[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
Thanks to all the individuals that have contributed to the development of Exo.
Since this project started, there have been so many contributors it has become
unmaintainable to list each individually, but the original contributors are
listed below.

For contributions on a commit basis, please see the ChangeLog file.


What's this file about?
This file lists all external people that have contributed to this project and
thereby helped to make libexo such a successful project.

Testers (sorted by name):
These people have contributed to libexo by testing the software,
reporting problems and making useful suggestions.

Translators (sorted by language):
These people have translated libexo to foreign languages.

 Mohamed Magdy <alnokta@yahoo.com>
  * ar translations

 Alexander Nyakhaychyk <nyakhaychyk@gmail.com>
  * be translations

 Carles Muñoz Gorriz <paurullan@bulma.net>
  * ca translations

 Pau Rul·lan Ferragut <paurullan@bulma.net>
  * ca translations

 Michal Várady <miko.vaji@gmail.com>
  * cs translations

 Geraint Rowlands <ansbaradigeidfran@gmail.com>
  * cy translations

 Benedikt Meurer <benny@xfce.org>
  * de translations

 Fabian Nowak <timystery@arcor.de>
  * de translations

 Nico Schümann <nico@prog.nico22.de>
  * de translations

 Sonam Pelden <sonaa_peldn@yahoo.com>
  * dz translations

 Stathis Kamperis <ekamperi@auth.gr>
  * el translations

 Stavros Giannouris <stavrosg@serverhive.com>
  * el translations

 Dwayne Bailey <dwayne@translate.org.za>
  * en_GB translations

 Patricio Carr <pato@patocarr.com>
  * es translations

 Peeter Vois <peeter.vois@proekspert.ee>
  * et translations

 Piarres Beobide <pi@beobide.net>
  * eu translations

 Jari Rahkonen <jari.rahkonen@pp1.inet.fi>
  * fi translations

 Mike Massonnet <mmassonnet@gmail.com>
  * fr translations

 Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@bluewin.ch>
  * fr translations

 Stephane Roy <sroy@j2n.net>
  * fr translations

 Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regueiro@gmail.com>
  * gl translations

 Dotan Kamber <kamberd@yahoo.com>
  * he translations

 Yuval Tanny <tanai@int.gov.il>
  * he translations

 Szervác Attila <sas@321.hu>
  * hu translations

 Dario DOE <dariolinux@tiscali.it>
  * it translations

 Daichi Kawahata <daichik@users.sourceforge.net>
  * ja translations

 Dimitri Gogelia <delphi.knight@gmail.com>
  * ka translations

 mantas <mantaz@users.sourceforge.net>
  * lt translations

 Rihards Priedītis <rprieditis@inbox.lv>
  * lv translations

 Pavle Jonoski <jonoski.pavle@gmail.com>
  * mk translations

 Terje Uriansrud <ter@operamail.com>
  * nb_NO translations

 Stephan Arts <psyBSD@gmail.com>
  * nl translations

 Amanpreet Singh Alam <aalam@users.sf.net>
  * pa translations

 Piotr Maliński <admin@rk.edu.pl>
  * pl translations

 Szymon Kałasz <szymon_maestro@gazeta.pl>
  * pl translations

 Adriano Winter Bess <awbess@gmail.com>
  * pt_BR translations

 Pablo Lerina <pabloalr@gmail.com>
  * pt_BR translations

 Og Maciel <ogmaciel@gnome.org>
  * pt_BR translations

 Joao Pedrosa <joaopedrosa@gmail.com>
  * pt_BR translations

 Nuno Miguel <nunis@netcabo.pt>
  * pt_PT translations

 Mişu Moldovan <dumol@gnome.ro>
  * ro translations

 Andrey Fedoseev <andrey.fedoseev@gmail.com>
  * ru translations

 Maxim Zenin <webmechanics@gmail.com>
  * ru translations

 Besnik Bleta <besnik@programeshqip.org>
  * sq translations

 Alexander Toresson <alexander.toresson@gmail.com>
  * sv translations

 Muhammad Ali Makki <makki.ma@gmai.com>
  * ur translations

 Hydonsingore Cia <hydonsingore@educities.edu.tw>
  * zh_TW translations

Other contributers (sorted by name):

Matt McClinch <mattmcclinch@gmail.com>
 * ExoIconView patches


Name Type Size Permission Actions
NEWS.Debian.gz File 295 B 0644
NEWS.gz File 11.74 KB 0644
README File 1.57 KB 0644
THANKS File 3.72 KB 0644
TODO File 158 B 0644
changelog.Debian.gz File 1.18 KB 0644
copyright File 2.64 KB 0644