## Here is an example for Gentoo ebuilds/eclasses, ## and (further down) one for Portage control files. syntax "ebuild" "\.e(build|class|blit)$" comment "#" ## All the standard portage functions: color brightgreen "(^|\<default_)src_(unpack|prepare|configure|compile|install|test)\>" color brightgreen "^pkg_(config|nofetch|info|pretend|setup|(pre|post)(inst|rm))\>" color brightgreen "\<default(_pkg_nofetch|_src_(unpack|prepare|configure|compile|test))?\>" ## Bash-related syntax: color green "\<(break|case|continue|do|done|elif|else|esac|exit|fi|for|function|if|in|read|return|select|shift|then|time|until|while)\>" color green "\<(declare|eval|exec|export|let|local)\>" color green "[{}():;|`$<>!=&\\]" "(\]|\[)" color green "-[defhnrsuwxzL]\>" color green "-(eq|ne|gt|lt|ge|le)\>" ## Variables... official portage ones in red, all others in bright red: color brightred "\$[-0-9@*#?$!]" "\$[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*" color brightred "\$\{[#!]?([-@*#?$!]|[0-9]+|[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*)(\[([[:digit:]]|@)+\])?(([#%/]|:?[-=?+])[^}]*\}|\[|\})" color red "\<(EAPI|ARCH|HOMEPAGE|DESCRIPTION|IUSE|SRC_URI|LICENSE|SLOT|KEYWORDS|[HPR]?DEPEND|PROVIDE|PROPERTIES|REQUIRED_USE|RESTRICT|USERLAND)\>" color red "\<(S|E?D|T|PV|PF|P|PN|PR|PVR|A|CATEGORY|DISTDIR|FILESDIR|EPREFIX|E?ROOT|WORKDIR)\>" color red "\<(AS|C(PP|XX)?|LD)FLAGS\>" "\<C(HOST|TARGET|BUILD)\>" "\<(MERGE_TYPE|REPLACING_VERSIONS|REPLACED_BY_VERSION)\>" color red "\<EBUILD_PHASE(_FUNC)?\>" color red "\<QA_((TEXTRELS|EXECSTACK|WX_LOAD)(_[a-zA-Z_0-9]+)?|DT_HASH|PRESTRIPPED)\>" color red "\<(PATCHES|(HTML_)?DOCS)\>" "\<WANT_(AUTO(CONF|MAKE)|LIBTOOL)\>" "\<AT_M4DIR\>" ## Portage commands: color magenta "\<(use(_(with|enable|if_iuse)|x)?|in_iuse) [!a-zA-Z0-9_+ -]*" "inherit.*" color brightblue "\<e(begin|end|conf|install|make|qmake4|ant|(qa)?warn|infon?|error|log|patch(_user)?|new(group|user))\>" color brightblue "\<e(pause|beep|mktemp|(cvs|svn)_clean|punt_cxx)\>" "\<e(aclocal|auto(reconf|header|conf|make)|libtoolize)\>" color brightblue "\<e(stack|shopts|umask)_(push|pop)\>" "\<version_is_at_least\>" color brightblue "\<make_desktop_entry\>" "\<unpack(_(makeself|pdv))?\>" color brightblue "\<(die|hasv?|inherit|nonfatal)\>" "\<(use(_(with|enable|if_iuse)|x)?|in_iuse)\>" "\<(has|best)_version\>" color brightblue "\<(do|new)(ins|(games)?s?bin|doc|lib(\.so|\.a)?|man|info|exe|initd|confd|envd|pam|menu|icon)\>" color brightblue "\<do(compress|header|python|sed|dir|hard|sym|html|jar|mo)\>" "\<keepdir\>" color brightblue "\<prepall(docs|info|man|strip)?\>" "\<prep(info|lib|lib\.(so|a)|man|strip|gamesdirs)\>" color brightblue "\<(doc|ins|exe)?into\>" "\<(f|games)(owners|perms)\>" "\<(exe|ins|dir)opts\>" color brightblue "\<tc-get(BUILD_)?(AR|AS|CC|CPP|CXX|LD|NM|OBJCOPY|PKG_CONFIG|RANLIB)\>" color brightblue "\<tc-(arch(-kernel)?|export|has-(tls|openmp))\>" ## Common commands used in ebuilds: color blue "\<(awk|cat|cd|chmod|chown|cp|echo|env|find|e?grep|ln|make|mkdir|mv|popd|printf|pushd|rm|rmdir|sed|set|tar|touch|unset|xargs)\>" ## Comments (doesn't work that well): color yellow "(^|[[:space:]])#.*$" ## Strings (doesn't work that well): color brightyellow ""(\\.|[^\"])*"" "'(\\.|[^'])*'" ## Trailing space is bad! color ,green "[[:space:]]+$" ## Mixed whitespace is also bad. color ,green " " syntax "/etc/portage" "\.(accept_keywords|env|keywords|mask|unmask|use)(/.+)?$" comment "#" ## Base text: color green "^.+$" ## Likely version and slot numbers: color magenta "-[[:digit:].]+(_(alpha|beta|pre|rc|p)[[:digit:]]*)*(-r[[:digit:]]+)?([:[:space:]]|$)" color magenta ":[^[:space:]]+([[:space:]]|$)" ## Use flags (must come after version/slot): color brightred "[[:space:]]+\+?[A-Za-z0-9+_@-]+" color brightblue "[[:space:]]+-[A-Za-z0-9+_@-]+" ## Accepted arches: color white "[~-]?\<(alpha|amd64|arm(64)?|hppa|ia64|m68k|mips|nios2|ppc(64)?|riscv|s390|sh|sparc|x86)(-(aix|(f|free|net|open)bsd|cygwin|hpux|interix|linux|macos|mint|solaris|winnt))?\>" color white "[[:space:]][*~-]?\*" ## Categories: color cyan "^[[:space:]]*[^/]*/" ## Masking regulators: color brightmagenta "^[[:space:]]*(=|~|<|<=|>|>=)" ## Comments: color yellow "#.*$" ## Trailing space is bad! color ,green "[[:space:]]+$" ## Mixed whitespace is also bad. color ,green " "
Name | Type | Size | Permission | Actions |
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po.nanorc | File | 900 B | 0644 |
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