<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- This file is part of GtkSourceView Copyright (C) 2003 Gustavo Giráldez <gustavo.giraldez@gmx.net> Copyright (C) 2004 Benoît Dejean <TaZForEver@free.fr> Copyright (C) 2006 Steve Frécinaux <nud@apinc.org> Copyright (C) 2012 Stefano Palazzo <stefano-palazzo@ubuntu.com> Copyright (C) 2014 Patryk Zawadzki <patrys@pld-linux.org> Copyright (C) 2014 Sébastien Wilmet <swilmet@gnome.org> GtkSourceView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkSourceView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --> <language id="python" name="Python" version="2.0" _section="Script"> <metadata> <property name="mimetypes">text/x-python;application/x-python</property> <property name="globs">*.py</property> <property name="line-comment-start">#</property> </metadata> <styles> <style id="module-handler" name="Module Handler" map-to="def:preprocessor"/> <style id="keyword" name="Keyword" map-to="def:keyword"/> <style id="multiline-string" name="Multiline string" map-to="def:string"/> <style id="string" name="String" map-to="def:string"/> <style id="escaped-char" name="Escaped Character" map-to="def:special-char"/> <style id="format" name="Format" map-to="def:character"/> <style id="string-conversion" name="String Conversion"/> <style id="special-variable" name="Special Variable" map-to="def:identifier"/> <style id="boolean" name="Boolean" map-to="def:boolean"/> <style id="floating-point" name="Floating point number" map-to="def:floating-point"/> <style id="decimal" name="Decimal number" map-to="def:decimal"/> <style id="base-n-integer" name="Base-N number" map-to="def:base-n-integer"/> <style id="complex" name="Complex number" map-to="def:complex"/> <style id="builtin-constant" name="Builtin Constant" map-to="def:special-constant"/> <style id="builtin-object" name="Builtin Object" map-to="def:type"/> <style id="builtin-function" name="Builtin Function" map-to="def:builtin"/> <style id="function-name" name="Function Name" map-to="def:function"/> <style id="class-name" name="Class Name" map-to="def:function"/> <style id="decorator" name="Decorator" map-to="def:preprocessor"/> </styles> <definitions> <define-regex id="identifier">[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*</define-regex> <define-regex id="number">[1-9][0-9]*</define-regex> <define-regex id="identifier-path" extended="true"> (\%{identifier}\.)*\%{identifier} </define-regex> <define-regex id="relative-path" extended="true"> (\.*\%{identifier-path}|\.+) </define-regex> <!-- http://docs.python.org/lib/typesseq-strings.html --> <context id="format" style-ref="format" extend-parent="false"> <match extended="true"> % # leading % sign \(\%{identifier}\)? # mapping key [#0\-\ \+]* # conversion flags (\-?\%{number}|\*)? # minimum field width (\.(\-?\%{number}|\*))? # precision (hlL)? # lentgh modifier [diouxXeEfFgGcrs%] # conversion type </match> </context> <!-- http://docs.python.org/ref/strings.html --> <context id="escaped-char" style-ref="escaped-char" extend-parent="true"> <match extended="true"> \\( # leading backslash [\\'"abfnrtv] | # single escaped char N\{[0-9A-Z\ -]+\} | # named unicode character u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4} | # xxxx - character with 16-bit hex value xxxx U[0-9A-Fa-f]{8} | # xxxxxxxx - character with 32-bit hex value xxxxxxxx x[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2} | # \xhh - character with hex value hh [0-7]{1,3} # \ooo - character with octal value ooo ) </match> </context> <define-regex id="string-prefix">(u|U)?</define-regex> <define-regex id="raw-string-prefix">(r|ur|R|UR|Ur|uR)</define-regex> <context id="multiline-double-quoted-string" style-ref="multiline-string" class="string" class-disabled="no-spell-check"> <start>\%{string-prefix}"""</start> <end>"""</end> <include> <context ref="format"/> <context ref="escaped-char"/> </include> </context> <context id="multiline-single-quoted-string" style-ref="multiline-string" class="string" class-disabled="no-spell-check"> <start>\%{string-prefix}'''</start> <end>'''</end> <include> <context ref="format"/> <context ref="escaped-char"/> </include> </context> <context id="double-quoted-string" style-ref="string" end-at-line-end="true" class="string" class-disabled="no-spell-check"> <start>\%{string-prefix}"</start> <end>"</end> <include> <context ref="format"/> <context ref="escaped-char"/> <context ref="def:line-continue"/> </include> </context> <context id="single-quoted-string" style-ref="string" end-at-line-end="true" class="string" class-disabled="no-spell-check"> <start>\%{string-prefix}'</start> <end>'</end> <include> <context ref="format"/> <context ref="escaped-char"/> <context ref="def:line-continue"/> </include> </context> <context id="multiline-double-quoted-raw-string" style-ref="multiline-string" class="string" class-disabled="no-spell-check"> <start>\%{raw-string-prefix}"""</start> <end>"""</end> <include> <context ref="format"/> <context ref="escaped-char" ignore-style="true"/> </include> </context> <context id="multiline-single-quoted-raw-string" style-ref="multiline-string" class="string" class-disabled="no-spell-check"> <start>\%{raw-string-prefix}'''</start> <end>'''</end> <include> <context ref="format"/> <context ref="escaped-char" ignore-style="true"/> </include> </context> <context id="double-quoted-raw-string" style-ref="string" end-at-line-end="true" class="string" class-disabled="no-spell-check"> <start>\%{raw-string-prefix}"</start> <end>"</end> <include> <context ref="format"/> <context ref="escaped-char" ignore-style="true"/> <context ref="def:line-continue" ignore-style="true"/> </include> </context> <context id="single-quoted-raw-string" style-ref="string" end-at-line-end="true" class="string" class-disabled="no-spell-check"> <start>\%{raw-string-prefix}'</start> <end>'</end> <include> <context ref="format"/> <context ref="escaped-char" ignore-style="true"/> <context ref="def:line-continue" ignore-style="true"/> </include> </context> <context id="string-conversion" style-ref="string-conversion" end-at-line-end="true"> <start>`</start> <end>`</end> <include> <context ref="python"/> </include> </context> <context id="special-variables" style-ref="special-variable"> <prefix>(?<![\w\.])</prefix> <keyword>self</keyword> <keyword>__name__</keyword> <keyword>__debug__</keyword> </context> <context id="boolean" style-ref="boolean"> <prefix>(?<![\w\.])</prefix> <keyword>False</keyword> <keyword>True</keyword> </context> <define-regex id="float" extended="true"> ( (\d+)?\.\d+ | \d+\. ) | ( (\d+|(\d+)?\.\d+|\d+\.)[eE][+-]?\d+ ) </define-regex> <context id="complex" style-ref="complex"> <match>(?<![\w\.])(\%{float}|\d+)[jJ]\b</match> </context> <context id="float" style-ref="floating-point"> <match>(?<![\w\.])\%{float}(?![\w\.])</match> </context> <context id="decimal" style-ref="decimal"> <match>(?<![\w\.])([1-9][0-9]*|0)[lL]?(?![\w\.])</match> </context> <context id="octal" style-ref="base-n-integer"> <match>(?<![\w\.])0[0-7]+[lL]?(?![\w\.])</match> </context> <context id="hex" style-ref="base-n-integer"> <match>(?<![\w\.])0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f]+[lL]?(?![\w\.])</match> </context> <context id="module-handler-from"> <match extended="true"> (from) \s+ (\%{relative-path}) </match> <include> <context sub-pattern="1" style-ref="module-handler"/> <context sub-pattern="2" style-ref="class-name"/> </include> </context> <context id="module-handler" style-ref="module-handler"> <keyword>import</keyword> <keyword>from</keyword> <keyword>as</keyword> </context> <!-- 'def' is also present in the 'keyword' context, but has a lower priority, so 'def' is highlighted even if the function name doesn't match. --> <context id="function-definition"> <match extended="true"> (def) \s+ (\%{identifier}) </match> <include> <context sub-pattern="1" style-ref="keyword"/> <context sub-pattern="2" style-ref="function-name"/> </include> </context> <!-- 'class' is also present in the 'keyword' context, but has a lower priority, so 'class' is highlighted even if the class name doesn't match. --> <context id="class-definition"> <match extended="true"> (class) \s+ (\%{identifier}) </match> <include> <context sub-pattern="1" style-ref="keyword"/> <context sub-pattern="2" style-ref="class-name"/> </include> </context> <context id="decorator" style-ref="decorator"> <match>@\%{identifier-path}</match> </context> <context id="keywords" style-ref="keyword"> <keyword>and</keyword> <keyword>assert</keyword> <keyword>break</keyword> <keyword>class</keyword> <keyword>continue</keyword> <keyword>def</keyword> <keyword>del</keyword> <keyword>elif</keyword> <keyword>else</keyword> <keyword>except</keyword> <keyword>finally</keyword> <keyword>for</keyword> <keyword>global</keyword> <keyword>if</keyword> <keyword>in</keyword> <keyword>is</keyword> <keyword>lambda</keyword> <keyword>not</keyword> <keyword>or</keyword> <keyword>pass</keyword> <keyword>raise</keyword> <keyword>return</keyword> <keyword>try</keyword> <keyword>while</keyword> <keyword>with</keyword> <keyword>yield</keyword> </context> <context id="2x-only-keywords" style-ref="keyword"> <keyword>exec</keyword> <keyword>print</keyword> </context> <context id="builtin-constants" style-ref="builtin-constant"> <prefix>(?<![\w\.])</prefix> <keyword>Ellipsis</keyword> <keyword>None</keyword> <keyword>NotImplemented</keyword> </context> <context id="builtin-objects" style-ref="builtin-object"> <prefix>(?<![\w\.])</prefix> <keyword>ArithmeticError</keyword> <keyword>AssertionError</keyword> <keyword>AttributeError</keyword> <keyword>EnvironmentError</keyword> <keyword>EOFError</keyword> <keyword>Exception</keyword> <keyword>FloatingPointError</keyword> <keyword>ImportError</keyword> <keyword>IndentationError</keyword> <keyword>IndexError</keyword> <keyword>IOError</keyword> <keyword>KeyboardInterrupt</keyword> <keyword>KeyError</keyword> <keyword>LookupError</keyword> <keyword>MemoryError</keyword> <keyword>NameError</keyword> <keyword>NotImplementedError</keyword> <keyword>OSError</keyword> <keyword>OverflowError</keyword> <keyword>ReferenceError</keyword> <keyword>RuntimeError</keyword> <keyword>StandardError</keyword> <keyword>StopIteration</keyword> <keyword>SyntaxError</keyword> <keyword>SystemError</keyword> <keyword>SystemExit</keyword> <keyword>TabError</keyword> <keyword>TypeError</keyword> <keyword>UnboundLocalError</keyword> <keyword>UnicodeDecodeError</keyword> <keyword>UnicodeEncodeError</keyword> <keyword>UnicodeError</keyword> <keyword>UnicodeTranslateError</keyword> <keyword>ValueError</keyword> <keyword>WindowsError</keyword> <keyword>ZeroDivisionError</keyword> <keyword>Warning</keyword> <keyword>UserWarning</keyword> <keyword>DeprecationWarning</keyword> <keyword>PendingDeprecationWarning</keyword> <keyword>SyntaxWarning</keyword> <keyword>OverflowWarning</keyword> <keyword>RuntimeWarning</keyword> <keyword>FutureWarning</keyword> </context> <context id="builtin-functions" style-ref="builtin-function"> <prefix>(?<![\w\.])</prefix> <keyword>__import__</keyword> <keyword>abs</keyword> <keyword>all</keyword> <keyword>any</keyword> <keyword>bin</keyword> <keyword>bool</keyword> <keyword>callable</keyword> <keyword>chr</keyword> <keyword>classmethod</keyword> <keyword>compile</keyword> <keyword>complex</keyword> <keyword>delattr</keyword> <keyword>dict</keyword> <keyword>dir</keyword> <keyword>divmod</keyword> <keyword>enumerate</keyword> <keyword>eval</keyword> <keyword>filter</keyword> <keyword>float</keyword> <keyword>format</keyword> <keyword>frozenset</keyword> <keyword>getattr</keyword> <keyword>globals</keyword> <keyword>hasattr</keyword> <keyword>hash</keyword> <keyword>hex</keyword> <keyword>id</keyword> <keyword>input</keyword> <keyword>int</keyword> <keyword>isinstance</keyword> <keyword>issubclass</keyword> <keyword>iter</keyword> <keyword>len</keyword> <keyword>list</keyword> <keyword>locals</keyword> <keyword>map</keyword> <keyword>max</keyword> <keyword>min</keyword> <keyword>object</keyword> <keyword>oct</keyword> <keyword>open</keyword> <keyword>ord</keyword> <keyword>pow</keyword> <keyword>property</keyword> <keyword>range</keyword> <keyword>repr</keyword> <keyword>reversed</keyword> <keyword>round</keyword> <keyword>setattr</keyword> <keyword>set</keyword> <keyword>slice</keyword> <keyword>sorted</keyword> <keyword>staticmethod</keyword> <keyword>str</keyword> <keyword>sum</keyword> <keyword>super</keyword> <keyword>tuple</keyword> <keyword>type</keyword> <keyword>vars</keyword> <keyword>zip</keyword> </context> <context id="2x-only-builtin-functions" style-ref="builtin-function"> <prefix>(?<![\w\.])</prefix> <keyword>apply</keyword> <keyword>basestring</keyword> <keyword>buffer</keyword> <keyword>cmp</keyword> <keyword>coerce</keyword> <keyword>execfile</keyword> <keyword>file</keyword> <keyword>intern</keyword> <keyword>long</keyword> <keyword>raw_input</keyword> <keyword>reduce</keyword> <keyword>reload</keyword> <keyword>unichr</keyword> <keyword>unicode</keyword> <keyword>xrange</keyword> </context> <context id="python" class="no-spell-check"> <include> <context ref="def:shebang"/> <context ref="def:shell-like-comment"/> <context ref="multiline-double-quoted-string"/> <context ref="multiline-single-quoted-string"/> <context ref="double-quoted-string"/> <context ref="single-quoted-string"/> <context ref="multiline-double-quoted-raw-string"/> <context ref="multiline-single-quoted-raw-string"/> <context ref="double-quoted-raw-string"/> <context ref="single-quoted-raw-string"/> <context ref="string-conversion"/> <context ref="special-variables"/> <context ref="boolean"/> <context ref="complex"/> <context ref="float"/> <context ref="decimal"/> <context ref="octal"/> <context ref="hex"/> <context ref="module-handler-from"/> <context ref="module-handler"/> <context ref="function-definition"/> <context ref="class-definition"/> <context ref="decorator"/> <context ref="keywords"/> <context ref="2x-only-keywords"/> <context ref="builtin-constants"/> <context ref="builtin-objects"/> <context ref="builtin-functions"/> <context ref="2x-only-builtin-functions"/> </include> </context> </definitions> </language>
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