[ Avaa Bypassed ]



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#   Notice Copyright (c) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 Adobe Systems Incorporated.  All Rights Reserved.
#   Comment Copyright (c) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998 Adobe Systems Incorporated.  All Rights Reserved.
#   Comment Creation Date: Wed Aug 26 16:53:05 1998
#   Comment UniqueID 44055
#   Comment VMusage 11931 56737

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ha	600,750,0,57,-146,57	2	0	asciicircum
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vz	600,679,0,81,-42,67	2	5	zcaron
:Y	600,789,0,145,-69,67	2	6	Ydieresis
tm	600,678,0,128,-129,67	2	7	trademark
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Eu	600,612,12,148,7,67	2	9	Euro
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!	600,572,12,0,-172	2	33	exclam
"	600,572,0,24,-163,24	2	34	quotedbl
dq	"
#	600,649,52,66,-48,66	2	35	numbersign
sh	"
$	600,646,124,54,-58,54	2	36	dollar
Do	"
%	600,617,33,50,-74,50	2	37	percent
&	600,539,12,41,-39,41	0	38	ampersand
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cq	"
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at	"
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D	600,572,0,79,24,67	2	68	D
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a^	"
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lC	"
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ba	"
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rC	"
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a~	"
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mc	"
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:U	600,789,12,160,-63,67	2	220	Udieresis
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,c	600,448,206,48,-46,48	1	231	ccedilla
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:e	600,640,12,43,-52,43	2	235	edieresis
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'i	600,678,0,51,-38,51	2	237	iacute
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:i	600,640,0,4,-38,4	2	239	idieresis
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'o	600,678,12,64,-31,64	2	243	oacute
^o	600,679,12,60,-31,60	2	244	ocircumflex
~o	600,644,12,98,-31,67	2	245	otilde
:o	600,640,12,52,-31,52	2	246	odieresis
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^u	600,679,12,42,-38,42	2	251	ucircumflex
:u	600,640,12,42,-38,42	2	252	udieresis
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:y	600,640,183,124,39,67	3	255	ydieresis
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