[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Revision: $
# $Date: 2003-07-27 11:07:11 $

package Elinfo;

sub new {
    bless { COUNT   => 0,
            MINLEV  => undef,
            SEEN    => 0,
            CHARS   => 0,
            EMPTY   => 1, 
            PTAB    => {},
            KTAB    => {},
            ATAB    => {} }, shift;

package main;

use English;
use XML::Parser;

my %elements;
my $seen = 0;
my $root;

my $file = shift;

my $subform =
    '      @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<      @>>>>';
die "Can't find file \"$file\""
  unless -f $file;
my $parser = new XML::Parser(ErrorContext => 2);
$parser->setHandlers(Start => \&start_handler,
		     Char  => \&char_handler);


set_minlev($root, 0);

my $el;

foreach $el (sort bystruct keys %elements)
    my $ref = $elements{$el};
    print "\n================\n$el: ", $ref->{COUNT}, "\n";
    print "Had ", $ref->{CHARS}, " bytes of character data\n"
	if $ref->{CHARS};
    print "Always empty\n"
	if $ref->{EMPTY};

    showtab('Parents', $ref->{PTAB}, 0);
    showtab('Children', $ref->{KTAB}, 1);
    showtab('Attributes', $ref->{ATAB}, 0);

## End of main

sub start_handler
    my $p = shift;
    my $el = shift;

    my $elinf = $elements{$el};

    if (not defined($elinf))
	$elements{$el} = $elinf = new Elinfo;
	$elinf->{SEEN} = $seen++;


    my $partab = $elinf->{PTAB};

    my $parent = $p->current_element;
    if (defined($parent))
	my $pinf = $elements{$parent};

	# Increment our slot in parent's child table
	$pinf->{EMPTY} = 0;
	$root = $el;

    # Deal with attributes

    my $atab = $elinf->{ATAB};

    while (@_)
	my $att = shift;
	shift;	# Throw away value

}  # End start_handler

sub char_handler
    my ($p, $data) = @_;
    my $inf = $elements{$p->current_element};

    $inf->{EMPTY} = 0;
    if ($data =~ /\S/)
	$inf->{CHARS} += length($data);
}  # End char_handler

sub set_minlev
    my ($el, $lev) = @_;

    my $elinfo = $elements{$el};
    if (! defined($elinfo->{MINLEV}) or $elinfo->{MINLEV} > $lev)
	my $newlev = $lev + 1;

	$elinfo->{MINLEV} = $lev;
	foreach (keys %{$elinfo->{KTAB}})
	    set_minlev($_, $newlev);
}  # End set_minlev

sub bystruct
    my $refa = $elements{$a};
    my $refb = $elements{$b};

    $refa->{MINLEV} <=> $refb->{MINLEV}
	or $refa->{SEEN} <=> $refb->{SEEN};
}  # End bystruct

sub showtab
    my ($title, $table, $dosum) = @_;

    my @list = sort keys %{$table};

    if (@list)
	print "\n   $title:\n";

	my $item;
	my $sum = 0;
	foreach $item (@list)
	    my $cnt = $table->{$item};
	    $sum += $cnt;
	    formline($subform, $item, $cnt);
	    print $ACCUMULATOR, "\n";
	    $ACCUMULATOR = '';

	if ($dosum and @list > 1)
	    print  "                            =====\n";
	    formline($subform, '', $sum);
	    print $ACCUMULATOR, "\n";
	    $ACCUMULATOR = '';

}  # End showtab

# Tell Emacs that this is really a perl script
# Local Variables:
# mode:perl
# End:


Name Type Size Permission Actions
REC-xml-19980210.xml.gz File 44.06 KB 0644
canonical File 2.5 KB 0755
canontst.xml File 510 B 0644
ctest.dtd File 71 B 0644
xmlcomments File 687 B 0755
xmlfilter.gz File 1.89 KB 0644
xmlstats File 3.1 KB 0755