last update Aug 16 2007:
need to fix hugetlbfs to allow holey files (for numactl)
numademo numbers seem to be unstable. investigate.
need more test programs
Replace unreliable counters in numamon with supported ones.
According to Alex Tomas:
seems ht bus utilization can be found by
(cmd+data+bufrelease / cmd+data+bufrelease+nop)
according to chm in codeanalyst.
quote from .chm:
Buses 0,1, 2 ?The number of Dwords transmitted (or unused, in the case
+of Nops) on the outgoing side of the HyperTransport links. The sum of all
+four sub-events (all four unit mask bits set) directly reflects the
+transmission rate of the link. Calculate link utilization by dividing the
+combined Command, Data, and Buffer Release count (unit mask 07h) by that
+value plus the Nop count (unit mask 08h). Bandwi
dth in terms of bytes per unit-time for any one component, or
+combination of components, is calculated by multiplying the count by four and
+dividing by elapsed time.
0xE9 is also documented