<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- ex:set ts=2 et: This file is part of GtkSourceView Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Steve Frécinaux <code@istique.net> GtkSourceView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkSourceView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. TODO: extended regex support FIXME: =pod should require an empty line before/after, as written in perlpod --> <language id="perl" name="Perl" version="2.0" _section="Script"> <metadata> <property name="mimetypes">text/x-perl;application/x-perl</property> <property name="globs">*.pl;*.pm;*.al;*.perl;*.t</property> <property name="line-comment-start">#</property> </metadata> <styles> <style id="comment" name="Comment" map-to="def:comment"/> <style id="line-directive" name="Line Directive" map-to="def:preprocessor"/> <style id="include-statement" name="Include Statement" map-to="def:preprocessor"/> <style id="string" name="String" map-to="def:string"/> <style id="keyword" name="Keyword" map-to="def:keyword"/> <style id="builtin" name="Builtin Function" map-to="def:builtin"/> <style id="here-doc" name="Heredoc" map-to="def:string" /> <style id="here-doc-bound" name="Heredoc Bound" map-to="def:string"/> <style id="system-command" name="System Command" map-to="def:string"/> <style id="operator" name="Operator" map-to="def:keyword"/> <style id="variable" name="Variable" map-to="def:type"/> <style id="file-descriptor" name="File Descriptor" map-to="def:special-constant"/> <style id="control" name="Control" map-to="def:preprocessor"/> <style id="regex" name="Regular Expression" map-to="def:string"/> <style id="error" name="Error" map-to="def:error"/> <style id="pod" name="POD" map-to="def:comment"/> <style id="pod-escape" name="POD Escape" map-to="def:special-char"/> <style id="pod-keyword" name="POD keyword" map-to="def:keyword"/> <style id="pod-heading" name="POD heading" map-to="def:doc-comment-element"/> </styles> <definitions> <context id="perl" class="no-spell-check"> <include> <context ref="def:shebang"/> <context ref="line-directive"/> <context ref="def:shell-like-comment"/> <context ref="pod"/> <context ref="data"/> <context ref="double-quoted-string"/> <context ref="single-quoted-string"/> <context ref="system-command"/> <context ref="word-list"/> <context ref="regular-expression"/> <context ref="match"/> <context ref="substitution"/> <context ref="transliteration"/> <context ref="match-slashslash"/> <context ref="here-doc-no-ve"/> <context ref="here-doc"/> <context ref="sub"/> <context ref="variable"/> <context ref="include-statement"/> <context ref="operator"/> <context ref="keyword"/> <context ref="control"/> <context ref="file-descriptor"/> <context ref="builtin"/> </include> </context> <!-- in case we have an obviously wrong piece of code to highlight. We put it last so it can highlight everything not handled yet. --> <context id="error" style-ref="error" extend-parent="false"> <match>\S</match> </context> <define-regex id="operator" extended="true"> \-[rwxoRWXOezsfdlpSbctugkTBMAC](?=\s) | \-> | \+\+ | \-\- | \*\* | \! | \~ | \\ | \+ | \- | [!=]\~ | \* | / | % | << | >> | < | > | [<>=!]= | <=> | & | \| | \^ | && | \.\.\.? | \? | : | = | \*\*= | \+= | \*= | &= | <<= | &&= | \-= | /= | \|= | >>= | \|\|= | \.= | %= | \^= | \bx= | => | \b(x|lt|gt|le|ge|eq|ne|cmp|not|and|or|xor)\b </define-regex> <context id="operator" style-ref="operator"><!-- see `man perlop` --> <match>\%{operator}</match> </context> <!-- #### VARIABLES ################################################### --> <!-- $ is not defined in this regexp because it would conflict with \%{plain-variable}. $ is the current module. --> <define-regex id="special-variable" extended="true"> \$\^[ADEFHILMOPSTWX]? | # ($^A, ...) \$[\\\"\[\]'&`+*.,;=%~?@$><\(|/!-] | # ($|, $', ...) \$:[^:] | # avoid confusion with $::foo (equiv. to $main::foo) \$(0|[1-9][0-9]*) | # numbered variables (regex matches) @[+-] | # special array variables %[!+-] | %\^H # special hash variables </define-regex> <define-regex id="plain-variable" extended="true"> ([$@%]|\$\#)\$*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]* </define-regex> <context id="plain-variable"> <include> <context style-ref="variable"> <start>[$@%]{</start> <end>}</end> </context> <context style-ref="variable"> <match>\%{plain-variable}</match> </context> </include> </context> <context id="special-variable" style-ref="variable"> <match>\%{special-variable}</match> </context> <context id="variable"> <include> <context ref="plain-variable"/> <context ref="special-variable"/> </include> </context> <!-- #### PATTERNS / STRINGS / REGEX ################################## --> <!-- see `man perlop` --> <!-- available delimiters for m// or s///-style patterns (probably not complete yet). --> <define-regex id="pattern-delimiter" extended="true"> [&+|!/@#\^\-=:;,.?*\\%`"'] </define-regex> <!-- this assertion is shared by all the regex contexts to avoid wrong highlighing of function calls, etc. \b can't be used because of $var, @var, &func, %func. --> <!-- FIXME I added { and ( to the list to fix #507075 and #535703. Someone please look at it, it seems wrong. It probably should be a positive look-behind. --> <define-regex id="pattern-before" extended="true"> (?<![a-zA-Z0-9@%{(]) </define-regex> <context id="in-pattern"> <include> <context ref="def:escape"/> <context ref="plain-variable"/> <context extend-parent="false"> <start>(?=\$)</start> <include> <!-- some variables are not recognized in patterns --> <context><match>\$(?=[|)])</match></context> <context ref="special-variable"/> </include> </context> </include> </context> <!-- The following context definitions are there to handle nesting of brackets in bracket-delimited regexes. --> <context id="in-pattern-curly-no-ve"> <include> <context> <start>{</start><end>}</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-curly-no-ve"/></include> </context> </include> </context> <context id="in-pattern-curly"> <include> <context> <start>{</start><end>}</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-curly"/></include> </context> <context ref="in-pattern"/> </include> </context> <context id="in-pattern-square-no-ve"> <include> <context> <start>\[</start><end>\]</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-square-no-ve"/></include> </context> </include> </context> <context id="in-pattern-square"> <include> <context> <start>\[</start><end>\]</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-square"/></include> </context> <context ref="in-pattern"/> </include> </context> <context id="in-pattern-round-no-ve"> <include> <context> <start>\(</start><end>}</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-round-no-ve"/></include> </context> </include> </context> <context id="in-pattern-round"> <include> <context> <start>\(</start><end>\)</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-round"/></include> </context> <context ref="in-pattern"/> </include> </context> <context id="in-pattern-angle-no-ve"> <include> <context> <start><</start><end>></end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-angle-no-ve"/></include> </context> </include> </context> <context id="in-pattern-angle"> <include> <context> <start><</start><end>></end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-angle"/></include> </context> <context ref="in-pattern"/> </include> </context> <!-- One level higher: the following contexts define single and double patterns in general, in ve and no-ve version. --> <define-regex id="end-of-pattern" extended="true"> (?<= [}\]\)>]| \%{pattern-delimiter} ) </define-regex> <context id="simple-pattern" once-only="true"> <start/> <include> <context ref="asserted-comment"/> <context end-parent="true"> <start>{</start><end>}</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-curly"/></include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <start>\[</start><end>\]</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-square"/></include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <start>\(</start><end>\)</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-round"/></include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <start><</start><end>></end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-angle"/></include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <!-- '' doesn't usually have var expansion. --> <start>'</start><end>'</end> <include> <context style-ref="def:special-char"> <match>\\\\|\\'</match> </context> </include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <start>(?P<RD>\%{pattern-delimiter})</start> <end>\%{RD@start}</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern"/></include> </context> <context ref="asserted-comment"/> <context ref="error"/> </include> </context> <context id="simple-pattern-no-ve" once-only="true"> <start/> <include> <context end-parent="true"> <start>{</start><end>}</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-curly-no-ve"/></include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <start>\[</start><end>\]</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-square-no-ve"/></include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <start>\(</start><end>\)</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-round-no-ve"/></include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <start><</start><end>></end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-angle-no-ve"/></include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <start>(?P<RD>\%{pattern-delimiter})</start> <end>\%{RD@start}</end> </context> <context ref="asserted-comment"/> <context ref="error"/> </include> </context> <context id="double-pattern" once-only="true"> <start/> <include> <context end-parent="true"> <start>'</start> <end>'</end> <include> <context once-only="true"> <start>(?<=(?P<RD>.))</start> <end>\%{RD@start}</end> </context> </include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <start>(?P<RD>\%{pattern-delimiter})</start> <end>\%{RD@start}</end> <include> <context once-only="true"> <start>(?<=(?P<RD>.))</start> <end>\%{RD@start}</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern"/></include> </context> <context ref="in-pattern"/> </include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <start/> <include> <context ref="simple-pattern"/> <!-- quick hack to include the same pattern twice: we surround it with a house-keeping context --> <context once-only="true" end-parent="true"> <start>\%{end-of-pattern}</start> <end>\%{end-of-pattern}</end> <include><context ref="simple-pattern"/></include> </context> </include> </context> </include> </context> <context id="double-pattern-no-ve" once-only="true"> <start/> <include> <context end-parent="true"> <start>(?P<RD>\%{pattern-delimiter})</start> <end>\%{RD@start}</end> <include> <context once-only="true"> <start>(?<=(?P<RD>.))</start> <end>\%{RD@start}</end> </context> </include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <start/> <include> <context ref="simple-pattern-no-ve"/> <context once-only="true" end-parent="true"> <start>\%{end-of-pattern}</start> <end>\%{end-of-pattern}</end> <include><context ref="simple-pattern-no-ve"/></include> </context> </include> </context> </include> </context> <context id="single-quoted-string" class="string" class-disabled="no-spell-check"> <include> <context style-ref="string"> <start>'</start><end>'</end> <include> <context style-ref="def:special-char"> <match>\\\\|\\'</match> </context> </include> </context> <context style-ref="string"> <start>\%{pattern-before}q\b</start> <end>\%{end-of-pattern}</end> <include><context ref="simple-pattern-no-ve"/></include> </context> </include> </context> <context id="double-quoted-string" class="string" class-disabled="no-spell-check"> <include> <context style-ref="string"> <start>"</start><end>"</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern"/></include> </context> <context style-ref="string"> <start>\%{pattern-before}qq\b</start> <end>\%{end-of-pattern}</end> <include> <context ref="asserted-comment"/> <!-- qq'' *has* var expansion, so we can't just use <context ref="single-pattern"/>. --> <context end-parent="true"> <start>{</start><end>}</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-curly"/></include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <start>\[</start><end>\]</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-square"/></include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <start>\(</start><end>\)</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-round"/></include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <start><</start><end>></end> <include><context ref="in-pattern-angle"/></include> </context> <context end-parent="true"> <start>(?P<RD>\%{pattern-delimiter})</start> <end>\%{RD@start}</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern"/></include> </context> <context ref="error"/> </include> </context> </include> </context> <context id="word-list" style-ref="string"> <start>\%{pattern-before}qw\b</start> <end>\%{end-of-pattern}</end> <include><context ref="simple-pattern-no-ve"/></include> </context> <context id="regular-expression" style-ref="regex"> <start>\%{pattern-before}qr\b</start> <end>\%{end-of-pattern}[imosx]*</end> <include><context ref="simple-pattern"/></include> </context> <context id="system-command"> <include> <context style-ref="system-command"> <start>`</start><end>`</end> <include><context ref="in-pattern"/></include> </context> <context style-ref="system-command"> <start>\%{pattern-before}qx\b</start> <end>\%{end-of-pattern}</end> <include><context ref="simple-pattern"/></include> </context> </include> </context> <context id="match" style-ref="regex"> <start>\%{pattern-before}m\b</start> <end>\%{end-of-pattern}[cgimosx]*</end> <include><context ref="simple-pattern"/></include> </context> <context id="substitution" style-ref="regex"> <start>\%{pattern-before}s\b</start> <end>\%{end-of-pattern}[ecgimosx]*</end> <include><context ref="double-pattern"/></include> </context> <context id="transliteration" style-ref="regex"> <start>\%{pattern-before}(tr|y)\b</start> <end>\%{end-of-pattern}[cds]*</end> <include><context ref="double-pattern-no-ve"/></include> </context> <!-- hacks, mostly taken from vim's perl.vim. As they say: “Below some hacks to recognise the // variant. This is virtually impossible to catch in all cases as the / is used in so many other ways, but these should be the most obvious ones.” --> <context id="match-slashslash"> <include> <context style-inside="true" style-ref="regex"> <start>(^|[^$@%&])(split|while|if)\s+(/)</start> <end>/[cgimosx]*</end> <include> <context sub-pattern="2" where="start" style-ref="builtin"/> <context sub-pattern="3" where="start" style-ref="regex"/> <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="regex"/> <context ref="in-pattern"/> </include> </context> <context style-inside="true" style-ref="regex"> <start>(^|(?<=[\(\{]))\s*(/)</start> <end>/[cgimosx]*</end> <include> <context sub-pattern="2" where="start" style-ref="regex"/> <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="regex"/> <context ref="in-pattern"/> </include> </context> <context style-inside="true" style-ref="regex"> <start>([!=]\~)\s*(/)</start> <end>/[cgimosx]*</end> <include> <context sub-pattern="1" where="start" style-ref="operator"/> <context sub-pattern="2" where="start" style-ref="regex"/> <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="regex"/> <context ref="in-pattern"/> </include> </context> </include> </context> <!-- #### HEREDOC STRINGS ############################################# --> <!-- There may not be a space between the << and the identifier, unless the identifier is explicitly quoted (hence the \s* when using quotes. This also means that usage of null identifier <<"" is only valid when using quotes (hence \%{here-doc-bound-char}* when using quotes and \%{here-doc-bound-char}+ when not). --> <define-regex id="here-doc-bound-char">[^\s'"=;)<>]</define-regex> <context id="here-doc-no-ve"> <start extended="true" dupnames="true"> << ( \s*\'(?P<HDB>\%{here-doc-bound-char}*)\'| # 'EOF' \\(?P<HDB>\%{here-doc-bound-char}+) # \EOF ) </start> <end>^\%{HDB@start}$</end> <include> <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="here-doc-bound"/> <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="here-doc-bound"/> <context once-only="true" end-at-line-end="true"> <start/><include><context ref="perl"/></include> </context> <context style-ref="here-doc" extend-parent="false"><start/></context> </include> </context> <context id="here-doc"> <start extended="true" dupnames="true"> << ( \s*\"(?P<HDB>\%{here-doc-bound-char}*)\"| # "EOF" (?P<HDB>\%{here-doc-bound-char}+) # EOF ) </start> <end>^\%{HDB@start}$</end> <include> <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="here-doc-bound"/> <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="here-doc-bound"/> <context once-only="true" end-at-line-end="true"> <start/><include><context ref="perl"/></include> </context> <context style-ref="here-doc" extend-parent="false"> <start/> <include> <context ref="def:escape"/> <context ref="variable"/> </include> </context> </include> </context> <!-- #### KEYWORDS / BUILTINS / ETC ################################### --> <define-regex id="function">[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*</define-regex> <!-- in sub context, everything is a function --> <context id="sub"> <match>(sub)\s+\%{function}\b</match> <include><context sub-pattern="1" style-ref="keyword"/></include> </context> <context id="file-descriptor" style-ref="file-descriptor"> <keyword>STDIN</keyword> <keyword>STDOUT</keyword> <keyword>STDERR</keyword> </context> <context id="control" style-ref="control"> <keyword>BEGIN</keyword> <keyword>END</keyword> <keyword>CHECK</keyword> <keyword>INIT</keyword> </context> <context id="include-statement"> <include> <context style-ref="include-statement"> <keyword>require</keyword> </context> <context> <!-- 'use' and 'no' can be used with special flags, so we try to highlight them as well. --> <start>(use|no)\s</start> <end>;</end> <include> <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="include-statement"/> <context once-only="true" style-ref="include-statement"> <keyword>attributes</keyword> <keyword>autodie</keyword> <keyword>autouse</keyword> <keyword>base</keyword> <keyword>bigint</keyword> <keyword>bignum</keyword> <keyword>bigrat</keyword> <keyword>blib</keyword> <keyword>bytes</keyword> <keyword>charnames</keyword> <keyword>constant</keyword> <keyword>diagnostics</keyword> <keyword>encoding</keyword> <keyword>feature</keyword> <keyword>fields</keyword> <keyword>fileset</keyword> <keyword>if</keyword> <keyword>integer</keyword> <keyword>less</keyword> <keyword>lib</keyword> <keyword>locale</keyword> <keyword>mro</keyword> <keyword>open</keyword> <keyword>ops</keyword> <keyword>overload</keyword> <keyword>overloading</keyword> <keyword>parent</keyword> <keyword>re</keyword> <keyword>sigtrap</keyword> <keyword>sort</keyword> <keyword>strict</keyword> <keyword>subs</keyword> <keyword>threads</keyword> <keyword>threads::shared</keyword> <keyword>utf8</keyword> <keyword>vars</keyword> <keyword>vmish</keyword> <keyword>warnings</keyword> <keyword>warnings::register</keyword> </context> <context ref="perl"/> </include> </context> </include> </context> <context id="keyword" style-ref="keyword"> <keyword>break</keyword> <keyword>continue</keyword> <keyword>do</keyword> <keyword>default</keyword> <keyword>each</keyword> <keyword>else</keyword> <keyword>elsif</keyword> <keyword>foreach</keyword> <keyword>for</keyword> <keyword>given</keyword> <keyword>if</keyword> <keyword>last</keyword> <keyword>local</keyword> <keyword>my</keyword> <keyword>next</keyword> <keyword>our</keyword> <keyword>package</keyword> <keyword>return</keyword> <keyword>sub</keyword> <keyword>state</keyword> <keyword>unless</keyword> <keyword>until</keyword> <keyword>when</keyword> <keyword>while</keyword> <keyword>__FILE__</keyword> <keyword>__LINE__</keyword> <keyword>__PACKAGE__</keyword> </context> <context id="builtin" style-ref="builtin"> <!-- see `man perlfunc` --> <keyword>abs</keyword> <keyword>accept</keyword> <keyword>alarm</keyword> <keyword>atan2</keyword> <keyword>bind</keyword> <keyword>binmode</keyword> <keyword>bless</keyword> <keyword>caller</keyword> <keyword>chdir</keyword> <keyword>chmod</keyword> <keyword>chomp</keyword> <keyword>chop</keyword> <keyword>chown</keyword> <keyword>chr</keyword> <keyword>chroot</keyword> <keyword>closedir</keyword> <keyword>close</keyword> <keyword>connect</keyword> <keyword>cos</keyword> <keyword>crypt</keyword> <keyword>dbmclose</keyword> <keyword>dbmopen</keyword> <keyword>defined</keyword> <keyword>delete</keyword> <keyword>die</keyword> <keyword>dump</keyword> <keyword>each</keyword> <keyword>endgrent</keyword> <keyword>endhostent</keyword> <keyword>endnetent</keyword> <keyword>endprotoent</keyword> <keyword>endpwent</keyword> <keyword>endservent</keyword> <keyword>eof</keyword> <keyword>eval</keyword> <keyword>exec</keyword> <keyword>exists</keyword> <keyword>exit</keyword> <keyword>exp</keyword> <keyword>fcntl</keyword> <keyword>fileno</keyword> <keyword>flock</keyword> <keyword>fork</keyword> <keyword>format</keyword> <keyword>formline</keyword> <keyword>getc</keyword> <keyword>getgrent</keyword> <keyword>getgrgid</keyword> <keyword>getgrnam</keyword> <keyword>gethostbyaddr</keyword> <keyword>gethostbyname</keyword> <keyword>gethostent</keyword> <keyword>getlogin</keyword> <keyword>getnetbyaddr</keyword> <keyword>getnetbyname</keyword> <keyword>getnetent</keyword> <keyword>getpeername</keyword> <keyword>getpgrp</keyword> <keyword>getppid</keyword> <keyword>getpriority</keyword> <keyword>getprotobyname</keyword> <keyword>getprotobynumber</keyword> <keyword>getprotoent</keyword> <keyword>getpwent</keyword> <keyword>getpwnam</keyword> <keyword>getpwuid</keyword> <keyword>getservbyname</keyword> <keyword>getservbyport</keyword> <keyword>getservent</keyword> <keyword>getsockname</keyword> <keyword>getsockopt</keyword> <keyword>glob</keyword> <keyword>gmtime</keyword> <keyword>goto</keyword> <keyword>grep</keyword> <keyword>hex</keyword> <keyword>import</keyword> <keyword>index</keyword> <keyword>int</keyword> <keyword>ioctl</keyword> <keyword>join</keyword> <keyword>keys</keyword> <keyword>kill</keyword> <keyword>lcfirst</keyword> <keyword>lc</keyword> <keyword>length</keyword> <keyword>link</keyword> <keyword>listen</keyword> <keyword>localtime</keyword> <keyword>log</keyword> <keyword>lstat</keyword> <keyword>map</keyword> <keyword>mkdir</keyword> <keyword>msgctl</keyword> <keyword>msgget</keyword> <keyword>msgrcv</keyword> <keyword>msgsnd</keyword> <keyword>new</keyword> <keyword>oct</keyword> <keyword>opendir</keyword> <keyword>open</keyword> <keyword>ord</keyword> <keyword>pack</keyword> <keyword>pipe</keyword> <keyword>pop</keyword> <keyword>pos</keyword> <keyword>printf</keyword> <keyword>print</keyword> <keyword>prototype</keyword> <keyword>push</keyword> <keyword>quotemeta</keyword> <keyword>rand</keyword> <keyword>readdir</keyword> <keyword>read</keyword> <keyword>readlink</keyword> <keyword>recv</keyword> <keyword>redo</keyword> <keyword>ref</keyword> <keyword>rename</keyword> <keyword>reset</keyword> <keyword>reverse</keyword> <keyword>rewinddir</keyword> <keyword>rindex</keyword> <keyword>rmdir</keyword> <keyword>say</keyword> <keyword>scalar</keyword> <keyword>seekdir</keyword> <keyword>seek</keyword> <keyword>select</keyword> <keyword>semctl</keyword> <keyword>semget</keyword> <keyword>semop</keyword> <keyword>send</keyword> <keyword>setgrent</keyword> <keyword>sethostent</keyword> <keyword>setnetent</keyword> <keyword>setpgrp</keyword> <keyword>setpriority</keyword> <keyword>setprotoent</keyword> <keyword>setpwent</keyword> <keyword>setservent</keyword> <keyword>setsockopt</keyword> <keyword>shift</keyword> <keyword>shmctl</keyword> <keyword>shmget</keyword> <keyword>shmread</keyword> <keyword>shmwrite</keyword> <keyword>shutdown</keyword> <keyword>sin</keyword> <keyword>sleep</keyword> <keyword>socket</keyword> <keyword>socketpair</keyword> <keyword>sort</keyword> <keyword>splice</keyword> <keyword>split</keyword> <keyword>sprintf</keyword> <keyword>sqrt</keyword> <keyword>srand</keyword> <keyword>stat</keyword> <keyword>study</keyword> <keyword>substr</keyword> <keyword>symlink</keyword> <keyword>syscall</keyword> <keyword>sysread</keyword> <keyword>sysseek</keyword> <keyword>system</keyword> <keyword>syswrite</keyword> <keyword>telldir</keyword> <keyword>tell</keyword> <keyword>tied</keyword> <keyword>tie</keyword> <keyword>time</keyword> <keyword>times</keyword> <keyword>truncate</keyword> <keyword>ucfirst</keyword> <keyword>uc</keyword> <keyword>umask</keyword> <keyword>undef</keyword> <keyword>unlink</keyword> <keyword>unpack</keyword> <keyword>unshift</keyword> <keyword>untie</keyword> <keyword>utime</keyword> <keyword>values</keyword> <keyword>vec</keyword> <keyword>wait</keyword> <keyword>waitpid</keyword> <keyword>wantarray</keyword> <keyword>warn</keyword> <keyword>write</keyword> </context> <!-- #### COMMENTS / POD / DATA ####################################### --> <!-- usual comments for perl are def:shell-style-comment --> <!-- comment that must have a whitespace before (used in s{}{}, because perl bugs if there is no space between '}' and '#') --> <context id="asserted-comment" style-ref="comment" end-at-line-end="true" class="comment" class-disabled="no-spell-check"> <start>(?<![^\s])#</start> <include><context ref="def:in-comment"/></include> </context> <context id="line-directive" style-ref="line-directive"> <!-- see `man perlsyn` line 676 --> <match extended="true"> ^\# \s* (line \s+ (\d+)) \s* (?:(\s"([^"]+)"|[^"]+))? \s* $ </match> <include> <context sub-pattern="3" style-ref="string"/> </include> </context> <context id="in-pod"> <include> <context ref="def:in-comment"/> <context ref="pod-escape"/> </include> </context> <context id="pod-escape"> <include> <context> <start>[IBCLEFSXZ]<(?!<)</start><end>(?<!>)></end> <include> <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="pod-escape"/> <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="pod-escape"/> <context ref="in-pod"/> </include> </context> <!-- doubled angle brackets ("<<" and ">>") may be used if and only if there is whitespace right after the opening delimiter and whitespace right before the closing delimiter! (`man perlpod`) --> <context> <start>[IBCLEFSXZ]<{2}\s</start><end>\s>{2}</end> <include> <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="pod-escape"/> <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="pod-escape"/> <context ref="in-pod"/> </include> </context> <context> <start>[IBCLEFSXZ]<{3}\s</start><end>\s>{3}</end> <include> <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="pod-escape"/> <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="pod-escape"/> <context ref="in-pod"/> </include> </context> <context> <start>[IBCLEFSXZ]<{4}\s</start><end>\s>{4}</end> <include> <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="pod-escape"/> <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="pod-escape"/> <context ref="in-pod"/> </include> </context> <context> <start>[IBCLEFSXZ]<{5}\s</start><end>\s>{5}</end> <include> <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="pod-escape"/> <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="pod-escape"/> <context ref="in-pod"/> </include> </context> <context> <start>[IBCLEFSXZ]<{6}\s</start><end>\s>{6}</end> <include> <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="pod-escape"/> <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="pod-escape"/> <context ref="in-pod"/> </include> </context> <!-- one should be insane to put there more than 6 brackets --> </include> </context> <context id="pod-heading" end-at-line-end="true" style-inside="true" style-ref="pod-heading"> <start>^=(head[1-4])</start> <include> <context sub-pattern="1" where="start" style-ref="pod-keyword"/> <context ref="in-pod"/> </include> </context> <context id="pod" style-ref="pod" class-disabled="no-spell-check"> <start>^(?=(=[a-z]))</start> <end>^=(cut)$</end> <include> <context sub-pattern="1" where="end" style-ref="pod-keyword"/> <context ref="pod-heading"/> <context> <match>^=(pod|encoding|over|item|back)</match> <include><context sub-pattern="1" style-ref="pod-keyword"/></include> </context> <context> <start>^=(begin)\s+(.*)$</start> <end>^=(end)\s+\%{1@start}$</end> <include> <context sub-pattern="1" where="start" style-ref="pod-keyword"/> <context sub-pattern="1" where="end" style-ref="pod-keyword"/> <context ref="pod"/> </include> </context> <context ref="in-pod"/> </include> </context> <context id="data" style-ref="comment"> <start>__(DATA|END)__</start> <include> <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="keyword"/> </include> </context> </definitions> </language>
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