[ Avaa Bypassed ]



botdev@ ~ $
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
package CPAN::Meta::Validator;

our $VERSION = '2.150010';

#pod =head1 SYNOPSIS
#pod   my $struct = decode_json_file('META.json');
#pod   my $cmv = CPAN::Meta::Validator->new( $struct );
#pod   unless ( $cmv->is_valid ) {
#pod     my $msg = "Invalid META structure.  Errors found:\n";
#pod     $msg .= join( "\n", $cmv->errors );
#pod     die $msg;
#pod   }
#pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
#pod This module validates a CPAN Meta structure against the version of the
#pod the specification claimed in the C<meta-spec> field of the structure.
#pod =cut

# This code copied and adapted from Test::CPAN::Meta
# by Barbie, <barbie@cpan.org> for Miss Barbell Productions,
# L<http://www.missbarbell.co.uk>

# Specification Definitions

my %known_specs = (
    '1.4' => 'http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.4.html',
    '1.3' => 'http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.3.html',
    '1.2' => 'http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.2.html',
    '1.1' => 'http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.1.html',
    '1.0' => 'http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec-v1.0.html'
my %known_urls = map {$known_specs{$_} => $_} keys %known_specs;

my $module_map1 = { 'map' => { ':key' => { name => \&module, value => \&exversion } } };

my $module_map2 = { 'map' => { ':key' => { name => \&module, value => \&version   } } };

my $no_index_2 = {
    'map'       => { file       => { list => { value => \&string } },
                     directory  => { list => { value => \&string } },
                     'package'  => { list => { value => \&string } },
                     namespace  => { list => { value => \&string } },
                    ':key'      => { name => \&custom_2, value => \&anything },

my $no_index_1_3 = {
    'map'       => { file       => { list => { value => \&string } },
                     directory  => { list => { value => \&string } },
                     'package'  => { list => { value => \&string } },
                     namespace  => { list => { value => \&string } },
                     ':key'     => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

my $no_index_1_2 = {
    'map'       => { file       => { list => { value => \&string } },
                     dir        => { list => { value => \&string } },
                     'package'  => { list => { value => \&string } },
                     namespace  => { list => { value => \&string } },
                     ':key'     => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

my $no_index_1_1 = {
    'map'       => { ':key'     => { name => \&string, list => { value => \&string } },

my $prereq_map = {
  map => {
    ':key' => {
      name => \&phase,
      'map' => {
        ':key'  => {
          name => \&relation,

my %definitions = (
  '2' => {
    'abstract'            => { mandatory => 1, value => \&string  },
    'author'              => { mandatory => 1, list => { value => \&string } },
    'dynamic_config'      => { mandatory => 1, value => \&boolean },
    'generated_by'        => { mandatory => 1, value => \&string  },
    'license'             => { mandatory => 1, list => { value => \&license } },
    'meta-spec' => {
      mandatory => 1,
      'map' => {
        version => { mandatory => 1, value => \&version},
        url     => { value => \&url },
        ':key' => { name => \&custom_2, value => \&anything },
    'name'                => { mandatory => 1, value => \&string  },
    'release_status'      => { mandatory => 1, value => \&release_status },
    'version'             => { mandatory => 1, value => \&version },

    'description' => { value => \&string },
    'keywords'    => { list => { value => \&string } },
    'no_index'    => $no_index_2,
    'optional_features'   => {
      'map'       => {
        ':key'  => {
          name => \&string,
          'map'   => {
            description        => { value => \&string },
            prereqs => $prereq_map,
            ':key' => { name => \&custom_2, value => \&anything },
    'prereqs' => $prereq_map,
    'provides'    => {
      'map'       => {
        ':key' => {
          name  => \&module,
          'map' => {
            file    => { mandatory => 1, value => \&file },
            version => { value => \&version },
            ':key' => { name => \&custom_2, value => \&anything },
    'resources'   => {
      'map'       => {
        license    => { list => { value => \&url } },
        homepage   => { value => \&url },
        bugtracker => {
          'map' => {
            web => { value => \&url },
            mailto => { value => \&string},
            ':key' => { name => \&custom_2, value => \&anything },
        repository => {
          'map' => {
            web => { value => \&url },
            url => { value => \&url },
            type => { value => \&string },
            ':key' => { name => \&custom_2, value => \&anything },
        ':key'     => { value => \&string, name => \&custom_2 },

    # CUSTOM -- additional user defined key/value pairs
    # note we can only validate the key name, as the structure is user defined
    ':key'        => { name => \&custom_2, value => \&anything },

'1.4' => {
  'meta-spec'           => {
    mandatory => 1,
    'map' => {
      version => { mandatory => 1, value => \&version},
      url     => { mandatory => 1, value => \&urlspec },
      ':key'  => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

  'name'                => { mandatory => 1, value => \&string  },
  'version'             => { mandatory => 1, value => \&version },
  'abstract'            => { mandatory => 1, value => \&string  },
  'author'              => { mandatory => 1, list  => { value => \&string } },
  'license'             => { mandatory => 1, value => \&license },
  'generated_by'        => { mandatory => 1, value => \&string  },

  'distribution_type'   => { value => \&string  },
  'dynamic_config'      => { value => \&boolean },

  'requires'            => $module_map1,
  'recommends'          => $module_map1,
  'build_requires'      => $module_map1,
  'configure_requires'  => $module_map1,
  'conflicts'           => $module_map2,

  'optional_features'   => {
    'map'       => {
        ':key'  => { name => \&string,
            'map'   => { description        => { value => \&string },
                         requires           => $module_map1,
                         recommends         => $module_map1,
                         build_requires     => $module_map1,
                         conflicts          => $module_map2,
                         ':key'  => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

  'provides'    => {
    'map'       => {
      ':key' => { name  => \&module,
        'map' => {
          file    => { mandatory => 1, value => \&file },
          version => { value => \&version },
          ':key'  => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

  'no_index'    => $no_index_1_3,
  'private'     => $no_index_1_3,

  'keywords'    => { list => { value => \&string } },

  'resources'   => {
    'map'       => { license    => { value => \&url },
                     homepage   => { value => \&url },
                     bugtracker => { value => \&url },
                     repository => { value => \&url },
                     ':key'     => { value => \&string, name => \&custom_1 },

  # additional user defined key/value pairs
  # note we can only validate the key name, as the structure is user defined
  ':key'        => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

'1.3' => {
  'meta-spec'           => {
    mandatory => 1,
    'map' => {
      version => { mandatory => 1, value => \&version},
      url     => { mandatory => 1, value => \&urlspec },
      ':key'  => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

  'name'                => { mandatory => 1, value => \&string  },
  'version'             => { mandatory => 1, value => \&version },
  'abstract'            => { mandatory => 1, value => \&string  },
  'author'              => { mandatory => 1, list  => { value => \&string } },
  'license'             => { mandatory => 1, value => \&license },
  'generated_by'        => { mandatory => 1, value => \&string  },

  'distribution_type'   => { value => \&string  },
  'dynamic_config'      => { value => \&boolean },

  'requires'            => $module_map1,
  'recommends'          => $module_map1,
  'build_requires'      => $module_map1,
  'conflicts'           => $module_map2,

  'optional_features'   => {
    'map'       => {
        ':key'  => { name => \&string,
            'map'   => { description        => { value => \&string },
                         requires           => $module_map1,
                         recommends         => $module_map1,
                         build_requires     => $module_map1,
                         conflicts          => $module_map2,
                         ':key'  => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

  'provides'    => {
    'map'       => {
      ':key' => { name  => \&module,
        'map' => {
          file    => { mandatory => 1, value => \&file },
          version => { value => \&version },
          ':key'  => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

  'no_index'    => $no_index_1_3,
  'private'     => $no_index_1_3,

  'keywords'    => { list => { value => \&string } },

  'resources'   => {
    'map'       => { license    => { value => \&url },
                     homepage   => { value => \&url },
                     bugtracker => { value => \&url },
                     repository => { value => \&url },
                     ':key'     => { value => \&string, name => \&custom_1 },

  # additional user defined key/value pairs
  # note we can only validate the key name, as the structure is user defined
  ':key'        => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

# v1.2 is misleading, it seems to assume that a number of fields where created
# within v1.1, when they were created within v1.2. This may have been an
# original mistake, and that a v1.1 was retro fitted into the timeline, when
# v1.2 was originally slated as v1.1. But I could be wrong ;)
'1.2' => {
  'meta-spec'           => {
    mandatory => 1,
    'map' => {
      version => { mandatory => 1, value => \&version},
      url     => { mandatory => 1, value => \&urlspec },
      ':key'  => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

  'name'                => { mandatory => 1, value => \&string  },
  'version'             => { mandatory => 1, value => \&version },
  'license'             => { mandatory => 1, value => \&license },
  'generated_by'        => { mandatory => 1, value => \&string  },
  'author'              => { mandatory => 1, list => { value => \&string } },
  'abstract'            => { mandatory => 1, value => \&string  },

  'distribution_type'   => { value => \&string  },
  'dynamic_config'      => { value => \&boolean },

  'keywords'            => { list => { value => \&string } },

  'private'             => $no_index_1_2,
  '$no_index'           => $no_index_1_2,

  'requires'            => $module_map1,
  'recommends'          => $module_map1,
  'build_requires'      => $module_map1,
  'conflicts'           => $module_map2,

  'optional_features'   => {
    'map'       => {
        ':key'  => { name => \&string,
            'map'   => { description        => { value => \&string },
                         requires           => $module_map1,
                         recommends         => $module_map1,
                         build_requires     => $module_map1,
                         conflicts          => $module_map2,
                         ':key'  => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

  'provides'    => {
    'map'       => {
      ':key' => { name  => \&module,
        'map' => {
          file    => { mandatory => 1, value => \&file },
          version => { value => \&version },
          ':key'  => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

  'resources'   => {
    'map'       => { license    => { value => \&url },
                     homepage   => { value => \&url },
                     bugtracker => { value => \&url },
                     repository => { value => \&url },
                     ':key'     => { value => \&string, name => \&custom_1 },

  # additional user defined key/value pairs
  # note we can only validate the key name, as the structure is user defined
  ':key'        => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

# note that the 1.1 spec only specifies 'version' as mandatory
'1.1' => {
  'name'                => { value => \&string  },
  'version'             => { mandatory => 1, value => \&version },
  'license'             => { value => \&license },
  'generated_by'        => { value => \&string  },

  'license_uri'         => { value => \&url },
  'distribution_type'   => { value => \&string  },
  'dynamic_config'      => { value => \&boolean },

  'private'             => $no_index_1_1,

  'requires'            => $module_map1,
  'recommends'          => $module_map1,
  'build_requires'      => $module_map1,
  'conflicts'           => $module_map2,

  # additional user defined key/value pairs
  # note we can only validate the key name, as the structure is user defined
  ':key'        => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

# note that the 1.0 spec doesn't specify optional or mandatory fields
# but we will treat version as mandatory since otherwise META 1.0 is
# completely arbitrary and pointless
'1.0' => {
  'name'                => { value => \&string  },
  'version'             => { mandatory => 1, value => \&version },
  'license'             => { value => \&license },
  'generated_by'        => { value => \&string  },

  'license_uri'         => { value => \&url },
  'distribution_type'   => { value => \&string  },
  'dynamic_config'      => { value => \&boolean },

  'requires'            => $module_map1,
  'recommends'          => $module_map1,
  'build_requires'      => $module_map1,
  'conflicts'           => $module_map2,

  # additional user defined key/value pairs
  # note we can only validate the key name, as the structure is user defined
  ':key'        => { name => \&string, value => \&anything },

# Code

#pod =method new
#pod   my $cmv = CPAN::Meta::Validator->new( $struct )
#pod The constructor must be passed a metadata structure.
#pod =cut

sub new {
  my ($class,$data) = @_;

  # create an attributes hash
  my $self = {
    'data'    => $data,
    'spec'    => eval { $data->{'meta-spec'}{'version'} } || "1.0",
    'errors'  => undef,

  # create the object
  return bless $self, $class;

#pod =method is_valid
#pod   if ( $cmv->is_valid ) {
#pod     ...
#pod   }
#pod Returns a boolean value indicating whether the metadata provided
#pod is valid.
#pod =cut

sub is_valid {
    my $self = shift;
    my $data = $self->{data};
    my $spec_version = $self->{spec};
    return ! $self->errors;

#pod =method errors
#pod   warn( join "\n", $cmv->errors );
#pod Returns a list of errors seen during validation.
#pod =cut

sub errors {
    my $self = shift;
    return ()   unless(defined $self->{errors});
    return @{$self->{errors}};

#pod =begin :internals
#pod =head2 Check Methods
#pod =over
#pod =item *
#pod check_map($spec,$data)
#pod Checks whether a map (or hash) part of the data structure conforms to the
#pod appropriate specification definition.
#pod =item *
#pod check_list($spec,$data)
#pod Checks whether a list (or array) part of the data structure conforms to
#pod the appropriate specification definition.
#pod =item *
#pod =back
#pod =cut

my $spec_error = "Missing validation action in specification. "
  . "Must be one of 'map', 'list', or 'value'";

sub check_map {
    my ($self,$spec,$data) = @_;

    if(ref($spec) ne 'HASH') {
        $self->_error( "Unknown META specification, cannot validate." );

    if(ref($data) ne 'HASH') {
        $self->_error( "Expected a map structure from string or file." );

    for my $key (keys %$spec) {
        next    unless($spec->{$key}->{mandatory});
        next    if(defined $data->{$key});
        push @{$self->{stack}}, $key;
        $self->_error( "Missing mandatory field, '$key'" );
        pop @{$self->{stack}};

    for my $key (keys %$data) {
        push @{$self->{stack}}, $key;
        if($spec->{$key}) {
            if($spec->{$key}{value}) {
            } elsif($spec->{$key}{'map'}) {
            } elsif($spec->{$key}{'list'}) {
            } else {
                $self->_error( "$spec_error for '$key'" );

        } elsif ($spec->{':key'}) {
            if($spec->{':key'}{value}) {
            } elsif($spec->{':key'}{'map'}) {
            } elsif($spec->{':key'}{'list'}) {
            } else {
                $self->_error( "$spec_error for ':key'" );

        } else {
            $self->_error( "Unknown key, '$key', found in map structure" );
        pop @{$self->{stack}};

sub check_list {
    my ($self,$spec,$data) = @_;

    if(ref($data) ne 'ARRAY') {
        $self->_error( "Expected a list structure" );

    if(defined $spec->{mandatory}) {
        if(!defined $data->[0]) {
            $self->_error( "Missing entries from mandatory list" );

    for my $value (@$data) {
        push @{$self->{stack}}, $value || "<undef>";
        if(defined $spec->{value}) {
        } elsif(defined $spec->{'map'}) {
        } elsif(defined $spec->{'list'}) {
        } elsif ($spec->{':key'}) {
        } else {
          $self->_error( "$spec_error associated with '$self->{stack}[-2]'" );
        pop @{$self->{stack}};

#pod =head2 Validator Methods
#pod =over
#pod =item *
#pod header($self,$key,$value)
#pod Validates that the header is valid.
#pod Note: No longer used as we now read the data structure, not the file.
#pod =item *
#pod url($self,$key,$value)
#pod Validates that a given value is in an acceptable URL format
#pod =item *
#pod urlspec($self,$key,$value)
#pod Validates that the URL to a META specification is a known one.
#pod =item *
#pod string_or_undef($self,$key,$value)
#pod Validates that the value is either a string or an undef value. Bit of a
#pod catchall function for parts of the data structure that are completely user
#pod defined.
#pod =item *
#pod string($self,$key,$value)
#pod Validates that a string exists for the given key.
#pod =item *
#pod file($self,$key,$value)
#pod Validate that a file is passed for the given key. This may be made more
#pod thorough in the future. For now it acts like \&string.
#pod =item *
#pod exversion($self,$key,$value)
#pod Validates a list of versions, e.g. '<= 5, >=2, ==3, !=4, >1, <6, 0'.
#pod =item *
#pod version($self,$key,$value)
#pod Validates a single version string. Versions of the type '5.8.8' and '0.00_00'
#pod are both valid. A leading 'v' like 'v1.2.3' is also valid.
#pod =item *
#pod boolean($self,$key,$value)
#pod Validates for a boolean value: a defined value that is either "1" or "0" or
#pod stringifies to those values.
#pod =item *
#pod license($self,$key,$value)
#pod Validates that a value is given for the license. Returns 1 if an known license
#pod type, or 2 if a value is given but the license type is not a recommended one.
#pod =item *
#pod custom_1($self,$key,$value)
#pod Validates that the given key is in CamelCase, to indicate a user defined
#pod keyword and only has characters in the class [-_a-zA-Z].  In version 1.X
#pod of the spec, this was only explicitly stated for 'resources'.
#pod =item *
#pod custom_2($self,$key,$value)
#pod Validates that the given key begins with 'x_' or 'X_', to indicate a user
#pod defined keyword and only has characters in the class [-_a-zA-Z]
#pod =item *
#pod identifier($self,$key,$value)
#pod Validates that key is in an acceptable format for the META specification,
#pod for an identifier, i.e. any that matches the regular expression
#pod qr/[a-z][a-z_]/i.
#pod =item *
#pod module($self,$key,$value)
#pod Validates that a given key is in an acceptable module name format, e.g.
#pod 'Test::CPAN::Meta::Version'.
#pod =back
#pod =end :internals
#pod =cut

sub header {
    my ($self,$key,$value) = @_;
    if(defined $value) {
        return 1    if($value && $value =~ /^--- #YAML:1.0/);
    $self->_error( "file does not have a valid YAML header." );
    return 0;

sub release_status {
  my ($self,$key,$value) = @_;
  if(defined $value) {
    my $version = $self->{data}{version} || '';
    if ( $version =~ /_/ ) {
      return 1 if ( $value =~ /\A(?:testing|unstable)\z/ );
      $self->_error( "'$value' for '$key' is invalid for version '$version'" );
    else {
      return 1 if ( $value =~ /\A(?:stable|testing|unstable)\z/ );
      $self->_error( "'$value' for '$key' is invalid" );
  else {
    $self->_error( "'$key' is not defined" );
  return 0;

# _uri_split taken from URI::Split by Gisle Aas, Copyright 2003
sub _uri_split {
     return $_[0] =~ m,(?:([^:/?#]+):)?(?://([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?,;

sub url {
    my ($self,$key,$value) = @_;
    if(defined $value) {
      my ($scheme, $auth, $path, $query, $frag) = _uri_split($value);
      unless ( defined $scheme && length $scheme ) {
        $self->_error( "'$value' for '$key' does not have a URL scheme" );
        return 0;
      unless ( defined $auth && length $auth ) {
        $self->_error( "'$value' for '$key' does not have a URL authority" );
        return 0;
      return 1;
    $value ||= '';
    $self->_error( "'$value' for '$key' is not a valid URL." );
    return 0;

sub urlspec {
    my ($self,$key,$value) = @_;
    if(defined $value) {
        return 1    if($value && $known_specs{$self->{spec}} eq $value);
        if($value && $known_urls{$value}) {
            $self->_error( 'META specification URL does not match version' );
            return 0;
    $self->_error( 'Unknown META specification' );
    return 0;

sub anything { return 1 }

sub string {
    my ($self,$key,$value) = @_;
    if(defined $value) {
        return 1    if($value || $value =~ /^0$/);
    $self->_error( "value is an undefined string" );
    return 0;

sub string_or_undef {
    my ($self,$key,$value) = @_;
    return 1    unless(defined $value);
    return 1    if($value || $value =~ /^0$/);
    $self->_error( "No string defined for '$key'" );
    return 0;

sub file {
    my ($self,$key,$value) = @_;
    return 1    if(defined $value);
    $self->_error( "No file defined for '$key'" );
    return 0;

sub exversion {
    my ($self,$key,$value) = @_;
    if(defined $value && ($value || $value =~ /0/)) {
        my $pass = 1;
        for(split(",",$value)) { $self->version($key,$_) or ($pass = 0); }
        return $pass;
    $value = '<undef>'  unless(defined $value);
    $self->_error( "'$value' for '$key' is not a valid version." );
    return 0;

sub version {
    my ($self,$key,$value) = @_;
    if(defined $value) {
        return 0    unless($value || $value =~ /0/);
        return 1    if($value =~ /^\s*((<|<=|>=|>|!=|==)\s*)?v?\d+((\.\d+((_|\.)\d+)?)?)/);
    } else {
        $value = '<undef>';
    $self->_error( "'$value' for '$key' is not a valid version." );
    return 0;

sub boolean {
    my ($self,$key,$value) = @_;
    if(defined $value) {
        return 1    if($value =~ /^(0|1)$/);
    } else {
        $value = '<undef>';
    $self->_error( "'$value' for '$key' is not a boolean value." );
    return 0;

my %v1_licenses = (
    'perl'         => 'http://dev.perl.org/licenses/',
    'gpl'          => 'http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php',
    'apache'       => 'http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0',
    'artistic'     => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license.php',
    'artistic_2'   => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0.php',
    'lgpl'         => 'http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php',
    'bsd'          => 'http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php',
    'gpl'          => 'http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php',
    'mit'          => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php',
    'mozilla'      => 'http://opensource.org/licenses/mozilla1.1.php',
    'open_source'  => undef,
    'unrestricted' => undef,
    'restrictive'  => undef,
    'unknown'      => undef,

my %v2_licenses = map { $_ => 1 } qw(

sub license {
    my ($self,$key,$value) = @_;
    my $licenses = $self->{spec} < 2 ? \%v1_licenses : \%v2_licenses;
    if(defined $value) {
        return 1    if($value && exists $licenses->{$value});
    } else {
        $value = '<undef>';
    $self->_error( "License '$value' is invalid" );
    return 0;

sub custom_1 {
    my ($self,$key) = @_;
    if(defined $key) {
        # a valid user defined key should be alphabetic
        # and contain at least one capital case letter.
        return 1    if($key && $key =~ /^[_a-z]+$/i && $key =~ /[A-Z]/);
    } else {
        $key = '<undef>';
    $self->_error( "Custom resource '$key' must be in CamelCase." );
    return 0;

sub custom_2 {
    my ($self,$key) = @_;
    if(defined $key) {
        return 1    if($key && $key =~ /^x_/i);  # user defined
    } else {
        $key = '<undef>';
    $self->_error( "Custom key '$key' must begin with 'x_' or 'X_'." );
    return 0;

sub identifier {
    my ($self,$key) = @_;
    if(defined $key) {
        return 1    if($key && $key =~ /^([a-z][_a-z]+)$/i);    # spec 2.0 defined
    } else {
        $key = '<undef>';
    $self->_error( "Key '$key' is not a legal identifier." );
    return 0;

sub module {
    my ($self,$key) = @_;
    if(defined $key) {
        return 1    if($key && $key =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+(::[A-Za-z0-9_]+)*$/);
    } else {
        $key = '<undef>';
    $self->_error( "Key '$key' is not a legal module name." );
    return 0;

my @valid_phases = qw/ configure build test runtime develop /;
sub phase {
    my ($self,$key) = @_;
    if(defined $key) {
        return 1 if( length $key && grep { $key eq $_ } @valid_phases );
        return 1 if $key =~ /x_/i;
    } else {
        $key = '<undef>';
    $self->_error( "Key '$key' is not a legal phase." );
    return 0;

my @valid_relations = qw/ requires recommends suggests conflicts /;
sub relation {
    my ($self,$key) = @_;
    if(defined $key) {
        return 1 if( length $key && grep { $key eq $_ } @valid_relations );
        return 1 if $key =~ /x_/i;
    } else {
        $key = '<undef>';
    $self->_error( "Key '$key' is not a legal prereq relationship." );
    return 0;

sub _error {
    my $self = shift;
    my $mess = shift;

    $mess .= ' ('.join(' -> ',@{$self->{stack}}).')'  if($self->{stack});
    $mess .= " [Validation: $self->{spec}]";

    push @{$self->{errors}}, $mess;


# ABSTRACT: validate CPAN distribution metadata structures


=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

CPAN::Meta::Validator - validate CPAN distribution metadata structures

=head1 VERSION

version 2.150010


  my $struct = decode_json_file('META.json');

  my $cmv = CPAN::Meta::Validator->new( $struct );

  unless ( $cmv->is_valid ) {
    my $msg = "Invalid META structure.  Errors found:\n";
    $msg .= join( "\n", $cmv->errors );
    die $msg;


This module validates a CPAN Meta structure against the version of the
the specification claimed in the C<meta-spec> field of the structure.

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new

  my $cmv = CPAN::Meta::Validator->new( $struct )

The constructor must be passed a metadata structure.

=head2 is_valid

  if ( $cmv->is_valid ) {

Returns a boolean value indicating whether the metadata provided
is valid.

=head2 errors

  warn( join "\n", $cmv->errors );

Returns a list of errors seen during validation.

=begin :internals

=head2 Check Methods


=item *


Checks whether a map (or hash) part of the data structure conforms to the
appropriate specification definition.

=item *


Checks whether a list (or array) part of the data structure conforms to
the appropriate specification definition.

=item *


=head2 Validator Methods


=item *


Validates that the header is valid.

Note: No longer used as we now read the data structure, not the file.

=item *


Validates that a given value is in an acceptable URL format

=item *


Validates that the URL to a META specification is a known one.

=item *


Validates that the value is either a string or an undef value. Bit of a
catchall function for parts of the data structure that are completely user

=item *


Validates that a string exists for the given key.

=item *


Validate that a file is passed for the given key. This may be made more
thorough in the future. For now it acts like \&string.

=item *


Validates a list of versions, e.g. '<= 5, >=2, ==3, !=4, >1, <6, 0'.

=item *


Validates a single version string. Versions of the type '5.8.8' and '0.00_00'
are both valid. A leading 'v' like 'v1.2.3' is also valid.

=item *


Validates for a boolean value: a defined value that is either "1" or "0" or
stringifies to those values.

=item *


Validates that a value is given for the license. Returns 1 if an known license
type, or 2 if a value is given but the license type is not a recommended one.

=item *


Validates that the given key is in CamelCase, to indicate a user defined
keyword and only has characters in the class [-_a-zA-Z].  In version 1.X
of the spec, this was only explicitly stated for 'resources'.

=item *


Validates that the given key begins with 'x_' or 'X_', to indicate a user
defined keyword and only has characters in the class [-_a-zA-Z]

=item *


Validates that key is in an acceptable format for the META specification,
for an identifier, i.e. any that matches the regular expression

=item *


Validates that a given key is in an acceptable module name format, e.g.


=end :internals

=for Pod::Coverage anything boolean check_list custom_1 custom_2 exversion file
identifier license module phase relation release_status string string_or_undef
url urlspec version header check_map

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature using the CPAN Request Tracker.
Bugs can be submitted through the web interface at

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an
existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.

=head1 AUTHORS

=over 4

=item *

David Golden <dagolden@cpan.org>

=item *

Ricardo Signes <rjbs@cpan.org>

=item *

Adam Kennedy <adamk@cpan.org>



This software is copyright (c) 2010 by David Golden, Ricardo Signes, Adam Kennedy and Contributors.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.



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Name Type Size Permission Actions
History Folder 0755
Converter.pm File 48.83 KB 0644
Feature.pm File 3.34 KB 0644
History.pm File 5.24 KB 0644
Merge.pm File 8.85 KB 0644
Prereqs.pm File 13.08 KB 0644
Requirements.pm File 31.01 KB 0644
Spec.pm File 36.15 KB 0644
Validator.pm File 33.13 KB 0644
YAML.pm File 26.36 KB 0644