#! /bin/sh ## duplicate DaveG's ident-scan thingie using netcat. Oooh, he'll be pissed. ## args: target port [port port port ...] ## hose stdout *and* stderr together. ## ## advantages: runs slower than ident-scan, giving remote inetd less cause ## for alarm, and only hits the few known daemon ports you specify. ## disadvantages: requires numeric-only port args, the output sleazitude, ## and won't work for r-services when coming from high source ports. case "${2}" in "" ) echo needs HOST and at least one PORT ; exit 1 ;; esac # ping 'em once and see if they *are* running identd nc -z -w 9 "$1" 113 || { echo "oops, $1 isn't running identd" ; exit 0 ; } # generate a randomish base port RP=`expr $$ % 999 + 31337` TRG="$1" shift while test "$1" ; do nc -v -w 8 -p ${RP} "$TRG" ${1} < /dev/null > /dev/null & PROC=$! sleep 3 echo "${1},${RP}" | nc -w 4 -r "$TRG" 113 2>&1 sleep 2 # does this look like a lamer script or what... kill -HUP $PROC RP=`expr ${RP} + 1` shift done
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
contrib | Folder | 0755 |
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alta | File | 1.11 KB | 0644 |
bsh | File | 487 B | 0644 |
dist.sh | File | 883 B | 0644 |
irc | File | 1.85 KB | 0644 |
iscan | File | 1005 B | 0644 |
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