[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
#! /bin/sh
## Hit the major search engines.  Hose the [large] output to a file!
## autoconverts multiple arguments into the right format for given servers --
## usually worda+wordb, with certain lame exceptions like dejanews.
## Extracting and post-sorting the URLs is highly recommended...
## Altavista currently handled by a separate script; may merge at some point.
## _H* original 950824, updated 951218 and 960209

test "${1}" = "" && echo 'Needs argument[s] to search for!' && exit 1
PLUSARG="`echo $* | sed 's/ /+/g'`"
PIPEARG="`echo ${PLUSARG} | sed 's/+/|/g'`"

# Don't have "nc"?  Get "netcat" from avian.org and add it to your toolkit.
doquery () {
  echo GET "$1" | nc -v -i 1 -w 30 "$2" "$3"

# changed since original: now supplying port numbers and separator lines...

echo "=== Yahoo ==="
doquery "/bin/search?p=${PLUSARG}&n=300&w=w&s=a" search.yahoo.com 80

echo '' ; echo "=== Webcrawler ==="
doquery "/cgi-bin/WebQuery?searchText=${PLUSARG}&maxHits=300" webcrawler.com 80

# the infoseek lamers want "registration" before they do a real search, but...
echo '' ; echo "=== Infoseek ==="
echo "  is broken."
# doquery "WW/IS/Titles?qt=${PLUSARG}" www2.infoseek.com 80
# ... which doesn't work cuz their lame server wants the extra newlines, WITH
# CRLF pairs ferkrissake.  Fuck 'em for now, they're hopelessly broken.  If
# you want to play, the basic idea and query formats follow.
# echo "GET /WW/IS/Titles?qt=${PLUSARG}" > $IFILE
# echo "" >> $IFILE
# nc -v -w 30 guide-p.infoseek.com 80 < $IFILE

# this is kinda flakey; might have to do twice??
echo '' ; echo "=== Opentext ==="
doquery "/omw/simplesearch?SearchFor=${PLUSARG}&mode=phrase" \
  search.opentext.com 80

# looks like inktomi will only take hits=100, or defaults back to 30
# we try to suppress all the stupid rating dots here, too
echo '' ; echo "=== Inktomi ==="
doquery "/query/?query=${PLUSARG}&hits=100" ink3.cs.berkeley.edu 1234 | \
  sed '/^<IMG ALT.*inktomi.*\.gif">$/d'

#djnews lame shit limits hits to 120 and has nonstandard format
echo '' ; echo "=== Dejanews ==="
doquery "/cgi-bin/nph-dnquery?query=${PIPEARG}+maxhits=110+format=terse+defaultOp=AND" \
  smithers.dejanews.com 80

# OLD lycos: used to work until they fucking BROKE it...
# doquery "/cgi-bin/pursuit?query=${PLUSARG}&maxhits=300&terse=1" \
#   query5.lycos.cs.cmu.edu 80
# NEW lycos: wants the User-agent field present in query or it returns nothing
# 960206: webmaster@lycos duly bitched at
# 960208: reply received; here's how we will now handle it:
echo \
"GET /cgi-bin/pursuit?query=${PLUSARG}&maxhits=300&terse=terse&matchmode=and&minscore=.5 HTTP/1.x" \
  > $IFILE
echo "User-agent: *FUCK OFF*" >> $IFILE
echo "Why: go ask todd@pointcom.com (Todd Whitney)" >> $IFILE
echo '' >> $IFILE
echo '' ; echo "=== Lycos ==="
nc -v -i 1 -w 30 twelve.srv.lycos.com 80 < $IFILE

rm -f $IFILE
exit 0

# infoseek

# some args need to be redone to ensure whatever "and" mode applies


Name Type Size Permission Actions
contrib Folder 0755
README File 239 B 0644
alta File 1.11 KB 0644
bsh File 487 B 0644
dist.sh File 883 B 0644
irc File 1.85 KB 0644
iscan File 1005 B 0644
ncp File 1.43 KB 0644
probe File 2.07 KB 0644
web.gz File 2.5 KB 0644
webproxy.gz File 2.69 KB 0644
webrelay File 1.52 KB 0644
websearch File 2.92 KB 0644