# Sample client configuration file for the Common UNIX Printing System
# (CUPS).
# Copyright 1997-2005 by Easy Software Products, all rights reserved.
# Kenshi Muto <kmuto@debian.org> modified a bit for Debian distribution.
# These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs are the
# property of Easy Software Products and are protected by Federal
# copyright law. Distribution and use rights are outlined in the file
# "LICENSE.txt" which should have been included with this file. If this
# file is missing or damaged please contact Easy Software Products
# at:
# Attn: CUPS Licensing Information
# Easy Software Products
# 44141 Airport View Drive, Suite 204
# Hollywood, Maryland 20636 USA
# Voice: (301) 373-9600
# EMail: cups-info@cups.org
# WWW: http://www.cups.org
# #
# This is the CUPS client configuration file. This file is used to #
# define client-specific parameters, such as the default server or #
# default encryption settings. #
# #
# Put this file on /etc/cups/client.conf (system use) or #
# ~/.cups/client.conf (personal use). #
# #
# ServerName: the hostname of your server. By default CUPS will use the
# domain socket /run/cups/cups.sock or the value of the CUPS_SERVER
# environment variable.
# more than one server you must use a local scheduler with browsing
# and possibly polling.
# The IPP version (2.0 by default, can be 1.1 or 1.0) can be specified
# to access older servers.
#ServerName /domain/socket
#ServerName myhost.domain.com[:port][/version=1.1]
#ServerName ip-address[:port][/version=1.1]
# Encryption: whether or not to use encryption; this depends on having
# the OpenSSL library linked into the CUPS library.
# Possible values:
# Always - Always use encryption (SSL)
# Never - Never use encryption
# Required - Use TLS encryption upgrade
# IfRequested - Use encryption if the server requests it
# The default value is "IfRequested". This parameter can also be set
# using the CUPS_ENCRYPTION environment variable.
#Encryption Always
#Encryption Never
#Encryption Required
#Encryption IfRequested