<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- This file is part of GtkSourceView Author: Scott Martin <scott@coffeeblack.org> Copyright (C) 2004 Scott Martin <scott@coffeeblack.org> Copyright (C) 2005 Stef Walter (formerly Nate Nielsen) <stef@memberwebs.com> Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Marco Barisione <barisione@gmail.com> Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Emanuele Aina GtkSourceView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkSourceView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --> <language id="js" name="JavaScript" version="2.0" _section="Script"> <metadata> <property name="mimetypes">application/javascript;application/x-javascript;text/x-javascript;text/javascript;text/x-js</property> <property name="globs">*.js;*.node</property> <property name="line-comment-start">//</property> <property name="block-comment-start">/*</property> <property name="block-comment-end">*/</property> </metadata> <styles> <style id="escape" name="Escaped Character" map-to="def:special-char"/> <style id="null-value" name="Null Value" map-to="def:special-constant"/> <style id="undefined-value" name="Undefined Value" map-to="def:special-constant"/> <style id="boolean" name="Boolean Value" map-to="def:boolean"/> <style id="keyword" name="Keyword" map-to="def:keyword"/> <style id="type" name="Data Type" map-to="def:type"/> <style id="function" name="Function" map-to="def:builtin"/> <style id="properties" name="Properties" map-to="def:statement"/> <style id="constructors" name="Constructors" map-to="def:type"/> <style id="future-words" name="Future Reserved Keywords" map-to="def:error"/> <style id="string" name="String" map-to="def:string"/> <style id="regex" name="Regular Expression" map-to="def:string"/> </styles> <definitions> <!--regex--> <define-regex id="regex-opts">[gim]*</define-regex> <!--contexts NOT used in the main context--> <context id="escape" style-ref="escape"> <match>\\((0-7){3}|(x[a-fA-F0-9]{2})|(c\S)|([CM]-\S)|(M-C-\S)|.)</match> </context> <context id="regex-bracketed" style-ref="escape" style-inside="true"> <start>(?<!\\)[[]</start> <end>(?<!\\)]</end> </context> <!--contexts used in the main context--> <context id="regex-simple" style-ref="regex"> <start extended="true"> ((?<=([(]|\s))|^) \/ (?= ([^/\\]*(\\.))* [^/]* \/ \%{regex-opts} \s* ([),;.\/\]:}]|$) )</start> <end>\/\%{regex-opts}</end> <include> <context ref="escape"/> <context ref="def:line-continue"/> <context ref="regex-bracketed"/> </include> </context> <!-- There was a long discussion on ##javascript on freenode between 'katspaugh', 'joo' and 'prog_' on whether 'undefined' should be highlighted on not, specialy as a constant. The conclusion was "It can't be highlighted as a constant literal value, because it can be an identifier (of a variable value) but leave it be as it is. Let tradition and convention obscure the details." --> <context id="undefined-value" style-ref="undefined-value"> <keyword>undefined</keyword> </context> <context id="null-value" style-ref="null-value"> <keyword>null</keyword> </context> <context id="boolean" style-ref="boolean"> <keyword>false</keyword> <keyword>true</keyword> </context> <context id="keywords" style-ref="keyword"> <keyword>async</keyword> <keyword>await</keyword> <keyword>break</keyword> <keyword>case</keyword> <keyword>catch</keyword> <keyword>continue</keyword> <keyword>debugger</keyword> <keyword>default</keyword> <keyword>delete</keyword> <keyword>do</keyword> <keyword>else</keyword> <keyword>export</keyword> <keyword>finally</keyword> <keyword>for</keyword> <keyword>function</keyword> <keyword>if</keyword> <keyword>import</keyword> <keyword>instanceof</keyword> <keyword>in</keyword> <keyword>new</keyword> <keyword>of</keyword> <keyword>return</keyword> <keyword>switch</keyword> <keyword>this</keyword> <keyword>throw</keyword> <keyword>try</keyword> <keyword>typeof</keyword> <keyword>var</keyword> <keyword>void</keyword> <keyword>while</keyword> <keyword>with</keyword> <keyword>class</keyword> <keyword>extends</keyword> <keyword>super</keyword> <keyword>static</keyword> </context> <context id="unofficial-keywords" style-ref="keyword"> <keyword>const</keyword> <keyword>let</keyword> <keyword>yield</keyword> </context> <context id="types" style-ref="type"> <keyword>Infinity</keyword> <keyword>NaN</keyword> </context> <context id="functions" style-ref="function"> <keyword>abs</keyword> <keyword>acos</keyword> <keyword>apply</keyword> <keyword>asin</keyword> <keyword>atan2</keyword> <keyword>atan</keyword> <keyword>call</keyword> <keyword>ceil</keyword> <keyword>charAt</keyword> <keyword>charCodeAt</keyword> <keyword>concat</keyword> <keyword>cos</keyword> <keyword>decodeURIComponent</keyword> <keyword>decodeURI</keyword> <keyword>encodeURIComponent</keyword> <keyword>encodeURI</keyword> <keyword>escape</keyword> <keyword>eval</keyword> <keyword>exec</keyword> <keyword>exp</keyword> <keyword>floor</keyword> <keyword>fromCharCode</keyword> <keyword>getDate</keyword> <keyword>getDay</keyword> <keyword>getFullYear</keyword> <keyword>getHours</keyword> <keyword>getMilliseconds</keyword> <keyword>getMinutes</keyword> <keyword>getMonth</keyword> <keyword>getSeconds</keyword> <keyword>getTime</keyword> <keyword>getTimezoneOffset</keyword> <keyword>getUTCDate</keyword> <keyword>getUTCDay</keyword> <keyword>getUTCFullYear</keyword> <keyword>getUTCHours</keyword> <keyword>getUTCMilliseconds</keyword> <keyword>getUTCMinutes</keyword> <keyword>getUTCMonth</keyword> <keyword>getUTCSeconds</keyword> <keyword>getYear</keyword> <keyword>hasOwnProperty</keyword> <keyword>indexOf</keyword> <keyword>isFinite</keyword> <keyword>isNaN</keyword> <keyword>isPrototypeOf</keyword> <keyword>join</keyword> <keyword>lastIndexOf</keyword> <keyword>localeCompare</keyword> <keyword>log</keyword> <keyword>match</keyword> <keyword>max</keyword> <keyword>min</keyword> <keyword>parseFloat</keyword> <keyword>parseInt</keyword> <keyword>parse</keyword> <keyword>pop</keyword> <keyword>pow</keyword> <keyword>propertyIsEnumerable</keyword> <keyword>push</keyword> <keyword>random</keyword> <keyword>replace</keyword> <keyword>reverse</keyword> <keyword>round</keyword> <keyword>search</keyword> <keyword>setDate</keyword> <keyword>setFullYear</keyword> <keyword>setHours</keyword> <keyword>setMilliseconds</keyword> <keyword>setMinutes</keyword> <keyword>setMonth</keyword> <keyword>setSeconds</keyword> <keyword>setTime</keyword> <keyword>setUTCDate</keyword> <keyword>setUTCFullYear</keyword> <keyword>setUTCHours</keyword> <keyword>setUTCMilliseconds</keyword> <keyword>setUTCMinutes</keyword> <keyword>setUTCMonth</keyword> <keyword>setUTCSeconds</keyword> <keyword>setYear</keyword> <keyword>shift</keyword> <keyword>sin</keyword> <keyword>slice</keyword> <keyword>sort</keyword> <keyword>split</keyword> <keyword>sqrt</keyword> <keyword>substring</keyword> <keyword>substr</keyword> <keyword>tan</keyword> <keyword>toDateString</keyword> <keyword>toExponential</keyword> <keyword>toFixed</keyword> <keyword>toGMTString</keyword> <keyword>toLocaleDateString</keyword> <keyword>toLocaleLowerCase</keyword> <keyword>toLocaleString</keyword> <keyword>toLocaleTimeString</keyword> <keyword>toLocaleUpperCase</keyword> <keyword>toLowerCase</keyword> <keyword>toPrecision</keyword> <keyword>toString</keyword> <keyword>toTimeString</keyword> <keyword>toUpperCase</keyword> <keyword>toUTCString</keyword> <keyword>unescape</keyword> <keyword>unshift</keyword> <keyword>UTC</keyword> <keyword>valueOf</keyword> </context> <context id="properties" style-ref="properties"> <prefix>\.</prefix> <keyword>constructor</keyword> <keyword>global</keyword> <keyword>ignoreCase</keyword> <keyword>lastIndex</keyword> <keyword>length</keyword> <keyword>message</keyword> <keyword>multiline</keyword> <keyword>name</keyword> <keyword>NEGATIVE_INFINITY</keyword> <keyword>POSITIVE_INFINITY</keyword> <keyword>prototype</keyword> <keyword>source</keyword> </context> <context id="constructors" style-ref="constructors"> <keyword>Array</keyword> <keyword>Boolean</keyword> <keyword>Date</keyword> <keyword>Error</keyword> <keyword>EvalError</keyword> <keyword>Function</keyword> <keyword>Math</keyword> <keyword>Number</keyword> <keyword>Object</keyword> <keyword>RangeError</keyword> <keyword>RegExp</keyword> <keyword>String</keyword> <keyword>SyntaxError</keyword> <keyword>TypeError</keyword> <keyword>URIError</keyword> </context> <context id="future-words" style-ref="future-words"> <keyword>enum</keyword> <!-- in strict mode --> <keyword>implements</keyword> <keyword>interface</keyword> <keyword>package</keyword> <keyword>private</keyword> <keyword>protected</keyword> <keyword>public</keyword> </context> <context id="template-string" style-ref="string"> <start>`</start> <end>`</end> <include> <context id="template-expression" style-ref="function"> <start>\$\{</start> <end>\}</end> </context> </include> </context> <!--main context--> <context id="js" class="no-spell-check"> <include> <context ref="def:c-like-comment"/> <context ref="def:c-like-comment-multiline"/> <context ref="def:c-like-close-comment-outside-comment"/> <context ref="def:string" style-ref="string"/> <context ref="def:single-quoted-string" style-ref="string"/> <context ref="template-string"/> <context ref="def:float"/> <context ref="def:decimal"/> <context ref="def:octal"/> <context ref="def:hexadecimal"/> <context ref="undefined-value"/> <context ref="null-value"/> <context ref="boolean"/> <context ref="keywords"/> <context ref="unofficial-keywords"/> <context ref="types"/> <context ref="functions"/> <context ref="properties"/> <context ref="constructors"/> <context ref="future-words"/> <context ref="regex-simple"/> </include> </context> <!--main context--> </definitions> </language>
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