<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- This file is part of GtkSourceView Author: Archit Baweja <bighead@users.sourceforge.net> Copyright (C) 2004 Archit Baweja <bighead@users.sourceforge.net> Copyright (C) 2005 Michael Witrant <mike@lepton.fr> Copyright (C) 2006 Gabriel Bauman <gabe@codehaus.org> Copyright (C) 2013 Jesse van den Kieboom <jessevdk@gnome.org> GtkSourceView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkSourceView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --> <language id="ruby" name="Ruby" version="2.0" _section="Script"> <metadata> <property name="mimetypes">application/x-ruby;text/x-ruby</property> <property name="globs">*.rb;*.rake;*.gemspec;Rakefile;Capfile;Gemfile</property> <property name="line-comment-start">#</property> </metadata> <styles> <style id="escape" name="Escaped Character" map-to="def:special-char"/> <style id="comment" name="Comment" map-to="def:comment"/> <style id="attribute-definition" name="Attribute Definition" map-to="def:statement"/> <style id="module-handler" name="Module handler" map-to="def:preprocessor"/> <style id="keyword" name="Keyword" map-to="def:keyword"/> <style id="nil-value" name="Nil Constant" map-to="def:special-constant"/> <style id="boolean" name="Boolean value" map-to="def:boolean"/> <style id="floating-point" name="Floating point number" map-to="def:floating-point"/> <style id="decimal" name="Decimal number" map-to="def:decimal"/> <style id="base-n-integer" name="Base-N number" map-to="def:base-n-integer"/> <style id="numeric-literal" name="Numeric literal" map-to="def:base-n-integer"/> <style id="string" name="String" map-to="def:string"/> <style id="literal" name="Literal" map-to="def:special-char"/> <style id="builtin" name="Builtin" map-to="def:type"/> <style id="constant" name="Constant" map-to="def:type"/> <style id="symbol" name="Symbol" map-to="def:string"/> <style id="special-variable" name="Special Variable" map-to="def:identifier"/> <style id="predefined-variable" name="Predefined Variable" map-to="def:identifier"/> <style id="variable" name="Variable" map-to="def:identifier"/> <style id="here-doc" name="Heredoc" map-to="def:string" /> <style id="here-doc-bound" name="Heredoc Bound" map-to="def:string"/> <style id="regex" name="Regular Expression" map-to="def:identifier"/> </styles> <definitions> <context id="escape" style-ref="escape"> <match>\\((0-7){3}|(x[a-fA-F0-9]{2})|(c\S)|([CM]-\S)|(M-C-\S)|.)</match> </context> <context id="multiline-comment" style-ref="comment" class="comment" class-disabled="no-spell-check"> <start>^=begin</start> <end>^=end</end> <include> <context ref="escape"/> <context ref="def:in-comment"/> </include> </context> <context id="attribute-definitions" style-ref="attribute-definition"> <keyword>attr</keyword> <keyword>attr_writer</keyword> <keyword>attr_reader</keyword> <keyword>attr_accessor</keyword> </context> <context id="definitions" style-ref="keyword"> <!-- do not highlight the .class method --> <prefix>(?<![\w\.])</prefix> <keyword>alias</keyword> <keyword>class</keyword> <keyword>module</keyword> <keyword>def</keyword> <keyword>undef</keyword> </context> <context id="module-handlers" style-ref="module-handler"> <keyword>require</keyword> <keyword>include</keyword> <keyword>load</keyword> </context> <context id="keywords" style-ref="keyword"> <keyword>BEGIN</keyword> <keyword>END</keyword> <keyword>and</keyword> <keyword>begin</keyword> <keyword>break</keyword> <keyword>case</keyword> <keyword>catch</keyword> <keyword>defined?</keyword> <keyword>do</keyword> <keyword>else</keyword> <keyword>elsif</keyword> <keyword>end</keyword> <keyword>ensure</keyword> <keyword>for</keyword> <keyword>if</keyword> <keyword>in</keyword> <keyword>next</keyword> <keyword>not</keyword> <keyword>or</keyword> <keyword>private</keyword> <keyword>protected</keyword> <keyword>public</keyword> <keyword>redo</keyword> <keyword>rescue</keyword> <keyword>retry</keyword> <keyword>return</keyword> <keyword>then</keyword> <keyword>throw</keyword> <keyword>unless</keyword> <keyword>until</keyword> <keyword>when</keyword> <keyword>while</keyword> <keyword>yield</keyword> </context> <context id="builtins" style-ref="builtin"> <keyword>ARGF</keyword> <keyword>ARGV</keyword> <keyword>Abbrev</keyword> <keyword>ArgumentError</keyword> <keyword>Array</keyword> <keyword>Base64</keyword> <keyword>Benchmark::Tms</keyword> <keyword>Benchmark</keyword> <keyword>Bignum</keyword> <keyword>Binding</keyword> <keyword>CGI::Cookie</keyword> <keyword>CGI::HtmlExtension</keyword> <keyword>CGI::QueryExtension</keyword> <keyword>CGI::Session::FileStore</keyword> <keyword>CGI::Session::MemoryStore</keyword> <keyword>CGI::Session</keyword> <keyword>CGI</keyword> <keyword>Class</keyword> <keyword>Comparable</keyword> <keyword>Complex</keyword> <keyword>ConditionVariable</keyword> <keyword>Continuation</keyword> <keyword>DATA</keyword> <keyword>Data</keyword> <keyword>Date</keyword> <keyword>DateTime</keyword> <keyword>Delegator</keyword> <keyword>Dir</keyword> <keyword>ENV</keyword> <keyword>EOFError</keyword> <keyword>ERB::Util</keyword> <keyword>ERB</keyword> <keyword>Enumerable::Enumerator</keyword> <keyword>Enumerable</keyword> <keyword>Errno</keyword> <keyword>Exception</keyword> <keyword>FalseClass</keyword> <keyword>File::Constants</keyword> <keyword>File::Stat</keyword> <keyword>File</keyword> <keyword>FileTest</keyword> <keyword>FileUtils::DryRun</keyword> <keyword>FileUtils::NoWrite</keyword> <keyword>FileUtils::StreamUtils</keyword> <keyword>FileUtils::Verbose</keyword> <keyword>FileUtils</keyword> <keyword>Find</keyword> <keyword>Fixnum</keyword> <keyword>Float</keyword> <keyword>FloatDomainError</keyword> <keyword>Forwardable</keyword> <keyword>GC</keyword> <keyword>Generator</keyword> <keyword>Hash</keyword> <keyword>IO</keyword> <keyword>IOError</keyword> <keyword>Iconv::BrokenLibrary</keyword> <keyword>Iconv::Failure</keyword> <keyword>Iconv::IllegalSequence</keyword> <keyword>Iconv::InvalidCharacter</keyword> <keyword>Iconv::InvalidEncoding</keyword> <keyword>Iconv::OutOfRange</keyword> <keyword>Iconv</keyword> <keyword>IndexError</keyword> <keyword>Integer</keyword> <keyword>Interrupt</keyword> <keyword>Kernel</keyword> <keyword>LoadError</keyword> <keyword>LocalJumpError</keyword> <keyword>Logger::Application</keyword> <keyword>Logger::Error</keyword> <keyword>Logger::Formatter</keyword> <keyword>Logger::LogDevice::LogDeviceMutex</keyword> <keyword>Logger::LogDevice</keyword> <keyword>Logger::Severity</keyword> <keyword>Logger::ShiftingError</keyword> <keyword>Logger</keyword> <keyword>Marshal</keyword> <keyword>MatchData</keyword> <keyword>Math</keyword> <keyword>Matrix</keyword> <keyword>Method</keyword> <keyword>Module</keyword> <keyword>Mutex</keyword> <keyword>NameError::message</keyword> <keyword>NameError</keyword> <keyword>NilClass</keyword> <keyword>NoMemoryError</keyword> <keyword>NoMethodError</keyword> <keyword>NotImplementedError</keyword> <keyword>Numeric</keyword> <keyword>Object</keyword> <keyword>ObjectSpace</keyword> <keyword>Observable</keyword> <keyword>PStore::Error</keyword> <keyword>PStore</keyword> <keyword>Pathname</keyword> <keyword>Precision</keyword> <keyword>Proc</keyword> <keyword>Process::GID</keyword> <keyword>Process::Status</keyword> <keyword>Process::Sys</keyword> <keyword>Process::UID</keyword> <keyword>Process</keyword> <keyword>Queue</keyword> <keyword>RUBY_PLATFORM</keyword> <keyword>RUBY_RELEASE_DATE</keyword> <keyword>RUBY_VERSION</keyword> <keyword>Range</keyword> <keyword>RangeError</keyword> <keyword>Rational</keyword> <keyword>Regexp</keyword> <keyword>RegexpError</keyword> <keyword>RuntimeError</keyword> <keyword>STDERR</keyword> <keyword>STDIN</keyword> <keyword>STDOUT</keyword> <keyword>ScriptError</keyword> <keyword>SecurityError</keyword> <keyword>Set</keyword> <keyword>Shellwords</keyword> <keyword>Signal</keyword> <keyword>SignalException</keyword> <keyword>SimpleDelegator</keyword> <keyword>SingleForwardable</keyword> <keyword>Singleton</keyword> <keyword>SingletonClassMethods</keyword> <keyword>SizedQueue</keyword> <keyword>SortedSet</keyword> <keyword>StandardError</keyword> <keyword>String</keyword> <keyword>StringIO</keyword> <keyword>StringScanner::Error</keyword> <keyword>StringScanner</keyword> <keyword>Struct::Tms</keyword> <keyword>Struct</keyword> <keyword>Symbol</keyword> <keyword>SyncEnumerator</keyword> <keyword>SyntaxError</keyword> <keyword>SystemCallError</keyword> <keyword>SystemExit</keyword> <keyword>SystemStackError</keyword> <keyword>Tempfile</keyword> <keyword>Test::Unit</keyword> <keyword>Test</keyword> <keyword>Thread</keyword> <keyword>ThreadError</keyword> <keyword>ThreadGroup</keyword> <keyword>ThreadsWait</keyword> <keyword>Time</keyword> <keyword>Timeout::Error</keyword> <keyword>Timeout</keyword> <keyword>TrueClass</keyword> <keyword>TypeError</keyword> <keyword>URI::BadURIError</keyword> <keyword>URI::Error</keyword> <keyword>URI::Escape</keyword> <keyword>URI::FTP</keyword> <keyword>URI::Generic</keyword> <keyword>URI::HTTP</keyword> <keyword>URI::HTTPS</keyword> <keyword>URI::InvalidComponentError</keyword> <keyword>URI::InvalidURIError</keyword> <keyword>URI::LDAP</keyword> <keyword>URI::MailTo</keyword> <keyword>URI::REGEXP::PATTERN</keyword> <keyword>URI::REGEXP</keyword> <keyword>URI</keyword> <keyword>UnboundMethod</keyword> <keyword>Vector</keyword> <keyword>YAML</keyword> <keyword>ZeroDivisionError</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::BufError</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::DataError</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::Deflate</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::Error</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::GzipFile::CRCError</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::GzipFile::Error</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::GzipFile::LengthError</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::GzipFile::NoFooter</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::GzipFile</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::GzipReader</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::GzipWriter</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::Inflate</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::MemError</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::NeedDict</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::StreamEnd</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::StreamError</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::VersionError</keyword> <keyword>Zlib::ZStream</keyword> <keyword>Zlib</keyword> <keyword>fatal</keyword> </context> <context id="special-variables" style-ref="special-variable"> <keyword>self</keyword> <keyword>super</keyword> <keyword>__FILE__</keyword> <keyword>__LINE__</keyword> </context> <context id="predefined-variables" style-ref="predefined-variable"> <match extended="true"> \$([!$&"'*+,./0:;<=>?@\`~1-9]| -[0FIKadilpvw]| (deferr|defout|stderr|stdin|stdout| DEBUG|FILENAME|KCODE|LOADED_FEATURES|LOAD_PATH| PROGRAM_NAME|SAFE|VERBOSE)\b) </match> </context> <context id="global-variables" style-ref="variable"> <match>\$[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*</match> </context> <context id="class-variables" style-ref="variable"> <match>@@[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*</match> </context> <context id="instance-variables" style-ref="variable"> <match>@[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*</match> </context> <context id="symbols" style-ref="symbol"> <match>(?<!:):[a-zA-Z0-9_]+</match> </context> <context id="regexp-variables" style-ref="regex"> <match>\$[1-9][0-9]*</match> </context> <context id="constants" style-ref="constant"> <match>(::)?\b[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\b</match> </context> <context id="nil-value" style-ref="nil-value"> <keyword>NIL</keyword> <keyword>nil</keyword> </context> <context id="boolean" style-ref="boolean"> <keyword>FALSE</keyword> <keyword>TRUE</keyword> <keyword>false</keyword> <keyword>true</keyword> </context> <define-regex id="underscore_num">\d(_?\d)*</define-regex> <define-regex id="float" extended="true"> ( \%{underscore_num}\.\%{underscore_num} ) | ( (\%{underscore_num}(\.\%{underscore_num})?)[eE][+-]?\%{underscore_num} ) </define-regex> <context id="float" style-ref="floating-point"> <match>(?<![\w\.])\%{float}(?![\w\.])</match> </context> <context id="decimal" style-ref="decimal"> <match>(?<![\w\.])([1-9](_?[0-9])*|0)(?![\w\.])</match> </context> <context id="hex" style-ref="base-n-integer"> <match>(?<![\w\.])0[xX][0-9A-Fa-f](_?[0-9A-Fa-f])*(?![\w\.])</match> </context> <context id="octal" style-ref="base-n-integer"> <match>(?<![\w\.])0[0-7](_?[0-7])*(?![\w\.])</match> </context> <context id="binary" style-ref="base-n-integer"> <match>(?<![\w\.])0[bB][01](_?[01])*(?![\w\.])</match> </context> <context id="numeric-literal" style-ref="numeric-literal"> <match>(?<![\w\.])\?((\\[MC]-){1,2}|\\?)\S</match> </context> <!-- in double quotes and backticks --> <context id="simple-interpolation"> <start>#(?=[@$])</start> <!-- need assertion to not highlight single # --> <end></end> <include> <context ref="class-variables"/> <context ref="instance-variables"/> <context ref="global-variables"/> </include> </context> <!-- in double quotes and backticks --> <!-- FIXME: really would like for the syntax highlight to go back to none here, as any ruby code could go here --> <context id="complex-interpolation"> <start>#{</start> <end>}</end> <include> <context ref="ruby:*"/> </include> </context> <context id="inside-interpolated-string"> <include> <context ref="escape"/> <context ref="def:line-continue"/> <context ref="complex-interpolation"/> <context ref="simple-interpolation"/> </include> </context> <!-- ruby strings do not end at line end, so we cannot use def:string (parts lifted from perl.lang) --> <context id="double-quoted-string" style-ref="string" class="string" class-disabled="no-spell-check"> <start>"</start> <end>"</end> <include> <context ref="inside-interpolated-string"/> </include> </context> <context id="single-quoted-string" style-ref="string" class="string" class-disabled="no-spell-check"> <start>'</start> <end>'</end> <include> <context style-ref="escape"> <match>\\['\\]</match> </context> </include> </context> <context id="backtick-quoted-string" style-ref="string"> <start>`</start> <end>`</end> <include> <context ref="inside-interpolated-string"/> </include> </context> <context id="here-doc-string" style-ref="here-doc" style-inside="true"> <start><<([a-zA-Z_]\w*)</start> <end>^\%{1@start}</end> <include> <context ref="inside-interpolated-string"/> </include> </context> <context id="here-doc-indented-string" style-ref="here-doc" style-inside="true"> <start><<-([a-zA-Z_]\w*)</start> <end>^\s*\%{1@start}</end> <include> <context ref="inside-interpolated-string"/> </include> </context> <context id="here-doc-single-quoted-string" style-ref="here-doc" style-inside="true"> <start><<'(\w+)'</start> <end>^\%{1@start}</end> <include> <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="here-doc-bound"/> <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="here-doc-bound"/> </include> </context> <context id="here-doc-double-quoted-string" style-ref="here-doc" style-inside="true"> <start><<"(\w+)"</start> <end>^\%{1@start}</end> <include> <context sub-pattern="0" where="start" style-ref="here-doc-bound"/> <context sub-pattern="0" where="end" style-ref="here-doc-bound"/> <context ref="inside-interpolated-string"/> </include> </context> <context id="interpolated-literal"> <include> <context style-ref="string" style-inside="true"> <start>[%][QWx]?\(</start> <end>\)</end> <include> <context where="start" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context where="end" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context ref="inside-interpolated-string"/> <context> <start>\(</start> <end>\)</end> </context> </include> </context> <context style-ref="string" style-inside="true" > <start>[%][QWx]?\[</start> <end>]</end> <include> <context where="start" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context where="end" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context ref="inside-interpolated-string"/> <context> <start>\[</start> <end>]</end> </context> </include> </context> <context style-ref="string" style-inside="true"> <start>[%][QWx]?{</start> <end>}</end> <include> <context where="start" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context where="end" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context ref="inside-interpolated-string"/> <context> <start>{</start> <end>}</end> </context> </include> </context> <context style-ref="string" style-inside="true"> <start>[%][QWx]?<</start> <end>></end> <include> <context where="start" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context where="end" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context ref="inside-interpolated-string"/> <context> <start><</start> <end>></end> </context> </include> </context> <context style-ref="string" style-inside="true"> <start>[%][QWx]?([^[:alnum:]{<[(])</start> <end>\%{1@start}</end> <include> <context where="start" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context where="end" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context ref="inside-interpolated-string"/> </include> </context> </include> </context> <context id="non-interpolated-literal"> <include> <context style-ref="string" style-inside="true"> <start>[%][qsw]\(</start> <end>\)</end> <include> <context where="start" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context where="end" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context style-ref="escape"> <match>\\['\\]</match> </context> <context> <start>\(</start> <end>\)</end> </context> </include> </context> <context style-ref="string" style-inside="true"> <start>[%][qsw]\[</start> <end>]</end> <include> <context where="start" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context where="end" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context style-ref="escape"> <match>\\['\\]</match> </context> <context> <start>\[</start> <end>]</end> </context> </include> </context> <context style-ref="string" style-inside="true"> <start>[%][qsw]\{</start> <end>\}</end> <include> <context where="start" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context where="end" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context style-ref="escape"> <match>\\['\\]</match> </context> <context> <start>\{</start> <end>\}</end> </context> </include> </context> <context style-ref="string" style-inside="true"> <start>[%][qsw]<</start> <end>></end> <include> <context where="start" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context where="end" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context style-ref="escape"> <match>\\['\\]</match> </context> <context> <start><</start> <end>></end> </context> </include> </context> <context style-ref="string" style-inside="true"> <start>[%][qsw]([^[:alnum:]{<[(])</start> <end>\%{1@start}</end> <include> <context where="start" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context where="end" sub-pattern="0" style-ref="literal"/> <context style-ref="escape"> <match>\\['\\]</match> </context> </include> </context> </include> </context> <define-regex id="regex-opts">[iomx]*[neus]?[iomx]*</define-regex> <context id="regex-bracketed" style-ref="escape" style-inside="true"> <start>(?<!\\)[[]</start> <end>(?<!\\)]</end> </context> <context id="regex-alt-form" style-ref="regex"> <start>\%r\|</start> <end>\|\%{regex-opts}</end> <include> <context ref="escape"/> <context ref="def:line-continue"/> <context ref="complex-interpolation"/> <context ref="simple-interpolation"/> <context ref="regex-bracketed"/> </include> </context> <context id="regex-simple" style-ref="regex"> <start extended="true"> ((?<=([(]|\s))|^) \/ (?= ([^/\\]*(\\.))* [^/]* \/ \%{regex-opts} ([),;.]|\s|$) )</start> <end>\/\%{regex-opts}</end> <include> <context ref="escape"/> <context ref="def:line-continue"/> <context ref="complex-interpolation"/> <context ref="simple-interpolation"/> <context ref="regex-bracketed"/> </include> </context> <context id="ruby" class="no-spell-check"> <include> <context ref="def:shebang"/> <context ref="def:shell-like-comment"/> <context ref="multiline-comment"/> <context ref="here-doc-single-quoted-string"/> <context ref="here-doc-double-quoted-string"/> <context ref="here-doc-string"/> <context ref="here-doc-indented-string"/> <context ref="double-quoted-string"/> <context ref="single-quoted-string"/> <context ref="backtick-quoted-string"/> <context ref="attribute-definitions"/> <context ref="definitions"/> <context ref="module-handlers"/> <context ref="keywords"/> <context ref="builtins"/> <context ref="special-variables"/> <context ref="predefined-variables"/> <context ref="global-variables"/> <context ref="class-variables"/> <context ref="instance-variables"/> <context ref="symbols"/> <context ref="regexp-variables"/> <context ref="constants"/> <context ref="nil-value"/> <context ref="boolean"/> <context ref="float"/> <context ref="decimal"/> <context ref="hex"/> <context ref="octal"/> <context ref="binary"/> <context ref="numeric-literal"/> <context ref="regex-alt-form"/> <context ref="regex-simple"/> <context ref="non-interpolated-literal"/> <context ref="interpolated-literal"/> </include> </context> </definitions> </language>
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octave.lang | File | 59.04 KB | 0644 |
ooc.lang | File | 8.51 KB | 0644 |
opal.lang | File | 10.98 KB | 0644 |
opencl.lang | File | 20.36 KB | 0644 |
pascal.lang | File | 8.28 KB | 0644 |
perl.lang | File | 36.08 KB | 0644 |
php.lang | File | 12.04 KB | 0644 |
pig.lang | File | 9.35 KB | 0644 |
pkgconfig.lang | File | 1.93 KB | 0644 |
po.lang | File | 3.33 KB | 0644 |
prolog.lang | File | 8.2 KB | 0644 |
protobuf.lang | File | 4.4 KB | 0644 |
puppet.lang | File | 23.67 KB | 0644 |
python.lang | File | 16.99 KB | 0644 |
python3.lang | File | 7.67 KB | 0644 |
rpmspec.lang | File | 7.5 KB | 0644 |
rst.lang | File | 4.46 KB | 0644 |
ruby.lang | File | 25.7 KB | 0644 |
rust.lang | File | 10.07 KB | 0644 |
scala.lang | File | 12.63 KB | 0644 |
scheme.lang | File | 10.17 KB | 0644 |
scilab.lang | File | 6.87 KB | 0644 |
sh.lang | File | 16.49 KB | 0644 |
sml.lang | File | 6.43 KB | 0644 |
sparql.lang | File | 16.34 KB | 0644 |
sql.lang | File | 22.79 KB | 0644 |
sweave.lang | File | 2.18 KB | 0644 |
swift.lang | File | 16.21 KB | 0644 |
systemverilog.lang | File | 8.6 KB | 0644 |
t2t.lang | File | 5.05 KB | 0644 |
tcl.lang | File | 4.46 KB | 0644 |
tera.lang | File | 5.12 KB | 0644 |
texinfo.lang | File | 15.23 KB | 0644 |
thrift.lang | File | 8.45 KB | 0644 |
toml.lang | File | 8.46 KB | 0644 |
vala.lang | File | 12.83 KB | 0644 |
vbnet.lang | File | 7.78 KB | 0644 |
verilog.lang | File | 15.54 KB | 0644 |
vhdl.lang | File | 7.68 KB | 0644 |
xml.lang | File | 9.17 KB | 0644 |
xslt.lang | File | 3.83 KB | 0644 |
yacc.lang | File | 5.65 KB | 0644 |
yaml.lang | File | 7.02 KB | 0644 |