<schemalist> <!-- Enums and flags --> <enum id="org.xfce.mousepad.SmartHomeEnd"> <value nick="disabled" value="0"/> <value nick="before" value="1"/> <value nick="after" value="2"/> <value nick="always" value="3"/> </enum> <enum id="org.xfce.mousepad.ToolbarStyle"> <value nick="icons" value="0"/> <value nick="text" value="1"/> <value nick="both" value="2"/> <value nick="both-horiz" value="3"/> </enum> <enum id="org.xfce.mousepad.IconSize"> <value nick="menu" value="1"/> <value nick="small-toolbar" value="2"/> <value nick="large-toolbar" value="3"/> <value nick="button" value="4"/> <value nick="dnd" value="5"/> <value nick="dialog" value="6"/> </enum> <enum id="org.xfce.mousepad.ShowInFullscreen"> <value nick="auto" value="0"/> <value nick="no" value="1"/> <value nick="yes" value="2"/> </enum> <schema id="org.xfce.mousepad" path="/org/xfce/mousepad/" gettext-domain="mousepad"> <child name="preferences" schema="org.xfce.mousepad.preferences"/> <child name="state" schema="org.xfce.mousepad.state"/> </schema> <schema id="org.xfce.mousepad.preferences" path="/org/xfce/mousepad/preferences/" gettext-domain="mousepad"> <child name="view" schema="org.xfce.mousepad.preferences.view"/> <child name="window" schema="org.xfce.mousepad.preferences.window"/> </schema> <schema id="org.xfce.mousepad.state" path="/org/xfce/mousepad/state/" gettext-domain="mousepad"> <child name="search" schema="org.xfce.mousepad.state.search"/> <child name="window" schema="org.xfce.mousepad.state.window"/> </schema> <!-- Textview preferences --> <schema id="org.xfce.mousepad.preferences.view" path="/org/xfce/mousepad/preferences/view/" gettext-domain="mousepad"> <key name="auto-indent" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Auto-indentation</summary> <description> When true auto-indentation is enabled, when false it is not. </description> </key> <key name="font-name" type="s"> <default>'Monospace'</default> <summary>Font name</summary> <description> The name of the font to use in the textviews. Can contain Pango font description syntax for greater control. </description> </key> <key name="use-default-monospace-font" type="b"> <default>true</default> <summary>Use default monospace font</summary> <description> When enabled, rather than using the font specified in the 'font-name' setting, the default fixed-width font will be used (ie. the font name 'Monospace'). </description> </key> <key name="show-whitespace" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Show whitespace</summary> <description> When true whitespace will be visualized in the view. See also 'view-show-line-endings'. </description> </key> <key name="show-line-endings" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Show line endings</summary> <description> When true newlines will be visualized in the view. See also 'view-show-whitespace'. </description> </key> <key name="highlight-current-line" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Highlight current line</summary> <description> When true visually indicate the line with the caret on it, when false provide no such indication. </description> </key> <key name="indent-on-tab" type="b"> <default>true</default> <summary>Indent on tab</summary> <description> When true indent selected text when tab key is pressed, when false, don't indent on tab. </description> </key> <key name="indent-width" type="i"> <range min="-1" max="32"/> <default>-1</default> <summary>Indentation width</summary> <description> Width of an indentation step expressed in number of spaces. </description> </key> <key name="insert-spaces" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Insert spaces instead of tabs</summary> <description> When true spaces will be insert when the Tab key is pressed instead of tab characters, when false tab characters will be inserted. </description> </key> <key name="right-margin-position" type="i"> <range min="1" max="1000"/> <default>80</default> <summary>Right margin position</summary> <description> Position of the right margin (line drawn vertically down right side of the view). </description> </key> <key name="show-line-marks" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Show line marks</summary> <description>Whether to display line mark pixbufs.</description> </key> <key name="show-line-numbers" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Show line numbers</summary> <description> When true the line numbers gutter/margin will be visible, when false it will not be visible. </description> </key> <key name="show-right-margin" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Show right margin</summary> <description> When true the right margin is displayed at the column specified in 'view-right-margin-position', when false it is not drawn. </description> </key> <key name="smart-home-end" enum="org.xfce.mousepad.SmartHomeEnd"> <default>'disabled'</default> <summary>Smart home end type</summary> <description>Sets the behaviour of the HOME and END keys.</description> </key> <key name="tab-width" type="i"> <range min="1" max="32"/> <default>8</default> <summary>Tab width</summary> <description> The number of characters wide that a tab character appears as. </description> </key> <key name="word-wrap" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Word wrapping</summary> <description> When true long lines will be virtually wrapped in order to fit within the text view, when false long lines will extend out of view. </description> </key> <key name="match-braces" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Match braces</summary> <description> When true highlight matching braces, brackets, parents, etc, when false don't highlight them. </description> </key> <key name="color-scheme" type="s"> <default>'none'</default> <summary>Color scheme</summary> <description> Name of the color scheme to use to highlight syntax or 'none' for no syntax highlighting. </description> </key> </schema> <!-- window preferences --> <schema id="org.xfce.mousepad.preferences.window" path="/org/xfce/mousepad/preferences/window/" gettext-domain="mousepad"> <key name="toolbar-style" enum="org.xfce.mousepad.ToolbarStyle"> <default>'icons'</default> <summary>Toolbar style</summary> <description> Controls how the toolbar items will be drawn with respect to text labels and icons (if visible). </description> </key> <key name="toolbar-icon-size" enum="org.xfce.mousepad.IconSize"> <default>'small-toolbar'</default> <summary>Toolbar icon size</summary> <description> Controls the size of the toolbar icons (if visible). </description> </key> <key name="always-show-tabs" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Always show tabs</summary> <description> When true the main document notebook will always show its tabs, when false the tabs will be hidden when there is only one document open. </description> </key> <key name="cycle-tabs" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Cycle tabs</summary> <description> When true and cycling through tabs, wrap around once the last tab is reached, when false do nothing at the last tab. </description> </key> <key name="default-tab-sizes" type="s"> <default>'2,3,4,8'</default> <summary>Default tab sizes</summary> <description> A comma-separated string listing the tab sizes that are show in the user-interface for selecting tab width. </description> </key> <key name="path-in-title" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Show path in window title</summary> <description> When true the active document's full path will be shown in the window's titlebar, when false only the basename will be shown. </description> </key> <key name="recent-menu-items" type="i"> <range min="1" max="100"/> <default>10</default> <summary>Number of recent documents</summary> <description> The number of recent documents to track and show in the user interace. </description> </key> <key name="remember-size" type="b"> <default>true</default> <summary>Remember window size</summary> <description> When true the size of the window will be saved and restored. </description> </key> <key name="remember-position" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Remember window position</summary> <description> When true will attempt to save and restore the position of the window when false it won't. Note that window placement is supposed to be the job of the Window Manager and that there's no guarantee the restored window position will be respected, accurate, or even visible on any screen. </description> </key> <key name="remember-state" type="b"> <default>true</default> <summary>Remember window state</summary> <description> When true will attempt to save and restore the windows state (ex. normal, maximized, fullscreen, etc, when false it will not. Your Window Manager may very well not report when retrieving or not respect it when setting. </description> </key> <key name="menubar-visible" type="b"> <default>true</default> <summary>Menubar visible</summary> <description> When true the main menubar is visible, when false it is not visible. </description> </key> <key name="toolbar-visible" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Toolbar visible</summary> <description> When true the toolbar is visible, when false it is not visible. </description> </key> <key name="statusbar-visible" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Statusbar visible</summary> <description> When true the statusbar is visible, when false it is not visible. </description> </key> <key name="menubar-visible-in-fullscreen" enum="org.xfce.mousepad.ShowInFullscreen"> <default>'auto'</default> <summary>Menubar visible in fullscreen mode</summary> <description> A value of 'auto' means follow the main menubar-visible setting, 'no' means the menubar is not visible in fullscreen, and 'yes' means that it is always visible in fullscreen. </description> </key> <key name="toolbar-visible-in-fullscreen" enum="org.xfce.mousepad.ShowInFullscreen"> <default>'auto'</default> <summary>Toolbar visible in fullscreen mode</summary> <description> A value of 'auto' means follow the main toolbar-visible setting, 'no' means the toolbar is not visible in fullscreen, and 'yes' means that it is always visible in fullscreen. </description> </key> <key name="statusbar-visible-in-fullscreen" enum="org.xfce.mousepad.ShowInFullscreen"> <default>'auto'</default> <summary>Statusbar visible in fullscreen mode</summary> <description> A value of 'auto' means follow the main statusbar-visible setting, 'no' means the statusbar is not visible in fullscreen, and 'yes' means that it is always visible in fullscreen. </description> </key> </schema> <!-- search state --> <schema id="org.xfce.mousepad.state.search" path="/org/xfce/mousepad/state/search/" gettext-domain="mousepad"> <key name="direction" type="i"> <range min="0" max="2"/> <default>1</default> <summary>search direction</summary> <description> When 0 the search direction is backwards/upwards, when 1 the search direction is forwards/downwards, when 2 the search will wrap around. </description> </key> <key name="match-case" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Match case</summary> <description> When true searches will be case-sensitive, when false they will be case-insensitive. </description> </key> <key name="match-whole-word" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Match whole word</summary> <description> When true searches must match an entire word (using default word boundary characters), when false matches can occur anywhere, even within a larger word. </description> </key> <key name="replace-all" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>Replace all</summary> <description> When true the Replace search dialog is in "replace-all" mode, when false the dialog is in "replace-one-at-a-time" mode. </description> </key> <key name="replace-all-location" type="i"> <range min="0" max="2"/> <default>1</default> <summary>Replace-all location</summary> <description> When 0 the replace-all is performed within the current selection, when 1 the replace-all is performed in the current document, and when 2 the replace-all is performed in all currently open documents. </description> </key> </schema> <!-- window state --> <schema id="org.xfce.mousepad.state.window" path="/org/xfce/mousepad/state/window/" gettext-domain="mousepad"> <key name="height" type="i"> <default>480</default> <summary>window height</summary> <description>The height of window in pixels.</description> </key> <key name="width" type="i"> <default>640</default> <summary>window width</summary> <description>The width of windows in pixels.</description> </key> <key name="top" type="i"> <default>-1</default> <summary>window top</summary> <description>The Y coordinate of the window's position</description> </key> <key name="left" type="i"> <default>-1</default> <summary>window left</summary> <description>The X coordinate of the window's position</description> </key> <key name="maximized" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>window maximized</summary> <description>Whether the window is maximized or not.</description> </key> <key name="fullscreen" type="b"> <default>false</default> <summary>window fullscreen</summary> <description> When true the window will be fullscreen, when false it won't be. </description> </key> </schema> </schemalist>