[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
% Copyright (C) 2001-2018 Artifex Software, Inc.
% All Rights Reserved.
% This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or
% implied.
% This software is distributed under license and may not be copied,
% modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms
% of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution.
% Refer to licensing information at http://www.artifex.com or contact
% Artifex Software, Inc.,  1305 Grant Avenue - Suite 200, Novato,
% CA 94945, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861, for further information.

% stcinfo.ps
% Epson Stylus-Color Printer-Driver

% The purpose of this file is to print & show Parameters of the
% stcolor-driver. If not run on ghostscript/stcolor, it prints
% something like a color-chart.

% use either existing STCinfo-dictionary, retrieve new one or create dummy

statusdict begin product end
dup (Ghostscript) eq 1 index (Artifex Ghostscript) eq or
exch (AFPL Ghostscript) eq or{

  currentdevice getdeviceprops .dicttomark
  dup /Name get (stcolor) eq /STCi_onstc exch def
  /STCinfo where {/STCinfo get exch pop} if
  /STCinfo exch def


  /STCinfo 10 dict def
  STCinfo begin /Name (unknown) def end
  /STCi_onstc false def


% Next Block are procedures to generate the color-triangles.
% you may wish to separate them, just look ahead for the name
% given in the next line to achieve that.
% Begin: colortri_procedures

% Plot the CIE-XY-triangle (or something like that)

% /colortri_mat   Conversion matrix RGB -> XYZ
% /colortri_bg    procedure, that takes X/Y-Values and delivers the
%                 "background color" as RGB-Values, default is:
%                 {pop pop 0.85 dup dup}

% The default matrix was taken from:
%             Color spaces FAQ - David Bourgin
%             Date: 15/6/94 (items 5.3 and 6 updated)
%             Last update: 29/6/94

   /colortri_mat [ % RGB -> CIE XYZitu601-1 (D65)
         0.4306 0.3415 0.1784
         0.2220 0.7067 0.0713
         0.0202 0.1295 0.9394
   ] def

   /colortri_bg {pop pop 0.85 dup dup} bind def

% +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
% | Besides from fixing bugs, nothing should be changed below this line |
% +---------------------------------------------------------------------+

%  Arbitrary operation on a pair of vectors, *CHANGES* 1st.
%  invoke: Vaccu Vop op vop
   /vop {
      bind 0 1 3 index length 1 sub {
       3 index 1 index get 3 index 2 index get 3 index exec 4 index 3 1 roll put
      } for pop pop
   } bind def

   /vsub { {sub} vop } bind def % subtract two vectors
   /vmul { {mul} vop } bind def % multiply two vectors

%  Compute sum of vectors elements
   /vsum {0.0 exch{add}forall} bind def

%  Sum up products of elements
   /veqn { [ 3 -1 roll {} forall ] exch vmul vsum } bind def

%  Find index of |maximum| in array
   /imax {
      dup 0 get abs 0 exch % array i v[i]
      1 1 4 index length 1 sub {
         3 index 1 index get abs dup 3 index gt {4 2 roll}if pop pop
      } for
      3 -1 roll pop
   } bind def

%  Procedure to *CHANGE*  RGB-Values into XYZ-Values
   /rgb2xyz {
      0 3 6 { colortri_mat exch 3 getinterval 1 index veqn exch } for astore
   } bind def

% Procedure to *CHANGE* transform rgb->xy
   /rgb2xy {
      dup 0 get 1 index 1 get 2 index vsum % XYZ X Y sum
      dup 0 ne {
        exch 1 index div 3 1 roll div      % XYZ y x
        2 index exch 0 exch put            % xYZ y
        1 index exch 1 exch put            % xyZ
        pop pop pop dup 0 0 put dup 0 1 put
      } ifelse
      0 2 getinterval
   } bind def

% So here we go with our procedure

/colortri { %Usage: box #pixels
   1 index type /arraytype eq {exch 8}{3 1 roll} ifelse % Default scale
   /colortri_scale exch def
   /colortri_box   exch def

%  Prepare some useful constants for xy -> RGB conversion

   /colsum [                              % Array with column-sums
     0 1 2{0 exch 3 1 index 6 add{colortri_mat exch get add}for}for
   ] def

   /Xrow colortri_mat 0 3 getinterval def % two rows from colortri_mat
   /Yrow colortri_mat 3 3 getinterval def

%  Avoid allocating new arrays
   /xcoeff 3 array def
   /ycoeff 3 array def

% Procedure to derive RGB-Values form X,Y
   /xy2rgb{ aload pop
      dup     dup dup ycoeff astore colsum vmul Yrow vsub imax
      3 index dup dup xcoeff astore colsum vmul Xrow vsub imax
      3 -1 roll 1 index 1 index gt{
         xcoeff ycoeff /xcoeff exch def /ycoeff exch def pop 3 -1 roll pop
        3 1 roll pop pop
      } ifelse
      1e-6 lt { % No Pivot ?
         pop colortri_bg xcoeff astore pop
      }{        % Have a Pivot
         dup ycoeff exch get neg
         0 1 2 { dup ycoeff exch get 2 index div ycoeff 3 1 roll put} for
         pop ycoeff 1 index 0 put

         xcoeff 1 index get
         0 1 2 {
            ycoeff 1 index get 2 index mul xcoeff 2 index get add
            xcoeff 3 1 roll put
         } for
         pop xcoeff 1 index 0 put
         xcoeff imax 1e-6 lt { % no Pivot ?
           pop pop colortri_bg xcoeff astore pop
           dup 2 index or 3 exch sub
           xcoeff 1 index get xcoeff 3 index get div neg
           xcoeff exch 3 index exch put
           xcoeff 1 index 1 put
           ycoeff exch get ycoeff 2 index get xcoeff 4 -1 roll get mul add
           xcoeff 3 1 roll put
           0 1 2 {
               xcoeff exch get dup -0.0015 lt exch 1.0015 gt or {
                 colortri_bg xcoeff astore dup exit
               } if
           } for
           pop pop xcoeff
         } ifelse
      } ifelse
   } bind def

% Compute the displayed range
   [ 1 1 1 ] rgb2xy
   dup 0 get /colortri_x0 exch def /colortri_dx colortri_x0 def
   1 get     /colortri_y0 exch def /colortri_dy colortri_y0 def
   [[0 0 1][0 1 0][0 1 1][1 0 0][1 0 1][1 1 0]] {
      dup 0 get
      dup colortri_x0 lt {/colortri_x0 1 index def}if
      dup colortri_dx gt {/colortri_dx 1 index def}if
      pop 1 get
      dup colortri_y0 lt {/colortri_y0 1 index def}if
      dup colortri_dy gt {/colortri_dy 1 index def}if
   } forall
   colortri_dx colortri_x0 sub /colortri_dx exch def
   colortri_dy colortri_y0 sub /colortri_dy exch def

% determine the scale
   colortri_box 2 get colortri_box 0 get sub colortri_dx div % fx
   colortri_box 3 get colortri_box 1 get sub colortri_dy div % fx fy
   gt { % fy limits
      colortri_box 3 get colortri_box 1 get sub
      dup colortri_dx mul colortri_dy div exch
   }{   % fx limits
      colortri_box 2 get colortri_box 0 get sub
      dup colortri_dy mul colortri_dx div
   } ifelse
   dtransform abs colortri_scale div cvi /colortri_ny exch def
              abs colortri_scale div cvi /colortri_nx exch def
   colortri_nx colortri_scale mul colortri_ny colortri_scale mul
   idtransform abs exch abs exch
   colortri_box 0 get colortri_box 2 get 1 index sub 3 index sub 2 div add
   colortri_box 1 get colortri_box 3 get 1 index sub 3 index sub 2 div add
   transform .5 add cvi exch .5 add cvi exch itransform
   translate scale

%  String & indices
   /colortri_tmp colortri_nx 3 mul string def
   /colortri_dx colortri_dx colortri_nx 1 sub div def
   /colortri_dy colortri_dy colortri_ny 1 sub div def
   /colortri_xy [ colortri_x0 colortri_y0 ] def
   /colortri_ie colortri_tmp length 3 sub def

   colortri_nx colortri_ny 8 [ colortri_nx 0 0 colortri_ny 0 0 ]
     colortri_xy 0 colortri_x0 put
     0 3 colortri_ie {
         colortri_tmp exch   % buf ir
         colortri_xy xy2rgb  % buf ir rgb buf ib
         2 index 2 index 2 add 2 index 2 get 255 mul cvi put
         2 index 2 index 1 add 2 index 1 get 255 mul cvi put
         0     get 255 mul cvi put
         colortri_xy dup 0 exch 0 get colortri_dx add put
     colortri_xy dup 1 exch 1 get colortri_dy add put
   } bind
   false 3 colorimage
} bind def

% [ newpath clippath pathbbox ]  colortri showpage % standalone usage

% End:   colortri_procedures

% The next section is a group of procedures, that I for myself
% do no more fully understand, but they do the Job.

% Begin: stcinfo_procedures_1

% fetch a parameter from the dictionary
/STCiget { STCinfo exch get } bind def

% action upon ProcessColorModel
/STCimode {
   /ProcessColorModel STCiget dup
   /DeviceCMYK eq{pop 2}{/DeviceRGB eq{1}{0}ifelse}ifelse get exec
} bind def

% print given number of blanks
/STCipspace {
   dup 0 gt{ 1 exch 1 exch { pop ( ) print}for }{ pop } ifelse
} bind def

% print right or left-justified text
/STCiprint {
   dup 0 gt { dup 2 index length sub STCipspace } if
   1 index print
   dup 0 lt { neg dup 2 index length sub STCipspace } if
   pop pop
} bind def

% floating-point to fixed-length-string conversion

/STCicvs { % number -> string

% Prepare the result
   8 string dup 0 (        ) putinterval

% Make it unsigned
   dup 0 lt {neg(-)}{( )}ifelse 0 get exch

   dup 1000 lt 1 index 0 eq 2 index 0.001 ge or and { % floating point
     (e+) 0
   }{                                                 % engineering
      0 {
        1 index 1000.0 ge
          {3 add exch 1000 div exch}
          {1 index 1 lt {3 sub exch 1000 mul exch}{exit}ifelse}
      dup 0 lt {neg(e-)}{(e+)}ifelse exch

% string sign num esig e

% always up to three Integer Digits plus sign
   2 index cvi 3 { % string sign num esig e int ind
      1 index 10 div cvi dup 10 mul 3 index exch sub cvi
      (0123456789) exch get 8 index exch 3 index exch put
      3 -2 roll 1 sub exch pop dup 0 eq 2 index 0 eq or {exit} if
   } loop exch pop % string sign num esig e ind
   5 index exch 6 -1 roll put % string num esig e

% print either fraction or exponent
   dup 0 eq { pop pop dup cvi sub % String fraction

      dup 0.0 ne { % Fraction present
         0.0005 add 1 index 4 (.) putinterval
         5 1 7 { % string frac ind
           exch 10 mul dup cvi exch 1 index sub % string ind ic nfrac
           exch (0123456789) exch get 3 -1 roll % string nfrac chr ind
           exch 3 index 3 1 roll put
         } for
      } if

   }{ 3 -1 roll pop % string esig e

      exch 2 index exch 4 exch putinterval
      7 -1 6 { % string n i
         1 index 10 div cvi dup 10 mul 3 index exch sub cvi % string n i n/10
         (0123456789) exch get 4 index exch 3 index exch put
         exch pop exch pop
      } for
   } ifelse

} bind def

% compute colorvalue-steps from transfer & coding
/STCisteps { % xfer, coding => X-values, Y-Values
% 2^nbits
   2 /BitsPerComponent STCiget dup 11 gt { pop 11 } if exp cvi

% X & Y - Arrays (stack: xv:4  yv:3 xfer:2  coding:1 2^ni:0)
   dup 1 add array 1 index array 5 2 roll

% compute GS-Color-Value according to the coding-array

   1 index null eq { % no coding present

      0 1 2 index 1 sub {
         dup 6 index exch dup 4 index div put
         4 index exch dup 3 index 1 sub div put
      } for

   }{                % coding-array given

      1.0 1 index 1 sub div % y step
      0                     % current index
      0 1 4 index 1 sub { % over indices
         dup 3 index mul
            dup 3 index 1 add dup 8 index length ge {pop pop exit} if % i y
            7 index exch get le {exit} if
            2 index 1 add 3 1 roll 4 -1 roll pop
         } loop
         5 index 3 index get sub
         5 index 3 index 1 add get 6 index 4 index get sub div
         2 index add 5 index length 1 sub div
         2 copy exch dup 0 eq {
            10 index exch 0.0 put pop
            dup 10 index exch 1 sub get 3 -1 roll add 2 div
            10 index 3 1 roll put
         7 index 3 1 roll put
     } for               % over indices
     pop pop
   } ifelse
   4 index 1 index 1.0 put

% Replace the raw y-values by those computed from the transfer-array

   0 1 2 index 1 sub { % over indices, 2nd
      dup 5 index exch get
      dup 5 index length 1 sub mul cvi % -> iy
      5 index 1 index get
      1 index 1 add 7 index length lt {
        dup 7 index 3 index 1 add get exch sub
        3 index 3 index 9 index length 1 sub div sub mul
        7 index length 1 sub mul add
      } if
      exch pop exch pop 5 index 3 1 roll put
   } for               % over indices, 2nd

   pop pop pop
} bind def

/STCibar { % Window X-Values proc => Window
   0 1 3 index length 2 sub {
     dup 3 index exch get exch
     1 add 3 index exch get
     dup 2 index add 2 div 3 index exec % Color to average
     4 index 2 get 5 index 0 get sub exch 1 index mul 5 index 0 get add 3 1 roll
     mul 4 index 0 get add 4 index 3 get 5 index 1 get
     2 index 1 index moveto
     3 index 1 index lineto
     3 index 2 index lineto
     2 index 2 index lineto
     closepath fill
     pop pop pop pop
   } for
   pop pop
   0 setgray
   dup 0 get 1 index 1 get moveto
   dup 2 get 1 index 1 get lineto
   dup 2 get 1 index 3 get lineto
   dup 0 get 1 index 3 get lineto
   closepath stroke
} bind def

% End:   stcinfo_procedures_1

% Begin: stcinfo_preparation

% Compute used area from clippath

/STCi_clip [
  newpath clippath pathbbox
  2 sub 4 1 roll 2 sub 4 1 roll 2 add 4 1 roll 2 add 4 1 roll
] def

% Perpare the texual messages, assume no stcolor if this fails
   /STCi_stopped % A Special Mark

% Textual Parameters (an array of pairs of strings)
   /STCi_l1 0 def
   /STCi_l2 0 def
   /STCi_text [
% Driver-Name & Version
      (Parameters of)
         /Name STCiget length /Version STCiget length add 1 add string
         dup 0 /Name STCiget putinterval dup /Name STCiget length (-)putinterval
         dup /Name STCiget length 1 add /Version STCiget putinterval
% Dithering-Algorithm
         /Dithering STCiget
         [{( \(Monochrome\))}{( \(RGB\))}{( \(CMYK\))}] STCimode
         dup length 2 index length add string exch 1 index exch
         3 index length exch putinterval dup 3 1 roll exch 0 exch putinterval
% Flags for the algorithm
      (Flag4-0) 5 string
         dup 0 /Flag4 STCiget {(T)}{(f)} ifelse putinterval
         dup 1 /Flag3 STCiget {(T)}{(f)} ifelse putinterval
         dup 2 /Flag2 STCiget {(T)}{(f)} ifelse putinterval
         dup 3 /Flag1 STCiget {(T)}{(f)} ifelse putinterval
         dup 4 /Flag0 STCiget {(T)}{(f)} ifelse putinterval

% Bits Per Pixel & Bits Per Component
      (BitsPerPixel) 10 string % (nn -> nxnn)
         /BitsPerPixel STCiget 1 index cvs length % string used
         dup 2 index exch ( -> ) putinterval 4 add dup 2 add exch 2 index exch
         [{(1x)}{(3x)}{(4x)}] STCimode putinterval % String used
         /BitsPerComponent STCiget 2 index 2 index 2 getinterval cvs length add
         0 exch getinterval

      () ()
% ColorAdjustMatrix
         /ColorAdjustMatrix STCiget dup null eq {
            pop (default)
            { STCicvs } forall
            [{ % Monochrome
               26 string
               dup  0 6 -1 roll putinterval dup  8 ( ) putinterval
               dup  9 5 -1 roll putinterval dup 17 ( ) putinterval
               dup 18 4 -1 roll putinterval
             }{ % RGB
               26 string
               dup  0 12 -1 roll putinterval dup  8 ( ) putinterval
               dup  9 11 -1 roll putinterval dup 17 ( ) putinterval
               dup 18 10 -1 roll putinterval

               () 26 string
               dup  0 11 -1 roll putinterval dup  8 ( ) putinterval
               dup  9 10 -1 roll putinterval dup 17 ( ) putinterval
               dup 18  9 -1 roll putinterval

               () 26 string
               dup  0 10 -1 roll putinterval dup  8 ( ) putinterval
               dup  9  9 -1 roll putinterval dup 17 ( ) putinterval
               dup 18  8 -1 roll putinterval
               35 string
               dup  0 19 -1 roll  putinterval dup  8 ( ) putinterval
               dup  9 18 -1 roll putinterval dup 17 ( ) putinterval
               dup 18 17 -1 roll putinterval dup 26 ( ) putinterval
               dup 27 16 -1 roll putinterval

               () 35 string
               dup  0 17 -1 roll putinterval dup  8 ( ) putinterval
               dup  9 16 -1 roll putinterval dup 17 ( ) putinterval
               dup 18 15 -1 roll putinterval dup 26 ( ) putinterval
               dup 27 14 -1 roll putinterval

               () 35 string
               dup  0 15 -1 roll putinterval dup  8 ( ) putinterval
               dup  9 14 -1 roll putinterval dup 17 ( ) putinterval
               dup 18 13 -1 roll putinterval dup 26 ( ) putinterval
               dup 27 12 -1 roll putinterval

               () 35 string
               dup  0 13 -1 roll putinterval dup  8 ( ) putinterval
               dup  9 12 -1 roll putinterval dup 17 ( ) putinterval
               dup 18 11 -1 roll putinterval dup 26 ( ) putinterval
               dup 27 10 -1 roll putinterval

            ] STCimode
         } ifelse
      () ()

% Printer Model
      (Printer-Model)  /Model STCiget

% Resolution
      (Resolution) 15 string % (nnnnnxnnnnn DpI)
         /HWResolution STCiget 0 get cvi 1 index cvs length
         dup 2 index exch (x) putinterval 1 add dup 2 index exch 5 getinterval
         /HWResolution STCiget 1 get cvi exch cvs length add dup 2 index
         exch ( DpI) putinterval 4 add 0 exch getinterval

% HWsize holds entire Page in Pixels,
% .HWMargins is [left,bottom,right,top] in Points
      (Printed Area)   18 string % (nnnnnxnnnnn Pixel)
         /HWSize STCiget 0 get /.HWMargins STCiget dup 0 get exch 2 get add
         /HWResolution STCiget 0 get mul 72.0 div sub cvi 1 index cvs length
         dup 2 index exch (x) putinterval 1 add dup 2 index exch 5 getinterval
         /HWSize STCiget 1 get /.HWMargins STCiget dup 1 get exch 3 get add
         /HWResolution STCiget 1 get mul 72.0 div sub cvi exch cvs length add
         dup 2 index exch ( Pixel) putinterval 6 add 0 exch getinterval

      () ()
% WeaveMode
         /noWeave STCiget {
           /Microweave STCiget {(Microweave)}{(Softweave)}ifelse
% Unidirectional
      (Unidirectional) /Unidirectional STCiget {(ON)}{(off)} ifelse
% Output coding
      (OutputCode)     /OutputCode STCiget
% number of heads
      (escp_Band)   /escp_Band   STCiget 3 string cvs
      (escp_Width)  /escp_Width  STCiget 5 string cvs
      (escp_Height) /escp_Height STCiget 5 string cvs
      (escp_Top)    /escp_Top    STCiget 5 string cvs
      (escp_Bottom) /escp_Bottom STCiget 5 string cvs
   ] def

% compute the Proper X & Y-Arrays
   [{  % Monochrome
     /Ktransfer STCiget /Kcoding STCiget STCisteps
     /STCi_yv   [ 3 -1 roll ] def
     /STCi_xv   [ 3 -1 roll ] def
     /STCi_col  [[0 0 0]] def
     /STCi_set  [{1.0 exch sub setgray}] def
    }{ % RGB
     /Rtransfer STCiget /Rcoding STCiget STCisteps
     /Gtransfer STCiget /Gcoding STCiget STCisteps
     /Btransfer STCiget /Bcoding STCiget STCisteps
     exch 4 -1 roll 6 -1 roll exch 3 -1 roll
     /STCi_xv [ 5 2 roll ] def
     /STCi_yv [ 5 2 roll ] def
     /STCi_col  [[1 0 0] [0 1 0] [0 0 1]] def
     /STCi_set [
      {1.0 exch sub 1 exch dup setrgbcolor}
      {1.0 exch sub dup 1 exch setrgbcolor}
      {1.0 exch sub dup 1      setrgbcolor}
      ] def
    }{ % CMYK
     /Ctransfer STCiget /Ccoding STCiget STCisteps
     /Mtransfer STCiget /Mcoding STCiget STCisteps exch 3 1 roll
     /Ytransfer STCiget /Ycoding STCiget STCisteps exch 4 1 roll
     /Ktransfer STCiget /Kcoding STCiget STCisteps exch 5 1 roll
     /STCi_yv  [ 6 2 roll ] def
     /STCi_xv  [ 6 2 roll ] def
     /STCi_col [[0 1 1] [1 0 1] [1.0 0.5 0.0] [0 0 0]] def
     /STCi_set [
       { 0 0 0 setcmykcolor }
       { 0 exch 0 0 setcmykcolor }
       { 0 exch 0 exch 0 setcmykcolor }
       { 0 exch 0 exch 0 exch setcmykcolor }
     ] def

} stopped

{ {/STCi_stopped eq {exit}if}loop true}
{ {/STCi_stopped eq {exit}if}loop false} ifelse

% End:   stcinfo_preparation

% The Next section does the real job

% Begin: stcinfo_execution
   (%%[ stcinfo.ps: currentdevice is not supported -> colortri ]%%\n) print
   STCi_clip  colortri % The default action

% Print the text
   0 2 STCi_text length 2 sub { dup 1 add exch
     STCi_text exch get length dup STCi_l1 gt{/STCi_l1 exch def}{pop}ifelse
     STCi_text exch get length dup STCi_l2 gt{/STCi_l2 exch def}{pop}ifelse
   } for
   /STCi_l2 STCi_l2 neg def
   0 2 STCi_text length 2 sub {
     dup 1 add STCi_text exch get exch STCi_text exch get
     1 index length 0 gt {
       dup STCi_l1 STCiprint length 0 gt {(: )}{(  )}ifelse print print
       pop pop
     } ifelse
     (\n) print
   } for
% Deactivate a present ColorAdjust Matrix, if any
   /ColorAdjustMatrix STCiget null ne STCi_onstc and {
       /ColorAdjustMatrix null
       currentdevice putdeviceprops pop
   } if
% "Show" the text
   /Times-Roman findfont 10 scalefont setfont
   /STCi_l1 0 def
   0 2 STCi_text length 2 sub {
       STCi_text exch get stringwidth pop dup STCi_l1 gt {
          /STCi_l1 exch def
       } ifelse
   } for
   STCi_l1 STCi_clip 0 get add /STCi_l1 exch def

   STCi_clip 3 get 12 sub
   0 2 STCi_text length 2 sub {
       STCi_text exch get dup length 0 gt {
         dup stringwidth pop STCi_l1 exch sub 2 index moveto show
       } ifelse
       12 sub
   } for

   /Courier findfont 10 scalefont setfont
   /STCi_l2 0 def
   1 2 STCi_text length 1 sub {
       STCi_text exch get stringwidth pop dup STCi_l2 gt {
          /STCi_l2 exch def
       } ifelse
   } for

   STCi_clip 3 get 12 sub
   1 2 STCi_text length 1 sub {
       STCi_text exch get dup length 0 gt {
          STCi_l1 12 add 2 index moveto show
       } ifelse
       12 sub
   } for

%  compute the space for the graph-window
   STCi_l1 12 add STCi_l2 add 12 add dup STCi_clip 2 get exch sub % Extend
   [ 3 -1 roll dup 3 index add STCi_clip 3 get dup 5 index sub 3 1 roll ]
   /STCi_win exch def /STCi_l1 exch def

% The "Axis"
   STCi_win 0 get STCi_win 1 get 14 add moveto
   STCi_win 2 get STCi_win 1 get 14 add lineto stroke

   STCi_win 0 get 14 add STCi_win 1 get moveto
   STCi_win 0 get 14 add STCi_win 3 get lineto stroke

% The Labels
   /Times-Roman findfont 10 scalefont setfont
   (Postscript-color) dup stringwidth pop
   STCi_win 2 get STCi_win 0 get sub 14 sub 1 index sub 2 div exch pop
   STCi_win 0 get add 14 add STCi_win 1 get 4 add moveto show

     STCi_win 0 get 10 add STCi_win 1 get 14 add translate 90 rotate
     (Device-color) dup stringwidth pop
     STCi_win 3 get STCi_win 1 get sub 14 sub 1 index sub 2 div exch pop
     0 moveto show

% The Graphs
     STCi_win 0 get 14 add STCi_win 1 get 14 add
     STCi_win 2 get 2 index sub STCi_win 3 get 2 index sub
     4 2 roll translate
     STCi_col 0 1 2 index length 1 sub {
       1 index 1 index get aload pop setrgbcolor
       STCi_xv 1 index get STCi_yv 3 -1 roll get
       1 index 0 get 5 index mul 1 index 0 get 5 index mul moveto
       1 index 1 get 5 index mul 1 index 0 get 5 index mul lineto
       1 1 2 index length 1 sub {
         2 index 1 index       get 6 index mul
         2 index 2 index       get 6 index mul lineto
         2 index 1 index 1 add get 6 index mul
         2 index 2 index       get 6 index mul lineto
       } for
       stroke pop pop
     } for
     pop pop pop

% Find lowest Y from Text or graph
   STCi_win 1 get  STCi_clip 3 get STCi_text length 2 div 12 mul sub
   dup 2 index gt { pop } { exch pop } ifelse 12 sub

%  compute the upper bar-window
   /STCi_win [
      STCi_clip 0 get 4 -1 roll 36 sub STCi_clip 2 get 1 index 36 add
   ] def

% Draw the required number of graphs
   [{  % Monochrome
      STCi_win STCi_xv 0 get {setgray} STCibar
    }{ % RGB
      STCi_win STCi_xv 0 get {0 0 setrgbcolor} STCibar
      STCi_win dup 1 exch 1 get 47 sub put
      STCi_win dup 3 exch 3 get 47 sub put
      STCi_win STCi_xv 1 get {0 0 3 1 roll setrgbcolor} STCibar
      STCi_win dup 1 exch 1 get 47 sub put
      STCi_win dup 3 exch 3 get 47 sub put
      STCi_win STCi_xv 2 get {0 0 3 2 roll setrgbcolor} STCibar
    }{ % CMYK
      STCi_win STCi_xv 0 get {0 0 0          setcmykcolor} STCibar
      STCi_win dup 1 exch 1 get 47 sub put
      STCi_win dup 3 exch 3 get 47 sub put
      STCi_win STCi_xv 1 get {0 0 0 4 1 roll setcmykcolor} STCibar
      STCi_win dup 1 exch 1 get 47 sub put
      STCi_win dup 3 exch 3 get 47 sub put
      STCi_win STCi_xv 2 get {0 0 0 4 2 roll setcmykcolor} STCibar
      STCi_win dup 1 exch 1 get 47 sub put
      STCi_win dup 3 exch 3 get 47 sub put
      STCi_win STCi_xv 3 get {0 0 0 4 3 roll setcmykcolor} STCibar
   ] STCimode

   STCi_win 1 STCi_clip 1 get put
   STCi_win dup 3 exch 3 get 47 sub put

% Plot either one or two Color-Triangles
   /ColorAdjustMatrix STCiget null ne STCi_onstc and {
     STCi_win 0 get STCi_win 2 get add 2 div
     [STCi_win 0 get STCi_win 1 get 3 index STCi_win 3 get ] colortri
     mark /ColorAdjustMatrix dup STCiget currentdevice putdeviceprops pop
     [1 index STCi_win 1 get STCi_win 2 get STCi_win 3 get ] colortri
     STCi_win colortri
   } ifelse
   newpath clippath stroke
} ifelse


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