[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
package CPAN::Meta::Prereqs;

our $VERSION = '2.150010';

#pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
#pod A CPAN::Meta::Prereqs object represents the prerequisites for a CPAN
#pod distribution or one of its optional features.  Each set of prereqs is
#pod organized by phase and type, as described in L<CPAN::Meta::Prereqs>.
#pod =cut

use Carp qw(confess);
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use CPAN::Meta::Requirements 2.121;

#pod =method new
#pod   my $prereq = CPAN::Meta::Prereqs->new( \%prereq_spec );
#pod This method returns a new set of Prereqs.  The input should look like the
#pod contents of the C<prereqs> field described in L<CPAN::Meta::Spec>, meaning
#pod something more or less like this:
#pod   my $prereq = CPAN::Meta::Prereqs->new({
#pod     runtime => {
#pod       requires => {
#pod         'Some::Module' => '1.234',
#pod         ...,
#pod       },
#pod       ...,
#pod     },
#pod     ...,
#pod   });
#pod You can also construct an empty set of prereqs with:
#pod   my $prereqs = CPAN::Meta::Prereqs->new;
#pod This empty set of prereqs is useful for accumulating new prereqs before finally
#pod dumping the whole set into a structure or string.
#pod =cut

# note we also accept anything matching /\Ax_/i
sub __legal_phases { qw(configure build test runtime develop)   }
sub __legal_types  { qw(requires recommends suggests conflicts) }

# expect a prereq spec from META.json -- rjbs, 2010-04-11
sub new {
  my ($class, $prereq_spec) = @_;
  $prereq_spec ||= {};

  my %is_legal_phase = map {; $_ => 1 } $class->__legal_phases;
  my %is_legal_type  = map {; $_ => 1 } $class->__legal_types;

  my %guts;
  PHASE: for my $phase (keys %$prereq_spec) {
    next PHASE unless $phase =~ /\Ax_/i or $is_legal_phase{$phase};

    my $phase_spec = $prereq_spec->{ $phase };
    next PHASE unless keys %$phase_spec;

    TYPE: for my $type (keys %$phase_spec) {
      next TYPE unless $type =~ /\Ax_/i or $is_legal_type{$type};

      my $spec = $phase_spec->{ $type };

      next TYPE unless keys %$spec;

      $guts{prereqs}{$phase}{$type} = CPAN::Meta::Requirements->from_string_hash(

  return bless \%guts => $class;

#pod =method requirements_for
#pod   my $requirements = $prereqs->requirements_for( $phase, $type );
#pod This method returns a L<CPAN::Meta::Requirements> object for the given
#pod phase/type combination.  If no prerequisites are registered for that
#pod combination, a new CPAN::Meta::Requirements object will be returned, and it may
#pod be added to as needed.
#pod If C<$phase> or C<$type> are undefined or otherwise invalid, an exception will
#pod be raised.
#pod =cut

sub requirements_for {
  my ($self, $phase, $type) = @_;

  confess "requirements_for called without phase" unless defined $phase;
  confess "requirements_for called without type"  unless defined $type;

  unless ($phase =~ /\Ax_/i or grep { $phase eq $_ } $self->__legal_phases) {
    confess "requested requirements for unknown phase: $phase";

  unless ($type =~ /\Ax_/i or grep { $type eq $_ } $self->__legal_types) {
    confess "requested requirements for unknown type: $type";

  my $req = ($self->{prereqs}{$phase}{$type} ||= CPAN::Meta::Requirements->new);

  $req->finalize if $self->is_finalized;

  return $req;

#pod =method phases
#pod   my @phases = $prereqs->phases;
#pod This method returns the list of all phases currently populated in the prereqs
#pod object, suitable for iterating.
#pod =cut

sub phases {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my %is_legal_phase = map {; $_ => 1 } $self->__legal_phases;
  grep { /\Ax_/i or $is_legal_phase{$_} } keys %{ $self->{prereqs} };

#pod =method types_in
#pod   my @runtime_types = $prereqs->types_in('runtime');
#pod This method returns the list of all types currently populated in the prereqs
#pod object for the provided phase, suitable for iterating.
#pod =cut

sub types_in {
  my ($self, $phase) = @_;

  return unless $phase =~ /\Ax_/i or grep { $phase eq $_ } $self->__legal_phases;

  my %is_legal_type  = map {; $_ => 1 } $self->__legal_types;
  grep { /\Ax_/i or $is_legal_type{$_} } keys %{ $self->{prereqs}{$phase} };

#pod =method with_merged_prereqs
#pod   my $new_prereqs = $prereqs->with_merged_prereqs( $other_prereqs );
#pod   my $new_prereqs = $prereqs->with_merged_prereqs( \@other_prereqs );
#pod This method returns a new CPAN::Meta::Prereqs objects in which all the
#pod other prerequisites given are merged into the current set.  This is primarily
#pod provided for combining a distribution's core prereqs with the prereqs of one of
#pod its optional features.
#pod The new prereqs object has no ties to the originals, and altering it further
#pod will not alter them.
#pod =cut

sub with_merged_prereqs {
  my ($self, $other) = @_;

  my @other = blessed($other) ? $other : @$other;

  my @prereq_objs = ($self, @other);

  my %new_arg;

  for my $phase (__uniq(map { $_->phases } @prereq_objs)) {
    for my $type (__uniq(map { $_->types_in($phase) } @prereq_objs)) {

      my $req = CPAN::Meta::Requirements->new;

      for my $prereq (@prereq_objs) {
        my $this_req = $prereq->requirements_for($phase, $type);
        next unless $this_req->required_modules;


      next unless $req->required_modules;

      $new_arg{ $phase }{ $type } = $req->as_string_hash;

  return (ref $self)->new(\%new_arg);

#pod =method merged_requirements
#pod     my $new_reqs = $prereqs->merged_requirements( \@phases, \@types );
#pod     my $new_reqs = $prereqs->merged_requirements( \@phases );
#pod     my $new_reqs = $prereqs->merged_requirements();
#pod This method joins together all requirements across a number of phases
#pod and types into a new L<CPAN::Meta::Requirements> object.  If arguments
#pod are omitted, it defaults to "runtime", "build" and "test" for phases
#pod and "requires" and "recommends" for types.
#pod =cut

sub merged_requirements {
  my ($self, $phases, $types) = @_;
  $phases = [qw/runtime build test/] unless defined $phases;
  $types = [qw/requires recommends/] unless defined $types;

  confess "merged_requirements phases argument must be an arrayref"
    unless ref $phases eq 'ARRAY';
  confess "merged_requirements types argument must be an arrayref"
    unless ref $types eq 'ARRAY';

  my $req = CPAN::Meta::Requirements->new;

  for my $phase ( @$phases ) {
    unless ($phase =~ /\Ax_/i or grep { $phase eq $_ } $self->__legal_phases) {
        confess "requested requirements for unknown phase: $phase";
    for my $type ( @$types ) {
      unless ($type =~ /\Ax_/i or grep { $type eq $_ } $self->__legal_types) {
          confess "requested requirements for unknown type: $type";
      $req->add_requirements( $self->requirements_for($phase, $type) );

  $req->finalize if $self->is_finalized;

  return $req;

#pod =method as_string_hash
#pod This method returns a hashref containing structures suitable for dumping into a
#pod distmeta data structure.  It is made up of hashes and strings, only; there will
#pod be no Prereqs, CPAN::Meta::Requirements, or C<version> objects inside it.
#pod =cut

sub as_string_hash {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my %hash;

  for my $phase ($self->phases) {
    for my $type ($self->types_in($phase)) {
      my $req = $self->requirements_for($phase, $type);
      next unless $req->required_modules;

      $hash{ $phase }{ $type } = $req->as_string_hash;

  return \%hash;

#pod =method is_finalized
#pod This method returns true if the set of prereqs has been marked "finalized," and
#pod cannot be altered.
#pod =cut

sub is_finalized { $_[0]{finalized} }

#pod =method finalize
#pod Calling C<finalize> on a Prereqs object will close it for further modification.
#pod Attempting to make any changes that would actually alter the prereqs will
#pod result in an exception being thrown.
#pod =cut

sub finalize {
  my ($self) = @_;

  $self->{finalized} = 1;

  for my $phase (keys %{ $self->{prereqs} }) {
    $_->finalize for values %{ $self->{prereqs}{$phase} };

#pod =method clone
#pod   my $cloned_prereqs = $prereqs->clone;
#pod This method returns a Prereqs object that is identical to the original object,
#pod but can be altered without affecting the original object.  Finalization does
#pod not survive cloning, meaning that you may clone a finalized set of prereqs and
#pod then modify the clone.
#pod =cut

sub clone {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $clone = (ref $self)->new( $self->as_string_hash );

sub __uniq {
  my (%s, $u);
  grep { defined($_) ? !$s{$_}++ : !$u++ } @_;


# ABSTRACT: a set of distribution prerequisites by phase and type


=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

CPAN::Meta::Prereqs - a set of distribution prerequisites by phase and type

=head1 VERSION

version 2.150010


A CPAN::Meta::Prereqs object represents the prerequisites for a CPAN
distribution or one of its optional features.  Each set of prereqs is
organized by phase and type, as described in L<CPAN::Meta::Prereqs>.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

  my $prereq = CPAN::Meta::Prereqs->new( \%prereq_spec );

This method returns a new set of Prereqs.  The input should look like the
contents of the C<prereqs> field described in L<CPAN::Meta::Spec>, meaning
something more or less like this:

  my $prereq = CPAN::Meta::Prereqs->new({
    runtime => {
      requires => {
        'Some::Module' => '1.234',

You can also construct an empty set of prereqs with:

  my $prereqs = CPAN::Meta::Prereqs->new;

This empty set of prereqs is useful for accumulating new prereqs before finally
dumping the whole set into a structure or string.

=head2 requirements_for

  my $requirements = $prereqs->requirements_for( $phase, $type );

This method returns a L<CPAN::Meta::Requirements> object for the given
phase/type combination.  If no prerequisites are registered for that
combination, a new CPAN::Meta::Requirements object will be returned, and it may
be added to as needed.

If C<$phase> or C<$type> are undefined or otherwise invalid, an exception will
be raised.

=head2 phases

  my @phases = $prereqs->phases;

This method returns the list of all phases currently populated in the prereqs
object, suitable for iterating.

=head2 types_in

  my @runtime_types = $prereqs->types_in('runtime');

This method returns the list of all types currently populated in the prereqs
object for the provided phase, suitable for iterating.

=head2 with_merged_prereqs

  my $new_prereqs = $prereqs->with_merged_prereqs( $other_prereqs );

  my $new_prereqs = $prereqs->with_merged_prereqs( \@other_prereqs );

This method returns a new CPAN::Meta::Prereqs objects in which all the
other prerequisites given are merged into the current set.  This is primarily
provided for combining a distribution's core prereqs with the prereqs of one of
its optional features.

The new prereqs object has no ties to the originals, and altering it further
will not alter them.

=head2 merged_requirements

    my $new_reqs = $prereqs->merged_requirements( \@phases, \@types );
    my $new_reqs = $prereqs->merged_requirements( \@phases );
    my $new_reqs = $prereqs->merged_requirements();

This method joins together all requirements across a number of phases
and types into a new L<CPAN::Meta::Requirements> object.  If arguments
are omitted, it defaults to "runtime", "build" and "test" for phases
and "requires" and "recommends" for types.

=head2 as_string_hash

This method returns a hashref containing structures suitable for dumping into a
distmeta data structure.  It is made up of hashes and strings, only; there will
be no Prereqs, CPAN::Meta::Requirements, or C<version> objects inside it.

=head2 is_finalized

This method returns true if the set of prereqs has been marked "finalized," and
cannot be altered.

=head2 finalize

Calling C<finalize> on a Prereqs object will close it for further modification.
Attempting to make any changes that would actually alter the prereqs will
result in an exception being thrown.

=head2 clone

  my $cloned_prereqs = $prereqs->clone;

This method returns a Prereqs object that is identical to the original object,
but can be altered without affecting the original object.  Finalization does
not survive cloning, meaning that you may clone a finalized set of prereqs and
then modify the clone.

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature using the CPAN Request Tracker.
Bugs can be submitted through the web interface at

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an
existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.

=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

David Golden <dagolden@cpan.org>

=item *

Ricardo Signes <rjbs@cpan.org>

=item *

Adam Kennedy <adamk@cpan.org>



This software is copyright (c) 2010 by David Golden, Ricardo Signes, Adam Kennedy and Contributors.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.



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Name Type Size Permission Actions
History Folder 0755
Converter.pm File 48.83 KB 0644
Feature.pm File 3.34 KB 0644
History.pm File 5.24 KB 0644
Merge.pm File 8.85 KB 0644
Prereqs.pm File 13.08 KB 0644
Requirements.pm File 31.01 KB 0644
Spec.pm File 36.15 KB 0644
Validator.pm File 33.13 KB 0644
YAML.pm File 26.36 KB 0644