[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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% Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Artifex Software, Inc.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact
% Artifex Software, Inc.,  1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
% CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.

% gslp.ps - format and print text

% This utility provides functionality approximately equivalent to the Unix
% `enscript' program.  It prints plain text files using a single font.
% It currently handles tabs and formfeeds, but not backspaces.
% It will line-wrap when using fixed-pitch fonts.
% It will also do kerning and width adjustment.
% Standard switches implemented:
%	-12BclqRr -b<header> -f<font> -F<hfont> -L<lines> -p<outfile>
% Sun switches implemented:
%	-T<n>	set tab width
% Switches ignored:
%	-GghKkmow -# -C -d -J -n -P -S -s -t -v
% Switches added:
%	--add-to-space <units>
%		add the given number of 1/72" units to the width of each
%		space (may be negative)
%	--add-to-width <units>
%		add the given number of 1/72" units to the width of each
%		character (may be negative)
%	--columns <n>
%		print in <n> columns
%	--detect
%		treat the file as PostScript if it starts with %!
%	--first-page <n>
%     --duplex(|-long-edge|-short-edge)
%             use duplex if available; if not specified, select long edge
%             for portrait printing, short edge for landscape
%		start printing at page <n>
%	--kern <file.afm>
%		kern using information from the given .AFM file
%	--last-page <n>
%		stop printing after page <n>
%	--(heading|footing)-(left|center|right) <string>
%		set the heading/footing fields; use -B first to clear
%	--margin-(top|bottom|left|right) <inches>
%		set a margin
%	--no-eject-(file|formfeed)
%		end-of-file/FF only starts a new column, not a new sheet
%	--spacing <n>
%		use double (n=2), triple (n=3), etc. spacing
% Also, the string %# in a heading or footing is replaced with the page #.
/PageNumberString (%#) def

/lpdict 150 dict def
lpdict begin

% build iso-latin-1 version of a font
/font-to-iso-latin-1 {	% <font> font-to-iso-latin-1 <font>
    %% reencode for iso latin1; from the 2nd edition red book, sec 5.6.1
    dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
    /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end
    dup /FontName get 80 string cvs (-ISOLatin1) concatstrings cvn
    exch definefont
} def

/find-latin-font {	% <name> find-latin-font <font>
  findfont font-to-iso-latin-1
} def

% Define the initial values of the printing parameters.

/AddToSpace 0 def
/AddToWidth 0 def
/BodyFont null def		% use default
    /Courier find-latin-font 10 scalefont def
    /Courier find-latin-font 7 scalefont def
    { Landscape { defaultBodyFontLandscape } { defaultBodyFontPortrait } ifelse } def
/Columns 1 def
/DetectFileType false def
/Duplex null def
/EjectEOF true def
/EjectFF true def
/Footers false def
/FootingLeft () def
/FootingCenter () def
/FootingRight () def
/Headers true def
/HeadingLeft () def
/HeadingCenter () def
/HeadingRight (page ) PageNumberString concatstrings def
/HeadingFont null def		% use default
    /Courier-Bold find-latin-font 10 scalefont def
/Kern 0 dict def		% no kerning
/Landscape false def
/MarginBottom 36 def		% 1/2"
/MarginLeft 36 def		% 1/2"
/MarginRight 36 def		% 1/2"
/MarginTop 36 def		% 1/2"
/MaxLines 9999 def		% max lines per page
/Noisy true def			% i.e., not quiet
/OutFile null def		% null = write directly to device
/PageFirst 1 def
/PageLast 99999 def
/Spacing 1 def
/Tab 8 def
/Truncate false def		% wrap long lines, don't truncate

% When writing to a file, we want to write out PostScript;
% when writing to the printer, we want to execute it;
% some commands should be executed regardless.
% lpexec provides for all this.

/lpdef {	% <name> <value> lpdef -
  /def 2 true lpexec
} def

/lpexec {	% <arg1> ... <argn> </op> <n> <do_always> lpexec -
  OutFile null eq {
    pop 1 add true
  } {
    /t exch def 1 add /n exch def cvx
    n -1 roll dup wo
    n 1 sub { n -1 roll dup wosp } repeat
    (\n) ws n t
  } ifelse
    { pop load exec }
    { { pop } repeat }
} def

/lpmoveto {	% <x> <y> lpmoveto -
        % Round the coordinates for smaller output.
  2 {
    exch 100 mul round 100 div
    dup dup cvi eq { cvi } if
  } repeat
  1 index X eq { neg exch pop /V 1 } { neg /M 2 } ifelse true lpexec
} def
/lpshow {	% <string> lpshow -
  dup length 0 ne {
    addspace 0 ne {
      addspace 0 32
      addwidth 0 ne {
        addwidth 0 6 -1 roll /awidthshow 6 true lpexec
      } {
        4 -1 roll /widthshow 4 true lpexec
      } ifelse
    } {
      addwidth 0 ne {
        addwidth 0 3 -1 roll /ashow 3 true lpexec
      } {
        OutFile null ne {
          dup dup length =string length gt {
            /show 1 false lpexec
          } {
            (S ) ws ws (\n) ws
          } ifelse
        } if show
      } ifelse
    } ifelse
  } {
  } ifelse
} def
/lpsetmyfont {
  dup load setfont
   OutFile null ne { cvx /setfont 1 false lpexec } { pop } ifelse
} def

% Define some utility procedures.

/banner		% ypos left center right
 { /HFont lpsetmyfont
   /addspace 0 def /addwidth 0 def
   /pairkern 0 dict def
   3 -1 roll bannerstring pop 0 4 index pwidth showline2 pop
   exch bannerstring pwidth exch sub 2 div 3 index pwidth showline2 pop
                % Prevent the last character of the heading from grazing
                % the right margin.
                % ****** WHY DOES IT REQUIRE SO MUCH PADDING? ******
   ( ) stringwidth pop 2 mul add
   pwidth exch sub
   3 -1 roll pwidth showline2 pop
 } def

/bannerstring	% string -> string width
  { PageNumberString search
     { exch pop pindex 4 string cvs concatstrings exch concatstrings
    if dup stringwidth pop
  } def

 { /lindex 0 def
   /skipping pindex PageFirst ge pindex PageLast le and not def
   pagex pagey Landscape {/BL} {/B} ifelse 2 true lpexec
   /pagesave exch def
   skipping { nulldevice   /OutFile null def } if
    { lheight hdescent add
      HeadingLeft HeadingCenter HeadingRight banner
    } if
   /BFont lpsetmyfont
   /pairkern Kern def
   /addspace AddToSpace def /addwidth AddToWidth def
   pairkern length 0 ne {
     /addspace AddToSpace lpdef /addwidth AddToWidth lpdef
   } if
 } def

/endpage {
  lindex 0 ne {
    Footers {
      topskip plength sub hdescent add
      FootingLeft FootingCenter FootingRight banner
    } if
  } {
  } ifelse
  pagesave exch 0 true lpexec
  /pindex pindex 1 add def
} def

 { lindex colines 1 sub add colines idiv colines mul
   dup llength ge { pop endpage beginpage } { /lindex exch def } ifelse
 } def

/fontheight	% <font> fontheight <ascent> <height>
 { gsave setfont
   newpath 0 0 moveto
   (|^_j) false charpath
   pathbbox exch pop dup 2 index sub 4 -2 roll pop pop
   grestore exch 1.25 mul exch 1.25 mul
 } def

/wdict {
  dup length wosp ( dict\n) ws
  { (dup) ws exch wosp wosp ( put\n) ws } forall
} def
/wosp { ( ) ws wo } def
/wo {
  dup type /dicttype eq { wdict } { OutFile exch write==only } ifelse
} def
/ws {
  OutFile exch writestring
} def

/outfont {		% <name> <font> outfont -
  OutFile null ne {
    exch wo
    dup /FontName get
    dup wosp (-ISOLatin1) ws wosp ( RE) ws
    /FontMatrix get 0 get 1000 mul round cvi wosp
    ( scalefont def\n) ws
  } {
    pop pop
} def

/StringFF (\f) def
/CharFF StringFF 0 get def
/StringTAB (\t) def
/CharTAB StringTAB 0 get def

/showline		% line -> leftover_line (handles \f)
 {  { showline1 dup length 0 eq { exit } if
      dup 0 get CharFF ne { exit } if
      EjectFF { endpage beginpage } { endcolumn } ifelse
 } def

/showline1		% line -> leftover_line (handles page break)
 { lindex llength eq { endpage beginpage } if
   lindex colines idiv cowidth mul		% x
   lindex colines mod 1 add lheight mul neg fascent sub	% y
   1 index cowidth add
   /lindex lindex 1 add def
 } def

/setxy {
  /ty exch def /tx exch def
} def

/showline2 {	% string x y xlimit -> leftover_string (handles tabs)
  2 index exch 5 2 roll setxy {
                % Stack: xinit xlimit string
    showline3 dup length 0 eq { exit } if
    dup 0 get CharTAB ne { exit } if
    tx 3 index sub tabwx div
      0.05 add ceiling tabwx mul 3 index add ty setxy
    tx 2 index ge { exit } if
  } loop exch pop exch pop
} def

/showline3 {	% xlimit string -> xlimit leftover_string
                % (finds line break / tab / formfeed)
  1 index tx sub
    cwx div 0.1 add cvi 0 .max 1 index length .min
  1 index 0 3 -1 roll getinterval
        % look for \f or \t
  StringFF search { exch pop exch pop } if
  StringTAB search { exch pop exch pop } if
  dup length 0 ne {
    tx ty lpmoveto
    dup pairkern length 0 eq {
    } {
      { kproc } exch /kshow 2 true lpexec
    } ifelse
    currentpoint setxy
  } if
  length dup 2 index length exch sub getinterval
} def

/kproc {	% <char1> <char2> kproc -
  pairkern currentfont /Encoding get 3 index get
  2 copy known {
    get currentfont /Encoding get 2 index get
    2 copy known {
      get currentfont /FontMatrix get 0 get mul
    } {
      pop pop 0
    } ifelse
  } {
    pop pop 0
  } ifelse
  addwidth add 2 index 32 eq { addspace add } if
  dup 0 eq { pop } { 0 rmoveto } ifelse
  pop pop
} def

 { dup length 1 sub 1 exch getinterval
 } def

/e== {		% <object> e== - -- print an object to stderr
  (%stderr) (w) file dup 3 -1 roll write==only flushfile
} def

/eprint {	% <string> eprint - -- print a string to stderr
  (%stderr) (w) file dup 3 -1 roll writestring flushfile
} def

% Read kerning information from a .AFM file.

/readkern {	% <afmfile> readkern <pairkerndict>
  /mfilename 1 index def
  (r) file /mfile exch def
  mfile =string readline pop
  (StartFontMetrics ) anchorsearch {
    pop pop
    /kdict 256 dict def
    { mfile =string readline pop
      (EndFontMetrics) anchorsearch { pop pop exit } if
      (KPX ) anchorsearch {
        pop token pop cvlit /char1 exch def
        token pop cvlit /char2 exch def
        token pop /kern exch def pop
        kdict char1 .knownget not {
          5 dict kdict char1 2 index .growput
        } if
        char2 kern .growput
      } {
      } ifelse
    } loop kdict
  } {
    mfilename eprint ( does not begin with StartFontMetrics.\n) eprint
    0 dict
  } ifelse
  mfile closefile
} def

% The main printing procedure

/doFirst true def
/prevBFont null def
/prevHFont null def

/lpfirst {	% - lpfirst -
% Define some abbreviating procedures.
  /B {save 3 1 roll translate /X 0 def} lpdef
  /BL {save 3 1 roll 90 rotate translate /X 0 def} lpdef
  /P {/setpagedevice where {pop  % <key> <value> P
      5 dict begin 2 copy def
      /Policies 2 dict dup 4 index 1 put def currentdict end setpagedevice
      } {pop pop} ifelse} lpdef
  /E {showpage restore} lpdef
  /V {neg X exch moveto} lpdef
  /M {/X 2 index def neg moveto} lpdef
  /S {currentfile =string readline pop show} lpdef
  /RE {		% <isoname> <fontname> RE <font>
        %% reencode for iso latin1; from the 2nd edition red book, sec 5.6.1
    dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall
    /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end
  } lpdef
} def

/lp {		% file initial_chars ->
  /lpline exch def
  /lpfile exch def

  doFirst { lpfirst /doFirst false def } if

% Initialize the device and fonts.
    BodyFont null eq { defaultBodyFont } { BodyFont } ifelse def
  BFont prevBFont ne {
    /BFont BFont outfont
    /prevBFont BFont def
  } if
  Headers Footers or {
      HeadingFont null eq { defaultHeadingFont } { HeadingFont } ifelse def
    HFont prevHFont ne {
      /HFont HFont outfont
      /prevHFont HFont def
    } if
  } if

% Get the layout parameters.
   gsave	% for possible rotation
   Landscape { 90 rotate } if
   BFont setfont ( ) stringwidth pop /cwx exch def
     cwx Tab mul /tabwx exch def
   BFont fontheight /fheight exch def /fascent exch def
   Headers Footers or { HFont fontheight } { 0 0 } ifelse
     /hheight exch def /hascent exch def
     /hdescent hheight hascent sub def
   fheight Spacing mul /lheight exch def
   Headers { hheight lheight add } { 0 } ifelse
     /topskip exch def
   Footers { hheight lheight add } { 0 } ifelse
     /botskip exch def
   /pskip topskip botskip add def
        % Translate the page so that (0,0) corresponds to
        % the top of the topmost body line.
     2 index sub MarginBottom MarginTop add sub /plength exch def
     2 index sub MarginLeft MarginRight add sub /pwidth exch def
     pwidth Columns div /cowidth exch def
     exch MarginLeft add
     exch MarginBottom add plength add topskip sub
     /pagey exch def /pagex exch def
   plength pskip sub lheight div cvi MaxLines .min
     dup /colines exch def
     Columns mul /llength exch def
   OutFile null ne { nulldevice } if

% Print layout
    { (Page height = ) eprint llength e==
      (.\n) eprint flush
    } if

    colines 1 lt cowidth 1 lt or
      (Page too small, it must be large to hold at least one line of text\n) eprint
      (please specify a page size using for example -sPAPERSIZE=(a4|letter)\n) eprint
      /gslp.ps cvx /limitcheck signalerror
    } if

% Set duplex if requested.
  Duplex null ne {
    /Duplex true /P 2 false lpexec
    /Tumble Duplex /P 2 false lpexec
  } if

% Write the kerning table, if relevant.
   OutFile null ne Kern length 0 ne and {
     (/kproc) ws /kproc load wosp ( def\n) ws
     (/pairkern) ws Kern wosp ( def\n) ws
   } if

% Disable stack recording so we can use stopped with readline.
   $error /recordstacks false put

% Initialize for the first page.
   /lbuf 64000 string def
   /pindex 1 def

% Iterate through the file.
    { dup length /pos exch def
      lbuf exch 0 exch putinterval
       { lpfile lbuf pos lbuf length pos sub getinterval readline } stopped
       {	% Filled the line before a CR or EOF.
         exch pop showline
       {	% Reached CR and/or EOF first.
         exch length pos add lbuf exch 0 exch getinterval
         1 index { showline } if		% omit final empty line
          { dup length 0 eq Truncate or { pop () exit } if
         exch not { exit } if
      pindex PageLast gt { exit } if
    } loop

% Wrap up.
%**************** WHY IS THIS COMMENTED OUT? ****************
%   EjectEOF { endpage } { endcolumn } ifelse

} def


% Usage: <file> lp
%   prints <file> using the current parameter settings.
% Usage: [ <arg1> ... <argn> ] lpcommand
%   interprets args like a command line.

/lp { save   lpdict begin () lp end   restore } def

lpdict begin

/splitfn		% (FontNN.NN) -> <font>
 { dup /arg exch def length
    { dup 0 le { exit } if
      dup 1 sub arg exch get dup 48 ge 1 index 59 le and exch 46 eq or not { exit } if
      1 sub
    } loop
   arg exch 0 exch getinterval dup cvn find-latin-font
   exch arg exch anchorsearch pop pop cvr scalefont
 } def

% Parse the command line switches.

/doswitch	% argn ... arg1 (-?) restofswitch ->
 { exch dup cvn lpdict exch known
    { cvn load exec }
    { exch pop (Unknown switch: ) eprint eprint (\n) eprint }
 } def

/more		% argn ... arg1 restofswitch ->
 { dup length 0 ne
    { (- ) dup 1 3 index 0 get put
      exch dup length 1 sub 1 exch getinterval
    { pop
 } def

/-- { (--) exch concatstrings
      dup cvn lpdict exch known
       { cvn load exec }
       { (Unknown switch: ) eprint eprint (\n) eprint }
    } def
/--add-to-space { cvr /AddToSpace exch def } def
/--add-to-width { cvr /AddToWidth exch def } def
/--columns { cvi 1 .max /Columns exch def } def
/--detect { /DetectFileType true def } def
/--duplex { /Duplex {Landscape} def } def
/--duplex-long-edge { /Duplex false def } def
/--duplex-short-edge { /Duplex true def } def
/--first-page { cvi /PageFirst exch def } def
/--footing-center { /FootingCenter exch def   /Footers true def } def
/--footing-left { /FootingLeft exch def   /Footers true def } def
/--footing-right { /FootingRight exch def   /Footers true def} def
/--heading-center { /HeadingCenter exch def   /Headers true def } def
/--heading-left { /HeadingLeft exch def   /Headers true def } def
/--heading-right { /HeadingRight exch def   /Headers true def } def
/--kern { readkern /Kern exch def } def
/--last-page { cvi /PageLast exch def } def
/--margin-bottom { cvr 72.0 mul /MarginBottom exch def } def
/--margin-left { cvr 72.0 mul /MarginLeft exch def } def
/--margin-right { cvr 72.0 mul /MarginRight exch def } def
/--margin-top { cvr 72.0 mul /MarginTop exch def } def
/--no-eject-file { /EjectEOF false def } def
/--no-eject-formfeed { /EjectFF false def } def
/--spacing { cvr /Spacing exch def } def

/-# { pop } def		% ignore
/-+ { -- } def
(-1)cvn { /Columns 1 def   more } def
(-2)cvn { /Columns 2 def   more } def
/-b { /HeadingLeft exch def   /HeadingCenter () def   /HeadingRight PageNumberString def
      /Headers true def
      /break true def
    } def
/-B { /HeadingLeft () def   /HeadingCenter () def   /HeadingRight () def
      /Headers false def
      /FootingLeft () def   /FootingCenter () def   /FootingRight () def
      /Footers false def
      /break true def
    } def
/-C { pop } def		% ignore
/-c { /Truncate true def   more } def
/-d { pop } def		% ignore
/-f { splitfn /BodyFont exch def } def
/-F { splitfn /HeadingFont exch def } def
/-G { more } def	% ignore
/-g { more } def	% ignore
/-h { more } def	% ignore
/-J { pop } def		% ignore
/-K { more } def	% ignore
/-k { more } def	% ignore
/-l { 66 -L -B } def
/-L { cvi /MaxLines exch def } def
/-m { more } def	% ignore
/-n { pop } def		% ignore
/-o { more } def	% ignore
/-p { (w) file /OutFile exch def   OutFile (%!\n) writestring } def
/-P { pop } def		% ignore
/-q { /Noisy false def   more } def
/-r { /Landscape true def   more } def
/-R { /Landscape false def   more } def
/-S { pop } def		% ignore
/-s { pop } def		% ignore
/-T { cvi /Tab exch def } def
/-v { pop } def		% ignore
/-w { more } def	% ignore

/lp1		% filename ->
 { break not { dup /HeadingLeft exch def } if
    { (Printing ) eprint dup eprint (\n) eprint
    } if
   (r) file
                % If requested, check for a PostScript file.
    { dup 2 string readstring pop dup (%!) eq
       {	% Yes, it's a PostScript file.
         pop dup 80 string readline pop pop cvx exec
       { lp
    { () lp
 } bind def

/lpcstring 8192 string def


/lpcommand		% <[arg1 ... argn]> lpcommand <any_printed>
 {	% Push the commands on the stack in reverse order
   mark exch
   dup length 1 sub -1 0 { 1 index exch get exch } for pop
   lpdict begin
   /any false def
   /break false def
    { dup mark eq { pop exit } if
      dup length 2 ge { dup 0 get (-) 0 get eq } { false } ifelse
       { dup 0 2 getinterval
         exch dup length 2 sub 2 exch getinterval
       { dup  /matched false def
          { /matched true def   /any true def   lp1 } lpcstring filenameforall
         matched { pop } { lp1 } ifelse		% let the error happen
    } loop
   OutFile null ne
    { OutFile (%stdout) (w) file ne { OutFile closefile } if
      /OutFile null def
    } if
 } def

[ shellarguments
 { ] dup length 0 ne { lpcommand } { false } ifelse not
    { (%stderr) (w) file
      [ (Usage: )
        /PROGNAME where { pop PROGNAME } { (gslp) } ifelse
        ( [-12BclqRr] [-b<header>] [-f<font>] [-F<hfont>]\n)
        (        [-L<lines>] [-p<outfile>] [-T<tabwidth>]\n)
        (        [--add-to-(space|width) <units>] [--columns <n>]\n)
        (        [--detect] [--first-page <page#>] [--last-page <page#>]\n)
        (        [--(heading|footing)-(left|right|center) <string>]\n)
        (        [--kern <afmfile>] [--margin-(top|bottom|left|right) <inches>]\n)
        (        [--no-eject-(file|formfeed)] [--spacing <n>] file1 ... filen\n)
      ] { 2 copy writestring pop } forall dup flushfile closefile
 { pop }


Name Type Size Permission Actions
PDFA_def.ps File 1.25 KB 0644
PDFX_def.ps File 1.77 KB 0644
PM760p.upp File 1.13 KB 0644
PM760pl.upp File 1.1 KB 0644
PM820p.upp File 1.12 KB 0644
PM820pl.upp File 1.09 KB 0644
Stc670p.upp File 1.13 KB 0644
Stc670pl.upp File 1.1 KB 0644
Stc680p.upp File 1.11 KB 0644
Stc680pl.upp File 1.09 KB 0644
Stc740p.upp File 1.01 KB 0644
Stc740pl.upp File 1.09 KB 0644
Stc760p.upp File 1.11 KB 0644
Stc760pl.upp File 1.09 KB 0644
Stc777p.upp File 1.11 KB 0644
Stc777pl.upp File 1.09 KB 0644
Stp720p.upp File 1.13 KB 0644
Stp720pl.upp File 1.09 KB 0644
Stp870p.upp File 1.11 KB 0644
Stp870pl.upp File 1.09 KB 0644
acctest.ps File 4.17 KB 0644
align.ps File 2.11 KB 0644
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bjc610b7.upp File 1.49 KB 0644
bjc610b8.upp File 1.49 KB 0644
caption.ps File 1.72 KB 0644
cbjc600.ppd File 10.89 KB 0644
cbjc800.ppd File 11.22 KB 0644
cdj550.upp File 1.65 KB 0644
cdj690.upp File 1.95 KB 0644
cdj690ec.upp File 2.01 KB 0644
cid2code.ps File 4.39 KB 0644
dmp_init.ps File 7.08 KB 0644
dmp_site.ps File 459 B 0644
dnj750c.upp File 2.74 KB 0644
dnj750m.upp File 1.93 KB 0644
docie.ps File 7.32 KB 0644
escp_24.src File 350 B 0644
font2pcl.ps File 18.01 KB 0644
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