GNOME 1.4 release (must freeze VERY soon)
The release with 1.4 is not going to be super-useful for large-scale
installation administration; it's mostly just going to be a
process-transparent way to store settings, limited to single
workstation config files.
No more source-incompatible API changes are planned for 1.4 at this
API additions
* Implement batch gets
* Maintain documentation
* Envisioneering
Maybe 1.4
* Implement dump/slurp functionality (define XML DTD to represent
modifications to the database; augment gconftool to be able to
write out the current state of the database in this format,
and also apply the changes given in the format)
* Make it so that once the first notification of a change in a GConfChangeSet
is delivered, the other values will be retrieved by gconf_get() and
gconf_client_get(), which means a way to invalidate GConfClient
cached stuff, and doing the setting of all values in the changeset
before the notifications.
* Allow various currently-hardcoded items to be set from environment variables
or a config file ("home" directory to use, timeout lengths, etc. are
some candidates).
* "Laptop mode" where GConf avoids touching the disk much
* Implement server-side search (Kind of hard to actually implement
on the server, at least in any sort of fast way, and
all other gconf-using apps will block while the server is searching,
without some tricks to let the main loop run sometimes, so, dunno.)
* Implement a way to get the GConfMetaInfo
* Berkeley DB backend (note: consider issues surrounding various incompatible
versions of DB and historical problems with the upgrade path, cf.
RPM and gnome-mime-db)
* Performance tuning
* Document locking issues for backends (backends should perform
their own locking, handle concurrency, etc.)
* Document which database GConf will write to given multiple
writeable databases (i.e. the first one it can write to,
at the moment, maybe eventually the "database map" will
specify which it writes to)
* Implement a way for backends to notify gconfd of changes they detect
* Implement a "database map"; this would be a tree structure (similar
in implementation to GConfListeners). Rather than storing listeners
at the tree nodes, store a list of databases in order, and
readability/writability of each database. Create a config file
(perhaps in the GMarkup XML subset from glib 2.0) for configuring
the database map. Figure out whether this can entirely replace
the readable/writable methods from the backend vtable.
It likely replaces the gconf/path configuration file. (Essentially
the idea is a database path per key/directory, instead of a
global database path, giving administrators more flexibility.)
Also, aliases for paths, and way for apps to install a suggested
default database alias ("per_display" "per_homedir" etc.)
(See gconf-list post)
Details to be figured out.
* GUI admin tool, and GUI user tool (are these the same?)
* Thread support for scalability; may require ORBit thread safety?
Or a protocol with oneway CORBA methods (client requests a value,
gconfd calls back when it has the value)
* Fix non-default GConfEngines: this means propagating change
notifications from them to other engines with the same
databases. Or maybe instead we should use the mechanism
used when the same database is in two gconfds (backend
notifies us of changes).
Suspect that all notification has to come from the backend,
this is the only way to get sane behavior if _some_ notification
comes from the backend. Hmm.
* Use a real DTD and a nicer structure for the XML backend format
* The design of the client-server architecture is horked, overcomplicating
GConf.idl; the client should remember all its state (listeners, etc.),
and when the server disappears (we lose the connection to it), the
client resends its state; thus eliminating the saved state file
and making things more robust.