[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
What's this file about?
This file lists all external people that have contributed to this project and
thereby helped to make Terminal such a successful project.

Testers (sorted by name):
These people have contributed to Terminal by testing the software,
reporting problems and making useful suggestions.

 Alexandre Aractingi <aaractingi@libertysurf.fr>
  * bug reports

 Giacomo Perale <ghepeu@virgilio.it>
  * extensive testing, bug reports

 Bernhard Walle <bernhard@bwalle.de>
  * several bug reports and useful suggestions

Translators (sorted by language):
These people have translated Terminal to foreign languages.

 Khaled Hosny <khaledhosny@eglug.org>
  * ar translations

 Alexander Nyakhaychyk <nyakhaychyk@gmail.com>
  * be translations

 Carles Muñoz Gorriz <carlesmu@internautas.org>
  * ca translations

 Pau Rul·lan Ferragut <paurullan@bulma.net>
  * ca translations

 Michal Várady <miko.vaji@gmail.com>
  * cs translations

 Benedikt Meurer <benny@xfce.org>
  * de translations

 Fabian Nowak <timystery@arcor.de>
  * de translations

 Tenzin Dendup <tdendup@dit.gov.bt>
  * dz translations

 Stathis Kamperis <ekamperi@auth.gr>
  * el translations

 Stavros Giannouris <stavrosg@serverhive.com>
  * el translations

 Jeff Bailes <thepizzaking@gmail.com>
  * en_GB translations

 Dwayne Bailey <dwayne@translate.org.za>
  * en_GB translations

 Jarbas Araujo Jr <jarbasaraujojr@yahoo.com.br>
  * eo translations

 Antono Vasiljev <antono.vasiljev@gmail.com>
  * eo translations

 Sylvain Vedrenne <gnu_sylvain@xfce.org>
  * eo translations

 Jaime Buffery <nestu@lunar-linux.org>
  * es translations

 Piarres Beobide Egaña <pi@beobide.net>
  * eu translations

 Jari Rahkonen <jari.rahkonen@pp1.inet.fi>
  * fi translations

 Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@bluewin.ch>
  * fr translations

 Stephane Roy <sroy@j2n.net>
  * fr translations

 Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regueiro@gmail.com>
  * gl translations

 Dotan Kamber <kamberd@yahoo.com>
  * he translations

 Yuval Tanny <tanai@int.gov.il>
  * he translations

 Szervác Attila <sas@321.hu>
  * hu translactions

 Vittorio Palmisano <redclay@email.it>
  * it translations

 Daichi Kawahata <daichi@xfce.org>
  * ja translations

 ByungHyun Choi <byunghyun.choi@debianusers.org>
  * ko translations

 Kibum Han <yui@yui.pe.kr>
  * ko translations

 Mantas Zapolskas <mantaz@users.sourceforge.net>
  * lt translations

 Rihards Prieditis <RPrieditis@inbox.lv>
  * lv translations

 Terje Uriansrud <ter@operamail.com>
  * nb_NO translations

 Jasper Huijsmans <jasper@xfce.org>
  * nl translations

 Amanpreet Singh Alam <aalam@users.sf.net>
  * pa translations

 Szymon Kałasz <szymon_maestro@gazeta.pl>
  * pl translations

 Joao Pedrosa <joaopedrosa@gmail.com>
  * pt_BR translations

 Adriano Winter Bess <awbess@gmail.com>
  * pt_BR translations

 Nuno Miguel <nunis@netcabo.pt>
  * pt_PT translations

 Mişu Moldovan <dumol@gnome.ro>
  * ro translations

 Andrey Fedoseev <andrey.fedoseev@gmail.com>
  * ru translations

 Anthony Ivanoff <a-i@bk.ru>
  * ru translations

 Roman Moravcik <roman.moravcik@gmail.com>
  * sk translations

 Besnik Bleta <besnik@programeshqip.org>
  * sq translations

 Jens Hagerman <godhet@gmail.com>
  * sv translations

 Türker Gülüm <turker.gulum@linux.org.tr>
  * tr translations

 Maxim V. Dziumanenko <dziumanenko@gmail.com>
  * uk translations

 Muhammad Ali Makki <makki.ma@gmail.com>
  * ur translations

 Phan Vĩnh Thịnh <teppi@vnlinux.org>
  * vi translations

 Army Gu <redarmy@gmail.com>
  * zh_CN translations

 Hydonsingore Sie <hydonsingore@mail.educities.edu.tw>
  * zh_TW translations

Other contributors (sorted by name):

 Andrew Conkling <andrewski@fr.st>
  * helped with the online documentation

 Kir Kolyshkin <kir@sacred.ru>
  * mouse autohide patch

 Mikel Ward <mikel@mikelward.com>
  * maximize patch


Name Type Size Permission Actions
AUTHORS File 419 B 0644
HACKING File 1.79 KB 0644
NEWS.Debian.gz File 420 B 0644
NEWS.gz File 15.41 KB 0644
README File 1.29 KB 0644
README.Debian File 1.14 KB 0644
THANKS File 3.89 KB 0644
changelog.Debian.gz File 978 B 0644
copyright File 2.17 KB 0644