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botdev@ ~ $
// example3.cpp

// This file demonstrates how to use FreeType's stand-alone B/W renderer.
// Copy the files ftraster.c, ftimage.h, and ftmisc.h into the same
// directory as this file, then say
//   g++ -D STANDALONE_ \
//       -o example3 example3.cpp
// You need FreeType version 2.3.10 or newer.
// Written Sep. 2009 by Werner Lemberg,
// based on code contributed by Erik Möller.
// Public domain.

#include "ftraster.c"
#include <fstream>

// Define an acorn-like shape to test with.
struct Vec2
  Vec2(float a, float b) : x(a), y(b) { }

  float x, y;

static Vec2 k_shape[] =
{ Vec2(-3, -18), Vec2(0, -12), Vec2(6, -10), Vec2(12, -6), Vec2(12, -4),
  Vec2(11, -4), Vec2(10, -5), Vec2(10, 1), Vec2(9, 6), Vec2(7, 10),
  Vec2(5, 12), Vec2(4, 15), Vec2(3, 14), Vec2(1, 13), Vec2(-1, 13),
  Vec2(-5, 11), Vec2(-8, 8), Vec2(-11, 2), Vec2(-11, -2), Vec2(-14, 0),
  Vec2(-14, -2), Vec2(-11, -7), Vec2(-9, -9), Vec2(-8, -9), Vec2(-5, -12),
  Vec2(-5, -14), Vec2(-7, -15), Vec2(-8, -14), Vec2(-9, -15), Vec2(-9, -17),
  Vec2(-7, -17), Vec2(-6, -18)

MY_Alloc_Func(FT_Memory /* memory */,
              long size)
  return malloc((size_t)size);

MY_Free_Func(FT_Memory /* memory */,
             void *block)

MY_Realloc_Func(FT_Memory /* memory */,
                long /* cur_size */,
                long new_size,
                void* block)
  return realloc(block, (size_t)new_size);

static FT_Memory mem;

// Render a shape and dump it out as out-mono.pbm (b/w) and
// out-gray.pgm (grayscale).
  // Set up the memory management.
  mem = new FT_MemoryRec;
  mem->alloc = MY_Alloc_Func;
  mem->free = MY_Free_Func;
  mem->realloc = MY_Realloc_Func;

  // Build an outline manually.
  FT_Outline_ outline;
  outline.n_contours = 1;
  outline.n_points = sizeof (k_shape) / sizeof (Vec2);
  outline.points = new FT_Vector[outline.n_points];
  for (int i = 0; i < outline.n_points; ++i)
    FT_Vector v;
    // Offset it to fit in the image and scale it up 10 times.
    v.x = (20 + k_shape[i].x) * 10 * 64;
    v.y = (20 + k_shape[i].y) * 10 * 64;
    outline.points[i] = v;
  outline.tags = new char[outline.n_points];
  for (int i = 0; i < outline.n_points; ++i)
    outline.tags[i] = 1;
  outline.contours = new short[outline.n_contours];
  outline.contours[0] = outline.n_points - 1;
  outline.flags = 0;

  const int width = 500;
  const int rows = 400;

  // 1 bit per pixel.
  const int pitch_mono = (width + 7) >> 3;

  FT_Bitmap bmp;
  FT_Raster raster;
  FT_Raster_Params params;

  // Allocate a chunk of memory for the render pool.
  const int kRenderPoolSize = 1024 * 1024;
  unsigned char *renderPool = new unsigned char[kRenderPoolSize];

  // Set up a bitmap.
  bmp.buffer = new unsigned char[rows * pitch_mono];
  memset(bmp.buffer, 0, rows * pitch_mono);
  bmp.width = width;
  bmp.rows = rows;
  bmp.pitch = pitch_mono;
  bmp.pixel_mode = FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO;

  // Set up the necessary raster parameters.
  memset(&params, 0, sizeof (params));
  params.source = &outline;
  params.target = &bmp;

  // Initialize the rasterer and get it to render into the bitmap.
  ft_standard_raster.raster_new(mem, &raster);
  ft_standard_raster.raster_reset(raster, renderPool, kRenderPoolSize);
  ft_standard_raster.raster_render(raster, &params);

  // Dump out the raw image data (in PBM format).
  std::ofstream out_mono("out-mono.pbm", std::ios::binary);
  out_mono << "P4 " << width << " " << rows << "\n";
  out_mono.write((const char *)bmp.buffer, rows * pitch_mono);

  // Cleanup.
  delete[] renderPool;
  delete[] bmp.buffer;
  delete[] outline.points;
  delete[] outline.tags;
  delete[] outline.contours;
  delete mem;

  return 0;


Name Type Size Permission Actions
example1.c File 3.58 KB 0644
example2.cpp.gz File 3.75 KB 0644
example3.cpp File 3.66 KB 0644
example4.cpp.gz File 2.16 KB 0644
example4.pro File 241 B 0644
example5.cpp.gz File 3.45 KB 0644
example5.svg File 3.09 KB 0644
index.html File 5.76 KB 0644
metrics.png File 2.16 KB 0644
metrics2.png File 1.81 KB 0644
step1.html File 44.27 KB 0644
step2.html File 62.77 KB 0644
step3.html File 5.37 KB 0644