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# Copyright (C) 2020 Canonical, Ltd.
# Author: Łukasz 'sil2100' Zemczak <lukasz.zemczak@canonical.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; version 3.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import logging
import os
import subprocess

from collections import defaultdict

import netplan.cli.utils as utils
from netplan.configmanager import ConfigurationError

import netifaces

def _get_target_interface(interfaces, config_manager, pf_link, pfs):
    if pf_link not in pfs:
        # handle the match: syntax, get the actual device name
        pf_match = config_manager.ethernets[pf_link].get('match')
        if pf_match:
            by_name = pf_match.get('name')
            by_mac = pf_match.get('macaddress')
            by_driver = pf_match.get('driver')

            for interface in interfaces:
                if ((by_name and not utils.is_interface_matching_name(interface, by_name)) or
                        (by_mac and not utils.is_interface_matching_macaddress(interface, by_mac)) or
                        (by_driver and not utils.is_interface_matching_driver_name(interface, by_driver))):
                # we have a matching PF
                # store the matching interface in the dictionary of
                # active PFs, but error out if we matched more than one
                if pf_link in pfs:
                    raise ConfigurationError('matched more than one interface for a PF device: %s' % pf_link)
                pfs[pf_link] = interface
            # no match field, assume entry name is interface name
            if pf_link in interfaces:
                pfs[pf_link] = pf_link

    return pfs.get(pf_link, None)

def get_vf_count_and_functions(interfaces, config_manager,
                               vf_counts, vfs, pfs):
    Go through the list of netplan ethernet devices and identify which are
    PFs and VFs, matching the former with actual networking interfaces.
    Count how many VFs each PF will need.
    explicit_counts = {}
    for ethernet, settings in config_manager.ethernets.items():
        if not settings:
        if ethernet == 'renderer':

        # we now also support explicitly stating how many VFs should be
        # allocated for a PF
        explicit_num = settings.get('virtual-function-count')
        if explicit_num:
            pf = _get_target_interface(interfaces, config_manager, ethernet, pfs)
            if pf:
                explicit_counts[pf] = explicit_num

        pf_link = settings.get('link')
        if pf_link and pf_link in config_manager.ethernets:
            _get_target_interface(interfaces, config_manager, pf_link, pfs)

            if pf_link in pfs:
                vf_counts[pfs[pf_link]] += 1
                logging.warning('could not match physical interface for the defined PF: %s' % pf_link)
                # continue looking for other VFs

            # we can't yet perform matching on VFs as those are only
            # created later - but store, for convenience, all the valid
            # VFs that we encounter so far
            vfs[ethernet] = None

    # sanity check: since we can explicitly state the VF count, make sure
    # that this number isn't smaller than the actual number of VFs declared
    # the explicit number also overrides the number of actual VFs
    for pf, count in explicit_counts.items():
        if pf in vf_counts and vf_counts[pf] > count:
            raise ConfigurationError(
                'more VFs allocated than the explicit size declared: %s > %s' % (vf_counts[pf], count))
        vf_counts[pf] = count

def set_numvfs_for_pf(pf, vf_count):
    Allocate the required number of VFs for the selected PF.
    if vf_count > 256:
        raise ConfigurationError(
            'cannot allocate more VFs for PF %s than the SR-IOV maximum: %s > 256' % (pf, vf_count))

    devdir = os.path.join('/sys/class/net', pf, 'device')
    numvfs_path = os.path.join(devdir, 'sriov_numvfs')
    totalvfs_path = os.path.join(devdir, 'sriov_totalvfs')
        with open(totalvfs_path) as f:
            vf_max = int(f.read().strip())
    except IOError as e:
        raise RuntimeError('failed parsing sriov_totalvfs for %s: %s' % (pf, str(e)))
    except ValueError:
        raise RuntimeError('invalid sriov_totalvfs value for %s' % pf)

    if vf_count > vf_max:
        raise ConfigurationError(
            'cannot allocate more VFs for PF %s than supported: %s > %s (sriov_totalvfs)' % (pf, vf_count, vf_max))

        with open(numvfs_path, 'w') as f:
    except IOError as e:
        bail = True
        if e.errno == 16:  # device or resource busy
            logging.warning('device or resource busy while setting sriov_numvfs for %s, trying workaround' % pf)
                # doing this in two open/close sequences so that
                # it's as close to writing via shell as possible
                with open(numvfs_path, 'w') as f:
                with open(numvfs_path, 'w') as f:
            except IOError as e_inner:
                e = e_inner
                bail = False
        if bail:
            raise RuntimeError('failed setting sriov_numvfs to %s for %s: %s' % (vf_count, pf, str(e)))

    return True

def perform_hardware_specific_quirks(pf):
    Perform any hardware-specific quirks for the given SR-IOV device to make
    sure all the VF-count changes are applied.
    devdir = os.path.join('/sys/class/net', pf, 'device')
        with open(os.path.join(devdir, 'vendor')) as f:
            device_id = f.read().strip()[2:]
        with open(os.path.join(devdir, 'device')) as f:
            vendor_id = f.read().strip()[2:]
    except IOError as e:
        raise RuntimeError('could not determine vendor and device ID of %s: %s' % (pf, str(e)))

    combined_id = ':'.join([vendor_id, device_id])
    quirk_devices = ()  # TODO: add entries to the list
    if combined_id in quirk_devices:
        # some devices need special handling, so this is the place

        # Currently this part is empty, but has been added as a preemptive
        # measure, as apparently a lot of SR-IOV cards have issues with
        # dynamically allocating VFs. Some cards seem to require a full
        # kernel module reload cycle after changing the sriov_numvfs value
        # for the changes to come into effect.
        # Any identified card/vendor can then be special-cased here, if
        # needed.

def apply_vlan_filter_for_vf(pf, vf, vlan_name, vlan_id, prefix='/'):
    Apply the hardware VLAN filtering for the selected VF.

    # this is more complicated, because to do this, we actually need to have
    # the vf index - just knowing the vf interface name is not enough
    vf_index = None
    # the prefix argument is here only for unit testing purposes
    vf_devdir = os.path.join(prefix, 'sys/class/net', vf, 'device')
    vf_dev_id = os.path.basename(os.readlink(vf_devdir))
    pf_devdir = os.path.join(prefix, 'sys/class/net', pf, 'device')
    for f in os.listdir(pf_devdir):
        if 'virtfn' in f:
            dev_path = os.path.join(pf_devdir, f)
            dev_id = os.path.basename(os.readlink(dev_path))
            if dev_id == vf_dev_id:
                vf_index = f[6:]

    if not vf_index:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'could not determine the VF index for %s while configuring vlan %s' % (vf, vlan_name))

    # now, create the VLAN filter
    # TODO: would be best if we did this directl via python, without calling
    #  the iproute tooling
        subprocess.check_call(['ip', 'link', 'set',
                               'dev', pf,
                               'vf', vf_index,
                               'vlan', str(vlan_id)],
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        raise RuntimeError(
            'failed setting SR-IOV VLAN filter for vlan %s (ip link set command failed)' % vlan_name)

def apply_sriov_config(interfaces, config_manager):
    Go through all interfaces, identify which ones are SR-IOV VFs, create
    them and perform all other necessary setup.

    # for sr-iov devices, we identify VFs by them having a link: field
    # pointing to an PF. So let's browse through all ethernet devices,
    # find all that are VFs and count how many of those are linked to
    # particular PFs, as we need to then set the numvfs for each.
    vf_counts = defaultdict(int)
    # we also store all matches between VF/PF netplan entry names and
    # interface that they're currently matching to
    vfs = {}
    pfs = {}

        interfaces, config_manager, vf_counts, vfs, pfs)

    # setup the required number of VFs per PF
    # at the same time store which PFs got changed in case the NICs
    # require some special quirks for the VF number to change
    vf_count_changed = []
    if vf_counts:
        for pf, vf_count in vf_counts.items():
            if not set_numvfs_for_pf(pf, vf_count):


    if vf_count_changed:
        # some cards need special treatment when we want to change the
        # number of enabled VFs
        for pf in vf_count_changed:

        # also, since the VF number changed, the interfaces list also
        # changed, so we need to refresh it
        interfaces = netifaces.interfaces()

    # now in theory we should have all the new VFs set up and existing;
    # this is needed because we will have to now match the defined VF
    # entries to existing interfaces, otherwise we won't be able to set
    # filtered VLANs for those.
    # XXX: does matching those even make sense?
    for vf in vfs:
        settings = config_manager.ethernets.get(vf)
        match = settings.get('match')
        if match:
            # right now we only match by name, as I don't think matching per
            # driver and/or macaddress makes sense
            by_name = match.get('name')
            # by_mac = match.get('macaddress')
            # by_driver = match.get('driver')
            # TODO: print warning if other matches are provided

            for interface in interfaces:
                if by_name and not utils.is_interface_matching_name(interface, by_name):
                if vf in vfs and vfs[vf]:
                    raise ConfigurationError('matched more than one interface for a VF device: %s' % vf)
                vfs[vf] = interface
            if vf in interfaces:
                vfs[vf] = vf

    filtered_vlans_set = set()
    for vlan, settings in config_manager.vlans.items():
        # there is a special sriov vlan renderer that one can use to mark
        # a selected vlan to be done in hardware (VLAN filtering)
        if settings.get('renderer') == 'sriov':
            # this only works for SR-IOV VF interfaces
            link = settings.get('link')
            vlan_id = settings.get('id')
            if not vlan_id:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    'no id property defined for SR-IOV vlan %s' % vlan)

            vf = vfs.get(link)
            if not vf:
                # it is possible this is not an error, for instance when
                # the configuration has been defined 'for the future'
                # XXX: but maybe we should error out here as well?
                    'SR-IOV vlan defined for %s but link %s is either not a VF or has no matches' % (vlan, link))

            # get the parent pf interface
            # first we fetch the related vf netplan entry
            vf_parent_entry = config_manager.ethernets.get(link).get('link')
            # and finally, get the matched pf interface
            pf = pfs.get(vf_parent_entry)

            if vf in filtered_vlans_set:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    'interface %s for netplan device %s (%s) already has an SR-IOV vlan defined' % (vf, link, vlan))

            apply_vlan_filter_for_vf(pf, vf, vlan, vlan_id)


Name Type Size Permission Actions
__pycache__ Folder 0755
commands Folder 0755
__init__.py File 705 B 0644
core.py File 1.49 KB 0644
sriov.py File 12.8 KB 0644
utils.py File 7.24 KB 0644