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X Strike Force’s documentation

_The “X Strike Force” takes care of packaging X.Org for Debian._


These documents are shipped in the
metapackage (under `/usr/share/doc/xorg`), starting with
`wheezy`. They are also available online at
http://x.debian.net/[x.debian.net], which is an alias for the

Getting started

 * link:faq/general.html[General FAQ]

How to…

 * link:howto/report-bugs.html[How to report bugs]
 * link:howto/triage-bugs.html[How to triage bugs]
 * link:howto/use-gdb.html[How to use GDB]
 * link:howto/configure-input.html[How to configure input]
 * link:howto/use-xrandr.html[How to configure outputs]
 * link:howto/build-mesa.html[How to build mesa]

Reference documentation

 * link:reference/git-usage.html[Using git for X repositories]
 * link:reference/dependencies.html[Dependencies between server and drivers]
 * link:reference/squeeze-backports.html[Backports of the whole X stack for squeeze]
 * link:reference/upstream-contacts.html[Upstream contacts]

Other documentation

 * link:upstream-features.html[Upstream features]


 * Sources for these documents are available on

 * Patches, suggestions, flames, etc. are welcome, using the
   http://lists.debian.org/debian-x/[debian-x] mailing list.


Name Type Size Permission Actions
faq Folder 0755
howto Folder 0755
reference Folder 0755
asciidoc-xhtml11.css File 7.21 KB 0644
asciidoc-xhtml11.js File 4.08 KB 0644
changelog.gz File 1.46 KB 0644
copyright File 4.89 KB 0644
index.html File 3.6 KB 0644
index.txt File 1.56 KB 0644
upstream-features.html File 1.93 KB 0644
upstream-features.txt File 556 B 0644
xsf.css File 179 B 0644
xsf.png File 2.75 KB 0644
xsf.svg File 10.96 KB 0644