162 B 0644
protbase.result File 642 B 0644
remconf.awk File 2.13 KB 0644
statist.awk File 3.53 KB 0644
stoxdata.txt File 165 B 0644
stoxpred.awk File 4.66 KB 0644
testserv.awk File 334 B 0644
urlchk.awk File 1.03 KB 0644
webgrab.awk File 185 B 0644