- adjust RPM spec file to check for libxfce4ui etc.? or does checking for the panel suffice?
- Use notfication messages when alert is on; when maximum is reached.
- fix error: doesn't find all sensors when newly adding plugin to panel - sensors library problem?
- read acpi fan state?
- switch to sysfs completely for everything?
- decrease size of entries in min/max value fields... would have to change renderer for double values...
- find reason why plugin crashes on exit
Known bugs or user requests
- enumerate sensors from libsensors in an arbitrary fashion so that the order in which libsensors delivers them does no longer matter
- common settings for both application and plugin wrt. sensor names etc.
- use D-bus to send messages with new settings from xfce4-sensors application to panel plugin
- have someone implement kde and gnome plugins based on library/API
- have someone implement some BSD backends and integrate them into project