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botdev@ ~ $
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# bio.pl mikem@open.com.au
# Test and demonstrate BIO interface

use Net::SSLeay qw(die_now);

$data = '0123456789' x 100;
$len = length($data);

$b = &Net::SSLeay::BIO_new(&Net::SSLeay::BIO_s_mem())
    or die_now("Could not create memory BIO $!");

&Net::SSLeay::BIO_write($b, $data)
    or die_now("Could not write memory BIO $!");

# Should now have 1000 bytes in BIO
$pending =  &Net::SSLeay::BIO_pending($b);
die("Incorrect result from BIO_pending: $pending. Should be $len")
    unless $pending == $len;

# Partial read of 9 bytes
$len = 9;
$part = &Net::SSLeay::BIO_read($b, $len);
$nlen = length($part);
die("Incorrect result from BIO_read: $len. Should be 9")
    unless $nlen == $len;

die("Incorrect data from BIO_read: $len. Should be 012345678")
    unless $part eq '012345678';

# Should be 991 bytes left
$len = 991;
$pending =  &Net::SSLeay::BIO_pending($b);
die("Incorrect result from BIO_pending: $pending. Should be $len")
    unless $pending == $len;

# Read the rest
$part = &Net::SSLeay::BIO_read($b);
$nlen = length($part);
die("Incorrect result from BIO_read: $len. Should be 991")
    unless $len == $nlen;


print "OK\n";


Name Type Size Permission Actions
bio.pl File 1.18 KB 0644
bulk.pl File 1.91 KB 0755
callback.pl File 3.12 KB 0755
cb-testi.pl File 548 B 0644
cli-cert.pl File 3.72 KB 0644
ephemeral.pl File 553 B 0644
get_authenticated_page.pl File 730 B 0755
get_page.pl File 507 B 0755
get_page_cert.pl File 966 B 0644
https-proxy-snif.pl.gz File 1.83 KB 0644
makecert.pl File 1.5 KB 0755
minicli.pl File 1.31 KB 0755
passwd-cb.pl File 809 B 0644
req.conf File 1.2 KB 0644
server_key.pem File 963 B 0644
ssl-inetd-serv.pl File 1.6 KB 0755
ssl_diff.pl File 631 B 0755
sslcat.pl File 526 B 0755
sslecho.pl File 3.07 KB 0755
stdio_bulk.pl File 2.53 KB 0755
tcpcat.pl File 422 B 0755
tcpecho.pl File 1.77 KB 0755
x509_cert_details.pl.gz File 2.49 KB 0644